Hot Mess 14

Hot Mess



“Excuse me?” Kibum said and stared at Minho as if he had just lost his mind. He could see Jonghyun cracking up in a big smile out of the corner of his eye.

Minho sighed and tilted his head, looking at Jinki.

“We had a meeting while you were making breakfast and Jonghyun was showering.” Jinki explained. “And we decided that since two of us have already walked in on you in less than three days we could as well put you in the same room and not worry about seeing anything awkward.”

Kibum turned his head to blink at him. “But what will Manager-Hyung say?”

“Well, that’s another thing we have to bring up.” Jinki said. “We need to thoroughly think about who we are going to tell about you. As for now I think we need to be extremely careful and not let anyone know, but you can still share a room. I don’t think that Manager-Hyung will notice that.”

Kibum glanced at Jonghyun who raised an eyebrow at him.

“I’ll follow your decision.” He said simply.

“Um, I...” he turned towards Minho again.

One part of him was overjoyed that he and Jonghyun would be able to have an entire room to themselves, which meant no hurried kisses and interruptions, but another, smaller part of him wondered if it really was okay to be like that. What would the others think? Would they really be okay with them in the same room?

“Is it really okay?” he voiced out loud.

Minho rolled his eyes. “Of course! We don’t want to hear any strange noises, though!”

Kibum looked a little dazedly from one to the other until his eyes fell upon Jonghyun who grinned at him and he nodded. “Okay then.”

“Great.” Jinki said. “Now for some rules.”

Kibum bit his lip, feeling as embarrassed as apparently all of them did except Jonghyun and Minho. He was sure everyone knew what rules the leader would bring up.

“We know you have been considerate of us and we appreciate it and now that you have a whole room to yourselves please keep the more intimate touching in there.” Jinki said and added, looking at the other two: “This would be the case even if it was a boy-girl relationship.”

Kibum and Jonghyun nodded, one looking mortified by embarrassment and the other just tilting his head slightly while watching the leader.

“You can also act as you have done before, fan-service and all, but keep in mind that people might notice easier if you’re not careful.” He continued. “And last but not least: as Minho already mentioned, under no circumstances do we want to hear any strange sounds coming from that room.” He said and pointed in the direction of it, looking a bit more embarrassed at having to mention that. “You can do that sort of thing when you’re absolutely and completely alone in this dorm, but not otherwise, understood?”

Kibum felt himself blush so deeply he thought his cheeks would burn up and Jonghyun let out a snort of laughter, but both nodded once again. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought of doing that with Jonghyun while the others were still within hearing range.

“Good, then I think that was all for now.” Jinki said and looked at Minho and Taemin. “Anything you’d like to add?”

Taemin, who had silently examined his empty plate with great interest under the entire conversation shook his head exaggeratedly and blushed a little, looking as mortified as Kibum had felt. Kibum almost laughed at that. For telling him to jump Jonghyun, Taemin had become extremely shy in the matter.

“No.” Minho said and turned to Kibum. “But since we got a few hours right now do you want to start the move?”

Kibum couldn’t deny that his heart raced a little from excitement, knowing what the room-change would bring and all, as they stood up to start packing their own things and switch rooms.

It took them shorter time than they had expected, due to the help from all the members, and soon Kibum was entirely installed in his new room together with Jonghyun. There had been a lot of joking around and the others continuously teased them, asking if they would really need two beds, which sent Kibum right back into tomato-mode and made Jonghyun laugh loudly, but Kibum was happy nonetheless.

“Okay,” Jinki called through the dorm from the kitchen after everyone had rested for a few minutes in their preferred location, “everyone get ready! We’re supposed to leave in twenty minutes!”

Kibum got up heavily from the sofa in the living-room, telling Taemin, who also was there, to stop playing games and go change before he went down the slightly unfamiliar way to his new room. His t- felt a little dusty from the move so he took it off and opened the wardrobe to change. However, he stopped as he suddenly felt someone looking at him and glanced over his shoulder to discover Jonghyun in the doorway, staring at his bare upper body. He grinned when he noticed Kibum looking back at him.

