Chapter 11


" I'm tired.... School's starting soon Sehunnie ah..." Luhan says, nuzzling his head to Sehun's neck. They're still in bed, holding each other.... Luhan feels warm and safe. Pure happinese....something he hasn't felt a long time ago. 

" I haven't been to the beach since young. I miss the sea air. I want to spend more time to know you" 
" Okay... Let's invite Jongin and Kyungsoo too" Luhan muffles in Sehun's chest. He can feels his heart's beating so fast. What's this weird feeling? Is he....falling for Sehun?
" Wahhhhhh!!!!! Sea breeze..... So....salty.... But calm" they arrives at their resort ( which is a part of Jongin's family company). Sehun loves the sea. It always calm him down in a nice way. 
" Lulu honey, can mama SooSoo talk to you a bit?" Kyungsoo says, pull Luhan to his side
" okay"
" Luhannie. You like Sehun right?" 
" W...what?" Luhan ters 
" You let him stay with you, let him share bed with you and you even agree to go to the beach with him" Kyungsoo says with a stern face
" I invite you guys with us. And i need a roommate to share the payrent"
" I'm talking about the sea... You hate sea. You hate beach"
" No am not...."
" Don't deny. Tell me Lulu, you like him right?"Kyungsoo shakes Luhan's shoulders
" I don't know SooSoo.... I just... I've never feel this way before... I... I... Arghhhhhh!!" Luhan groans and runs away
Kyungsoo walks back to Kai. 
" Kkamjong ah, our little LuLu has grown up"
" So should we do as what we've planned?" Jongin turns to Kyungsoo, raise his eye brow
" Let's begin!" Kyungsoo smirks
" Here's your room key, get ready coz we're heading to the beach soon" Jongin says, tosses the room key to Luhan
They enter their room and gasps
" Only one bed?" Luhan says
" We can share it together"
Luhan blushes, remembers his conversation with Kyungsoo, turns away, back facing Sehun
" Hyung are you alright?" Sehun says worriedly
" Ye...yeah. Let's go to the beach" 
. ...........
" Hyung let's swim together!" Sehun says, grabs Luhan's hand and pull him toward the beach
" Yahhhhh!!! I don't want to!!!!" 
" Come on!!!" Sehun says, pushes Luhan down the cold water " Let's swim hyung!!!" and he swims away
"S....Sehun!!!! Help!!!!" Luhan chokes on the water
Sehun turns around and sees Luhan tries to float on the water. He swims to Luhan and pull him to the shore
" Hyung are you alright?" Sehun asks
" i can't swim! Why did you push me?" Luhan yells
" i don't know.... I just want to have fun with you...." Sehun says, cups his head down look at the sand.... " I'm sorry hyung...." Sehun begins to sob
" Sehunnie don't cry... Hyung's alright see? I just don't know how to swim..." Luhan says, hand reaches to Sehun's silver lock.
" You hate the sea?" Sehun says, looks up with teary eyes
" yes... But i can change that for you" Luhan says with a big grind. 
" Thanks Hyung..." Sehun says, pull Luhan in a hug
" Uh uhmmmm" Luhan mumbles
" Sehunnie like Luhannie a lot...." Sehun mumbles in Luhan's hair
" Uhmm.... Sehunnie too...." Luhan says, smile gently.
......... At the beach bench.........
" SooSoo... They look so cute" Jongin squeals
" Uhm!!!! The plan must be carried as soon as possible!!!!" 
"SooSoo honey, since "our kids" are having fun... Should we have fun too?" Jongin says, winks at his boyfriend
" I'll go prepare your toys" Kyungsoo says, gets up and heads to their room
" Hyung ah... Sehunnie likes hyung.....a lot....."
A/N: Thanks to all my beloved subbies!!!!!!!!! I want you to comment me more!!!!! Me need comments!!!!! Me need advice!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for bad grammar and vocabulary.... Hugs and kissesssssss!!!!!
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kaistal_hunhan #1
Chapter 31: hey ! update please ㅠ ㅠ
Chapter 22: Aish! This Jae is really getting on my nerves!
Chapter 31: Pleaseeeee update soonnnnnnnnnnn.. i am so addicted to this fic.. huhuh.. ㅠ.ㅠ Hwaiting Author-nim! ^^
Chapter 30: Pleaseee continue the story.. i will be incredibly happy if you're continuing this story~ anyway, good luck for your scholarship! I hope you will get it! Hwaiting! ^^
orangetoken #5
Chapter 31: Im happy that you're continuing the story! ^^ i shall wait patiently >_< good luck with the scholarship thingy! Fighting!
Miya-Luhan-Exo-Pham #6
NOOOO! I want happy end ㅠ.ㅠ or make Sehun regret thiis ! ㅋ.ㅋ
Chapter 4: Bamboo? LOL! You got me laughing there!
kaistal_hunhan #8
Chapter 31: no !!! please don't ask for a break up !!!!
vinseop_the_best #9
Chapter 5: Sehun ssssooo cccuuttee!!!!
vinseop_the_best #10
Chapter 5: This is just random but who topping when they have