Hot Mess 11

Hot Mess


Jonghyun went silent as soon as he noticed Kibum in the doorway and they stared at each other for a long time. Kibum was sure that every emotion he was feeling at the moment, love, anger, fright, sadness, could be seen through his eyes as well as he could see every emotion Jonghyun was feeling. Minho and Taemin were watching them from the sofa and Jinki had positioned himself by the window with his arms crossed. They had put away the mattresses and Jonghyun was standing in the middle of the room like he was in a hearing in the court.

Kibum took a small step, almost unconsciously, not breaking their eye-contact. It was as if Jonghyun had some sort of gravity around him and every cell in Kibum's body turned and strived for closing the distance between them. Suddenly it felt like years since they had last seen each other and he could see that Jonghyun felt the same. He knew that they both just wanted to go back to how they had been but that they would never be able to. Now it was up to Jonghyun to decide what he wanted from him and Kibum knew that whatever it was he would do it. Because as much as he was mad at Jonghyun he loved him so senselessly that he would do anything for him.

Jonghyun had silently been waiting for Kibum to say something but seemed to realise that he wouldn’t speak until Jonghyun told him what he had concluded.

He opened his arms wide and closed his eyes. “Do what you want.”

Kibum had no idea what that was supposed to mean but he approached him slowly and searched his face for a few seconds. Then he raised his fist. He heard Taemin draw in a surprised breath but he didn’t care. He started to hit him in the chest, first light punches, but as his emotions took over he started pounding. Jonghyun determinedly stood his ground.

“Why... do... I... have... to... love... you...” Kibum said in-between punches and letting his tears, which had come from all the emotions welling up inside of him, flow freely. “the... way... I... do...?”

A few tears escaped from behind Jonghyun’s closed eyes as well upon hearing the helplessness in his voice. Unable to take it anymore, Kibum sunk to the floor and let all the breaks loose. He started to cry loudly and uncontrollably and he couldn’t stop even if he wanted to.

After a few seconds he felt strong arms close around him and Jonghyun’s chin on his shoulder.

“I love you too, Kibum.” Jonghyun whispered in a choked voice.

 Kibum could feel his tears on the fabric of his shirt. And he couldn’t help himself. He put his arms around Jonghyun’s waist and hugged him closer, afraid that if he let go he would lose his sanity completely.

They sat like that, crying for who knows how long. It could have been years, eternities even, they wouldn’t know. The others had left them at some point, giving them some privacy and they continued to sit on the floor, hugging each other tightly even after having stopped crying, letting the presence of the other sink in. It was just what Kibum needed at the moment. He finally felt whole. Complete. The tension that he hadn’t noticed he had had lifted from his muscles and he felt how both he and Jonghyun relaxed. They would have sat like that the day out if not for Taemin, who was calling something about breakfast from the kitchen.

Jonghyun pulled back to look at Kibum’s face when Taemin called and smiled tiredly, his cheek.

“We should probably go wash our faces before we eat.” He said hoarsely. Kibum nodded and they got up, making sure that they were still connected by their hands.

They got into the smaller bathroom together and Kibum turned the tap for cold water. Why they had made that choice was beyond Kibum since there wasn’t any space at all in there with two people and it resulted in their bodies getting pressed together when Jonghyun reached for the towel. Kibum forgot how to breathe. He hadn’t been this close to Jonghyun since forever and now he was so, so very close. He looked up and their eyes caught, faces mere inches apart. Kibum wanted to erase that little space so bad that he almost started crying again.

Suddenly his brain took over, apparently tired of his pining heart, and he heard himself say, or rather demand: “Kiss me.”

Jonghyun’s eyes widened a bit, but he wasn’t slow to comply and pressed his lips lightly and quickly against Kibum’s before he pulled back. Kibum didn’t even have time to close his eyes.

He grabbed his arm. “More.”

Jonghyun gave a small, crooked smile but leaned in once more. This time he kissed Kibum a little longer before pulling back yet again.


Jonghyun cut him off by putting his hands on Kibum's hips, pulling him closer and pressing their lips together. Kibum reacted instinctively and put his arms around Jonghyun’s neck to deepen their kiss. A world of vivid colours was painted behind Kibum’s eyelids, a puzzle-piece fell into place as the happiness he had longed for finally came to him. Jonghyun loved him. He could feel it in the fingertips travelling up his thigh, the deepening of the kiss, the small breaths that were almost chuckles. He could feel it. Jonghyun loved him. He wanted to shout it from the rooftops, let the whole world know. He hadn’t been this carefree in weeks.

Somehow Kibum had managed to slide up on the sink and was now sitting on it and pulling Jonghyun closer with both arms and legs, making him let out a small laugh.

“Jjong.” He sighed. “I missed you.”

Jonghyun pressed their foreheads together with a smile.

“I’m sorry.” He whispered.

Kibum looked into his eyes questioningly. “Why?”

“I didn’t realise how hard it must have been for you.” Jonghyun’s smile turned slightly sad.

Kibum shook his head. It had been worth it in the end. “It’s okay.”

“I feel like a jerk.” He sighed.

Kibum grabbed his face with both hands and stared determinedly into his eyes.

“Listen to me, Kim Jonghyun,” he said fiercely, “you can’t choose who you love and neither can you make decisions for anyone else. I fell in love with you and that was the battle we had to take. Either we would have become distant or you would have to fall for me too.”

