Chapter 27


-          Luhan, my parents want to meet my roommate so remember to be home before 4pm ok? – Sehun says, checking his phone – I have to run to the airport now, tell the manager that I won’t come to work today

-          Okay… But I’m afraid that they won’t like me – Luhan says timidly

-          Just relax. Don’t be a jerk like the first time I met you – Sehun says, still not looking at Luhan – Be home early, I’ll get going now.

 Sehun takes his bag and walks out the door.


Sehun has been serious with Luhan for the past few days. The last time they supposed to meet Sehun’s parents, Luhan hanged out with Kai and Kyungsoo, and then forgot their appointment. Luckily, Sehun’s parents were busy and had to delay their visit. This time, Sehun is so serious that it makes Luhan scare. Luhan admits he was wrong to forget, especially appointment with Sehun’s parents, but Sehun doesn’t have to act cold toward him for a freaking week!

Sehun was mad at Luhan. How could he forget about their appointment? His parents are very strict, and Luhan was not acting right. He doesn’t want to move back with his parents, he wants to stay in Seoul and pursue his dream. Sehun’s parents are perfectionists; they want everything around them to be perfect. It was super hard for Sehun to convince his parents to let him become an artist, and his parents only agree if he studies well and have a good environment around him. A messy roommate a.k.a boyfriend is not a good option for his parents. Actually, Sehun hasn’t told his parents about the “boyfriend” part yet, his parents will freak out if they know their son is gay.


Luhan goes straight home after his shift at the coffee shop, not wanting to disappoint Sehun. He just want everything to go back to normal, cuddling and kissing each other whenever they have time, but with Sehun being distant lately, it drives Luhan crazy! He feels like Sehun’s love for him has changed somehow, and he hopes this will be an opportunity for them to make up

-          Sehunnie I’m home! – Luhan yells out loudly

-          You might not want to yell when my parents get here – Sehun replies in a cold voice

-          Okay… Sehun.. – Luhan says timidly

-          What? Speak up quick! I have to get ready, and so do you

-          I just feel like we’re not as close as before.. you know… after the incident.. and I just want us to be normal

-          We’re normal Lu, and about my parents, I just want to say this : don’t mess up anything okay, be a polite person, act right, talk politely and formally – Sehun lets out a small smile, which Luhan hasn’t seen for a week

-          Okay Hunnie! – Luhan beams

-          Oh, and don’t call me Hunnie, Sehunnie or anything else than my real name. also address my parents as Mr. and Mrs. Oh

-          Uhm….. okay…. That’s pretty strict

-          Haha. It’s not that hard. Just do what I say

-          Okie dokie! I’ll go get ready now! – Luhan grinds and runs to his room to get ready

Luhan enters his room and finds that something is different. Oh! Sehun’s stuff! Where are they???

-          Sehun! Where are your stuffs? – Luhan yells out

-          Oh! About that, I moved them to your deer shrine room. My parents won’t be happy to see me share room with a boy

-          You TOUCH MY DEER SHRINE??????? – Luhan yells in horror

-          Chill Lu! It’s not that serious! They are just some stupid stuffed deers!

-          They are NOT stupid! They’re important to me!

-          Okay now we’re having an argument when my parents are going to arrive here soon? Really Lu? Real mature! – Sehun rolls his eyes

-          Wha-what?

-          You know my parents coming here is really important to me! If they think that my life here in Seoul is not good, they’ll send me abroad to live with them.

-          What’s not good about sharing a room with your boyfriend?

-          For them, they haven’t known that you’re my boyfriend yet.

-          Why?

-          I haven’t told them. They need time to adjust to Seoul. I don’t think knowing their son is gat at the first day they arrive here is not good for them.

-          And when will you tell them?

-          Someday. C’mon Lu. My parents have decided to move here, to Gangnam. They will know eventually. It’s not really big deal.

-          It is big deal to me!

-          Just get ready Lu. And if you still want to continue on this topic, then just leave and hang out with your friends, I can think of some excuse why you leave

-          FINE!

Luhan feels annoyed. It’s like Sehun has changed completely 180degree!



Sehun rushes to the door, opens and hugs the guests

-          Appa! Umma! I miss you! – Sehun says softly

-          Hello son. It is nice too. Aren’t you going to invite us to your apartment? – His dad says

-          Hehe – Sehun scratches his head – It’s not perfect dad, but it’s comfortable

Luhan feels hurt. Sehun once said that his apartment is perfect, because he was their with Sehun

-          Oh and this must be your friend? – Sehun’s mom asks

-          Um.. hello Mr. and Mrs. Oh. I’m Luhan, Sehun’s friend. – Luhan bows

-          Well what a nice looking young man – Mrs. Oh smiles softly

Okay… maybe Luhan will get the hang of this

During dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Oh ask them a lot about what has happened. Sehun does the talking mostly.