Kibum raised an eyebrow. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing.” Jonghyun shook his head, his grin widening and becoming teasing. “It’s not like it’s the first time I see you without a shirt, but it is certainly the first time I consciously let myself get by it.”

Kibum narrowed his eyes at him, although blushing, and threw the shirt in his hand at Jonghyun’s face.


Jonghyun pulled the shirt off and stuck out his tongue at him. Then he closed the door, slid up behind Kibum and put his arms around his waist, resting his head on Kibum's shoulder. Kibum’s heart sped up. The places where their skin touched burned and he had some difficulty breathing. This really wasn’t good for his health, he concluded.

“Well, what do you want me to do? There has always been this sort of weird attraction to you.” Jonghyun murmured in his ear.

Kibum shivered and let himself lean into the embrace.

“Ditto.” He mumbled.

A phone rang in one of the other rooms and soon they heard Minho loudly announcing that they had five minutes left. Jonghyun sighed and kissed Kibum's shoulder before he let go, muttering something about brushing his teeth. Kibum closed his eyes for a moment when the door closed behind the other, wishing they would be able to get some time alone soon or he would burst with all the feelings and anticipation that were building up inside him, or at least challenge his health condition.

For three days after that Kibum endured just sharing his bed with Jonghyun and not taking it any further than kissing and slightly touching, for three days he woke up beside him wondering what he had done right in his previous life to be able to have his love and for three days Kibum floated around on pink clouds.

Unfortunately, his luck ran out on the fourth day. He could practically feel how those clouds he had been floating on ascended at top speed as he was walking down the corridor in the building where they were going to film a show, getting closer and closer to Sekyung who was walking in the other direction. His little rainbow-coloured bubble burst because as lovely, cuddly and fun the last three days had been, there was still a broken heart right in front of him. And it was still his fault.

Kibum froze when he came closer to her and couldn’t move a muscle no matter how much he wanted to. Sekyung however didn’t freeze and she walked right up to him, smiling slightly but he could see that it was a little forced. His throat went completely dry and he didn’t find a single normal sentence in his head.

“Hello, Kibum.” Sekyung said. Her voice sounded steady enough and she backed up a little, leaving a passage between them and getting herself slightly out of sight behind some stacked boxes.

Kibum swallowed and nodded at her.

“Hi.” He forced out of his mouth.

She glanced around, looking anxious. “Are you alone?”

He shook his head. The others were in their dressing-room and Kibum had just escaped to the toilet for a while before recording. If he had known Sekyung was there he wouldn’t have dared step a foot outside the door until it was their time to be on the show.

“I’m sorry.” Kibum croaked out, almost unconsciously, after they had looked at each other in silence for a few moments. He didn’t find anything else he could say. He was truly very sorry. “About what’s happened.”

He saw Sekyung’s eyes become blank and she bit her lip. “I am too.”

He heard his name being called by Jonghyun, but couldn’t turn around to answer. Of course he decided to show up right at that moment. Sekyung’s eyes widened at the sound of his voice and she looked tense, backing away even more so that she was completely hidden behind the stacked boxes. It didn’t matter, because if Jonghyun came any closer to Kibum he would see her anyway and, once again, of course that’s what he decided to do. He walked right up to Kibum's side and grabbed his hand. The feel of Jonghyun’s touch made Kibum come alive again and he turned to look at him in wide-eyed confusion, his mind thrown into a comatose state.

“What’s taking you so long?” he asked. “Everyone’s freaking out because you haven’t returned.”

 “I...” Kibum took a shaky breath.

Jonghyun raised his eyebrows at him. “Anyway, did you know what Onew just told-”

Kibum felt him freeze up just as he himself had done. Jonghyun had finally noticed the small figure behind the boxes. There was no way that he couldn’t have.

“Sekyung.” He breathed and she stared at him nervously, glancing down at their linked hands.

Kibum's heart stopped when he heard him speak. He could hear the lingering feelings in Jonghyun’s voice and he could also see the love in Sekyung’s eyes. It was suffocating him to witness it and all he wanted to do was to get away from there, but when he tried to pull back his hand Jonghyun gripped it harder.

