


It's been a week since Min Hee told Suho about the plan. He left her a note in one of the books that she reads. Min Hee didn't bother asking what he wrote. She figured it would only cause her more pain.

As the time passes by, Min Hee finds herself in more pain. She didn't know she liked Suho this much. She wishes to distract herself from him and the whole situtation, but how can she when he is her friend and they go to the same school? It would be really obvious if she distances herself. What was I thinking when I offered him my help? I should've just left him alone.

Pabo!! She begins to hit herself with the sketchpad.

"Pabo! Pabo!" she mumbles to herself.

"Min Hee-ah." Great I'm starting to hear his voice now, she feels her arm twitch, I think I'm going crazy.

"What are you doing?" Min Hee looks up and sees Suho. She literally feels her heart jump. "You scared me!!" she holds her chest.

"I called you and tapped your shoulder..."

He tapped my shoulder? I thought it was my arm twitching! That's so embarrassing! She slowly covers her face with her sketchpad.

"Is something wrong?" he lowers the sketchpad with his hands.

"No." she mumbles.

"Then, why were you hitting yourself?"

Crap! Crap! Crap! Think!!

"My assignment is to draw somebody and I can't think of anybody." She explains with a lie, well she did have an assignment but it didn't have to be a person.

"Why don't you draw me?"

"What?" As much as she wants to look at his beautiful face, she knows she can't draw him. Her poor heart can't take it. 

"I don't have anything to do and I'm here right now."

"No, it's' ok." She tries to talk him out of it.

"Come on, that's what friends are for." he smiles. She's now starting to hate that word. 'Friend'. Blegh!

Aish! I get myself into these situations! She scolds herself.

Suho sits down in front of her. "How should I pose?" he starts to shift from side to side, putting his arms behind his head. He looks so silly!

She ended up drawing him like this.






"Just turn your head to the left." She tries to avoid as much eye contact as possible. She gathers her tools nervously and turns the pad to a blank page. You can do this. She breathes in and out and starts on her assignment.




As she starts to draw him she begins to notice how perfect he is. Snap out of it!! The point of this assignment was detail. Min Hee, reluctantly, pulls her chair closer to him.

Aish! I still need to get closer. So, she, once more, pulls her chair closer to his. It's for the assignment not for me, she assures herself.

"What are you doing? Are you that blind?" he looks at her.

"I need to get detail." She points to the left with her pencil, signaling him to turn to his head. She squints her eyes to see his facial features. "Do you need to come closer?" he asks without turning his head.

"No, that's f-fine." she stumbles a little. The thought of being close to his face...

"Come on, I know you're having trouble. Just come closer. Are you embarrassed?" he smiles.

"What? Why would I be embarrassed?" She tries to play it off.

He shrugs, "Why don't you come closer?" He's right. Just play it cool. Min Hee mentally prepares herself before pulling her chair closer to him for the nth time. Now, she is about 7 inches (about 17 cm) away from his face. As soon a she notices how close she is to him, she regrets telling him about her assignment. Keep calm. This is just for my class. She keeps repeating that to herself. But why does he have to be so perfect?

Lee Min Hee, you're such a pabo!






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Finished! I hope you enjoyed.^^ Thank you.


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Chapter 10: I love it!!!!
Chapter 9: Oh god!!!! Suho got rejected!!!!
Chapter 7: Is there a sequel for this? Im dreading for more ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
MissSushiYUM #4
Chapter 7: Here come the feels again~~ T^T
MissSushiYUM #5
Chapter 10: Oh my goodness!! I loved this story~~! I'm gonna go read the sequel now~. ^^
Chapter 12: hahaha I love you, Crazy Mexican!
me gusta me gusta me gusta! Me gonna read this PRONTO! ><
Chapter 11: OK.. it can wait... le me getting excited for the sequel.... kyaaaaaa..... kekeke ~ ^^
Chapter 11: *whistles and looks aimlessly around the room* waiting, waiting waiting waiting waitingwaitingwaiting wa~iting~ ♪ for WILL I EVER BE ABLE TO TELL ANYONE MY SECRETS to update!~~~♫♫♪♪♫ and the sequel for this, of course...