Congradulations!! We're Going On A Tour!!

I'm in love with my sister's crush!

*5 months after Debut Concert*


Omo!! It's been 5 months since they became popular!! Yooguen and Hyun Ae have been begging for more time together! Also, gues what?! We actually get to really adopt our kids!! Like actually make them our family!! I got permission so Yooguen's gonna be my son. Well, Hyun Ae's too because she refuses to NOT be his umma. Oh and also, Yooguen is starting kindergarten in September.

"APPA!! Can we go visit umma now?" Yooguen pouted. I chuckled because of his cuteness and nodded. "YAY! Let's go... NOW,' he yelled as he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the car. I drove us to the SM building and greeted the front desk lady. "UMMA!!!" Yooguen yelled when he saw his umma.

"Ah! Annyeoung Yooguen," she placed a kiss on his cheek as he giggled. "Annyeoung Oppa. What brings you guys here? And I thought that Yooguen had to go back to the adoption center today," Hyun Ae frowned.

"Ani, he's not here to say good-bye. Turns out that we are allowed to adopt the kids, like they become legally our kids, so I got permission from my parents and they allowed me to adopt him. Of course I put your name for the umma, hope you don't mind," I explained.

"Mind? Lee Jinki, How long have you known me to think that I would mind? Of course I want to be Yooguen's legal umma!! YAY!!! I seriously love you right now," she was jumping up and down and gave me a giant hug by surprise. It surprised Hyun Jae too because Hyun Ae's hugs are very rare. She only gives it when she's either (1) super happy, (2) has the biggest crush on someone ever (that one hasn't happened but she tells us these), (3) never gonna see you again, or (4) has a secret that will make you pissed off.

"Noona!! Guess what?! I adopted Mi Young!! I put Hyun Jae as umma since she practically begged me the other day. Mi Young, say hi to your imo." Tae Min came with Mi Young in his arms.

"Anyeounghesayo Imo Hyun Ae! Ajeossi  Onew! UMMA!!! ANYEOUNG YOOGUEN!!" Mi Young jumped out of Tae Min's arms and ran to give Yooguen a hug and Hyun Jae one too.

-Hyun Ae-

I watched this happy moment remembering that Chung Hee-oppa wanted to have a meeting with us about something important. "Hey guys? We have to meet up with Chung Hee-Oppa so just wait here, araso?" I asked. The boys nodded and we headed for Chung Hee's office. Bongie knocked and we went in.

"Annyeoung, oppa," we greeted.

"Annyeoung girls. Okay, we have something big to talk about. Boss wants you guys to go on tour soon! So since it's almost Easter break, you won't be missing much at school. I need you guys to pick who you want to take on the tour with you. Each of you can take only 2 people with you. Also tell me before this Wednesday. I also got your passports from your parents already and informed them of this. None of them wanted to come along. Our tour will cover Japan, China, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Thailand. Any questions?"

"Errr? Why Vietnam? The other countries, the famous bands always visit but Vietnam is very rare," JaeJae pointed out.

"Oh we are participating in the Korea-Vietnam friendship festivial. SNSD, Beast, SuJu, Miss A, Teen Top, IU, and some other bands will be there with us too." We all nodded understanding it now. "Well, that's it. You may go now Dongsaengs, BUT don't forget about the 2 people you want to take with you."

When we got back to Oppa, Tae Min, Yooguen, and Mi Young, JaeJae pulled Tae Min over. Eh? She can do it but I can't yet!?! Aish, I'm a whimp. "So what was the meeting about," Oppa asked.

"Oh, well, we are going on tour soon. Seems like our dongseang picked the 2 people she wanted to bring on tour with her," I pointed out.

"Bwoh?! You can take 2 people with you?! COOL!! So who are you taking?" Oppa was looking at the floor with some hope in his eyes.

"Errr.... Would you and Yooguen want to go? My parent's already told Chung Hee-Oppa that they don't want to go. And You being my best friend and Yooguen being my lil' boy, I want you both to come," I insisted.

"We would love to come. Especially Yooguen, wanting to be with his umma and everything," He joked. "When do we go?"

"On Thursday, so in 3 days time," I answered. "Well see ya. I have to get home." With that I turned around to head home.




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Justa started reading this!!! IT'S AWESOOOOME!!! Update sooooon
update soon! :)