Chapter 9


" Luhan... You've stayed here for a week...." Jongin says, looks at his friend and frowns

Luhan's lying on the couch, one hand with a bag of chips, the other hand holding the tv remote control.
" Uhummm. Jonginnie.... I can't go back to my apartment!" Luhan whines
" Why not?" Jongin raises his eye brows
" Coz Sehun's there. And i'm pretty sure he'll try to kick my during my sleep since i kicked him last week" 
" it's your apartment dude! Take control of it!" 
" Jonginnie don't want me to saty here anymore?" Luhan cooes
" nope.  Jonginnie's immuned to Lulu's aegyo  so don't try to do that again" Jongin says, smirks
" Whatever.... Can i just stay here for a week more? Please?" Luhan says, open his doe eyes and look up t the tanned boy
" nope"
" please please?"
" no"
" please please please pweasssssseeeeee!!!!!!!!" 
" no and no! Pack your bags!"
" okay...." Luhan says with a sad face, heads back to his guest room
" honey, umma's already packed for you^^" Kyungsoo steps out, holding Luhan's stuffs
" umma! You don't want me to stay here?" Luhan says in shock
" nope..... Umma just want what best for you. Umma always love umma's baby deer!"
 " Let's go!" Jongin says
They're standing in front of the building which includes Luhan's apartment. Jongin rabs Luhan's elbow and whisper something to him. Kyungsoo and Jongin push Luhan into the elevator
" Baby deer, hwaiting!" Kyungsoo roots
" Yeah! Show him the power of wold deer!" Jongin says " and if not, just use plan B that i've told you" Jongin winks
" Thanks guys.... For the past week..... It was the best week of my life. I don't know what to say... I just can't live without you guys and i just want to say......" Luhan says but Jongin butts in " Save your word Bambi"
" okay..." Luhan says as he steps in his apartment and waves goodbye to his friends
" So.... He's gone SooSoo" 
" yeah.... Finally....." Kyungsoo sighs in relief
" so.... Tonight..... Me.... You.... Candles and wine..... Bedroom..... How about that?"
" Prepare beast.." Kyungsoo says and earns a wink from Jongin
Luhan steps in the living room. Things haven't changed much since then..... Cleaner though..... Luhan walks to his bedroom. His bed in clean, new bed sheet, his bed sheet. His stuffed deers are arranged nicely in the corner of the room.
" Hyung...?" Luhan hears someone say his name and turn around.
" Hyung! Where have you been? I've been so worried about you! You didn't come to work, you didn't come home! You know how worried i was? I thought you were kidnapped! And i...i....." Sehun sobs, hugging Luhan tightly as possible
" You what?" Luhan finally speaks up
" I called Jongin and he said that i hurted you, that's why you ran away.... I didn't know how important your stuffed deers were to you so i threw them away from the drawer.... I didn't know they were from your parents when you were young....when they still loved you.... Hyung i'm sorry..." Sehun says, still sobbing....
Luhan Sehun's hair, give it a few pat. Sehun is different from what he thought Sehun would react when seeing him here
" I'm tired Sehunnie.... I want to sleep" Luhan mumbles
" Uhm.... Sehunnie sorry... Will you forgive Sehunnie?" Sehun says, a bit choking  from his tears
" Only when you forgive me"
" Sehunnie forgive you... Sehunnie sorry"
" It's okay. Hyung is fine, see?" Luhan says, pull Sehun out and smile
"Hyung... You need rest first" Sehun says, pull Luhan to his bed " I'll sleep on the couch from now on, this is your bed anyway"
" Let's sleep together.... I mean share this bed" Luhan says, blushes a bit
" okay hyung.... Hyung go sleep. Sehunnie has to cook dinner" 
" Uhm..." Luhan says, snuggles to his bed. It smells nice.... Sehun's scent...
" Luhan hyung! Waky waky! Sehunnie have finished making dinner for you.," Sehun says with a big smile
" Uhm..... I'm awake now...." Luhan says with a yawn. Cute...
They sit down in the kitchen and eat their food. It's good. Luhan looks at the tall figure in front of him. This kid... Why is he so nice to him through what he did? 
" Luhannie hyung... Since we're good to each other now..... Can you tell me about your past?" Sehun breaks the silence between them
A/N: yawppppp! Next chapter might be about Luhan's past. Sehun and Luhan are nice to each other now!!!! Yayyyy!!!!!  Sorry this chapter is sooooo short... But i'm really tired and sleepy .... Thanks to all my subbies!!!!!!!! Thanks for your support and all your lovely comments!!!!! Please subscribe and comment!!!!! I appreciate all your comments and i'll answer all of them!!!!! Sorry if my grammar and vocabulary is bad..... My mother language is not English.... Thanks guys!!!! Love you!!!! Hugs and kisses!!!! XOXOXO!!!!
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kaistal_hunhan #1
Chapter 31: hey ! update please ㅠ ㅠ
Chapter 22: Aish! This Jae is really getting on my nerves!
Chapter 31: Pleaseeeee update soonnnnnnnnnnn.. i am so addicted to this fic.. huhuh.. ㅠ.ㅠ Hwaiting Author-nim! ^^
Chapter 30: Pleaseee continue the story.. i will be incredibly happy if you're continuing this story~ anyway, good luck for your scholarship! I hope you will get it! Hwaiting! ^^
orangetoken #5
Chapter 31: Im happy that you're continuing the story! ^^ i shall wait patiently >_< good luck with the scholarship thingy! Fighting!
Miya-Luhan-Exo-Pham #6
NOOOO! I want happy end ㅠ.ㅠ or make Sehun regret thiis ! ㅋ.ㅋ
Chapter 4: Bamboo? LOL! You got me laughing there!
kaistal_hunhan #8
Chapter 31: no !!! please don't ask for a break up !!!!
vinseop_the_best #9
Chapter 5: Sehun ssssooo cccuuttee!!!!
vinseop_the_best #10
Chapter 5: This is just random but who topping when they have