Winter to 3 months in..

What's left behind

Dami has never seen her brother in such a state. He was recently told that he was pregnant. Last night Dami thought that he was going to meet with his lover and be all happily ever after.

That all was not a true fact when her brother barely knocked on her door. She was so happy she happened to be close because it was seconds later her brother fell into her arms nearly knocking her over as well. 

She didn't want to scare her parents and she was definitely not in the state to explain things to anybody. The person to call for emergencies is always YoungBae. His state of calm in crazy matters always  help to ease the tension. The call was short and it didn't take many words for the man to figure something was wrong. 

Dami moves her brother into her apartment and puts a couch pillow under his head. Jiyong luckily doesn't have damage anywhere else except his hand that is still swollen. His sister looks at her poor brother and can't help from crying. This is the last thing she wanted for her brother. He was just getting use to being pregnant and now he has already passed out. Dami comes back to reality when she hears urgent knocking at the door. 

Since she is right by the door she reaches up and opens it with her free hand. YoungBae looks down and freaks out to see his childhood friend passed out on the fake wood floor. He bends down and takes the man into his arms to lift him. "What happened" He starts to walk out the apartment and Dami locks it. "I don't know what happened, but we need to get to an emergency room. I already texted his doctor." 

YoungBae doesn't ask any questions and continues to take the man down the stairs to proceed out into the cold street. Dami runs over to YoungBae's car and opens the back door. The two of them carefully place the man who is still out cold onto the cloth seats. Dami gets in the back with her brother while YoungBae runs to the front to get in and drive off. 

The lights of NYC at 2am on a Saturday night is more than the average person would see. People at this time are going home from clubs or going to a after party some where. There was some traffic but nothing a New Yorker couldn't handle. They end up stopping at a red light and YoungBae honks his horn at the person in front of him. "Damn he could have runned that light!" 

Dami laughs at the road rage. "Don't worry...we are almost there anyways. The doctor just texted me and told me that they have people waiting for our arrival." 

YoungBae raises an eyebrow. "Since when did you two have insurance...and since when did Ji have a doc?" 

Dami chuckles "It's a long story.." She runs a hand down her brothers cheek. "Jiyong has been through a lot." 

YoungBae makes a disappointed face and Dami knows it hurts him to know JIyong didn't talk to him about things. Jiyong has contemplated it ,but to tell your best friend who is a man that you are expecting a child is not so easy. 

The two pull up to the emergency entrance. Dr. Park and two male nurses are waiting next to him with a stretcher. YoungBae pulls up to the curb and the nurses open the car door. Dami jumps out so the men can take her baby brother. She puts a hand to her face to hide the tears from coming. YoungBae wraps a arm around her. Dr. Park comes over to the two as they follow the stretcher. "When did he pass out...and do you know why?" 

"He he he just came to my door....he looked upset poor brother.." Dami can barely make a whole sentence. The doctor doesn't ask anymore questions but direct the two to the waiting room while they go to do test. "You can see him in about an hour. We need to make sure that him and baby are okay." Dami nods her head and YoungBae makes a confused face. 

The two walk over to the white on white waiting area and Dami takes a seat.  YoungBae goes to the vending machine and gets them some instant coffee. He walks back over and hands Dami her drink. He takes a sip and turns to her. "DAmi...what the doctor said...what's going on..." 

Dami knew  eventually YoungBae would have to know about things, but she didn't intend for him to find out this way. She breathes in and out and looks at the younger. "My brother...Jiyong...he is expecting a baby." 

YoungBae furrows his brows and doesn't say anything. You can see the confusion and the words processing through his brain. Dami speaks again. "Yea I know it's hard to take in....and what we all know is that it's impossible...but really it is possible. The doctor said that it's a rare case. Jiyong is about a week in  so he is in his first trimester. Right now his body is very delicate. Him passing out is a serious matter because he could lose the baby..." 

YoungBae takes another sip of coffee and sits straight. He cards his hand through his hair a couple times and then turns round to Dami again. "Is the father who I think it is...because Jiyong doesn't sleep around much..." Dami nods her head and Bae winces. " your parents know...?" 

"Yea they know. We told them the same day that we found out. It was no use hiding it from them. Luckily they are okay with the situation. Just getting in touch with the father has been a problem. Jiyong actually went to see him today...but I think that things didn't go well..." 

"Jiyong came back upset?" 

"Yea that was what made him pass out. His body was already weak from not taking any prenatal vitamins so the stress of tonight over worked his body..." Dami sheds a tear. "I hope that he will be alright and he doesn't lose the baby." 

YoungBae puts a arm around his noona. "Don't worry...I'm sure he will be fine. No matter what happens we are all in this together...I still find this so weird that Seunghyun would make him so upset..." 

Dami sighs. "Men can be like that. They can be prince charming but once you bring up being pregnant...they can totally change." 

