Her Last Words of Wisdom

The Star in My Darkness

"Oppa?" She asked me. "Are you okay?"

No, no I am not okay I thought as my eyes drifted to Sara's lifeless body on the bed.

Suddenly the door opened and a middle-aged lady stepped in. Her eyes were red and puffy; Sara's mom.

I was still too stunned to wrap my head around things.

"You're her friend?" Sara's mom asked me.

I gave her a small nod and my eyes wandered to the bed. Her head was peeking out from the white sheet. I wanted to see her face; I wanted to see if she was sleeping peacefully or not.

But I couldn't, I couldn't bring myself to look at her dead face.

So I ran, I ran and I didn't stop. Her letter was clutched tightly in my hand and as I let my legs take me wherever.

Was this even possible? How could she suddenly just die?

I looked at my surroundings. Where was I?

It was the park near the bookstore.
I looked at the envelope in my hand, it was a bit crumpled but other than that it was fine. I breathed hard as I looked at the trees.

She loved nature (she loved everything actually), she appreciated it like no one else. She was probably the only person that I knew who loved how the leaves gracefully fell off the trees, who enjoyed the way they swayed in the wind with rhythm.

But now she was dead, there was no one to appreciate the tiny things in life now.

I collapsed onto a bench, reality still hadn't sunk in fully. With shaky hands I opened the envelope and unfolded the letter inside. Her slanted, beautiful handwriting filled the page.

Dear Kris,

How are you? I hope you're doing well.

Since you're reading this right now, I assume you know that I'm dead.

I'm not sad about it, so I don't see a reason for anyone else to be sad about it.

I guess you want an explanation, huh? Okay.

I have (is it had? If I'm dead then it’s had.... But at the moment I'm alive.... Oh, whatever!) a heart disease. I won't tell you what it is but don't worry about it too much.

Anywho, I developed this disease when I was around 10 years old. At the time, it wasn't that bad and doctors thought that they would be able to deal with it. But it got worse as time went on and since two months ago, my days have been numbered. My doctor said it wasn't getting better and that it was getting bigger. He said it had been going well, but all of a sudden, the problem was returning big and fast. It was uncontrollable and unexplainable. My heart wasn’t functioning properly. He told me straight up that I was, well, dying.

My mother kept asking the doctor if there was anything, anything, he could do, but that was it. My body was out of control. I was going to die, I wasn't going to live the long life I thought I’d live.

The thought did frighten me for a while, and I was scared. But then I thought that instead of being scared of what was coming, I should take it as an opportunity to do something. To change something in this world, to make a difference.

And then you came along Kris. Remember? You helped me pick my papers up. I knew you were a nice person and as I got to know you better, I knew the kind and compassionate Kris was mostly hidden. But you know what got to me most? When I looked into your eyes, I saw emptiness and loneliness. Did you know that? Your eyes don't show coldness like you want them to, they tell me a completely different story.

So I decided I was going to make a difference in someone's life. Yours.

Oh, don't misunderstand me, Kris. I wasn't using you or meant any bad intentions. I really wanted to help you (not that there's anything wrong with you, I just.... Oh just keep reading -_-), to make a difference, to take you out of the darkness you trapped yourself in.

So I tried really hard to do that. I've tried my hardest to show you that this world isn't as bad as you've experienced. Yes, tragedies and bad things happen, there are people in this world that will hurt you.

But not everyone.

Please, please Kris, don't stay in the darkness you're in. Get yourself out, I've tried to help you as much as I can. That's the one wish I want to be granted in my death.

Now, I know you were once the kind and compassionate you, and then people took all of that away.

But don't let that bring you down, Kris. Don't let those people -those past memories- change you to become a person you aren't.

I believe in you, Kris, I believe you have it in you to let the real you come out. To show people that the cold Kris isn't you.

It isn't, I know it and you know it.

So please Kris, stop being stubborn and embrace the good things in this world. I wish I could continue to, I've embraced them for as long as I can, but pretty soon I won't be able to. But until the moment I die, I won't let the bad things bring me down.

You can't either. Do that for me why don't you? Since I can't, can you appreciate the world for me?

Not everything is bad, remember that. The good things are there, you just have to find them.

Anyways, you must be tired of me by now, huh? Good thing I'm gone now ;)

Now, how am I going to get this letter to you? I don't even know if you'll notice -or care- that I'm suddenly gone!

