Me and my Dragon

Chapter 65:


I'm still sleepy when I went to the kitchen to cook breakfast for us. All of us will go to China today. I and Gian this morning and the boys this lunch. I saw Gian making a coffee for Tabi. While the dino is standing behind her. Something is different about this two. I wonder where they went on their vacation. It's my first time to see Gian after a couple of days. And oh, she's blooming. This two are acting like they're like a newlywed’s couple. I clear my throat to get their attention.

CHELLE: "Are you guys on a honeymoon period? You're so clingy to each other."
TOP: "Mind your own business Chelle!"
CHELLE: "Geez! Chill Tee Oh Pee! I'm just asking. Any way’s how your vacation is?"
GIAN: "Great!"
TOP: "Well I just made Gian the happiest girl in the world."
CHELLE: "What do you mean?"
TOP: "I surprise her with a trip on the country she wanted to visit. And celebrate Valentine’s Day."
CHELLE: "Wow! That's so sweet TOP. Lucky girl! Celebrating valentine's day out of the country."
GIAN: "Super!" She said and giggled while looking at Tabi.
TOP: "Let's go, hon lets prepare for today's trip. Leave that slow friend of yours."
CHELLE: "Are you referring to me huh TOP?"
TOP: "Who else? I'm going to bet. You haven't met junjun yet. Gosh, you have all the time and opportunity when were away."
CHELLE: "Yah! Stop it Choi Seung Hyun!" 
TOP: "Fine! Hon give me your hotel room okay? See you in China."
CHELLE: "No! You're not going to sleep with her. We have work."
TOP: "Then I'll sleep with Jiyong then and tell him about junjun."
CHELLE: "Yaaaaah!!! I hate you TOP. You're so mean." 
TOP: "I can tell Jiyong now. I think I heard your door open."

I run to check if it was Jiyong.

GD: "Good morning, baby. Welcome back hyung, Gian!"
CHELLE: "Baby the dinosaur is bullying me." I said and pout.
GD: "Aigoo! My baby is being bullied. It's okay I'm here now." He said and hugs me tight.

I tuck my tonge out to Tabi. He just smile and shrugged his shoulder.

TOP: "Chelle is slow! Chelle is slow! Chelle is slow!"
CHELLE: "Baby, look at TOP. He doesn't stop."
GD: "It's okay! Here." He said and covers my ears with his hands.

Tabi tuck his tonge out and put his hands in his cheeks while mouthing slow. I pout and try to hit his arm but he never let me hit him.

The other members joined the chaos on the living rum. We miss this two. It's been a couple of days since they left. And it's good to see them again.

I and Gian are ready when Mr.Kang arrives. We didn't pack a lot of clothes because we’re all going back tomorrow here. The boys will have a con and I hope we can watch it later. Dae just arrive from Japan when we left. While one of the YG securities drives the car, Gian turns to me.

GIAN: "Your manager is so handsome."
GIAN: "Is he dating?"
CHELLE: "I think so! Let's find out who's the lucky girl." 
MR.KANG: "Yah! You two, I'm just right here. I can here you."
CHELLE: "I told you, Mr.Kang everyone notices that you look in love."
MR.KANG: "Aish! You two make me crazy. Can I advise you to stop hanging out with Ri?"
GIAN: "Fine! Let us meet your girlfriend okay?"

I keep on asking Gian where did they go for almost a week but her lips are sealed. After few more minutes we arrive at the airport. While walking Gian ask me about Ilwoo's surprise dinner. To make even, I just shrugged my shoulder. My lips are also sealed.

GIAN: "Why didn't you want to tell me about your dinner with Ilwoo?"
CHELLE: "Why didn't you want to tell me about your vacation with TOP?"
GIAN: "I'll just ask your yeobo!"
CHELLE: "I'll just ask your honey!"
GIAN: "He won't tell you." 
CHELLE: "Did Ilwoo really called you? He did everything you say."
GIAN: "I just told him to buy you flowers or chocolates or treat you to dinner. Did he do something else?"
CHELLE: "You didn't tell him to have a violinist? To scatter rose petals in the garden? To drape the tree with red lights?"
GIAN: "It's too cheesy. Did he do that?"
CHELLE: "Yes!" 
GIAN: "You have one over the top admirer huh!"
CHELLE: "He's a friend."
GIAN: "Still insensitive?"

Mr.Kang suddenly appears beside me, his carrying my luggage.

MR.KANG: "Gian I think we forgot your luggage in the apartment."
GIAN: "No we're not! My clothes are all in Tabi's suitcase."
MR.KANG: "Good! How’s the vacation?"
GIAN: "Good!"
CHELLE: "How's your girlfriend Mr.Kang?"
MR.KANG: "Good! Now stop it!"

