Me and my Dragon

My graduation came but still they refuse to celebrate it with me. Noona, my parents and my wife are all present in my big day but all want to go home after the ceremony. Because of my disappointment I throw tantrums like a 3 years old kid. My wife and my mother just giggled in my behavior.

Because of my sour mood I climbed out of the car last. See, they even left me alone inside the car. But when I enter our house I almost jump in shock when everyone shout surprise.

I don't know what to say. I was speechless for a moment. Chelle walk towards me and kiss me. I kiss her back not minding everyone around us. Matthew hyung and Seungri teases us to get a room but I don't care.

Everyone is present in the party. Drinking, chatting and laughing. Even my parents joined the fun. My wife is somewhere in the garden showing hospitality to our guest, Jiyong and Dae goofing around, my loyal security guards and my manager are all in my house to celebrate with me. Big thanks to my wife.

"Hey!" I greeted. "You having fun?" I ask

"Of course! We're part of this plan." Gian said.

"Yah! Thank you! My life's perfect." I said while staring at my wife. She's pouting because Minho for sure is teasing her again.

"Not really Ilwoo-ssh." Seungri commented.

And why is that?"

"Because you still don't have a baby yet. You know I don't understand you sometimes. Look at my girlfriend. She's so damn hot ang gorgeous. If I'm her husband I'm sure she's pregnant with our 5th kid."

"Yaaaah! Watch watch you mouth, maknae. Sorry about that Ilwoo." Gian apologized and elbowed Seungri.

"I'm just kidding. But I think you really should have a baby Ilwoo. And if she's a girl no one is allowed to come near her because I'm going to be her future husband."

"Hahahahaha! You're so funny Seungri-ahh. Now I know why my wife loves you. Don't worry I'll keep that in mind. Cheers!" I said and rase my glass for a toss.

"Can I have my husband back?" Chelle appeared all of a sudden and drag me inside the house.

"Where are we going, yeobo?"

"Somewhere!" She answered and instructed me to change. Without knowing where to go, I do what I told. Matthew drive us to the airport and after a few hours I found myself infront of her mother. We're in the Philippines. But what are we doing here?

We stayed for a moment in their house before we left to Gid knows where. My wife abduct me once again. She's smiling the whole time and whenever I ask here where are we going.

"Almost there, yeobo!" She said while taking my hand.

I stop my tracks when I saw a familiar place. A boat is waiting for us in the shore. I turned to her and she nods while a sweet smile is flastered on her face.

"Let's go!" She pushed me towards the boat playfully.

"You never fail to amazed me, yeobo. I love you!"

"I love you too, Ilwoo. Now get in the boat. Your island is waiting for you."

I smiled at her and rode the boat. After traveling to the clear water, I remove my shoes and shirt and jump in the ocean when I spotted the island before we reach the shore. My wife keeps calling me to go back to the boat because she's so worried that I might drown. The water is a bit deep but it feels so good. I so love this place. I want to build our dream house in this paradise. I think I should ask my lawyer to make some legal actions in buying the property. For sale or not for sale.

"I wish this place is mine." I said while looking in the ocean. We're sitting in the shore while watching the sun dive into the ocean. She stands up and returned with an envelop in her hands.

"Wish granted." She said while giving me the envelop.

I looked at her with confused face and slowly take the paper out of the envelop. My eyes grew wide as I examine the document. I turned to her and she just nods.

"Congratulations yeobo. I love you!"

Instead of answering her, I grab her face and showered it with kisses. I return the paper inside and put a stone on top of the envelop then guide her to stand up and lift her up in the air. All I hear is her squeals and giggles telling me to put her down.

"You never fail to amazed me, Mrs. Jung Ilwoo." I rest my forehead to hers without letting her go.


"And I love you with all my heart for the rest of my life!" I said and kiss her with so much love. "But how?"

"Well you have connections, I have charms."

"I thought I'm the king of surprises. You're indeed my wife. You're the queen of surprises." We both laugh to what I said.

This is life! It's always perfect when I'm with her. We both spend our vacation like living out lives to fullest in my island. We stayed a couple of days before heading back to Seoul.


"What is going on here?" She asked confusely when I blind fold her one night. She just came from a tiring rehearsal in YGE.

"Trust me, yeobo!" I answered her as I guided her to the renovated room.

I open the door and push her gently inside the room. I set the camcorder to capture every moment of her reaction.

