Chapter 28


~At the park~

-Oh Sehunah! I want to ride on that! – Da Eun points at a big roller coaster in front of them.

Sehun and Da Eun are  going out on a “ date” at the amusement park, Da Eun was really happy when she received Sehun’s phone call last night, and she suggested going to the amusement park to have fun. Sehun is worried about Luhan, but he’s eager to meet Da Eun again after a long time.

-Sure, it looks exciting. – Sehun says with a frown.

-You don’t sound exciting, you know that right.

-No, I am happy to see you again

-Well, I just want to have fun with you after such a long time.

-Yeah, fun….




-Luhannie are you feeling ok now? – Said Kyungsoo

-Soo Soo… I don’t understand why Sehunnie acted like that. It’s like I’ve done something wrong… - Luhan said, curling inside Kyungsoo’s blanket

-You did nothing wrong honey. I don’t understand why Sehun acted like that too. But who is that Da Eun girl?

-Sehunnie said she is his best friend…and….he liked her a lot when he was young…- Luhan sniffs

-First love?


-Oh don’t be sad, Sehun likes you now right? Do you want to go to the amusement park? Get your mood up? – Kyungsoo suggests

-Okay…I guess…  - Luhan gets up and get ready to go with Kyungsoo


~ At the amusement park~

-Luhan you stay here, I’ll go get some drinks for us – Kyungsoo says, pushes Luhan down a bench

-Hurry Soo Soo~

Luhan is waiting for Kyungsoo to get them drinks. He hasn’t been to the amusement park for a while. Luhan wants to take Sehun to this place, hang around, play some games with each other, but seems like Sehun isn’t bother to worry about him anymore. It has been a week since the night Sehun and he fought. Luhan took his back pack and ran to Kyungsoo’s house. He cried a lot that night, Sehun called him once, but he didn’t pick up. He thought that Sehun would be worry if he didn’t answer, but Sehun didn’t even call him twice. Sehun didn’t go search for him, or asked about his condition. It’s so obvious that Luhan would run to Kyungsoo’s place if they had a fight, Kyungsoo is his best firend, his omma. But no news from Sehun, to call, no text message, Jong In even said that Sehun didn’t bother to ask about him at school. Luhan is hurted. He misses Sehun a lot, but doesn’t dare to dial his number.


Luhan is humming to EXO’s song “Miracles in December”, he wishes there would be a miracle that brings Sehun back to him now. He wants to see Sehun, his Sehunnie.

-Oh! Are you Sehun’s roommate- Luhan?

Luhan looks up; standing in front of him is a beautiful girl, maybe around Sehun’s age

-Uhm, who are you and why do you know me and Sehun? – Luhan asks in surprise

-Hello I’m Da Eun, Sehun’s best friend, I saw a photo of you and Sehun at your place this morning. Me and Sehun are going on a date today. – Da Eun chirps

-A …date? – Luhan says in shock

-Yeah, Sehun asked me out last night. I am so happy to see him after a long time, I mean, we are best friend.


-Oh and what about you? Is Sehun treating you nice? Sehun may seem really rude, but he is very nice. And oh my god! You are so adorable! Sehun is so lucky to have such an adorable roommate like you!! – Da Eun says happily, grabbing Luhan’s hands.

-Ah... I didn’t stay with Sehun for a week… yeah he treated me nice before..- Luhan says, with a tingle of sadness

-Did he bully you? Tell me and I’ll kick his for you! He cannot bully such a cute guy like you!

-No! No... He didn’t do anything! – Luhan says, shaking his hands.

-Sehun... oh! Here he is! Sehun come here! – Da Eun says, waving at a tall figure approaching them.

Sehun walks toward them. Is that Luhan? What is he doing here? With Da Eun?

-Sehunah I met your friend! And oh my gosh he is so adorable! He is cuter than the picture in your apartment! – Da Eun says happily

-Yeah he is… Hey Lu…Luhan – Sehun says in akward

-Hey...- Luhan says

-Sehun did you do something wrong to Luhan? Speak the truth right now! You can’t do anything bad to Luhan! He is too cute to be treated badly.- Da Eun said firmly

-No…! Da Eun… Sehun is really nice! Oh! My friend is here.. I have to get going.. have fun on…. – Luhan says, runs toward Kyungsoo.


-Luhannie is that Da Eun? -  Kyungsoo asks

-Yeah… - Luhan frowns

-What is she doing here with Sehun?

-They are going on….a date…. – Luhan says with a shaky voice.

-Oh my dear Luhan....don’t cry please... – Kyungsoo comforts Luhan

-Soo Soo ah... She is so nice! Too nice! Of course Sehun likes her.. She is too perfect! – Luhan cries

-No no no Luhan don’t cry! Sehun loves you! He is your boyfriend! – Kyungsoo wipes off Luhan’s tears

-I don’t think he does now… Soo ah ~ I... I don’t know what to do right now. -  Luhan cries… harder and harder...


~At night~

Luhan is sitting in Kyungsoo’s couch when he hears his phone ringing… It is Sehun’s call. He picks up

-Hey… - Luhan says tiredly

-Hey… - Sehun says

-Did you have fun? – Luhan suddenly asks

-Yeah… Listen Luhan, I have something to tell you. Can we meet up tomorrow? – Sehun asks

-S…sure…  I’ll come to your place tomorrow after school…






A/N: Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m back after 123456789987654321 years!!! (Not that much I know)

So tomorrow is Luhan’s birthday, I decided to update even though I am freaking busy these months.  This year even though we cannot celebrate our Deer’s birthday happily and publicly, but… Happy birthday our deer Luhan! I hope you will enjoy this update (even though it’s not much) and I won’t be updating this fic regularly (cause I’m both busy and lazy), but I won’t drop this fic (because I love Hunhan and I want them to be happy). So this story is actually coming to an end, the ending will be happy or sad is not decided yet (the ending is up to my mood), but I hope you guys can endure it with me and my really s……l…….o……..w updates. Thank you guys a lot for still subscribing me until today! Love you guys a lot! Will TRY to update as soon as possible! Bye~!!!!!

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kaistal_hunhan #1
Chapter 31: hey ! update please ㅠ ㅠ
Chapter 22: Aish! This Jae is really getting on my nerves!
Chapter 31: Pleaseeeee update soonnnnnnnnnnn.. i am so addicted to this fic.. huhuh.. ㅠ.ㅠ Hwaiting Author-nim! ^^
Chapter 30: Pleaseee continue the story.. i will be incredibly happy if you're continuing this story~ anyway, good luck for your scholarship! I hope you will get it! Hwaiting! ^^
orangetoken #5
Chapter 31: Im happy that you're continuing the story! ^^ i shall wait patiently >_< good luck with the scholarship thingy! Fighting!
Miya-Luhan-Exo-Pham #6
NOOOO! I want happy end ㅠ.ㅠ or make Sehun regret thiis ! ㅋ.ㅋ
Chapter 4: Bamboo? LOL! You got me laughing there!
kaistal_hunhan #8
Chapter 31: no !!! please don't ask for a break up !!!!
vinseop_the_best #9
Chapter 5: Sehun ssssooo cccuuttee!!!!
vinseop_the_best #10
Chapter 5: This is just random but who topping when they have