



As the weeks pass by, Suho's and Min Hee's friendship gets stronger. They seem to have a lot in common and that only makes them feel closer. Turns out she's not his girlfriend, just a "friend" but Min Hee doesn't believe that, she knows he likes her. Although, he hasn't told Min Hee yet, but she knows he does. I wonder why he just doesn't tell her.


Min Hee walks into the bookstore, where they said they were going to meet, and sees her there. Min Hee sighs. And of course she's here. She understands they're friends but she's always around. Everywhere they go Suho invites her. Min Hee doesn't want to be mean or jealous but it can get kind of annoying. It's not like she's his girlfriend. When are we going to spend time just the two of us? And if he likes her so much, why doesn't he confess to her?!  Whoa. Why am I like this?  She surprises herself as she has a little rant in her head. And that's when she decides to help Suho. The only solution she sees is to make them a couple.


"So, how have you two been?" Suho asks both of them.  

"Good, you?" they both respond. The three laugh it off and continue to talk. After about an hour of mingling, she had to leave.

"Ok, see you later." he walks her outside. When he comes back inside it gets quiet. "I have to say something." Suho says. Don't tell me he's going to admit it.

"What is it?"

"This may come as a surprise to you but I like her." How funny, he thinks I don't know. She still acts surprised.

"What? Really?"


"Have you told her?"

"No." he looks a little ashamed. She begins to feel bad for him. I need to help this child right now.

"I'll help you out." She offers him her help since she knows that he really likes her.

"Really? You'll help me?" he quickly lightens up.

"Yup." She slowly nods.

"Thank you so much!!!" Suho catches her by surprise by hugging her.

Min Hee jumps a little, not expecting that at all. Suddenly she's very confused. Why does she feel happy and nervous at the same time? Every single time I'm with him now, I gets butterflies in her stomach. Ahh, whatever. I just need to focus on making her fall for Suho.

Suho cannot stop smiling as he hugs Min Hee.







What'd you think? Please comment~


-TaquitosNOMNOM 1/24/13






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Finished! I hope you enjoyed.^^ Thank you.


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Chapter 10: I love it!!!!
Chapter 9: Oh god!!!! Suho got rejected!!!!
Chapter 7: Is there a sequel for this? Im dreading for more ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
MissSushiYUM #4
Chapter 7: Here come the feels again~~ T^T
MissSushiYUM #5
Chapter 10: Oh my goodness!! I loved this story~~! I'm gonna go read the sequel now~. ^^
Chapter 12: hahaha I love you, Crazy Mexican!
me gusta me gusta me gusta! Me gonna read this PRONTO! ><
Chapter 11: OK.. it can wait... le me getting excited for the sequel.... kyaaaaaa..... kekeke ~ ^^
Chapter 11: *whistles and looks aimlessly around the room* waiting, waiting waiting waiting waitingwaitingwaiting wa~iting~ ♪ for WILL I EVER BE ABLE TO TELL ANYONE MY SECRETS to update!~~~♫♫♪♪♫ and the sequel for this, of course...