I saw Ilwoo and wave at him and in no time we're in the plane. The crew of WGM tells us that they will not join me and Ilwoo while exploring China. They will just give us camcorders.

When we arrive in China I immediately tell to Ilwoo that I want to ride in a cable car and to go skiing. He just nod and smiled at me. I also told him if we can watch Bigbang's concert tonight.

ILWOO: "You don't have to ask me that yeobo, we can watch it later. Now go to your room and freshen up. I have a gift for you."

I do what I told. I went to my room and prepare for our adventure today. I so excited! Get ready China! I went outside my room and bump in to Ilwoo. I lift my head and I found him standing on my door step. As usual so handsome and smells heavenly.

CHELLE: "Opps sorry!"
ILWOO: "It's okay yeobo. Where are your gloves?"
CHELLE: "Oh I forgot! Wait I'll get it first. Sorry, I'm just too excited to go skiing."
ILWOO: "Don't other. Here!" He hand me a Hello Kitty gloves with matching Hello Kitty earmuffs.
CHELLE: "OMG! It's so cute. Thank you, Ilwoo!" I said and tip toe to give him a kiss on his cheeks.
ILWOO: "Look I have Daniel!' He said and makes a cute post.
CHELLE: "Cuteeeeeee!"

We laugh at each other as we walk to our destination. We ride on a cable car and all I do is cling to Ilwoo. It was so scary! I have this acrophobia in my system. But Ilwoo wants me to see how beautiful China is. He wrapped his arm around me and never let go of my hand.

ILWOO: "It's okay yeobo. I'm here! I will never let go of you. Look at the view."

Slowly I lift my head buried in his chest and look outside the cable car. All I can see is white. Mountains covered with super white snow. I suddenly feel excited about skiing. I never tried it before.

Ilwoo guide me as we walk to our skiing adventure. He helps me put my safety gear and teach how to ski. I never thought it was this hard. I can't even move in my place. My cheeks and nose turns red because of frustration. Ilwoo just laugh at me every time I fell on the snow every time I attempt to ski.

ILWOO: "Aigoo yeobo you’re so cute. Here!" He hand me his hanky. "Wipe your running nose. Hahaha!"

OMG! Grosssss! I'm so embarrass. I turn around and wipe my nose and sneeze.

CHELLE: "I hate you, Ilwoo! Let’s get back. I don't want to ski anymore. I can't even make a single move."
ILWOO: "I'm still enjoying the view!" He said while staring at my face. "I never saw you like that. You are trying hard to hold something in your nose not to fall. You're so cute!"
CHELLE: "Yah. Stop it!" I said and throw a snow ball on him.
ILWOO: "You want a snow fight yeobo?"
CHELLE: "No!" I said as I slowly stepping back.

Ilwoo throws snow ball on my face then his laugh echoed in the whole place. I grab a handfull snow and throw it to him. But I missed. Ilwoo tease me for not hitting him. I chase him but I can't even manage to get even. I sat like a kid in the snow my stomping my feet. Ilwoo just laugh at me.

CHELLE: "Enjoying the view Mr.Scheduler?"

Ilwoo walk towards me and help me stand up. He wipes the snow on my face and in my clothes then helps me to place my ski again.

CHELLE: "No! I don't know how."
ILWOO: "It’s okay, I'll help you. Just sit on the board."

I do what I'm told then to my surprise Ilwoo hold me on my shoulders and starts to push me. Omo! I'm moving now. I turn to look at him and his just smile sweetly back at me and wink. I giggled as we move we glide faster. I spear my arms on both side and enjoy playing.

Ilwoo stops and lay on the snow feeling so tired and catching his breath.

CHELLE: "More Ilwoo! Push me again!"
ILWOO: "I'm tired yeobo. But okay, one more. Aist you're so spoiled."

We play again in the snow until we get tired. I try to push Ilwoo but he's too heavy. That’s why he always ends up the one pushing me.

ILWOO: "Let's get back. You're already chilling. I don't want you to get sick."

I just nod and follow him in the car. I remove my gloves and start to rub it to make it warm. Ilwoo grab my hand and place it in between his hands and put it in his mouth. He starts blowing it making me feel better. His warm breath lessens the cold. I did the same thing on him then he starts the car.

When we reach our hotel I take a warm bath. My whole body is shaking because of so much cold. Late afternoon I receive a call from Jiyong, they just landed and heading to the hotel. Good thing me and Ilwoo is almost done the shoot.



Working alone in Japan is all new to me; I miss my hyung's and our maknae. I miss their craziness. Good thing TOP hyung, Gian and Ri went to Japan and visit me.

I went back to Seoul because we will go to China. Before I could step inside the apartment Bae hyung shouts.

