Chapter 8

Less Than Perfect

Yoseob looked at me. "Hah," he scoffed. "You're Jieun?"

"...Yup," I nervously studied his face for any sign of...well, anything."I suffered from amnesia after the car accident, so I can't remember anything before age...about 11 or 12."

"Are...are you serious?" he examined me. "You're not lying to me, are you? People have pulled this before..." he said warily.

"I swear, I would never lie to you, especially something about this..."

"Oh, I know! Jieun and I had matching freckles on our...oh god this is gonna sound weird but do you mind turning around?" Yoseob pressed his lips together. My heart beat fast as I did as he asked. Why am I so nervous...I have to be his Jieun. If I look like her, and have the same name...the stories match up too perfectly to be a coincidence-WHAT THE HELL!? Yoseob had pulled up my shirt, revealing my back.

"YOSEOB WHAT THE HELL-" I screeched, grabbing my shirt and pulling it back down. 

"Sorrysorrysorry! I was just checking for the matching freckle," he shook his head. "Do you mind...?"

"Uh, yeah, okay then...but a warning would have been nice, before you pull my shirt up in front of the ENTIRE WORLD," I laughed. This time, more gently, Yoseob slid my shirt up, giving me slight goosebumps. His cold finger tapped a spot on my back. 

"Jieun..." he mumbled as he suddenly scooped me into a back hug. "Jieun I missed you so much..." I heard sniffles, and being the awkward that I am, I just stood there.

RING! RING! The bell sounded, indicating the start of homeroom. 

"!" we cried together as we bolted towards our classroom.

"Oh yeah, just so you know, I have to leave early today so I can't walk home with you! Sorry!" he called.



"And that's it-" the teacher was cut off by the bell and the loud chatter of students packing up and heading to lunch. I walked by myself, Yoseob and I had different lunches today. Scanning the cafeteria, I caught a glimpse of Jinae. Smiling widely, I set my tray down next to her, but was answered with a glare. 

"Uh...Jinae?" I asked, confused.

"Not sitting with your boyfriend today?" she rolled her eyes. 

"My what? You mean Yoseob? He's not my boyfriend..."

"Well he might as well be, you spend all of your damn time with him. You haven't even LOOKED at me," Jinae snapped, with a genuinely hurt voice. 

"Jinae, I swear I don't mean to, I just have a lot on my mind..."

"Like Yoseob, right?"

"No, wrong. I'm having family issues, and life issues, and everything issues, but you wouln't know that, would you? If you were so pissed about the fact that I haven't talked to you, maybe you should've tried to contact me first!" I yelled.

"Well you never come to me anyways, so screw you!" she screamed as she stormed off. Well that wasn't good...


School ended, and the day was pretty uneventful. Yoseob wasn't going to be here, so I walked home on my own. I hadn't realized how much worse quieter my life actually was without him, and I had really gotten used to his bubbly personality. 


The next day, he didn't show up to school, and I was glared at by Jinae all day. I ended up eating in the courtyard on my own during lunch, earning a few looks from passer-bys and couples escaping to make out. Just look down and don't make eye contact.


Yoseob ended up not coming to school for the entire week, worrying me. I checked my phone, and seeing his contact, I dialed it. It rang 3 times, then cut off on the fourth to voicemail. Is he ignoring me...? I called again one more time just to be sure, and the same thing happened. I didn't want to be annoying, so I gave up. 

In order to get my mind off of him, I walked to the park and sat on the swing. It actually helped, the rhythmic squeak of the swing was somewhat relaxing. I heard faint laughter and talking, but they were familiar voices. I looked up and saw Yoseob running after some girl. Oh-Yoseob! ...Yoseob? 

Seeing him was a shock-he hadn't come to school for a week, and he had been completely ignoring my calls. He glanced up and met my gaze, but a panicked expression crossed his eyes. He stopped running, and called the girl over to him. Soon after, they turned around and started walking back the way they came. My heart shattered into pieces. I stood up and started back home, when the girl spun around and looked at me. Her whole face lit up, and Yoseob's disposition sunk even more. 

"JIEUN!!!!!" she screamed as she ran to me.






Hi guys<3 So I write SUPER short chapters so I thought I'd write something a little longer for a change...I really appreciate all of you taking the time to read this, and yeah. I love you all and comment down below on what you think of the story:) I mean it adds to your karma points so Bahaha so yeah thanks again and byeeee:)

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RokuKazami #1
Chapter 6: I love the cliff hanger in this chapter. But what I'm wondering is what Yoseob is doing near her house so late at night.
Chapter 11: Double update authornim! Yeay! Is Jenny like Yoseob O.o I'm so curious O.o
RokuKazami #3
Chapter 2: Yeseob is sooo cute!
DAEBAK! Update soon authornim! ^_^
Dear authornim,I am addicted with this story ^_^ Eventhough it's short but I can understand the story! It's interesting! Update soon authornim! ^_^
Chapter 6: U finally updated ^^ I missed u!!!
Update soon my dear authornim !! I loved the story. OMG yoseob >< cries.