The two look up and see the doctor is back. Dami and YoungBae stand up to meet the doctor. Dr. Park pulls out his chart and smiles. "Good news is... Jiyong and baby are fine. He has some swelling in his right hand but that will be alright with some ice and a bandage. We need to keep him in for the night to monitor him and baby. Also we need to give him more nutrients through IV. You can come and see him now. 

Dami lights up and the two of them follow the doctor back to the patients quarters. They go into a private room and Jiyong is still sleeping. His sister immediately takes a chair and places it next to her brothers bed. She takes a hand and pushes the hair out of his face. "You scared me baby brother." She pats his stomach lightly "You scared me too baby. Now you both get well." 

YoungBae and the doctor smile at the loving sister. The doctor then signals for YoungBae to come into the hallway. "You all look like really good friends so I'm going to tell you this. JIyong needs to take it easy. Right now in his first trimester he is very delicate, so make sure to keep an eye on him." 

YoungBae nods. " and my girlfriend will make sure to take care of him. I will relay this info to his family as well." 

"Thank you...I would tell Dami this but this is not the right time. Please enjoy your night." The doctor turns around and starts to walk away. YoungBae then clears his voice to get the doctors attention. "Do you need something else?"

"Can one more person come to visit?" 

The doctor scratches the back of his neck. "Well...we are not suppose to have more than two...but since I like you guys yea you can bring one more..." 

Twenty minutes later YoungBae's girlfriend and also a close family friend comes to the room with her visitor pass. She runs over to Jiyong and Dami with tears in her eyes. "Is it true..?"

Dami nods. "Ne...he is" 

"How long" She takes a chair and sits on the opposite side of the bed and takes the younger ones hand. "How long has he been pregnant?" 

"Not even two weeks yet. He has been through a lot the past couple days." 

YoungBae walks up to his girlfriend and puts an arm around her. "We all will be spending the night, so I will get us all some blankets and pillows...maybe I can steal a sofa and drag it in here." The girls laugh. "Already making the place your own."  Dara snorts. YoungBae smiles and leaves the girls with JIyong between them. "So did you tell the parents?" 

"Ne they know. I'm just glad that he has us to support him. We are prepared to raise this baby." 

"Well Bae and I are in this too."


Jiyong furrows his brows and slowly opens his eyes. His vision is blurry and all he can hear is beeping sounds and noises from running machines. He sits up a little and groans as his since of gravity comes down hard on him. He looks down at his arms to see a hospital band and a IV in his veins. He looks to his left to find his sister holding his hand. By the window his best friends Bae and Dara are sleeping on a near by couch. 

Last night was so crazy it felt like a movie. How he was forced to sign such a document. Where he can't even say a word to the father. How his baby can never see Seunghyun or even know his face. Jiyong then freaks out and puts a hand to his stomach. He doesn't know if his baby is okay or not. Dami wakes up from the rustling "Jiyong!" She stands up and hugs her brother and tears start to flow. Jiyong wraps his arms around his sister and releases the hug. "Dami what it okay...?" 

Dami nods "The baby is fine. You were lucky that we got you here in time." 

"Is it okay...there is nothing wrong right?" Jiyong rubs his stomach in relief as his sister shakes her head. "Oh thank god!" 

YoungBae wakes up to hear his best friend. Jiyong's eyes widen. "Do you know?" YoungBae nods. "Yea man. We found out when they had to take you in. Don't worry Dara and I are here to support you not matter what." 

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you man..."

"I understand...this is not a easy thing to talk about." 

Jiyong is happy that everything is okay. "Wow Dara is knocked out as usual.She sleeps through everything." They all laugh and Jiyong winces. "Oh I think I need to hold off laughing for a bit." 

Dami smiles. "I'm glad that you can at least do that. You scared me Jiyong ah. Don't ever do that again." 

Jiyong doesn't want to but he needs to let his family know of what happened last night. "I need to tell you guys what happened... " Dami places her hands on her baby brothers. "Don't worry about it we get that he doesn't want to be in your life..." Jiyong shakes his head. "It's more complicated than that..." Jiyong then goes on to tell the whole story. He went on and told them every single detail. He can tell that Bae wants to call the police but he can't. "Man that is the can they do such a thing. Who the hell is Choi Seunghyun?" 

Dara lights up at the name. "What's his name again..?" 

Jiyong looks over at her. "His name is Choi Seunghyun."

She stands up . "Is he tall...dark features...dark eyes...does he wear nice clothes..." 

Jiyong nods. "Ne, sounds like him..." YoungBae looks to his girlfriend. "Do you know him?" Dara makes a face. "Jiyong the man that is the father of your very famous...not here but in Korea. He is a well known rapper and actor. Everyone in Korea knows him as TOP but his real name is Choi Seunghyun." Dara takes out her phone and Googles his image. "This is him...right?" She hands the phone to Jiyong and he scrolls trough the pictures. He looks at all the red carpet photos and screen shots from performances. 