-          Sehun dear, you remember Da Eun? – Mrs. Oh asks

-          Da Eun? Yes. Why? – Sehun tilts his head curiously. Luhan sees there’s a tingle of happiness in Sehun’s eyes. Is she an important person to Sehun?

-          Oh. I think it’s time for us to tell you this – Mr. Oh says, put down his knife and forks

-          Sehun dear, we have talked to Da Eun’s parents before we get here; we want you two to get married soon.

-          What? – Luhan chokes, makes the Ohs surprised

-          Da Eun is Sehun’s childhood friend; they’ve been extremely close since young age. – Mrs. Oh explains

-          O..Oh.. – Luhan sadden

-          You talked to Da Eun mom? – Sehun perks up

-          Yes dear, but we haven’t told her about the marriage yet. You two haven’t seen each others for years; I think you two should meet up and spend some time with each other. We won’t force you about the marriage, but we think you and Da Eun won’t have problem with that right?

-          Yes, I remember you said you want to protect Da Eun for the rest of your life since you were a kid. – Mr. Oh says

-          Well, I don’t have problems with seeing Da Eun again. I think we should meet each other first, hang out a bit. Me and Da Eun still students, I don’t think we have to rush things about marriage yet. – Sehun says normally, not knowing it would stab Luhan’s heart.

 After dinner, Sehun’s parents left. They’re in the kitchen cleaning. Sehun’s mom gave him Da Eun’s number to contact, and the boy accepted happily

-          Sehun… who’s that Da Eun girl? – Luhan asks

-          Oh nothing. You should clean up the mess, I have something important to do – Sehun says in monotone, takes out his phone

-          You mean call your future wife?

-          Lu you’re being stupid right now. She’s my friend, and it’s normal for friends to get together after a ling time

-          You have no idea how broken I was hearing your parents complimenting her and talk about your future wedding! I just want to run out of the room and hide myself!

-          Lu stop.

-          No! I feel like a dumb ! Acing politely and smiling whenever they said how perfect you two are for each other! What am I to you? – Luhan says, groping the thin wine glass harshly

-          Luhan you’re being unreasonable! Okay! I used to liked her a lot! That’s all!

-          And you still now?

-          Maybe. To be honest Lu, I feel that you’re a bit impulsive and stupid sometime and I really hate it. Da Eun is who I like first, and so what if I still like her now?

-          I…. – Luhan is shocked. He doesn’t even notice the glass he’s been holding has broken, cutting his hand. Blood flowing out.

Luhan runs into his room, takes his backpack and rushes out the door, not even care about the wound.













A/N: so I’m really sorry about not updating like I’d promise. Please don’t hate me…………………………………. Um I’m kinda in lazy mode right now………………………………… I will try to update soon, but not promise this time………… so….. I bought EXO’s albums!!! Two versions!! I was kinda hoping for Hunhan card… but I got Kai and Lay instead. Still cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I watched the Drama version and kinda hope the phrase “ to be continue” never exist………….. and I’m hitting the replay button like crazy!!!!!

So…. Although I haven’t update for ages, please so comment and subscribe!!!! Love you guys!!!!

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kaistal_hunhan #1
Chapter 31: hey ! update please ㅠ ㅠ
Chapter 22: Aish! This Jae is really getting on my nerves!
Chapter 31: Pleaseeeee update soonnnnnnnnnnn.. i am so addicted to this fic.. huhuh.. ㅠ.ㅠ Hwaiting Author-nim! ^^
Chapter 30: Pleaseee continue the story.. i will be incredibly happy if you're continuing this story~ anyway, good luck for your scholarship! I hope you will get it! Hwaiting! ^^
orangetoken #5
Chapter 31: Im happy that you're continuing the story! ^^ i shall wait patiently >_< good luck with the scholarship thingy! Fighting!
Miya-Luhan-Exo-Pham #6
NOOOO! I want happy end ㅠ.ㅠ or make Sehun regret thiis ! ㅋ.ㅋ
Chapter 4: Bamboo? LOL! You got me laughing there!
kaistal_hunhan #8
Chapter 31: no !!! please don't ask for a break up !!!!
vinseop_the_best #9
Chapter 5: Sehun ssssooo cccuuttee!!!!
vinseop_the_best #10
Chapter 5: This is just random but who topping when they have