Let the Battle Begin

⚜ The First to Fall

"Yah! Unni! Palliyah!" Miyoung laughed as she packed their lunch in the small kitchen.

"Aish! Stupid alarms! How did I sleep through all six of them?!" Soo Ah groaned as she rushed to pull on her socks before Miyoung burst out laughing when she saw her best friend's skirt and blouse, "Yah. What are you wearing, Soo Ah?"

"Maybe I dressed too casually yesterday. So I'm going to dress more formally today and maybe they'll be nicer to me." She half smiled embarrassedly before Miyoung shook her head, "They're probably going to make fun of you~"

"Don't jinx it, Pabo!" She huffed before Miyoung shrugged as she handed Soo Ah the lunch bag and they hurried out. Miyoung waited for Soo Ah to lock the door securely before turning when she walked right into a passing person.

"Ah! Mianhamnida!" She bowed perfectly before straightening back up to see a surprised Luhan, "Ah--Miyoung-sshi! What are you doing here?" He blurted before an adorable grin played onto his lips.

"Oh--Luhan--" Miyoung glanced back at Soo Ah before Luhan looked and his eyes immediately darkened as he snickered, "What's with the get up? Who are you trying to impress?" Soo Ah's cheeks immediately turned red before she quickly handed Miyoung the lunch box as she turned back around to unlock the door, muttering, "You go ahead. I'll catch up."

Then before Miyoung could reply, Soo Ah shut the door behind her and Luhan nudged her, "Yah, we should hurry or else you'd be late. You wouldn't want to be late on your second day of school now, would you?" Luhan chuckled before Miyoung sighed and they left the apartment together.

"So, you live here, too?" Luhan flashed her a cute smile before she nodded back with a small polite smile, "Ne...only until we're done interning though." Then she looked back to the ground before frowning to herself. Why was he so mean to Soo Ah? But so nice to her?

"Miyoung-sshi?" Luhan asked gently before she looked back to him, "Ah, Mianhamnida~"

"Why do you keep apologizing?" He chuckled as they reached the gates before she felt her cheeks get hot as she shrugged, "Um...because?" She looked back to the gate before spotting a certain tall lanky figure waiting for them.

"Ah, Sehun-ah." His name slipped from her lips before she realized it and she felt her cheeks start to burn when she saw his eyes widened before Luhan blurted, "Good morning, Sehuna~" A small chuckle broke Sehun's lips before Miyoung felt her heart skip a beat as they stopped in front of Sehun.

"You're in a good mood this morning, aren't you, Hyung?" Sehun tilted his head slightly and laughed lightly before Luhan grinned, "I guess you could say that." Then Sehun turned to Miyoung before bowing slightly as he replied, "Morning, Miyoung-sshi."

"Uh--Oh no! You don't have to bow!" Miyoung blurted out as she quickly shook her head before she felt her cheeks get even more hot as the two guys laughed. She looked down to hide her face with her hair before muttering, "I mean, um, good morning to you, too."

"Hahaha~ it really is unfair! Sehuna's lucky because his intern is so much cuter than mine!" Luhan laughed out loud before punching Sehun in the arm playfully.

"Mwuh?" She looked back up before Luhan shook his head and shrugged, "Gotta get to class. So I'll see you later! Let's walk home together, arraso, Miyoung-sshi!" Then he laughed again and left before she could answer. Sehun watched Luah go before turning his attention back to Miyoung. She blushed madly before they headed to class.

It was a long moment before Sehun finally asked hesitantly, "So...do you live near Luhan-hyung?" Her heart skipped a beat before she looked back to him to double check that he really was talking to her. Sehun glanced back at her when she didn't answer before she gasped, "Ah! N--Ne! Surprisingly, we live in the same apartment complex!"

"Mwuh? Chincha?" Sehun blurted before she looked up and made eye contact with him. She felt her cheeks immediately get hot as Sehun quickly looked away from her and cleared his throat, "Ah, we're here already." Then he opened the class door and hurried in before she followed and headed over to her seat just as the bell rang.

The teacher hurried in before chuckling, "Aigoo. Sorry. I was at a meeting." Then he glanced over to Miyoung before chuckling, "Good Morning, Miyoung-sshi!" She smiled back at him before he turned his attention back to the class and began the lecture. She watched for a moment before something caught her eyes outside. She leaned a little over the edge of her seat to look out the window before her eyes widened as she watched Soo Ah jump the school gates and hurry inside.

"Miyoung-sshi?" Miyoung quickly snapped her attention back to the teacher before he raised a brow, "Is something wrong?" She felt her cheeks get hot again as the whole class turned their attention to her before she swiftly shook her head, stammering, "Ani--Aniyo."

"All right then," he nodded back at her before lecturing again. Miyoung inwardly sighed to herself before silently tsking Soo Ah in the back of her mind.

[ soo ah ]

Soo Ah jumped the closed gates before rushing inside. She knew that she was super late, but was it her fault that some old lady needed help crossing the street. She hurried up the stairs and to the second floor before coming to a stop at her door. The door was creaked open a little bit and she could hear the teacher already going through his lecture. Then she took a deep breath and took a hold of the door knob before opening the door open all the way.

