What Am I Doing?



"Ahh, what am I doing?!" Min Hee exclaims. Her handles bundled up in her hair. Min Hee likes Suho but Suho likes her. She didn't want this to happen. She only wanted to be nice. Suddenly, she gets this nasty feeling in the pit of her stomach. She feels like she's getting in between them. Although, they aren't officially dating, Min Hee feels like she's the third wheel, like she is stopping them from dating. Is she the problem? She begins to wonder if she should even help him or just leave.

"No, it's okay. I'll get them together and they'll live happily ever after and have children, I will get over hi- oh, what am I saying? I really like him." Just then her phone starts ringing. It's Suho. "He's like a Kpop idol. Somebody I can't have." she sighs before picking it up.

"Hello?" she nervously answers.

"Hi Min Hee-ah." Her eyes widen, that's the first time he's called her that. Why are you doing this to me Suho?

"Did you want to tell me something?"

"No, I just wanted to talk to you. I'm feeling a little nervous."

"Is it because of her."

"Hehe, yeah."

She gets irritated. Why is he always talking about her with Min Hee? Doesn't he have any other friends? He really doesn't see me as anything else. Just a friend. Now, she just wants this friendship to end. She can't pretend everything's okay when it's not. At least not with her. She wants to avoid heartache. What have I gotten myself into?

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine." she tries to comfort him but in reality she's comforting herself.

"Thank you. You're a really good friend." It's like a hundred knives are stabbing into her heart every time she hears the word 'friend'.

"Yeah, well... " she tries not to sound hurt.

"So, I've been thinking about what to write."

He has got to be kidding me. Min Hee feels like hanging up but doesn't want to make it obvious she's hurting.

"Really? That's great!!" she fakes excitement.

"Do you want to hear my ideas?"

"Uh, sure." she keeps getting herself into more in more trouble.

"Okay. This is kind of embarrassing."

Min Hee smiles. As much as she tries to get over him, she can't.   




Thank you for reading. ^^

-TaquitosNOMNOM 1/27/13




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Finished! I hope you enjoyed.^^ Thank you.


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Chapter 10: I love it!!!!
Chapter 9: Oh god!!!! Suho got rejected!!!!
Chapter 7: Is there a sequel for this? Im dreading for more ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
MissSushiYUM #4
Chapter 7: Here come the feels again~~ T^T
MissSushiYUM #5
Chapter 10: Oh my goodness!! I loved this story~~! I'm gonna go read the sequel now~. ^^
Chapter 12: hahaha I love you, Crazy Mexican!
me gusta me gusta me gusta! Me gonna read this PRONTO! ><
Chapter 11: OK.. it can wait... le me getting excited for the sequel.... kyaaaaaa..... kekeke ~ ^^
Chapter 11: *whistles and looks aimlessly around the room* waiting, waiting waiting waiting waitingwaitingwaiting wa~iting~ ♪ for WILL I EVER BE ABLE TO TELL ANYONE MY SECRETS to update!~~~♫♫♪♪♫ and the sequel for this, of course...