Chapter 8



" What?"
" Do you like OUR new room?" Sehun smirks
" Get out!!!" Luhan yells in furious
" Can't. Last night, the owner called, it's past the pay due, so i've paid full for this month, you didn't tell me you were short on money hyung..... So legally, that makes me the temporary owner. If you want to kick me out, pay me back all the money. You're in debt hyung" Sehun says, he grinds as much as possible " Hyung ah.... Who's the leader in this game right now? Me!" Sehun thinks to himself
" Find! Stay here then!" Luhan yells, walk out the apartment
" hummmmmm...... Still early....." Sehun mumbles and get back to bed......
At Jongin's apartment
" So.... You're kicked out from your apartment?" Jongin asks
" Kinda....... Don't give me that pathetic look!" Luhan says irritatedly
" I'm not! SooSoo honey! Is breakfast ready?" Jongin yells out to Kyung Soo
" Coming! Here Luhan honey, umma will take care of you!" Kyungsoo says, puts the tray of food in front of Luhan and rubs his head
" thanks umma. Only you who treat me the nicest! You're the best!" Luhan says, reach out to take his food and devour
Jongin pretends to pke at his boyfriend and his best friend closeness. Kyungsoo loves Luhan, but in a motherly way, he considers Luhan as his baby deer. Luhan loves Kyungsoo best among all his friend, but trust Jongin best. This KaiSoo couple always make Luhan feels like home. Luhan ran away from home since he was 10 and Jongin is the only one who helps him. Jongin's family loves Luhan a lot, they've helped Luhan for such a long time. Without them, Luhan wouldn't know what he could be right now. His real parents are always neglet him, treating him like trash, they disgusted him for being gay, they would beat Luhan ip when they felt angry. Yeah, Luhan was nothing to them. 
" Lulu honey.... Tell me what happened" Kyungsoo says

" He took all my stuffed deers out of my drawer and threw them in the corner, he changed my bed sheet with his and slept on my bed, umma!!!!! That's why i don't want a roommate!" Luhan yells, sheds a tear

" now now deery.... Don't cry... Umma will help you!" Kyungsoo says, rubs Luhan's head and turn to Jongin and mouths " What are we gonna do next?" 
" That Sehun kid is a bit overload. Why didn't you kick him out?" Jongin asks
" He pays the money for this month payrent.... The owner called yesterday" Luhan says
" Wooww..... What should we do?" Jngin scratches his head
" You can stay here for a few days if you want?" Kyungsoo suggests
" What????? What about me SooSoo? What about us?" Jongin ters, his eyes open wide
Luhan make a sad pouty face. He knows Kyungsoo can't resist his pouty face. He'e just utterly adorably adorable!!!!><
" You have plenty of rooms. Luhannie can sleep in the guest room" Kyungsoo says
" But that's next to our room!!!" 
" So? Don't be so mean! Lulu is your best friend and my baby deer, he's in tough situation, you have to help him"
" Yeah! Don't be so mean on me Jonginnie!" Luhan whines
What the******** two boys, one with owl eyes is his boyfriend, one with doe eyes is his best friend. Jongin gulps.......
" Sure he can stay..... But just a few days!" Jongin finally defeated under those big eyes boys.
" Yeyhhhhhhhh! Go back to the apartment and grab your stuffs, we'll wait outside^^~" Kyungsoo says with a big grind
" Sure umma!!!!!" Luhan sings
" Hey Lulu, go back and kick that jerk's " Jongin whispers to Luhan when they get into Jongin's car
" Ha! Who do you think i am?" Luhan says, smirks evilly
Luhan steps into HIS apartment which LUHAN owns under LUHAN'S name. He steps in his room and find a snoring Sehun on his bed. He walks to his closet, put some clothes in a backpack, his stuffed deers and some hygiene things, not forget his secret saving money. He steps closer to his bed, staring at a sleepy Sehun and an evil smile forms on his beautiful baby face.
" haha....."
Then he kicks the poor Sehun down the bed and runs away.....
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kaistal_hunhan #1
Chapter 31: hey ! update please ㅠ ㅠ
Chapter 22: Aish! This Jae is really getting on my nerves!
Chapter 31: Pleaseeeee update soonnnnnnnnnnn.. i am so addicted to this fic.. huhuh.. ㅠ.ㅠ Hwaiting Author-nim! ^^
Chapter 30: Pleaseee continue the story.. i will be incredibly happy if you're continuing this story~ anyway, good luck for your scholarship! I hope you will get it! Hwaiting! ^^
orangetoken #5
Chapter 31: Im happy that you're continuing the story! ^^ i shall wait patiently >_< good luck with the scholarship thingy! Fighting!
Miya-Luhan-Exo-Pham #6
NOOOO! I want happy end ㅠ.ㅠ or make Sehun regret thiis ! ㅋ.ㅋ
Chapter 4: Bamboo? LOL! You got me laughing there!
kaistal_hunhan #8
Chapter 31: no !!! please don't ask for a break up !!!!
vinseop_the_best #9
Chapter 5: Sehun ssssooo cccuuttee!!!!
vinseop_the_best #10
Chapter 5: This is just random but who topping when they have