YB: "Dae's here let’s go!"
DS: "Hyung can I just sit for a while?"
SR: "You can sit in the car and in the plane all you want, hyung. Let's go!"

Before I could protest TOP hyung ride in my back. He is so playful and I can't believe he's older than me. I carry him untl in front of our car. Omo! I think my back is broken.

GD: "Why so playful, hyung?"
TOP: "Me playful?" 
YB: "Yes you are!" 
DS: "Did Chelle and Jiyong fight again?"
GD: "No! Why would we fight?"
DS: "Really? Yah maknae pay me now, you lost!" 
TOP: "You two have a bet?"
DS: "Yes and I won!" 
SR: "Fine, I'll pay!"
DS: "I have a better idea. Why won't you treat us to dinner later?"
SR: "Yah! That's unfair!" 
GD: "It's a deal! Let's have dinner later with Chelle and Gian."
SR: "I'll treat my girlfriend and Gian but not the 4 of you."
YB: "That's unfair!" 
TOP: "We'll have dinner later that's it, no more buts!"
SR: "I'll call my girlfriend and tell her that you all ganging up on me."

I shake my head, poor maknae and I'm happy it's a free dinner. To tell you the truth I'm so ready to pay maknae. Chelle and Jiyong keep fighting. It feels like their whole week is not complete without a fight.

After how many hours we're finally in China. We all went straight to our hotel to rest for a while before going to the venue.

Chelle went to our dressing room before the concert starts. She wishes us luck. She seems in good mood and her cheeks and nose are red because of staying so long in the snow. But Jiyong on the other hand is a little irritated. I think it's because Ilwoo is with Chelle the whole day. Our maknae went straight to her and begins his list of complains.

SR: "My girlfriend, my hyungs are ganging up on me."
CHELLE: "What happen?"
SR: "They wanted me to buy dinner for all of us."
CHELLE: "Don't worry, my boyfriend, I'll buy dinner later okay? What do you like?"
GD: "Baby don’t! He lost the bet. Let him pay for the dinner later."
CHELLE: "What bet? Let's talk later okay?"
TOP: "Where's your friend?"
CHELLE: "She's with Ilwoo! Baby, I'll talk to you later. I'll go back to my seat. Bye Dae!"

I wave at her and she's gone. Epic high will perform first followed by Se7en then it’s going to be our turn. The crowd goes wild when we perform. I spotted Ilwoo, Gian and Chelle in the audience. After our performance we went to our hotel. Tomorrow afternoon we will go back to Seoul.


Right after the concert, Ilwoo turn to me.

ILWOO: "Yeobo I need to go. I need to attend an urgent meeting with my agency. They're waiting for me in my room."
CHELLE: "They're here?"
ILWOO: "Nope! Skype. It's urgent."
CHELLE: "But have dinner with us first. You haven't eaten."
ILWOO: "I want too, but I can't. Bye! See yah!"

He wave at me and then he's gone. So hardworking! I shake my head while walking to the dressing room to meet the boys.

We all decided to eat on a private restaurant near our hotel. Dae is still teasing Ri. Gian and TOP still get enough with each other. I sit beside GD and start putting food in his plate as he put food on my plate too. Se7en is sitting in front of me and I can't help but stare at him.

SE7EN: "What? Do I have something in my face Chelle?"
CHELLE: "Nothing oppa. It's just this is the first time I see your face this close." I said and smile at him.

While everyone is busy with their food, I called the waiter and order food. I look at GD and smile at him.

CHELLE: "It's for Ilwoo. He hasn’t eaten yet. So I decided to buy him dinner." 
YB: "Why didn't you invite him to eat with us?"
CHELLE: "I did Bae but he has this urgent meeting." I said while reaching for GD's hand under the table and give it a gentle squeeze.
TABLO: "Order him shrimp. This one tastes good."
CHELLE: "He's allergic to shrimp, Tablo oppa."

The waiter came back with my order. I ask him to deliver it on the hotel room I wrote in the tissue.

SR: "Omo! My heart! I'm falling in love even more with you my girlfriend. You're so thoughtful and sweet."
GD: "Too bad maknae you're not her yeobo." He said and smirks.
TABLO: "Someone is jealous!"
GD: "I'm not! Why should I?"
SE7EN: "Someone is being defensive!"
GD: "Whatever!"

Everyone laugh to Jiyong. I cut a small piece of steak and put it in his mouth.

CHELLE: "He's my yeobo but I already have a hubby."
SR: "And that's me! PP is our daughter."
GD: "Yah! In your dreams, maknae."

We talk and talk about anything. It's so rare chance that we have dinner so it’s an opportunity for us to bond with each other. We were eating dessert when I remember to ask Se7en.

