Chapter 10



" Hum? There's nothing to tell" Luhan looks up from his plate

" There must be! Jongin told me you're not as you look!" 
" What do you mean?" Luhan furrows his eye brows
" Well... You look so cute and optimistic.... But actually...." 
Luhan spazz out his water, choking " I...i'm cute????" 
" Yup!!! You're super duper duper cute hyung!" Sehun says with a big grind
" Okay....." luhan rolls his eyes
" Anyway, I know that your parents are cruel to you.... You can share it with me..... I'll always be by your side hyung.." Sehun says, leans closer to Luhan
" Uh uhmmm..." 
They're sitting on their couch, head rests on other
~Flash back~
" Get out of my house!" Luhan's dad yelled
" I.." Luhan said, shiverd
" I don't have a son like you! Get out of my house!" His mother yelled
" But... I didn't do anything wrong...."
" you're a disgrace! You're not a real man! You act like a girl and.....and.... You like boys!"
" Is it wrong dad? For being gay? It's not what i want dad!"
" i'd rather die than have a son like you! Just get out of my sight!" His father yelled, hit his face.
His mother came out from his room, hands heaped with bags. " here're your stuffs, get out!"
" B...but i don't have any place to go.... Or any money to live.... Mom! Dad! Please!!!! I'm sorry!" Luhan said, tears rolling all over his beautiful face
His mother threw a bag of money to his face
" There, now GET OUT!!!" His father pushed him out the door and slammed it in front of Luhan's face.....
It was raining heavily outside... A small figure walking down the street.... Was that tears on his face? Or were they teardrops? Luhan loves rain.... It washes away all his pain and sorrow.... He bought a ticket to Seoul.... Found an apartment.... A job... A school to pursuit his dream.....
When he was hopeless, Jongin and Kyungsoo was everything to him. Jongin family  was so nice to him. They didn't care if he was gay or not, they love him for who he is... Luhan is very grateful.... So that, he started his new life in Seoul.
" Hyung... Do you miss them?" Sehun asks
" Can i miss them? They treat me like trash..." Luhan says, tear drops start falling from his eyes
Sehun pulls Luhan in a hug... Pat the smaller's head...
" Hyung don't cry.... Sehunnie don't want to see hyung cry..." Sehun says soothingly
" Se....Sehun ah.... Ah...." Luhan cries... Hugs Sehun tighter.. " I miss them so much... I want to visit them so badly... But...but..."
" Shh shhh... Go back to sleep.... From now kn, Sehunnie will take care of you..." Sehun says. Wait for Luhan to fall asleep then tuck him to bed. Sehun lays down next to Luhan, pull the older boy closer, brush a few strains of his hair and chuckle a smile. Luhan is so cute for him. Too cute.
Luhan opens his eyes. It's early morning. Luhan feels someone is patting his head and looks up, just to find Sehun looking at him lovingly
" Hyung ah... Let's go to the beach!"
A/N: Short chaper as usual.... Thanks for all your loving comments! They mean a lot to me! Thanks to all my beloved subbies!!!! I love you guys a lot!!! Sorry for bad grammar and poor vocabulary T.T
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kaistal_hunhan #1
Chapter 31: hey ! update please ㅠ ㅠ
Chapter 22: Aish! This Jae is really getting on my nerves!
Chapter 31: Pleaseeeee update soonnnnnnnnnnn.. i am so addicted to this fic.. huhuh.. ㅠ.ㅠ Hwaiting Author-nim! ^^
Chapter 30: Pleaseee continue the story.. i will be incredibly happy if you're continuing this story~ anyway, good luck for your scholarship! I hope you will get it! Hwaiting! ^^
orangetoken #5
Chapter 31: Im happy that you're continuing the story! ^^ i shall wait patiently >_< good luck with the scholarship thingy! Fighting!
Miya-Luhan-Exo-Pham #6
NOOOO! I want happy end ㅠ.ㅠ or make Sehun regret thiis ! ㅋ.ㅋ
Chapter 4: Bamboo? LOL! You got me laughing there!
kaistal_hunhan #8
Chapter 31: no !!! please don't ask for a break up !!!!
vinseop_the_best #9
Chapter 5: Sehun ssssooo cccuuttee!!!!
vinseop_the_best #10
Chapter 5: This is just random but who topping when they have