Chapter 22


" Jaehee-shi, can i have a word with you?" Eunhyuk says in class

" Nae~ what do you want to tell me? Is it about the dance next week? Well if you want to say that i can take the lead, i'm fine with that" Jaehee chirps
" No. Actually, i want to tell you about your partner. You won't be paired with Sehun anymore...."
" So you let me paired with Luhan oppa?" Jaehee cuts in
" Don't cut my words. You'll be pairing with Tao. Luhan and Sehun will pair with each other"
" What? I'll be pairing with the panda boy? You must be kidding me!" Jaehee yells
" No i'm not. Sorry but there's nothing i can do" Eunhyuk signs " Okay class, that's it for today. Practice with your partner, you only have one week left"
" Haha!!!! Have you seen her face when Mr. Eunhyuk said she would be pairing with Tao? She looks like troll!" Chanyeol says laughing
" Omo! And i swear i saw smoke coming from her face! So hilarious!" Baekhyun jokes, making everybody laugh
" Uhmmmm guys........ Here comes trouble....." Sehun says, pointing to a direction
" WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO WITH MR.EUNHYUK?" Jaehee yells, walking towards the guys
" Jaehee calm down" Kai says, trying to calm her sister
 " Jaehee, you're just over reacted right now" Luhan says
Jaehee walks to Sehun and pulls his shirt, press him to the locker. 
" Listen lisp boy, Luhan is mine and there's nothing you can do about it. I'll do everything and i mean anything to seperate you and Luhan" Jaehee threats
" Jaehee! I'm telling mom!" Kai says, pulls Jaehee out
" Then what? I don't give a right now! You think you're so good? Oh c'mon, you guys are all gay!" Jaehee shots back
" Stop it Jaehee! You're making a fuss right now!" Kai hisses
" Like i care! You are just a gay guy with big trouty lips, i bet Kyungsoo usually having a hard time kissing you. Oh wait, Kyungsoo is another gay boy who loves cooking. And you...." points at Lay " ....cannot even take care of yourself, get a hold of it, you're gay too. Oh wait, you're so forgetful that maybe you forget that you're gay! Oh Kris, i thought that you're the lnly man in the group, until i found out that you like a gay unicorn. Dragon? Don't joke, you can even fly or breathe fire!" Jaehee says
" Jaehee stop it!" Sehun says in a low tone
" I'm not finished. You!..." she points at Chen and Xiumin ".....loss some weight. You look like a dumb dumpling who always munch on steam buns. And Chen, you think your jokes are good and you can troll everybody else? Sorry but you're just plain lame!"
" Jaehee stop" Tao mumbles
" Oh, Suho, i know you have this stupid obsession about pink stuff and you cry like a girl, don't pretend that you're so manly. And Chanyeol, you know tall people like you look weird with your derp face. Face it, you're a weirdo. That makes you a weirdo too for dating him Baekhyun. You look loke a lost puppy, always too dependent on Chanyeol, when will you grow up?" 
" Jaehee stop it" Tao says
" Oh Tao, you're just a weird panda boy who thinks you're too handsome and take selca then post it on the internet everyday. You're nothing!" Jaehee says, laughing and point to Sehun " Sehunnie, who do you think you are?  You're just a goofy boy with lisp from the country. I can't believe Luhan likes you. You're not even his type! I'm his type! I bet Luhan only date you because you help him paying the apartment rent. You're stupid! What can you do for him in the future? Nothing! You guys are all gay! Stupid! Worthless!...." Jaehee doesn't finished her lines but is punched by Sehun and Tao
" Sehunnie! Tao!" Luhan yells
Yes, they've created a scene. Sehun and Tao are sent to the principle's office. They've stayed their for quite a long time
" Sehun? Is their anythng wrong? What did the principle say?" Luhan asks worriedly when Sehun and Tao steps out from the office
" We're banned from taking part in the showcase. That means you have to pair up with Jaehee...." Sehun frowns
" What? But you guys didn't do anything wrong!" Kai says
" We punched her remember? And because she only sworn and said bad things about us, she's off the hook" Tao says
" Those things she said aren't true though...." Chanyeol mumbles
" Of course! She's just jealous" Kris say
" Kay..... I guess we should go home now" Kai says and everybody goes home
" Luhan, Sehun, can we stay over night with you guys?" Jongin says abd Kyungsoo looks at them with his big eyes, pleading
" Uhm sure!" Luhan agrees. Then they head to LuhanSehun apartment
" Hannie, Hunnie, i know this is hard for you guys, but me and SooSoo have a plan" Jongin says after they finished their meal and cleaning up
" Plan?" Luhan says, nuzzles closer to Sehun
" Yup! Plan. We just need you to hold it a bit longer Hannie" Kyungsoo says, patting Luhan's shoulder
" We're listening" Sehun says
" Well........." Jongin says
A/N: Sorry for not updating these few days. Right now i'm quite busy since Lunar new year is coming soon and i have sooooo much works to do. Well, there you have it! Another chapter!!!!! I was having a really hard time writing Jaehee's line coz......i was practically bashing my beloved EXO.... But those words aren't true!!!!!!!!!!! I was just making those up.... Sorry if i made you guys waited.... Kekekekeke!!!! Another cliffhanger!!!!!!! Just wait~~~~~~~~~~ You'll know about Kaisoo's plan soon~~~~~~~~~ i love you guys!!!!! Please comment and subscribe~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!! Author's out!!!!!!!!
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kaistal_hunhan #1
Chapter 31: hey ! update please ㅠ ㅠ
Chapter 22: Aish! This Jae is really getting on my nerves!
Chapter 31: Pleaseeeee update soonnnnnnnnnnn.. i am so addicted to this fic.. huhuh.. ㅠ.ㅠ Hwaiting Author-nim! ^^
Chapter 30: Pleaseee continue the story.. i will be incredibly happy if you're continuing this story~ anyway, good luck for your scholarship! I hope you will get it! Hwaiting! ^^
orangetoken #5
Chapter 31: Im happy that you're continuing the story! ^^ i shall wait patiently >_< good luck with the scholarship thingy! Fighting!
Miya-Luhan-Exo-Pham #6
NOOOO! I want happy end ㅠ.ㅠ or make Sehun regret thiis ! ㅋ.ㅋ
Chapter 4: Bamboo? LOL! You got me laughing there!
kaistal_hunhan #8
Chapter 31: no !!! please don't ask for a break up !!!!
vinseop_the_best #9
Chapter 5: Sehun ssssooo cccuuttee!!!!
vinseop_the_best #10
Chapter 5: This is just random but who topping when they have