"Yea...this is him..." He puts the phone down in sadness because it's all coming together now. Those people work for the company. Since he is so famous they don't want to ruin the companies image...the words from last night all make sense now. Dara locks her phone. "Yea...he is apart of the company YG. It is the most popular company in Korea and it is the most exclusive to everyone. You never hear about their artist in the press. There are never scandals. You only see them on TV...which is the only personality you get." 

YoungBae totally forgot that his girlfriend was a kpop obsessed fan. She normally likes to listen to the girl groups but TOP is someone everyone and pick out a mile away if you are familiar with Korean celebrity.

 Jiyong now has to take this all in. The father of his baby is from a company that likes to keep things clean. From what Jiyong remembers the gag order was very official with the folder and all the small writing. Now he knows that all those threats can become a reality. He doesn't want anyone to get hurt...and he knows they are not bluffing...definitely not a joke. 

Dami stands up from her chair and starts to fold her blanket. "Well let's all try to push this behind us. For the sake of the baby let's never speak of this again. Unfortunately, we will have to know our boundaries to keep everyone safe. Jiyong I know this is hard...but you need to forget Seunghyun...I need you to forget that this baby has a father. This is the only way we can move on. Like that YG company we can dispose of our trash too. Let's move forward because I will not let this family get torn apart because of a ing document. Yes...they did take away our pride for shoving money at us and making you sign, but I'm glad that you are alive." 

They all nod in agreement and Jiyong swallows the pill of the future. Even though is sister is right he still feels Seunghyun was not apart of this...He still believes that he would never do this to him. The younger doesn't think of it much more because all he needs to do is just think of his baby and his health at the moment. 


Time has passed since the hospital incident. Of course Jiyong and Dami told their parents of what happened. At first they were outraged and wanted to call the cops but Jiyong had to unfortunately tell them their fate if they even think of calling for help. Everyone hated that they couldn't even help him. Jiyong still stayed strong because he didn't want them to feel sorry for him and he didn't want his burden to effect them even more. Yea, every now and then he would break...but never in front of them. The tears he left for his apartment. Dami of course would knows of her brother's breakdowns but she would never bring it up. They all know that he is just trying to keep things moving. 

The money that YG gave Jiyong did actually do some good for them all. Even though the money was given on such bad terms they still used it to pay off the cafe and buy the family a car. The rest of the money they put in savings and they put 100 thousand dollars for the baby to have for the future. They also combined Jiyong's and the apartment next to it to make it into a two bed room. The place is still small as but it's better than just a one bed room. 

Since it's the three month mark Jiyong learned that he is having a boy. Everyone is excited about it and Mr. Kwon is happy to have someone to carry out the family name. They all have been thinking of names already and Jiyong finds it fun to have his family excited about things. Dara who tends to shop alot already started buying clothes and things for the nursery. The support is over whelming and Jiyong considers himself lucky. 

Since the pregnancy is strictly in the family everyone else in the neighborhood doesn't know. Jiyong's tummy is poking out a little bit so now he has to resort to hoodies. Every where else on his body is still well proportioned because the man does pregnancy workouts with his sister. Dami finds his little stomach cute and she can't help from leaning her head on his stomach to talk to the baby. 

The family on this typical Friday is baking and cleaning out the display racks in the front of the cafe. What the place is known for is their breads. There is a long display glass plated with all kinds of breads. The whole front counter is luckily tall enough for Jiyong to hide his belly. He never is on the floor serving because he doesn't want to take the risk of getting found out. The neighborhood is too small to talk about private things openly. When the baby comes..they will figure out how to cover things. 

The door to the cafe opens and Jiyong instinctively says "Welcome to Kwon Cafe" While looking down at the cash register. Dami looks over at the customer and loses color to her face. The man smiles and walks over to Jiyong. "Hello Jiyong ah." 

Jiyong looks up and his eyes widen. The man that he has been so desperately wanting to see is right in front of him....but he can say nothing. Jiyong then puts on a fake smile. "How may I help you customer?" 

Seunghyun chuckles."Customer...Jiyong I came to see you. Can we talk for a bit?" Jiyong tightens his fist to his side. He is so mad that he can't talk to him. The only thing to do dumb.."I'm sorry, but do I know you?" 

Seunghyun laughs. "I'm sorry okay. I know I shouldn't have left like that but I came back to see you" 

Dami then comes over to help out her brother. "Can we help you customer?" 

Seunghyun looks between them and notices the  similar looks "Ne noona can you get your brother to talk to me. I think he's mad. " says Seunghyun with a playful voice. Dami then figures that the man has no idea what happened. Ever since she found out about the contract she felt that he was the one behind it. When really he is in the dark. She instantly starts to feel sorry for him, but she has to protect her family too. 

