Chapter 20


" What story? And what are you guys doing?" Sehun asks, looking at the dorky couple who are looking up the ceiling

" Shhh... We're trying to tell you a story through flash back!" Chanyeol says
" Okay....." Sehun looks up the ceiling
" Weird couple...." Luhan signs, but join them looking up the ceiling in the end
" Jaehee! Stop following me!" Luhan says in an annoying tone
" Oppa! You can't look or talk to other girls beside me!" Jaehee yells
" For god's sake! That's my class monitor! She just told me our class plan for the festival!" Luhan signs
" Uh nuh! Still, you can only talk or look at me only! No girls can get you!" Jaehee yells and crosses her hands
" Stop it Jaehee! You're so annoying! I just want to break up with you!" Luhan says angrily
" Nuh uh! You can't do that! I'll tell mama and papa!" 
" Then do it!"
" You just want to disappointed them? Through everything they've done for you?"
" Face it oppa! You can't do anything! If you break up with me, Jongin oppa with beat you up till mush and mama papa will be so angry with you.  Remember how happy they are when we announced our relationship to them?You don't want to disappointed them right? You know you owned them a lot. Tell me oppa. Who helped you when you were in the most difficult situation? Who took you home and took care of you? Who treat you as their own son when you were thrown out of your house?" Jaehee reasons
" Can't answer right? I thought so. So now, be a good boyfriend and take me to the school festival. Remember to look only at me!" Jaehee smirks
" I'm gay Jaehee" Luhan frowns
" Then turn straight!" With that, Jaehee walks away
" Oppa! I want that teddy! The big one! Nuy it for me!" Jaehee squirms, pointing at the biggest teddy on the rack
" It's expensive. I have to save money for my pay rent" Luhan frowns
" No! buy it for me!" Jaehee yells annoyingly
" Then will you stop yelling?"
" Buy it!!!!!!!!!!"
Luhan reluctanly buy Jaehee the teddy. Through the whole night of the festival, Jaehee has been constantly asking him to buy her stuffs and foods. Luhan only has money for his pay rent, no more money to buy food for the rest of the month. 
" Oppa stay here! I have to go to the rest room! Remember DO NOT TALK TO OTHER GIRLS!" Jaehee says then walk to the rest room, leaving Luhan carrying her stuffs. Luhan signs in relieve, then he spots Jongin from a far, walking to him
" Yo man! What's so down?" Jongin asks
" I'm tired of your sister! She's too over posessive! My wallet is so thin right now! Argggg!!!! I'm going crazy!" Luhan says
" Then just break up with her!" Jongin says
" Will you be mad? And what about mama papa Kim? I don't want to make them sad..." 
" Don't worry! They'll be fine! They know that you're gay. They've been annoyed by Jaehee's behaviors lately, over posessive you know.." Jongin says, pat his friend's shoulder
" What? Who told you i'm gay?" Luhan jumps
" Mama papa Kim. They noticed your behaviors, and they have a son who's gay and currently dating a boy. They're the one who told me that, and they even told me to tell you to break up with Jaehee coz...obviously you're gay.... You don't have to date Jaehee to make them happy. They're happy when you're happy!" Jongin smiles
" Oh dude! Why don't you say that to me erlier! Gahhhh! So relieve!" Luhan yells in triumpth
" Want to see you suffer a bit!" Jongin lets out a big laugh
" Not funny dude! Your punishment is to treat me food all month! I've ran out of money because of your little sister!"
" Okay okay! I'll buy you two boxes of instant noodles!"
" No!!! I want Kyungsoo to cook for me~~~~~~" Luhan cooes
" Gahhhhh why are you so adorable! Npbut sorry! Kyungsoo's cooking is mine and mine only!" 
" Whatever over posessive Kkamjong!" Luhan pouts
" Okay....~~~ I'll tell Kyungsoo" Jongin signs in defeated
" Kyahhh~~~~ you'tpre the best!" Luhan says then hugs Jongin
" What are you two doing?" Jaehee asks, looking confuse
" Oh! Lil'sis! Luhan here wants to tell you something" Jongin says
" Okay Jaehee. I'm gay, i'm breaking up with you. Mama papa Kim told me to break up with you if i feel uncomfortable, which i am, a lot. I don't care what you think, i don't want to hear anything you say. I'm tired of you. So see you! We'll be good friends, brother and sister, but not lovers, boyfriend girlfriend. That's all. See you. I'm gay and i can't turn straight. C'mon Jongin, let's fond Kyungsoo and the guys" Luhan says then walks away with Jongin, leaving a dumbfound Jaehee alone yelling " YOU CAN'T DO THAT! I'M THE PERFECT GIRL! YOU DO NOT WALK AWAY FROM ME LUHAN!!!!TURN BACK!!!!" Jaehee yells, people starts turning to her direction and laugh hard. 
~~~~~~End flashback~~~~~~
" From that night, she's really clingy and annoying. Poor Lulu~~~" Kyungsoo says, pinching Luhan's cheek.
" Haizzzzz. I think i have to talk to someone to solve this pairing problem. Cannot let Luhan's Sehun be paired up with my annoying clingy over posessive sister" Jongin says, stands up from the table
" Kkamjong, you're not thinking about talking to "him" right?" Luhan asks in surprise
" i have to Luhannie. Even if i takes big risk. I have to do it...To save your love life.... I'll do anything to save you and Sehun from this untangled mess..." Jongin says dramatically
" Stop being such a drama queen Kkamjong" Luhan signs
"  You really know how to ruin people's happy mood. Let's go. We have to talk to "him". Move people! Move!" Jongin says and shoves everyone up. Then, they head out the caffeteria.
" Uhmm.... Hannie... Who's "him" exactly?" Sehun whispers in Luhan's ear
" He's the one who can solve our problem. He is........."
A/N: woahhhlaaaa!!!! Did i got you guys the last chapter? This chapter is mainly about why Luhan broke up with Jaehee. Who is "him"? Why is he so powerful? The next chapter will reveil the identity of the almighty "him". Will Luhan and Sehun's problem be solve? Please comment and subscribe~~~~~^^~~~~~~ love ya all!!!!!! Author's out!
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kaistal_hunhan #1
Chapter 31: hey ! update please ㅠ ㅠ
Chapter 22: Aish! This Jae is really getting on my nerves!
Chapter 31: Pleaseeeee update soonnnnnnnnnnn.. i am so addicted to this fic.. huhuh.. ㅠ.ㅠ Hwaiting Author-nim! ^^
Chapter 30: Pleaseee continue the story.. i will be incredibly happy if you're continuing this story~ anyway, good luck for your scholarship! I hope you will get it! Hwaiting! ^^
orangetoken #5
Chapter 31: Im happy that you're continuing the story! ^^ i shall wait patiently >_< good luck with the scholarship thingy! Fighting!
Miya-Luhan-Exo-Pham #6
NOOOO! I want happy end ㅠ.ㅠ or make Sehun regret thiis ! ㅋ.ㅋ
Chapter 4: Bamboo? LOL! You got me laughing there!
kaistal_hunhan #8
Chapter 31: no !!! please don't ask for a break up !!!!
vinseop_the_best #9
Chapter 5: Sehun ssssooo cccuuttee!!!!
vinseop_the_best #10
Chapter 5: This is just random but who topping when they have