I'm in love with my sister's crush!

-Hyun Ae- WTF?! Why is all the banana milk gone! Dx ! Oh well. I skipped over to Tae Min, who had 3874748382992384894300293984 bottles of banana milk! "YAH!!!! Why do you have so much banana milk and I have none!" I pouted. He noticed and grab a bunch and handed them to me. "Sorry~ I got carried away! Yah! Stop pouting!" He started to blush. Omg!! He looks soo cute! Ghad, I wanna pinch them! But Unni likes him (I think)! Besides he likes Unni too! That's it! I'm getting over him! But I can't! I've had this crush for 7 YEARS! "Thanks! Mmm... Where's hyung and unni?" we looked around and spotted them coming towards us. We waved giving them our maknae cuteness! "Awww!! You gotta stop doing that Dongsaengs!! It makes you too cute!!!!" Unni exclaimed pinching our cheeks until it was red. "Oppa? Can you get me lunch too? I'll watch them!" Jinki nodded and walked towards the chicken section. OBVIOUSLY! We all looked at each other bursting into uncontrollable laughter. By the time Jinki-hyung came back, we were calmed down but our faces were still red. A/N: Gamsahabnida!! You guys were patient! Thanks! I'm so sorry for the late update! It's just I've been busy with family things! Well I'll try to update tomorrow! Night night! (yes I wrote this before bed)

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Justa started reading this!!! IT'S AWESOOOOME!!! Update sooooon
update soon! :)