At the Amusement Park with Suho ~

Why Is My Life So Difficult??

A) SuSica (9 votes)


B) Baeksica (8 votes)
C) KrisSica (5 votes)
D) TaoSica (3 votes)

The results of the choice. Im going to do a SuSica Chapter. ^_^


Jessica's POV ~

*Sigh* 'Man after that day with Sehun seemed kind of weird, but i liked it......*Sigh*...I don't know. :(' "Yah, Jessica, wanna have fun today?" asked Suho. "Uhm, sure."I said. "Will, we'll go at 3:00. See you" He said and went out the door. 'Hmm,What should i wear...something comfortable..Yup, perfect. I'll ready now since it's 2:40.'  I got off my bed and went to the bathroom. I curled my hair and put a little bit of make-up on. I went to go chooce what i wanted to wear and i wore this:


"Wow, good choice Jessica." I said and smiled. I looked at the clock and it was almost 3:00. I grabbed my purse and put on my shoes, then went out to find Suho standing outside. He turned around and smiled. I smiled back and walked to him. "So, where're we going?" I asked. "Uhm, where ever you want to go." He said and smiled. "Hmm, let's go to the amusement park!" I excitedly said. "Arasso" Then we went to his car to go.





Sehun's POV ~

I went to see if Jessica was in her room, but she wasn't. "Yah, where did Jessica go?" I asked Xiumin. "She went out." He answered. "Ah, arasso." I said. I went to check the window and saw Suho with Jessica. I was so mad at the sight, i got so angry and stared to burn up. I saw my reflection of the window and my face was red as a cherry. 'UGHK!!....Why is she with him today???' I stomped upstairs and slammed my door hard.




Baekhyun's POV ~

I heard the door slam, and i went to go and check it out. When i was about to check Sehun's room he shared with Suho, I saw mving outside. I went to go check it up, then i saw Jessica smiing at Suho. 'WTF!!!..........Really Jessica really..I like you so much, but then you're with Hyung.....WTF!! what am i thinking' I was really hot, so i just went to my room that i shared with Chanyeol, and slammed the door as hard as the one i heard earlier. 




Suho's POV ~

I was waiting outside for Jessica. I heard the door open and closed, then i turned around. She was really beautiful. "So where'er we going Suho??" She asked. "Uhm, where ever you want to." I said and smiled. "Uhm, Let's go to the Amusement Park!!" She said. I nodded and we went my car. I drove to the Amusement Park and got out. We went to the paying booth to get our tickets. "Two tickets, Please." I said. He gave me tickets. I payed for them so Jessica wont have to. I handed her one. "Gowamo" She said. I smiled to her and asked her "Which ride do you want to ride first?" I asked. "Let's ride that,ohh, then that one, also that one,one more, and that one,wait another that one also." She all pointed to. I smiled and chuckled a little bit. She then heard that and was embarassed and pouted. 'Aww, that's so cute....woo..what am i thinking.' "Let's go" i said. We all went to the rides she wanted to ride. We got tired and went to the food court. "Ah,im so thirsty" Jessica said. She went to get water and came back with two. "Here" She said. "Gowamo." I said and smiled. We went out the Amusement Park because it was 8:00 already. I drove back to the house and asked her if she wanted to take a walk around the park. She said yes, and we walked to the park. WE got to the park. Jessica went to the swings, "Wow, so many stars." She said. I nodded. I checked the time and it was 8:15. "Let's get going, I have to practice tomorrow." I said. She nodded and we walked back home.





Sehun's and Baekhyun's POV ~

Sehun:I hate him so much.

Baekhyun:I see her with him. UGHK!!

Sehun:I like her and he doesn't see it and also Jessica!! UGHK!! Wait what did i just say??

Baekhyun:Maybe i'll just avoid her tomorrow to see how she feels..Yup!!

Sehun:Ohh...I should avoid Jessica tomorrow so she can see how i feel and stuff......Arasso! Fighting Sehun!!

Baekhyun and Sehun:Let's do that! Fighting Sehun-Baekhyun!!


Next ima make a chapter with Jessica and someone else....? 

Yes ima make another character in here!! ><

It would have some drama and voilence..

So just wait and read for my next and other chapters!! ^_^

Also Please Subscribe and read! Thank you!! C:

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Apple12apple #1
Chapter 11: Aigoooo~~~Susica Sesica or Baeksica please X:
Chapter 11: I think it's Suho because he is the one
who went to their house before^^ but maybe it's not him
haha...well..update soon~ Fighting!
Chapter 10: update pls ^.^
k_nana #4
Chapter 5: Susica pls~ i love them~
Chapter 7: Aigooo~ my Sehun oppa is jealous with Susica~
Aigooo~ haha^^
Chapter 6: Aigooo~ My Exosica feels is bursting ^O^
update again soon auhtor-nim~ fighting~!!!
Chapter 5: Omo~ please SuSica all the way haha
Kyeopta~!!! or maybe Sehun and sica keke^^
Chapter 3: should i change suho to baekhyun in chapter four for him and jessica to hug? or should i just leave it? what to do?
Chapter 4: Wahh! Suho and Baekhyun are so sweet :3
Update soon please <3 :3