"Wait here." I whispered in her ears then walk beside the baby crib. "You can take you blindfold out." I watch her as ahe slowly blinked her eyes. "SURPRISEEEEEEEEEE!"

Her eyes are widely open. Her reaction is priceless! Her tears starts falling like waterfalls in her cheeks. She runs to me and buried her face in my chest.

"You liked it?"

"Very much!" She answered in between sobs. "It's so beautiful yeobo. I love it! I really do. Oh my God. You made me so happy. Does this mean?"

"Yes! It's about time to have little Ilwoo and little Chelle in this house to make this completely a home and us as family. But after your family concert world tour. We're going to France for our second honeymoon."

"Second? You mean first?" She teased me.

"Whatever yeobo. Let's go to our room so you can rest."

"Can we sleep here? I want to sleep here." How can I say no when she's making a cute face? I pinched her nose and nods.

The following day of our marriage life becomes more colorful. She leaves YGE early so we can shop the things we still needs in our nursery room. She's so hands on in every details of the room. She's definitely going to be a great mom.

A few weeks before the YG family concert starts I receive a news that will flip my whole world. 

"Are you sure about this Atty. Waltz?" I ask as I scan the documents once again.

"Yes sir. The documents says it. It's legit. She's not.." I raise my hand to stop him from what he's about to say next.

"Thank you, Richard. Keep your lines open. I'll be needing you to make some documents and cancel the trip going to New Caledonia and all my schedules for the next 2 weeks. You can go."

I thought everything about us will be okay. But why is this happening to us? To me? All I want is to be happy. To make her happy but why? I rest my head on top on my table and silently cry. Is this the end of my forever? 

After crying for I don't know how long, I found myself in my parents house. I already made my decision. 

"Appa I need your help." I said as soon as I enter his office. Umma got surprised with my looks and the seriousness of my voice. "Can you use your connection to get me a schedule in entering the camp? I want to go on the military training ASAP."

Umma stands up and reach for my hand. I turned to her and saw a concerned and confuse look on her beautiful face.

"What's wrong, Ilwoo?" She ask worriedly.

"I need space to breath and I need time to think. Chelle and... Chelle and I are... I don't know what to do umma, Appa. It's so painful. It hurts like hell." I break down and collapse on my knees. 

"What are you trying to say, Ilwoo? What do you mean? Did you two fight again? What happen?" Umma ask me non stop.

Instead of answering her, I give her the brown envelop. I watch her read the documents to answer her own questions.

"She's not his..."

"Yes umma. And when Chelle finds about it I don't know what will happen. I know she loves me but she loves him more than me. I will die if she leaves me that's why I want to leave first. I cannot bear to watch her walk away from me and run back to him." 

My parents didn't say a word. My mother just hugs me and gently rubbing my back while letting me cry in her arms. 


"Yeobo promise I will be back before the con starts. I need to go to Japan for business." I lied to her for the nth time. I'm sorry Chelle but I doing this for you.

I called my lawyer, Chelle's security - Paul and Grayson, Minho and Matthew to meet me in my parents house. Appa already settled my schedule in entering the camp.

"Paul and Grayson I want you to watch Chelle carefully 24/7. I want you both to take care of her while I'm away. Atty. Waltz will give you your salary when I'm gone. Never let her out of your sight. The person who wants to hurt her is still out there. Keep her safe. You can go. And don't tell her about this meeting. She don't need to know. She'll just worries. Thank you." 

"What leaving are you talking about Ilwoo?" Matthew ask when the 2 security left the room. Umma holds his arms and shakes her head to Matthew.

"Atty. Waltz keep working in her case. I want result when I get back. The island, transfer it to her name. Did you bring my marriage contract?" He nods and hand it to me. "Book her a flight going to Italy. Thank you again. See you soon, Richard. I'll trust the rest to you."

Matthew and Minho only watched me from their seats. I waited for my lawyer to leave the room before I start facing the 2 guys who is just as confuse as hell and wants to bury me alive. Appa and Umma also leaves the room and left me an assuring smile in their faces. Thank you God for giving me a parents like them.

"What going on here, Ilwoo? What the hell are you doing?" Matthew said in gritted teeth while Minho is holding his arms.

I give him the documents and give them time to read and process the infos in their brain.

"You and Chelle are no..." Minho said. Shocked.

"Yes! We're not.."