CHELLE: "Se7en oppa lets have a collaboration when you come back from enlistment and have me to guest in your come back."
SE7EN: "Good idea! I'm going to miss you all."
DS: "We'll miss you too, hyung."
YB: "Yup! No one will take us out for dinner."
TOP: "I will miss my Choi brother."
GIAN: "Take care there, oppa."
CHELLE: "And if by any chance you meet Rain oppa inside tell him to take care of himself. I'm still going to love him in the future." 
TABLO: "Your girlfriend is so attached to her virtual husband. And she's also in love with Rain."
GD: "She's not!"
SE7EN: "That's bad! I heard Ilwoo is head over heels in love with your girl."
GD: "I don't care! She's mine. He can't have her."
TABLO: "You better take good care of her."
CHELLE: "Tablo oppa, Se7ven oppa stop! I'm not in the mood to have a fight with Jiyong."
YB: "You will be amazed how Jiyong gets jealous."
DS: "It's fascinating to watch. You will be thrilled."
GD: "Yah!"

Jeez! Why can't they just stop teasing Jiyong? It's been more than a week since our last fight. These boys, they just don't listen.

TOP: "I and Gian will go bck to the hotel. Night everyone!"
GD: "Hyung stay here for a while, you and Gian just disappeared for 2 weeks. Let's drink!"
TOP: "Let's do that when we go back to Seoul. I'm really tired."
SE7EN: "Yah! You two, you're hiding something from us."
TOP: "Night!" He said while smiling to Se7en.
DS: "I'll come with you hyung. I'm so sleepy."
TABLO: "Okay! Let's drink without them."

TOP, Dae and Gian went back to the hotel. To be honest with you he can't drink, he has to rest. We have an early flight tomorrow. We're going back to Seoul then go to Jeju.

They order beer and continue to tease Jiyong.

SR: "My girlfriend what did you do with Ilwoo?"
CHELLE: "We ride in a cable car then we went skiing."
SE7EN: "Wow! Jiyong-ah did you watch WGM ep."
YB: "He can't watch it. He will go thermonuclear again, hyung."
TABLO: "Jiyong you're a jealous boyfriend."

Before someone talks again, I grab the beer in Jiyong's hands and drink it. Bottoms up! I wipe some beer that spill in my mouth with the back of my hands.

CHELLE: "Let's go, baby. I'm sleepy."
GD: "But if she get's pissed you can never calm her down."
SE7EN: "You're afraid of her? Whoa! That's epic."
CHELLE: "Yah, oppa stop teasing and bullying my baby. Please?" I said and pout.
TABLO: "Fine! Want another bottle Chelle?"
GD: "No hyung. She's not a drinker. I don't want to sleep outside our room."

We laugh to what GD said. His mood switches. He just shrugged his shoulder to what his hyung said. He's smiling but I know his getting annoyed. We stayed for a couple of minutes before we head back to our hotel to rest.

My head is a bit spinning because of the beer. I felt Jiyong carry me in his arms on our way to our room.

GD: "You okay baby?"
CHELLE: "Yup! But I think I want to blow." I said and run to the bathroom.

Jiyong followed me and rub my back gently.

GD: "Why did you drink that beer? You know you're not used to drinking."
CHELLE: "Because I know you're pissed and I don't think of any idea how to save you from them."
GD: "You really know me huh?!"
CHELLE: "Of course, Jiyong. Even your snore. I can recognize it."
GD: "I don't snore!"
CHELLE: "Yes you are. Let's shower. I smell stinky." 
GD: "Want to shower together?"

Before I could answer, we heard someone knocks on the door. Jiyong went to open the door. I wash my mouth and followed him. To my surprise Ilwoo is standing on our door step.

ILWOO: "I just came here to thank you for the dinner."
CHELLE: "You're welcome, Ilwoo. It's okay!" I said and hold on to Jiyong's arm.
ILWOO: "Thank you again. Good night! Jiyong." He said and bow then left.

That guy, he can just text to thank me. Aigoo! What will I do with my dragon? He's so fired up.

CHELLE: "Baby, let's shower."
GD: "I'm sleepy, baby. I'll shower tomorrow."

I walk towards him and sit in his lap facing him. I snake my arms around his neck and lean my forehead to him. I felt his arms around my waist.

CHELLE: "I'm yours, you know that. YOURS! ALONE!" I said and kiss the tip of his nose.
GD: "Yes you're mine. MINE! ALONE!"

Jiy0ng starts tickling me. I get off balance and fall on the floor. My head hit the carpeted floor.

CHELLE: "Ouch!"
GD: "Oh God! I'm sorry, baby! I'll call the hotels clinic. Where does it hurt? I'll bring you to the hospital."
CHELLE: "Hey baby relax. I'm okay!"
GD: "Are you sure?!" 
CHELLE: "Yup! Just kiss the part that hurts and the pain will gone." I said while pointing my head.

