Date Night

Less Than Perfect

Butterflies in my stomach began the second I woke up. Today is my date with Yoseob... "KYAAAHFHGKJVHWRSJFDFSC" I squealed. Skipping into the bathroom, I suddenly sighed heavily. Why would a person like Yoseob want to date me? I examined myself closer-chubby checks, a flat face, squinty eyes, a huge nose-the list of my imperfections goes on forever. Frowning, I covered my reflection. No, no. Yoseob must have a reason, not all boys are obsessed with looks only. Maybe your personality...I scoffed. Yeah, definitely not my personality. I'll...I'll just ask him later. I nodded and stepped into the shower.


"Jiyoon!" my mom sang from downstairs. "You have two hours until your date! Do you need help preparing?" I rolled my eyes.

"Mom, it's not that big of a deal! I don't need to prepare!" 

"Fine, fine." I heard her roll her eyes. Maybe I do need to prepare... Digging through my closet, I found 3 dresses and 4 pairs of shoes. I hate being a girl...what do I wear!? 

"Where are we going, anyways?" I mumbled to myself. Whipping out my phone, I quickly typed in Yoseob's number and sent him a message. 

Where are we going tonight? I need to know what to wear...>_<

His reply came seconds after:

It's a secret! Just wear something casual! ^-^

"All right, thanks for that..." I groaned. "That didn't help at all! Casual? What is casual!?" I shook my head and blindly grabbed from the pile of dresses I had set out. "Okay, fine." I was holding a simple lace dress, one of my favorites. "Welp, okay then," I threw it on and grabbed some simple flats as I rushed into the bathroom. Carefully doing my makeup so that I would look presentable, 2 hours passed like the blink of an eye. I sprinted downstairs as I heard the door open, and I saw Yoseob standing in front of my mom, holding his hand up to ring the bell. He was wearing dark wash jeans with a baby blue V-neck and a simple knit gray cardigan. He awkwardly lowered his hand and smiled. 

"H-hello," he bowed his head. 

"OH HELLO SWEETIE, HOW NICE OF YOU TO TAKE OUR JIYOONIE ON A DATE, YOU LOOK WONDERFUL," she gushed. I cringed in embarrassment and shook my head. 

"...thanks mom I'll be going kay bye." I grabbed my bag and rushed out the door. "Yoseob I'm so sorry oh my god my mom is so embarrassing honestly she's not always like that I swear just oh my god..."

He laughed in response, "Don't mumble! It's fine, it was cute." 

"Am I overdressed? I feel a little overdressed..." I mumbled again. 

"Nonono! It's fine! You look beautiful..." he trailed off, blushing madly. 

"Th-thanks, you look really nice too," I smiled brightly. 

"Shall we go?" Yoseob escorted me to his car and held the door open for me. 

"Thanks," I said shyly. Come on, this is your best friend! Stop being awkward! When he sat in the driver's seat, I spoke up. "So can you tell me where we're going now?" 

"Nope! It's a surpriseee!" he teased. I laughed at his childishness and faced the window, to try and get a clue.


Finally, the car slowed down. There was no designated parking lot, so he pulled over onto the side of the road. "Here we are! Let's go!" He cheered. Getting out and running over to my side of the car to open the door for me, he blushed and messed up his hair. I got out of the car and began to walk beside him, and he nonchalantly slipped his hand into mine, making my heart stop. The pink and orange sky illuminated the day, and I was positive that this was going to be absolutely perfect. After walking for 5 minutes, talking casually, we arrived at an old garden. As old and weathered as it was, it stood as tall and beautiful as possible. We walked through the old wooden gate and I took the scenery in. The crisp air smelled like fresh flowers mixed with the soft smell of him. There was a stone pathway that weaved through the garden, with wooden arches lining it. The arches were painted white, but it was obvious it had been a long time ago, for the paint was starting to peel, but it just added to the vintage effect. Each arch was colored in spirals of green, pink, yellow, blue, orange, purple-you name it. The flowers were so pretty. The place was magical-that's the only word that even came close to doing it justice. I sighed in the air and we resumed walking. "Close your eyes, Jieun." Yoseob's melodic voice made my heart beat faster and faster, but I did as he asked. To make sure I didn't peek, he held his hands over my eyes. His hands were extremely gentle, as if he were holding a flower. He guided me through the garden, and then he stopped. "Now, open." he took his hands away, and my breath was taken with them. There was a sparkly lake sitting in the middle of the flower beds. The setting sun reflected off of the calm water, sending colorful dancing light reflections everywhere. Some lily pads floated in the water and swayed back and forth.

"How did you find this place," I breathed. "This is...this is amazing!" I jumped and ran toward the water. Kicking off my shoes, I stuck my feet into the warm water.

Yoseob chuckled as he sat nex to me, "Do you remember something that you used to love?"


Yoseob looked at me and smirked. He puckered his lips and made a chirping bird noise.

"What the-that's so cool! Do it again!!" I beamed.


We sat there for a couple of minutes, when he stood up. "Yoseob? Where are you going?" I asked.

"There is one more thing I have planned. Follow me," he said. He led me around the lake to a small makeshift dock, where a small boat sat. He guided me in, and sat across from me. Oh my god, he's not gonna- Yoseob rolled up his sleeves and started to push the boat away with the oars. We paddled to the middle of the lake, and he smiled at me. "How is it?"

"How is it? Are you kidding me!?" I exclaimed. "This is...just oh my god. This is perfect. How did you-gahh," I shook my head. "This is amazing. Yoseob, you really outdid yourself," I said, looking at him passionately.

"Well I know what you like, so I thought I might as well..." he said sheepishly.

"Thank's beautiful." With those words, we settled into a comfortable silence and just silently watched the sun turn into stars.






I'm sorry. Like terribly sorry. It's been so long and I bet you forgot me and I'm sorry;-; I made it super long so I hope you enjoyed:)

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RokuKazami #1
Chapter 6: I love the cliff hanger in this chapter. But what I'm wondering is what Yoseob is doing near her house so late at night.
Chapter 11: Double update authornim! Yeay! Is Jenny like Yoseob O.o I'm so curious O.o
RokuKazami #3
Chapter 2: Yeseob is sooo cute!
DAEBAK! Update soon authornim! ^_^
Dear authornim,I am addicted with this story ^_^ Eventhough it's short but I can understand the story! It's interesting! Update soon authornim! ^_^
Chapter 6: U finally updated ^^ I missed u!!!
Update soon my dear authornim !! I loved the story. OMG yoseob >< cries.