"Damn it, Ilwoo! What's wrong with you?" Matthew shouted while holding my collar. "Are you out of you mind?"

"Hyung it's over. Just let it go." I said as I remove his grip from my collar. "It's all over now, hyung. I'm tired. You won't understand me for now but in time you will. Hyung please help her remember what happened that night. Don't give up on her. She will get there just help her. I don't trust any doctor but you. Coz I know she's safe with you. Don't leave her. She needs you. Your presence can make her smile. Take care of her. You know how much I love that girl and I want you to take care of her. Hyung please?"

"I don't know what's gotten into your brain for you to decide like this but you can count on me. I love that girl also. She's a good person. If your hurting because of her I know she has no intention of giving you pain. Don't worry I'll take care of her just promise me one thing. Keep safe and take care of yourself inside the camp. Goodluck Ilwoo."

"Thank you hyung." We hug each other before I turn to my bestfriend.

"Dont leave me, Ilwoo-shhi. I thought we're going to enter the military together. Why are you leaving me?" Minho complain that sends laughter in the room. He's trying to lighten the mood.

"Don't stop bullying Chelle, Minho. Not to pissed her off but to make her pout always. You know how much she looks so cute when she pouts. Accompany her in her shooting career. The last time we went there she beats me. Look after her while I'm inside. I know you love her that's why you keeps teasing her. And if given a chance to cast in the same kdrama ask the director to be her partner. She's comfortable with you and I know you will take care of her. And don't worry when you enter the camp I will accompany you. Thank you guys for always being there for me."

We hug each other and give each other a brotherly tap on the shoulder. Bad things happens but there are still good things around you that needs to be thankful for. People around me respect my decision. They just let me do what I needed to do. I didn't go to Japan like what I told her. I did the stalking thing again. I follows her wherever she goes. And I found her and Bae in her favorite restaurant talking about Jiyong.

Her answers made me smile. But I know and I can feel she still loves him. How can you unlove the person even how much pain he brought when he was your world? You cannot just throw away the love. It only lessen but it will not fade away. I witness how much Chelle loves Jiyong before and up until now. It hurts but it's true. We've been together for a couple of years but she still loves him. Truth hurts. I love her and I promise to make happy.

Days quickly pass by. YGE family concert is over. And now we're heading to airport for her to continue what she left behind and for me to bid goodbye to my forever. 

"I'm sorry Chelle but you have to do this. Alone. I know how much you love him. Everyday, every night you keep telling ,me how much you love him. I'm giving you back to him now. This is your chance."

"But I love you Ilwoo. Why are you pushing me back to him?"

"Because it's the right thing to do. Yes , you love me but you love him more than me. I hate to do this. It rally hurts like hell but I have to coz I promise you that I will make you happy. That's why I'm giving you your happiness. Don't put my sacrifices to go waste Chelle."

"Ilwoo I love you. And I will come back to you. I love you and I mean every word of it. I just hope you believe me everytime I say those words because it's what I truely feel. He's my past and you're my present and.."

"He's your future Chelle. It's always been him. Always remember that I love you dearly and I will always love you no matter what. Thank you for giving me chance to be with you. But like any other fairy tales our story needs to end. Too bad it's not a happy ending for me. But I'm still happy coz I know you'll be happy. Goodbye yeobo!"

I open the car door for her and guide her outside the car. I start the car and leave the airport without looking back at her. You will always be my yeobo forever even my forever ends here.





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Onewismine #1
Chapter 113: Hope this can be finished 😭😭. Waiting till now for your update authornimmmm
fLirty_haiLey18 #2
Guys I'm sorry for not updating. Been so very busy. I'll try to update soon. Thank you!
seamusmommy #3
Chapter 113: hi! Will you be continuing this story?
mikkydragon #4
Chapter 113: update soon.............
Ashleybswt #5
Chapter 113: What was in the envelope to make him run? Please don't tell me history will repeat itself.
Ashleybswt #6
Chapter 112: This should be good seungri with a plan.
Ashleybswt #7
Chapter 111: Wow I almost forgot about this story. I wish her and jiyong were more than friends.
Ashleybswt #8
Chapter 110: I re read this chapter, but I really up they get back together he is her dragon. I pity them both because they both lost precious time together.
marissachan #9
Please continue the story. the story seems interesting.
seamusmommy #10
Chapter 110: I don't know... :(