"Mianhani--" Ice cold water suddenly splashed her from above before she could finish. She heard the pail clattered to the ground along before everyone in the room turned to look back at her. Soo Ah stood still, completely shocked before  certain someone burst out laughing and caused the entire room of boys to start cackling like hyenas.

"Ah, Soo Ah-sshi. Nice of you to join us." The teacher scoffed before checking the time on his watch, "Exactly 34 minutes late. And it's only your second day." Soo Ah shivered as the coldness from the water soaked through her clothes and chilled her to the bone.

"Mianhamnida." She bowed stiffly  as the classroom quieted down before the teacher shook his head and clicked in tongue in what sounded like disgust, "This is what happens when interns don't take their jobs seriously." The teacher turned his attention back to his smirking class, "The students will gain the upper hand and take advantage of them by playing petty little pranks on them."

"Mianhamnida." Soo Ah repeated and bowed again before the teacher sighed, "You might as well go dry off before you come back." Then he promptly continued his lecture as if nothing had happened. Soo Ah bowed again in his direction before glancing over at Luhan who flashed her a charming smirk before she glared at him angrily and left.

[ miyoung / soo ah ]

"Mwuh?! Aniya!" Miyoung blurted before Soo Ah scoffed as she stabbed a piece of meat with her chopsticks.

"I'm not going to deal with this again, Miyoung. I'm not even going into teaching anyways." Soo Ah muttered sourly before chomping onto the meat angrily

"You're leaving me for real?" Miyoung pouted.

"Ne." Soo Ah sighed and continued eating before Miyoung blurted, "If you leave, that means you're letting Luhan win!"

"What?! Not it doesn't!" Soo Ah's eyes widened as she looked back to her best friend before Miyoung quickly nodded, "Yes! It does! If he's being so mean to you, you have to beat him by standing up to him and not running away. Isn't that what you always tell me, Unni? You'll be a hypocrite if you don't do as I say and stay, you know?"

"Aw, ." Soo Ah cursed under her breath before glaring angrily at the floor in defeat.

"See? So, you have to stay!" Miyoung gleamed happily, relieved that her tactic worked. Yet before Soo Ah could reply, the door opened before Soo Ah groaned out loud.

"Wow, Miyoung-sshi! You eat lunch up here?" Luhan beamed as he and Sehun walked over to join them before Sehun bowed his head slightly at Miyoung and acknowledged Soo Ah with a slight nod. Luhan, however, completely ignored Soo Ah's existence as he sat down beside Miyoung.

"Ne~" Miyoung answered cheerfully, even though she could feel Soo Ah's murderous intent get dangerously high.

"Woah, did you cook all of this, Miyoung-sshi? It looks so good!" Luhan glanced back at her before she nodded, "Yeah, I did. Thank you."

"Your boyfriend's lucky to have a girlfriend like you," Luhan chuckled before Sehun's eyes widened and he glanced back at Miyoung in shock while blurting out, "Mwuh? You already have a namja chingu?" His cheeks immediately turned red and he swiftly looked away when the others looked back to him before Miyoung laughed lightly, "Yah, I don't remember ever saying that I had a namja!"

She couldn't stop the giggle that escaped her lips when she saw how cute Sehun reacted. She didn't know why, but her heart pounded excitedly in her chest when she saw him so surprised. Then Luhan turned back to her before chuckling, "Ah, mianhae. I just assumed, because you're so pretty and nice~"

"Aniyo." Miyoung felt her cheeks get hot before shaking her head, "I don't have one."

"Ah, chincha?" Luhan raised a brow before Soo Ah suddenly snapped, "OH FOR GOD'S SAKE, JUST STOP IT ALREADY, YOU JERK!" Everyone turned their attention back to her before Luhan raised a challenging brow, "Excuse me?"

"Yes, I'm talking to you, you little !" Soo Ah snapped before getting up onto her feet. Luhan jumped onto his feet before Sehun held him back.

"Unni. Chill and sit back down. We don't have much time left to eat, you know?" Miyoung forced a smile as she got up to try and get Soo Ah to sit back down.

"No." Soo Ah pulled away from her roughly before glaring back at Luhan, snapping, "What's your ing problem?! Seriously?!" Miyoung tugged at Soo Ah's arm again, eyeing her for her bad use of language before Soo Ah shrugged her off and continued, angrily, "I don't understand why you treat me so differently from Miyoung! What did I ever do to you?!"

"You're an annoying little prick with no manners and an etiquette of a man! How do you expect me to treat you like a girl when you act like one of us?" Luhan spat back before Soo Ah stammered, "But it's only the second day! How would you know?!"

"Oh, you think that it's only me? All the other guys in the class noticed it, too. You sit like a man, you speak like a man, and you act like a man while watching us during our lecture yesterday." Luhan shot back before Sehun pulled him back again with a nervous chuckle, "Hyung, calm down."

"No! She called me a little shi--" Miyoung suddenly cut Luhan off before he could finish.

"And that. You are." Miyoung answered coldly before the three others turned back to her in complete shock. Miyoung grabbed their left over lunch before grabbing Soo Ah's arm and looking back to Luhan with glaring eyes, "Thanks for being nice to me, Luhan, but if you can't respect my Unni, then I can't respect you either."