Jiyong then looks up at the man with a blank expression. "Why are you here...?" 

Seunghyun makes a sad face. "Because I wanted to see you..." 

"We only had a one night stand. We ed. Now it's over...move on." Those words are blunt and it hurts Seunghyun to the core. He thought that they had something....he truly did. Jiyong has been on his mind ever since he left for Korea. He practically is in love with the man. 

"Jiyong...this is not you.." 

"You don't know me." Jiyong says with a growl...this is starting to become hard. He points his finger at the door. "Please leave...I never want to see you again. It was a one night stand and I got what I wanted." Seunghyun makes a shocked face. "That's right I used you...I knew you were a celebrity. I ed Choi Seunghyun." Jiyong does a fake laugh but it hurts and Dami can feel the hurt in his body. 

Seunghyun by this point is speechless. The man that he fell in love with is mad and never wants to see him again...he was used?  "Jiyong...we..." 



"LEAVE!!!" Jiyong growls and walks out the room.

Seunghyun looks at Dami. "I'm sorry..."

He takes a box from his suit and places it on the counter. "This was for Jiyong. You must must know that I love him..I would never hurt him."  Dami takes the box and winces. Seunghyun bows and then he leaves the cafe. The door dings and Dami runs up to the door to turn the open sign to now closed. She turns off the front lights and runs up stairs. She takes out her spare key and runs into her brothers apartment. "Ji!?" She screams but hears no answer. She then runs to his room and finds no one there. She then runs to the babies room and sees her brother sitting in the middle of the floor in the darkness. She doesn't turn on a light but comes to sit next to her brother in the lowly lit room. 

She takes her hand and brings her brothers head to her shoulder. "Jiyong ah. We love you so much. I know this was hard for you...for the baby..." 

Jiyong sniffles. "But it's not fair...he was right there..." 

Dami hates to hear her brother so upset. "I know...we all don't like it either...but it's our reality Jiyong ah. You were so strong and I'm proud of you...what I'm focused on is your health and the baby. You are doing so well. Don't let this get to you..." 

Jiyong sniffles again and wipes away a tear.  "Easier said than done...I still love him..." Dami sheds a tear. "Oh Jiyong ah..." She then reaches into her jacket and pulls out the box Seunghyun gave to her. "He wanted to give you this..." 

Jiyong sits up and rubs his belly. "Look baby daddy gave us a present." He slowly opens the box to reveal a beautiful necklace. It is a simple silver necklace with a circle pendant. Jiyong looks closer in the dark and sees numbers printed 12 28 12. Dami looks over and makes face. "What do the numbers mean?" 

"This is the day we met...the happiest day of my life..." Jiyong smiles at the necklace. "I'm happy to have apart of him at least." Dami smiles and is happy her brother is not as upset anymore. She takes the box from her brother to take the necklace out. She then takes it and puts it around his neck. Jiyong pulls the pendant down and lifts it to look at it again.  Dami then smiles at her brother and Jiyong smiles back and chuckles. "What are you looking at?" 

She shakes her head and smiles again. "You know what?" 

Jiyong grins "What?" 

"I think I like him too" 


Hey all thank you so much for reading! I wanted to post another chapter to this while it's still fresh in my mind hehe. Comments and feedback are love! 


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Seventeen_kpop #1
RaeT25 #2
Chapter 31: Great story loved that it wasn't all fluff fluff
Chapter 31: The whole story is great and I loveeeeeee it! The most unforgettable thing is DaraBae's converstation when Dara asked "may I have one too" LOLOLOLOL Dara you savage. And how Seunghyun treats Jiyong like he's vulnerable yet fragile Prince made me melts down lyk an ice cream???? Bye. The first class scene ft. Jiyong and Dami tho HAHAHAHA that should-Jiyong-took-an-etiquette-class jebal chorom. Don't forget, my favorite plot twist tho!!!!!!!! Can't unmention about Daesung's confession. Poor him but I hate him as equal as Seunghyun loves Jiyong. Ok. Love your fiction and keep on a good work! xx
Chapter 1: Im gonna like this
HZ_Ely #5
Chapter 7: Hallelujah, finally!! Bless yo soul Youngbae (it was about time) :")

So far so good <3
poppythelastandfist #6
Chapter 28: hahaha this has to be one of my favourite gtop fanfics :-)
Aisyah134 #7
Chapter 31: loves the story good job
Chapter 3: Loved this story! Great job!
Maddie88 #9
Chapter 31: Omg. I love this stories a lot. It's so sweet and loving~~~
Lokiztrix #10
Chapter 31: As always I absolutely adored this story! Looking forward to more of your creations ^_^