“Jonghyun.” Kibum begged, his voice barely above a whisper. Jonghyun glanced at him and Kibum saw concern flood his eyes.

“SHINee, 90 seconds. SHINee, 90 seconds.” Came a voice over the intercom and Jonghyun looked back at Sekyung.

Then they suddenly smiled and nodded at each other, like there had been some mutual agreement, before Jonghyun turned around, dragging Kibum behind him by his hand.

Kibum stared down at the floor while he walked, close to tears. He had no idea what they had understood about each other and his lungs were starting to feel stuffed. Why did there always have to be two sides of a coin?

“I’m sorry.” He whispered again and a tear escaped down his cheek.

Jonghyun glanced at him over his shoulder but didn’t have enough time to stop, or even speak, before the other members caught up to them and they were all ushered by their manager to the studio. Kibum hastily dried his face and plastered on a smile. Sadly it didn’t keep him from being a mess during the recording and it made Minho glance at him concernedly every few seconds, unable to ask anything.

What the hell is the right thing to do? Kibum asked himself over and over.

He was sure that if worst came to worst he would let Jonghyun go. He simply loved him too much to force him into something he didn’t want and it terrified him because Kibum had fallen too deeply to be able to get out of it unscathed, anymore. He knew love wasn’t all there was to life but at the moment it held the most part of his existence. It hadn’t had the time to sink in to become something deeper and not as terrifying as it was at the moment.


What do I do?







A/N: Am I horrible? But what can I do? :(

Just so you know, this isn't the last chapter. It became too long so I had to split it into two :P

Also, it's a bit hard for me to tell how many chapters I'm going to do in a story, because when I sit down to write all these new ideas and scenarios keep popping up in my head and I just have to use some of them, while I save others for other stories. ;D

And yes we have had some pink clouds surrounding the last chapters (finally) but since I'm a bit mean I decided to destroy it. But do not fret! xP It's just a minor incident and you will know why in the next chapter >_<

Anyways, thanks to all of you readers as always! <3 Seeing the numbers of subscribers and readers go up, makes my day! ^_^

Should I fish for some comments as well? Haha, comment if you like :) Just a simple: Hi, I like/don't like this stroy! would do ;P I just want to know your opinions!

As always: I hope you enjoyed and have a terrific whatever time it is at your place!! <3

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Right, I forgot! I have now started to write a new story if you want to check it out! :) If not, then it has been a great pleasure writing for you! :D


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Chapter 15: This is the most beautiful Jongkey fanfiction I've ever read, it's written really well. The length is perfect and you expressed everything realistically, thanks, it moved me deeply.
Authornim, Do you know? This was like my first ever fanfic which caused me to become a fanficholic. <3
Chapter 16: Oh dear... :')
To see JongKey being really real!
At least I could see this in a realistic fic...
Oh dear the feels.... oh I love you author nim! T.T
I cannot fully express how much I enjoyed reading this. It was written in such a way that the reader is able to go through all the emotions along with the characters. My guts have been twisted, tears shed, moments of laughter. I couldn't even hate the girlfriend as much as I wanted to!! Oh my gosh, I read this at work so I'm blaming you if I get fired! Well done! I can only hope my fics do as well... Good job!!
tarepandawind #5
I'm reading this again for the 999xxxx times,,and it still make my heart flutter,,,
kpop_lover967 #6
I love it *^* it was so cute but also a little sad ahh ;A; my Jongkey feels~
Chapter 16: Uhuhuhuhu this is my second time reading Hot Mess because JongKey has been teasing me this whole day xD and i still love the story <3 you did a greaaaaaT job! Im sorry for spamming ypur notification from my reading spree xD or you can call, stalking spree keke
mushroomonew #8
Chapter 11: I was so surprise that jjong will take the kiss to make himself knows if he has the same feeling as kibum. BUT!!! Yeah!!!!!!!! They finally get together~~ lalalalallalalalala
FreezingLove #9
Chapter 16: You know ,I really like reading this whenever I feel like there is not enough Jongkey.
I've read this earlier , but everytime I read this again and again I just love it more.<<33333
Chapter 16: I really like this story~
This is amazing for your first fanfic :)