He leans to kiss it. I close my eyes and just like magic the pains gone. Jiy0ng scoop me in his arms and lay me to bed gently. He takes off my shoes and pulls a boxers and his shirt in his suitcase and give to me. He went the the bathroom and change too.

He lay beside and kiss me in my forehead. I turn and lay on top of him.

CHELLE: "We'll have the whole day tomorrow. And guess what I'll be the one to dress you for the show."
GD: "That’s great! We can roam around in Jeju after the show. The last time we're there was not so good."
CHELLE: "Yup! Teach me to swim again, baby. I'll tell Mr.Kang to cancel my schedules on the following day so we can stay for another day. I want you for the whole day! No phone calls, emails and no internet. Gosh, I can't have you even for a single minute. You're so busy."
GD: "That's why we're going to Paris after my world tour. Because I want to be with you. ALONE. No Ilwoo, no my boyfriend, no PP and no Rain. You're mine all by myself." He said and reaches for my neck and gently pulls me towards him.

He kisses deeply and leave me breathless.

GD: "Sleep Mrs.Kwon, we need to get up early tomorrow."
CHELLE: "I love you Kwon Jiyong! So much! You are my life."
GD: "I love you more, baby. And you're the air that I breathe."

He kisses my forehead, the tip of my nose, both of my cheeks and my lips before we both head our way to dream land.



It's 5 in the morning; I and Chelle are ready to go. We're just waiting for Mr.Kim and Mr.Kang. We have an early flight back to Seoul because I'm going to Jeju to shoot for a talk show. It was tiring but I'm not complaining especially now that I'm with my baby.

CHELLE: "Baby after the shoot can we explore Jeju?"
GD: "No problem baby, let’s go. We might miss our flight."

When we arrive in Jeju the whole crew is busy preparing for the shoot, me and Chelle roam around the location. How I wish we are always like this. Seeing her with other guy makes me so jealous. The way she cares for him makes me go nuts. I really don't know why I'm acting this way. I'm much more territorial when it comes to her.

The shoot starts, me and the hosts ride in a hot air balloon. How I wish Chelle is with me. Jeju is more beautiful up here. After the hot air balloon they told me that I'm going to cook. Wait! What? Cook?

MC: "Jiyong-ah do you know how to cook?"
GD: "Does pouring hot water to instant ramen counted as cooking?"
MC: "No!" 
GD: "I'm not a good cook! Hahaha!"
MC: "Do you cook for someone you love?" 
GD: "Yes, but it didn't turned out nice."
MC: "Really? What happen?"
GD: "Hmmm I decided to cook for her, her friend and the Bigbang members but they don't like it."
MC: "What did they say?"
GD: "Her friend told me not to wear apron again and they decided to order food for our dinner."
MC: "You put a lot of effort but they don't appreciate it."
GD: "I don't appreciate my own cooking also."
MC: "Hahaha! So it means you're in a relationship now?"
GD: "...?"
MC: "You can tell us, I remember TOP-sshi confess that his in a relationship."
GD: "I'm happy for him." 
MC: "Is that a couple ring?"
GD: "....?"
MC: "Silence means yes!"

I saw Chelle leap up from her chair and was about to leave.

GD: "Well I'm happy right n0w. We're both happy. I just wanted to keep our relationship private so I can protect and have her alone."

Chelle went back to her seat teary eyed. I saw her mouthed I love you. I wait till the camera wasn't focus on me before I say I love you to her.

MC: "When do you think is the right time for you to get married? You have plans? Have you proposed to her?"
GD: "I can say that I'm ready to settle down anytime. We have talked about it but we're both busy right now and I haven't proposed to her yet.
MC: "Why don't you proposed to her now? I believe she's right here."
GD: "As much as I wanted noona I will. But I want to put effort when I propose. She's no ordinary girl. She deserves the best. I just wish she'll say yes when I ask her." 
MC: "Lucky girl! Anyways how will you see yourself 10yrs from now?"
GD: "No, I'm the lucky guy. A cool dad, good husband and probably still doing music."
MC: "Any plans of taking in charge of YGE since you're President Yang's favorite?"
GD: "I don't think so. I'd rather write and make songs than run a company. I live for music. It's my passion. If my works doesn't give energy to people then I'll quit this job."
MC: "Thank you for sharing a part of you with us GD. It's amazing to know you much deeper. I'm sure a lot of your fans are very happy right now for sharing us a part of you."

I stand up and give them my 90 degree bow. This people deserve this. Without them, I'm nothing. And I feel so relieve when I finally tell the world that I'm with someone. TOP hyung's right, nothing happen bad when you tell people you're in a relationship. It makes me live my life easily now.

