


Min Hee was heading to the cafeteria when she spots Suho again with his girlfriend/crush. He seems to be the happiest man alive with his ear to ear smile, causing her to smile as well. She wishes to find somebody like that. Somebody that can always bring a smile to her face.


As she begins eating her sandwhich she hears,

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" She looks up to see Suho's beautiful smile.

"Uh... no." She didn't expect Suho to come up to her.

"Thanks." still smiling as he grabs the chair. Her eyes follow him to a table. And, of course she's sitting there. Min Hee didn't realize she was looking at her until she turned around and looked at Min Hee and smiled. Oh, she's nice... they both are. She smiled back.

After eating she had nothing to do except draw. She looks at the scenery. There's so much to draw but one thing caught her attention. Suho. She takes her materials out and starts with his face. I hope he doesn't notice. She doesn't bother drawing her.

As she almost finishes,   

"See you later." she gets up and leaves. He sighs, leans back in his chair, and of course smiles.

He was looking outside and he looked so exuberant as he was lost in his thoughts. He's thinking about her, Min Hee assumes. He looked so in peace and happy. She couldn't tear her eyes away from him as he slowly turns his head and looks at her. Oh man! Look away, she tells herself but her eyes wouldn't listen to her. He gets up and slowly walks Min Hee's way. Oh cheese and crackers.

"Hello. Did you go to Seyong High School?" he soflty asks.

Her lips part to speak but nothing comes out so she nods instead.

"I thought you looked familiar. I also went there." he pulls another chair and sits down. "I'm sorry but I don't seem to remember your name..."

"Lee Min Hee."

"Oh, I'm Kim Joon Myun but just call me Suho." he smiles. "Do you like to draw?" he observes her materials.

And that snaps her back into reality, "Umm... yes." she quickly and nervously gathers her things.

He chuckls, "Can I see?"

"You can see these." She hands him her sketchpad as she pulls the drawing away, "This one isn't finished yet." she explains.

"Ok." he grins. He nods in acknowledgement as he looks through the pad. Oh geez, there I go staring again. Aish Stop!  She finally manages to look away as he looks up.

"They're really nice." he compliments.

"Thanks." She looks down and smiles.

"Are you majoring in art?"

"Yes. What are you majoring in?"

"Modeling." she immediately looks up at him. "I'm just kidding. I'm majoring in computer graphics."

"Ahaha." She lets out a small laugh, "That's nice. What do you do in computer graphics?" She tries to carry on the conversation.

"I do different things, like edit, photoshop... things like that."

"Oh." she nods.

"So, if you have a picture you think you look ugly in, I can fix it for you." he smiles. "Keke, I'm kidding."

"Haha, ok. I actually have a few." She also jokes. She checks the watch and notices it's almost time for her next class.

"I have to go." they both say in unison and laugh as they get up.  

"See you around."


Min Hee starts walking but notices he is also walking in her direction.

"Where's your class?" he asks her.

"By the library."

"Mine is too. I'll walk you."

"Oh okay. Thanks." he's so nice. 






I hope you guys like it. ^-^ Thank you.

-TaquitosNOMNOM 1/23/13


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Finished! I hope you enjoyed.^^ Thank you.


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Chapter 10: I love it!!!!
Chapter 9: Oh god!!!! Suho got rejected!!!!
Chapter 7: Is there a sequel for this? Im dreading for more ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
MissSushiYUM #4
Chapter 7: Here come the feels again~~ T^T
MissSushiYUM #5
Chapter 10: Oh my goodness!! I loved this story~~! I'm gonna go read the sequel now~. ^^
Chapter 12: hahaha I love you, Crazy Mexican!
me gusta me gusta me gusta! Me gonna read this PRONTO! ><
Chapter 11: OK.. it can wait... le me getting excited for the sequel.... kyaaaaaa..... kekeke ~ ^^
Chapter 11: *whistles and looks aimlessly around the room* waiting, waiting waiting waiting waitingwaitingwaiting wa~iting~ ♪ for WILL I EVER BE ABLE TO TELL ANYONE MY SECRETS to update!~~~♫♫♪♪♫ and the sequel for this, of course...