"Mwuh?" Sehun blurted before Miyoung nodded, "I can't be friends with someone who won't respect my best friend." Sehun watched her for a second before sighing, "And I can't be friends with someone that calls my friend a little ."

"I never asked to be your friend," Miyoung answered calmly, surprising him with her comeback as she added, "I came here to work as an intern and to learn. Not to make friends with students and flirt around. If you thought that, you thought wrong."

"I doubt that you can keep those words. Seonsaeng-nim told us that you're our age. Sooner or later, you're going to wound up making connects before you leave." Sehun narrowed his eyes slightly before Miyoung.

"I know my job. Don't make stupid assumptions that I'm a weak person just because I'm quiet." She replied before tugging on Soo Ah's arm, "Come on, Unni. Let's head back before you kill someone up here." Soo Ah only sighed before following when Luhan stopped them.

"Yah!" Luhan shouted before they both stopped and turned back around to face the two boys.

"Do you want to die?" Soo Ah snapped before Luhan crossed his arms and smirked, "Why don't we make a deal?"

"What kind of deal?" Miyoung frowned before Luhan glanced at Sehun.

"We'll play a little game." Sehun spoke quietly before the two girls looked back to him as he added, "The rules are easy. You just try to make the other person fall for you. And the first to fall...loses."

"What the hell do we get out of that?" Soo Ah snorted before Miyoung shook her head, "There's no point."

"If we lose. We'll back off...and we'll tell the whole school of our humiliation." Luhan answered quietly before he caught the spark of interest in Soo Ah's eyes.

"And if we lose?" Miyoung turned to Sehun before he shrugged, "Easy. You two leave this school with no pay and no credit for the amount of time you interned."

"No. It's not worth it, Soo Ah. I'm not going to risk my credits and money over some stupid little game--" Miyoung tried to leave, but found herself being pulled back into place.

"Aniyo." Soo Ah smirked as she looked back to Luhan with challenging eyes, "No. We'll take the deal, if--" Her eyes sparkled with determination as Luhan raised an interested brow, "You change the your punishment."

"To what?" Sehun frowned before Soo Ah chuckled darkly, "If you guys lose. For the rest of our intern here, you'll be our slaves."

"Mwuh?!" Miyoung blurted before Luhan answered, "Deal."

"Yah--" Sehun looked back to Luhan with worried eyes before Luhan stopped him.

"Deal." Soo Ah confirmed before Luhan chuckled, "There are four players."

"If one loses, so does their partner." Soo Ah replied before Luhan nodded. Then without another word, she grabbed Miyoung and pulled her off. Sehun watched them disappear behind the door before looking back to Luhan in disbelief, "Yah! Are you crazy?! I don't want to be a slave for who knows how long!"

"Relax, Sehun. This is going to be an easy win. That Soo Ah girl is really stupid. She'll fall in no time. I got this. You just play around with that Miyoung girl for now." Luhan chuckled before Sehun's eyes widened and he felt his heart pound worriedly in his chest, "Hyung--"

"Remember, dongsaeng. Love is nothing, but bull. So don't fall into it." Luhan laughed darkly before crossing his arms.

[ miyoung / soo ah ]

"I can't believe you would do this--I'm so fricken' pissed at you right now." Miyoung yanked herself away from Soo Ah as soon as the door shut behind them and they headed down the stairs.

"Chill, Miyoung. We've got this. They're such s, there's definitely no way we'd fall for them." Soo Ah grinned before Miyoung hit her in the arm, "I don't care about that! If I don't get my pay or credits because of you and this stupid game--I'm going to murder you!"

"Ara, ara." Soo Ah only laughed as she held onto her arm.

"I'm serious, Soo Ah. This isn't a joking matter." Miyoung sighed before Soo Ah nodded, "I know. That's why, we're going to take them down, Miyoung." Then she nudged Miyoung in the arm once more before Miyoung sighed and they parted their ways.

kekekekeke, now do you get it? The First to Fall~ lol

Hope you like this chapter ((:

- eunae

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bobjo1913 #1
Chapter 5: This is so funny! Please update!!
Chapter 5: Kyaaa!!!!! Excited for next chappie!!!!
Chapter 1: ahaha. Sehun is really nice. :DDD
Chapter 5: wow!!! this is really unexpected... now now now I'm so excited for next chapter.. good job author-ssi..
Chapter 5: Ouh wow,, what an unexpected turnover! Lmao..
Luhan, why u such a meanie to SooAh?! Cant wait to know who'll fall first!
Chapter 5: Omfg! They're all so stupid! Why is Sehun and Miyoung dragged into this?! And they're already in love with each other!
Chapter 4: O_O I believe that Luhan is hitting on the wrong girl too! Hopefully they wont fall for the same girl,
Chapter 4: Luhan! You're hitting on the wrong girl! Sehun, break the promise and make a move before Luhan does!
Chapter 3: Oh noo, Sehun saw her first..
hands off, luhan
Chapter 3: If Luhan falls for Miyoung then what about Sehun?!