When everyone’s gone I give Chelle a back hug. She's helping my makeup artist put the makeups in the box.

GD: "Time to enjoy Jeju, baby. Ready to swim?"
CHELLE: "Yup! But let’s take a rest first. You've been in front of the camera for the whole day."

I kiss her then kn0t my hands to her as we walk back to our hotel room.

After a couple of hours, we prepare for our dinner by the pool. I'm sitting in the bed waiting for her. Aist girls! Why are they taking a lot of time using the bathroom? I was about to stand up to knock the bathroom when I saw the door opens. My eyes glow and my jaw dropped literally when I saw my girl wearing 2piece. Pink really looks good on her.

GD: "Hi gorg0oeus! Let's go. We'll have dinner first." 
CHELLE: "Hell handsome! Wait, I forgot to tell you something."

She walks towards me and stand in between my legs. I rest my hands on her waist while tracing her gdrag0n tat with my thumb. She holds my face with her both hands and lifts it up. She lean her face close to mine and starts raining kisses all over my face.

GD: "Hmmm do you want something? I can sense it. You're so cheesy."
CHELLE: "Nothing! I just want to say thank you, back there." 
GD: "Sshhh trust me baby I feel better. I love you and I want you to be happy."
CHELLE: "I love you too, baby. Thank you again. Let’s eat I'm hungry."
GD: "Okay! But wear this first." I said and hand her my shirt.

We had dinner first and swim till we're tired. I teach her again to swim but she's too afraid to be left in the deeper part of the pool. We laugh while playing in the pool. Splashing water with each other. Go to the pool side and watch the stars. This is life and I want us to be like this forever. With her. Me and her. FOREVER!



The next day we all head back to Seoul except for the slow couple. While waiting for our flight, Ri squeezes his whole body to sit between me and Tabi.

SR: "Hyung, can I borrow your girlfriend when we go back to Seoul?"
TOP: "Girlfriend?"
SR: "Aish! Can I borrow Gian from you, for just a couple of hours?"
TOP: "Where are you going?"
SR: "Somewhere! Hmmm to my friend’s house."
TOP: "Okay!"
SR: "Thanks hyung." He said as he turns to me. "Let's bond later Gian."

When we arrive at the apartment, Ri waste no time he drags me out before I can even give TOP a kiss. Mr.Lee is waiting for us in the car. Riri is in a hurry; while Mr.Lee drives I turn to Ri.

GIAN: "Where are we going?"
SR: "Ilwoo's house."
GIAN: "Why?"
SR: "Minho's worried about Ilwoo so we have to pay him a visit."

I gaze at the window and trying to remember what happen yesterday. When we're in China, it seems Ilwoo is fine yesterday after the concert. Mr.Lee suddenly speaks.

MR.LEE: "We're here!"
GIAN: "Thank you Mr.Lee!"
MR.LEE: "No problem!" 
SR: "I'll call you later." 
MR.LEE: "Okay! I'll be staying to the girl's apartment to wait for your call."

When we arrive, Minho is already there. Ilwoo is sitting in the couch shocked.

ILWOO: "What are you doing here?"
MINHO: "I invited them to come over."
ILWOO: "Why?"
MINHO: "Why? Since you came this morning you never stop drinking." He looks at me and Ri then continues. "That's his 2nd bottle of wine. I keep asking him what happen but he didn't want to talk to me."
SR: "Ilwoo-sshi what happen? Tell us".
ILWOO: "I'm fine! Drink with me. There's a beer and soju, there's also red and white wine in the mini bar. Help yourselves."

I sit in the couch beside Ri and frown at Ilwoo and I know his tipsy.

ILWOO: "Don't frown. You just came back from vacation and we didn't have time to talk yesterday."
MINHO: "You're with Ilwoo yesterday?"
GIAN: "Yup! We went to China for WGM and we watch Bigbang's concert."
MINHO: "Yah Ilwoo you told me you're not with Chelle yesterday."
SR: "You’re jealous aren't you?"

Ilwoo ignore us, he stand and head towards the mini bar, grab another red wine and a couple of beers.

ILWOO: "What do you guys want to eat? Do you want me to cook or if you want we can order something."
SR: "I don't like to eat, sit down tell us what's your problem."

Ilwoo keeps diverting the topic. It's very clear that he doesn't want to talk about it and it's very frustrating because we wanted to help him. Time went by, Ilwoo consume another bottle of red wine, and Minho decides to cook ramen for us while I clear the table. Ri went to the restroom then Ilwoo went to the living room. He sits on the couch and stares at nothing. I approach him and sit next to him.