Hmmm, I guess I’ll just give it to Mina and tell her that if you come by, to give it to you.

Just in case you hate me, I had no idea when I was going to die. So you can't blame me for not saying bye!

I had an attack and had to come to the hospital last night. I had the attack at around 11?

Its 7:30 right now, I feel kind of weak. Is this what dying is like? Hmmm.

How do I know I'm about to die? I just do, it's my time to leave this world.

Oh! In the envelope, I've left a present for you. I hope you use it well and remember me (:

I've only known you for a short time Kris, but I have to say you were the bestest friend I could have ever asked for. I'm really glad we became friends, thank you for making the last weeks of my life, one of the best (:

And, I'm sorry. The reason I left the cafe yesterday was because we were on the topic of people leaving you. And the guilt just took over.

So yeah, I'm sorry for leaving you. But don't think of it as me leaving you, I'll always be with you. I'll be rooting for you from above!

I really hope I got to you with the whole 'the world isn't all bad' thing. Try seeing things in a different point of view, always try and look on the bright side of things.

You are a nice, caring, considerate person, no doubt.

Just show that to others and yourself.

I'm feeling tired now, I think I'll give this letter to Mina now. Time to call it a day (or life LOL haha! Get it? My little death joke (: )

Once again, thank you so much! Your friendship meant a lot to me.

Always look on the bright side of things, don't let the bad ones bring you down. Life is what you make it, don't put boundaries on yourself.

I bet you're really tired of my nonsense talk. But I hope you listen to my nonsense talk! I really want you to be yourself, the real you.

I’ll shut up now. Oh, and excuse my grammar mistakes. I didn’t know whether to talk in the past or present so I just kept switching tenses D:

Thank you again~!

Good night (:

Or good life xD

'Be the one who is passionate, enthusiastic and eager about making a positive difference today and have fun being you.’

Look at the starry side of things ;) (little reference to the present in the envelope)

Bye, Kris. I'm really grateful, you really were one of the closest friends I ever had. Take care (:




A single tear went down my cheek, she was gone. These were her last words, she had wasted her last moments on a letter for me.

I picked the envelope up and felt something heavy inside of it. I turned it upside down and a keychain fell into my hand.

It was her star necklace, but she had taken the star off and attached it to a keychain.

Look at the starry side of things.

But Sara, how am I supposed to do that without you? I thought as another tear leaked out of my eyes.


Heeeeyyy guys (:

How's it going? It's been a while.

I left the country, got sick, vomitted, blah blah blah the normal.

I'm not good at taking care of myself... But hey, I'm still alive :D

Short chapter, but it's probably one of the most important. Only lke 2-3 chapters left guys.

I wonder if Kris will change or not.

Just kidding, I already know. I knew from the beginning.

LOL haha, I always use that line.

Did you guys see Infinite? I have to say, they all looked really good in the mv (:

Shinee came back, fx is coming back, Infinite IS back

Where the heck is EXO? -_-

Let's just not start this topic...........

I'll shut up now (haha (; )



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Can't update till Friday, sorryyy. Got two days of math to do and I'm behind on like 8 notes..... ANYWHOOO, friday it is (:


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thebowfanatic #1
Chapter 13: omg this is the best story ever
Chapter 13: TT.TT the ending....was too beautiful TT.TT
Chapter 13: Aw, how cute! This ending was asdkfajl; worthy :P
Well, I'm very happy that Kris changed for the better. It's nice to know that Sara's hard work didn't go to waste! Also, I'm glad that Kris is a nice big brother to Mina :)
Anyway, in total, it left me with a warm feeling inside :)

oh and I can't believe you promoted me -hides in a corner-
Chapter 13: Awe he changed for the better <3
Chapter 12: I don't think it was sad. Kris is a little slow and ignorant in terms of Sara's sickness. But we can't blame him. And this chapter wasnt all that sad because cute little Mina was here :)
Chapter 12: But why? Why is it that the good people always suffer the most? T_T
Sigh, it's the reality of it all, I guess.
Anyway, poor Mina D; I wonder if Kris will be the one to tell her that her sister's sleep is going to go on for a long long time
Chapter 11: I hope he does see the better side of things.
Chapter 11: Sara's letter was so bittersweet. I just hope Kris takes the good from it -crosses fingers-