“I didn’t fall for you.” Jonghyun mumbled and closed his eyes. “I was yours the first time we met. I realised that yesterday.”

Kibum bit his lip. He was ready to cry again. Really, how much can a person cry?

“I somehow buried it deep inside me.” Jonghyun continued, opening his eyes again and Kibum's cheekbone with his thumb. “I can imagine you know why. I felt that there was something and then buried it and then it came back at me with full force yesterday.”

Kibum understood. His mind had done the same until a few weeks ago. It was amazing how your unconscious could reject so much without you really reflecting over it, he thought, just because you were supposed to follow the norm of the average man.

He smiled softly at Jonghyun and combed his fingers through Jonghyun’s hair, pecking his lips. Jonghyun smiled up at him too and leaned in to kiss him properly.

“Guys!” Jinki called. “We have a schedule to keep! Hurry up!”

They both sighed simultaneously and then chuckled at each other. Kibum jumped down from the sink and they quickly washed their faces before squeezing out through the door and joining the others at the table for breakfast.

During the meal Kibum could feel the other members’ eyes follow every move he and Jonghyun made, trying to decipher the situation without daring to ask. He caught Minho throwing Jinki a look, urging him to ask, and Kibum put his chopsticks down.  He and Jonghyun glanced at each other before Jonghyun opened his mouth.

“I put you in an uncomfortable situation and I’m sorry for that, but I needed time to think things through.” He said apologetically, hanging his head slightly and looking down into his bowl of rice.

The others stared at him without saying a word or showing any expression.

“I... well, I guess you know why...” Jonghyun continued uncomfortably when no one showed any sign to comment. “But now-”

“The Dino loves the Umma.” Taemin stated suddenly, interrupting him. Both Jonghyun and Kibum stared at him. “Or rather, we all know Kibum-Hyung loves you but can we trust that your feelings are genuine and not some half-assed pitying?”

Everyone gaped at the maknae. Kibum seriously had to check who he was hanging out with, because he couldn’t let Taemin continue to use words like that and risk him slipping up during interviews and the like.

Jonghyun opened and closed his mouth a few times, not finding the right words and Kibum fidgeted nervously. It was as if they were announcing to their parents that they were going to marry. Unnerving, to say the least.

“I don’t know how to explain it to you...” Jonghyun mumbled after a few seconds of silence.

Kibum bit his lip. “I know he feels the same.”

All eyes turned to look at him now. Jinki studied his face for a few seconds in silence and then he nodded.

“I trust the both of you.” He stated with an encouraging smile, then looked at the clock and stood up. “We need to get going, manager-hyung is here.”

Jonghyun and Kibum stayed at the table while the other three stood up to get ready, since they were already dressed for the day. As soon as the last could be seen from Minho’s shirt around the corner Kibum grabbed Jonghyun’s hand and he sighed.

“I guess it’s going to take some time.” He whispered and squeezed back. “I understand, though. I wouldn’t trust me either.”

“Well, we got Jinki at least.” Kibum mumbled.

They sat in silence after that, looking at each other, both in their own thoughts until Jinki called once again saying they needed to put on their shoes and go.

They stood up and joined the others in the hall, walking hand in hand, ready to take on the world.



A/N: Yeah, so my inspiration suddenly kicked in and i decided that since I had another chapter done why not? Right? ;D There is not much left to this story I think, but we'll have to see what my fingers tell me ^_^ I hope you enjoyed!!

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Right, I forgot! I have now started to write a new story if you want to check it out! :) If not, then it has been a great pleasure writing for you! :D


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Chapter 15: This is the most beautiful Jongkey fanfiction I've ever read, it's written really well. The length is perfect and you expressed everything realistically, thanks, it moved me deeply.
Authornim, Do you know? This was like my first ever fanfic which caused me to become a fanficholic. <3
Chapter 16: Oh dear... :')
To see JongKey being really real!
At least I could see this in a realistic fic...
Oh dear the feels.... oh I love you author nim! T.T
I cannot fully express how much I enjoyed reading this. It was written in such a way that the reader is able to go through all the emotions along with the characters. My guts have been twisted, tears shed, moments of laughter. I couldn't even hate the girlfriend as much as I wanted to!! Oh my gosh, I read this at work so I'm blaming you if I get fired! Well done! I can only hope my fics do as well... Good job!!
tarepandawind #5
I'm reading this again for the 999xxxx times,,and it still make my heart flutter,,,
kpop_lover967 #6
I love it *^* it was so cute but also a little sad ahh ;A; my Jongkey feels~
Chapter 16: Uhuhuhuhu this is my second time reading Hot Mess because JongKey has been teasing me this whole day xD and i still love the story <3 you did a greaaaaaT job! Im sorry for spamming ypur notification from my reading spree xD or you can call, stalking spree keke
mushroomonew #8
Chapter 11: I was so surprise that jjong will take the kiss to make himself knows if he has the same feeling as kibum. BUT!!! Yeah!!!!!!!! They finally get together~~ lalalalallalalalala
FreezingLove #9
Chapter 16: You know ,I really like reading this whenever I feel like there is not enough Jongkey.
I've read this earlier , but everytime I read this again and again I just love it more.<<33333
Chapter 16: I really like this story~
This is amazing for your first fanfic :)