GIAN: "I heard you go over the top with the valentine dinner you prepared for my friend."

I just receive a bitter sweet smile from him.

GIAN: "And I heard you fill our whole apartment with roses."
ILWOO: "Did she like it?"
GIAN: "Of course she likes it, who doesn't?"

Ri sit in the couch opposite to us then Minho followed him.

ILWOO: "I went to her hotel room last night to thank her for the dinner and I'm in complete shocked when Jiyong opens the door."

Ri, Minho and I looked at each other. Then Ilwoo continues. Thank God his talking.

ILWOO: "My whole world collapsed in front of me. The way she clings to Jiyong, it really breaks my heart. I try, really try to not fall for her but I can't."

Ilwoo bow his head then to our surprise he began to sob and cry.

ILWOO: "I don't know what to do anymore. She's within my reach but I can't call her mine. She's beside me but her heart is somewhere else."

Ri stands up and get a glass of water, he gives it to Ilwoo and ask him to drink it. All the alcohol I drink a while ago leaves my body. I'm no longer drunk. He really loves my friend.

MINHO: "You know that you're special to Chelle right?"
ILWOO: "I know! I want her to love me like the way I love her but I know I can't force her to do that."
GIAN: "Here eat this ramen. It will help you feel better and please don't cry, my friend will worry."

Me and Ri are about to leave when Ilwoo follow us.

ILWOO: "Can you please don't mention this to Chelle?"
SR: "Don't worry, we won't tell her."
GIAN: "Go to bed and take a rest okay? Minho stays with him."
ILWOO: "Think you for coming. Text me or Minho when you arrive home."
MINHO: "Bye Ri! Bye Jandi!"

We arrive back to the apartment. Me and Ri we're both silent, both shocked. We both sit in the couch; Tabi keeps on sniffing me and Ri.

SR: "Hyung what are you doing? You're not a dog, you're a dinosaur."
TOP: "Dino's can sniff too and my nose tells me you're both been drinking and hon I like your new ring."
GIAN: "Me too, I like my new ring."
SR: "How many couple ring are you planning to buy?" 
TOP: "Our flight is booked. We're going to watch Dae's concert. Where did you go hon?"
GIAN: "Ilwoo's house." 
SR: "Don't tell me you're jealous, hyung."
TOP: "No! Why would I? I'm not Jiyong and besides I don't have any reason to be jealous."
SR: "Good! I can only handle one sad story a time."
TOP: "Sad story?"
SR: "I just realized how Ilwoo love my girlfriend so much and it breaks my heart to see him like that."

Ri became silent. He's right and now I know how deep Ilwoo's feelings for my friend.

SR: "I want to tell Ilwoo that he should keep a distance to my girlfriend for a while but I know my girlfriend will be sad and he's the one who's always there for my girlfriend every time things turn bad between her and GD."
GIAN: "I don't think Ilwoo can do that."
TOP: "Instead of asking Ilwoo to keep a distance to her, why don't you ask Chelle to keep away from Ilwoo!"
GIAN: "It's hard since they work together."
TOP: "Well in that case we don't have any choice, let's just all hope that Ilwoos feelings for Chelle will go away." 
SR: "Aish! My head hurts, good thing me and my girlfriend already have a daughter. I'm a cool and not a jealous type of husband!"
TOP: "Whatever! We have to go."
SR: "Yah! Stay here. Don't go!"

Me and Tabi decides to stay, Bae joins us in the living room. He complains that Ri is so loud thats why he can’t sleep. I wonder how Ilwoo is doing right now? I hope his okay and taking a rest, good thing Minho is staying with him for the night. He is so worried for his friend. I hope everything will be okay.


After spending quality time together, I and my baby boy went back to Seoul. How I wish we can stay longer but we have so many works to be done. Smile never leaves my face. We arrived in the apartment and found everyone in the living room.

CHELLE: "Hello everybody! We're back! Hi my boyfriend I miss you."
SR: "I miss you too, my girlfriend!" He said and gives me a bear hug. 
YB: "You seem enjoyed Jeju. How's the trip?"
CHELLE: "Short but worth it! And guess what Bae, I already know how to swim."
GD: "Only if her feet still touches the ground." He said and gives me a kiss in the cheeks and went inside our room.

Everyone laughs at me when I p0ut. Well he's right! I panicked when I don't feel my feet touching the ground. I giggled and sit beside Ri and tell them what happen in Jeju.

TOP ordered food for us. Hmmm the dino is in good mood. He didn't let Ri pay the food. I miss Dae already. I wish he's here with us. I went to our room to call GD but he's sleeping soundly in the bed.

While eating, I decided to tell them about my plan for my baby's concert.

CHELLE: "I'm going to be GD's surprise guest."
GIAN: "You got to be kidding me, Chelle! I'm sure he's expecting you."
CHELLE: "Yah Gian, don’t ruin the mood. We already think about it but this time is different."
SR: "Sounds exciting. What are you going to do, my girlfriend?"
CHELLE: "It's a surprise my boyfriend. I'll make your mouth hang open."
SR: "Oh no my girlfriend! Are you going to do what we did in the Strong Baby MV?"
CHELLE: "Of course not! Do you want me to get ban my boyfriend? Aigoo! I won't do it again. Crazy!"
YB: "Any clue?"
CHELLE: "Well I'm going to need your help, Bae. I have this thing in mind but still undecided. I'll tell you if I already have a decision okay?"
YB: "No problem, Chelle. I'll be glad to help! Want to collab with me?"
CHELLE: "Good idea! Let's make a song together. Tabi can you teach me how to do beat boxing? I want to learn how."
TOP: "Hahaha! Is that a joke? You're too skinny and I'm sure your lungs can't handle it."
CHELLE: "Gian your boyfriend is bullying me again."
GIAN: "Who's boyfriend?"
CHELLE: 'Tabi. Bingu TOP. DinoTOP."
SR: "Yah! I'll teach you my girlfriend." He said and beat box.

Everyone laugh at Ri. His face turns red. He shakes his head and wipes his mouth.

SR: "Jeez, it’s hard!" 
TOP: "Such a babo. You can't beat me with that, maknae. You still have lots to eat."
CHELLE: "Just teach me. I want to try it."
YB: "Chelle, I would like to thank you."
CHELLE: "For what?"
YB: "For not fighting with Jiyong for a week."
CHELLE: "I'm glad we survive a week without fighting."
TOP: "The maknaes have a bet and Ri is the one who lost."
CHELLE: "What bet?"
TOP: "Dae bet that the two of you won't fight while Ri bet that you two will fight. Ri lost!"
CHELLE: "Yah you two. I thought you're happy for us because we didn't fight."
YB: "It's just a brotherly bet, don't worry Chelle."
SR: "Don't worry? The bet is made between the two of us but I end up paying our dinner in China."
CHELLE: "That's called karma my boyfriend."

Days have passed; Dae and GD's concert is getting close. They are both busy preparing for it. Tonight most of the YGE singers will surprise Se7en oppa in his Thank U concert. His enlistment is just around the corner and I'm sure his fans will miss him badly.

Days pass by. We're all busy with our own schedules and commitments. GD spends all his time in YGE's studio doing and perfecting his songs. I attend my own commitments and drop to YGE to check for Jiyong. It's our daily routine since we arrived from Seoul.

We attend Se7en Thank U concert. It's his farewell concert before his enlistment. Me and Gian left in the VIP seat as the boys went to the backstage to prepare their surprise for Se7en.

Se7en is thanking his fans and all the people who supports and believe in him when 2ne1, Gummy, Lee Hi and the Bigbang boys entered the stage with a cake.

Jiyong is singing a song as he enters the stage that made Se7en cry. He's really got surprise with his dongsaeng's and noona.

YB: "I thought this is a farewell concert so I decided to write goodbye and sayonara in the flowers."

Se7en approach YB and hit him with his towel.

SR: "Don't worry, hyung I will help you meet some girl groups."

Everyone laughs to what Ri said. This kid! He's cuteness never failed to surprise us.

SR: "Let's throw Se7en hyung in the air seven times for his enlistment."

The girls step aside in the corner of the stage. The 5 boys lift Se7en and throw him in the air seven times. They we're all catching their breaths when they put Se7en down. Aigoo! It's much tiring than Hwangsabbu's workout program. My poor baby!

After the concert we attended the after party. It's mixed emotions. I wonder how Hanbyul feels right now about Se7en oppa's entering the military service.

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Onewismine #1
Chapter 113: Hope this can be finished 😭😭. Waiting till now for your update authornimmmm
fLirty_haiLey18 #2
Guys I'm sorry for not updating. Been so very busy. I'll try to update soon. Thank you!
seamusmommy #3
Chapter 113: hi! Will you be continuing this story?
mikkydragon #4
Chapter 113: update soon.............
Ashleybswt #5
Chapter 113: What was in the envelope to make him run? Please don't tell me history will repeat itself.
Ashleybswt #6
Chapter 112: This should be good seungri with a plan.
Ashleybswt #7
Chapter 111: Wow I almost forgot about this story. I wish her and jiyong were more than friends.
Ashleybswt #8
Chapter 110: I re read this chapter, but I really up they get back together he is her dragon. I pity them both because they both lost precious time together.
marissachan #9
Please continue the story. the story seems interesting.
seamusmommy #10
Chapter 110: I don't know... :(