He's really gone (con of winter 2006)

What's left behind

Jiyong takes Seunghyun's note and puts the number into his phone. He is not sure of the time difference in Korea but he figures it's super late over there if it's morning in NYC. The night that he had with the man was probably the best nights in his life. He pretty much met picture perfect and even got to have with him. He only wished that it was not a one night stand. If only he was still there when he opened his eyes. He's really gone. 

The younger groans when he hears a knock at his door. He of course knows it's his sister telling him to go down for their shift together. He looks at the clock and notices that it's almost time for him to get up anyways. Jiyong takes a pill that was next to his night stand and fights the pain  to get out of bed. He hobbles to the door and opens it with a grin. 

Dami looks at her brother and shakes her head. "I'm not even going to ask...well ,I'm going to ask...you look like ...who was she or he?" 

Jiyong laughs and motions for his sister to come in. Dami takes a seat at the sofa while Jiyong takes some water out of his fridge. He flops on the couch and hands a water to his sister. He unscrews the cap and takes a sip. While he is drinking he can feel his sister looking at him. "Aish can you stare any harder..." His sister makes a face. "Well I know you ed last night...due to the hair and your still tossed clothes in the apartment." Jiyong laughs. "You caught me....but yea. I had the most amazing night with probably the most amazing man I have ever encountered." Dami's eyebrows raise. "So you finally ed a guy eh? Was it worth it?" 

Jiyong laughs. "Ne it was worth it. The was good...but I don't know how to explain it. I felt that we were connected right from the beginning." His sister chuckles a bit. "Sounds like love at first sight." 

Jiyong laughs. "I don't know if I could say love...but I can't stop thinking about him and that night." Dami frowns and looks around. "Did he leave after you ed?" Jiyong shakes his head. "No we actually went to bed after we had . He did leave this morning because he had to go bad to Korea." 

"Korea?! Oh Jiyong ah...why you someone from a foreign country...Will you ever see him again?" 

Jiyong shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know...I hope to soon. He left me his number. See?" He hands his sister the note and she reads it carefully. Slowly a smile creeps on her lips. "Well I can tell from this, he is not just a one night stand. He definitely seems interested in you." Jiyong nods. "Ne, I know he is. Dami I wish that you could meet him. He is just so perfect and so engaging. We literally spent all night talking and the we didn't rush it. It all felt...natural. Like lovers." Jiyong by this point is gushing over how perfect the night was. Dami laughs. "My baby brother is in love. Okay now get your ready for work Ne?" 

Jiyong laughs. "I will be down in a bit. I need to shower and stuff." 

"Okay hurry up and if I don't see you down in 20 I will come get you." 

Jiyong laughs. "Come on.... I'm sure you can handle it by yourself. It's not like there will be a lot of people down there." 

Dami gets up from the couch with her water bottle in hand. She walks to the the door and then turns around. "Hey I forgot. You left your scarf on the coat rack...." Jiyong smiles and takes the scarf from her. He takes a look at it. "This isn't mine...Oh..." Dami looks at it. "What is it?" 

"This is Seunghyun's." 

"Oh that's his name?" 

Jiyong holds on the scarf more tightly and hold it to his chest with a smile  "Yea Choi Seunghyun." Dami puts an arm around her brother. "You miss him?" 

"Yea I just want to see him again." The two smile at each other and Dami is so happy to see her brother has met someone decent. Normally Jiyong gets with people that take advantage of his kindness. He truly is a great friend if you let him. YoungBae has been the only genuine person in his life outside of family and now someone has made the list. 

///////////////one week later//////////////////////

It has been a week since the magical evening and Jiyong has been swamped in school work. He has decided to give the whole college thing a try again. The whole process of signing up for just one semester is taking a century. The school is cheap and so is the service. He has been wanting to call Seunghyun but Jiyong has just been to shy and really just plain busy.

Don't get him wrong he does want to chat and catch up but...Jiyong has been feeling like the past week and he doesn't know why. He has tried changing his diet but nothing ever stays down. His parents think that it's probably food poisoning due to the holiday party that he went to the week before. Dami  doesn't think that could be the case. Jiyong has been to this particular party more than once and he has never had such effects. 

She is sick and tired of seeing her brother so sick all the time. It's time to see a doctor. Dami knocks on her brothers door. Jiyong flushes his toilet and wipes his mouth to make sure breakfast is no longer in sight. He walks over to the door and opens it. "Hey noona." He says weakly. Dami shakes her head and walks in. "We are going to the doctors. I made an appointment." Jiyong makes a face. He hates the doctors office. The whole feeling of the place just creeps him out. "Noona I will be fine it's just food poisoning..." Dami shakes her head. "Jiyong, it is more that because you are not being able to hold anything down. You look pale as and you are weak. Whether it's food poisoning or not I want to know what's going on." His sister starts to cry. "Jiyong please you are scaring me." Jiyong then runs over to his sister to take her into a hug. He had no idea that she was this stressed out about him. 

"I'm sorry noona. I didn't know you felt this way...I will change and then we can go...ne?" 

His sister nods into her brothers chest. "Good you little ...now get dressed." 

Jiyong quickly changes and brushes his teeth again to take away the smell of puke. He walks out and his sister hands him a plastic bag. Jiyong looks at it and laughs. "Is this my puke bag?" Dami laughs. "Well it's either that or a trash bag. Take your pick." Jiyong laughs and then winces as he feels a cramp. Dami makes a concerned face. "Let's go...we need to figure this out now" 

/////////////////Queens Hospital Center//////////////////

After a 15 minute taxi ride the two finally arrive at the hospital. Dami leads Jiyong to the front desk and the receptionist hands them forms to fill out. Since they don't have insurance, they have more to do than the average. Jiyong looks at all the forms. "Noona we can just go to a clinic...this will be expensive." 

Dami shakes her head. "No we need to find out what's wrong. Mom and Dad said they will help us with the bill." Jiyong sighs. He doesn't want to argue and make her more frustrated. Jiyong then takes a paper and helps his sister fill out the paper work. Jiyong just doesn't get what happened to make him have to come to the emergency room. He was just fine the week before. Just this week the bug really has bit him. 

The two finish filling out the forms and Dami takes the chart back up to the front desk. Seconds later a nurse comes by to lead them to their appointed doctor. The two come back into the medical room and the nurse takes Jiyong's height and weight. After that she then takes them to a room to await their doctor. Jiyong gets up on the examination bed and Dami takes a seat by a near by chair. 

Five minutes later a doctor comes in with Jiyongs chart in hand. He smiles "Hello I'm Dr. Park. I see that you have not been feeling well." Jiyong nods. "Ne, I have been sick the past week. I think it's food poisoning but my sister thinks it's something else...that's why we are here.' 

Dr. Park chuckles. "You have a great noona for making you come here. Could you please lay down." Jiyong sighs and lays down on the table while Dr. Park puts on some gloves. He walks up to the table. "I'm just going to feel around your stomach to diagnose your problem." The doctor then carefully lifts up Jiyongs shirt halfway. He then takes his hands and feels around the top half of his stomach carefully always asking if something hurts or not. So far nothing hurts. The doctor then moves lower and starts to feel around. When he get's closer to the end of his stomach Jiyong winces in pain. The doctor looks at his face and questions "Is it here that it hurts?" He lightly taps the area and Jiyong nods. The doctor then pages a nurse to bring in a ultra sound. Jiyong starts to worry. "What is it doctor..." 

"I'm not sure, but I want to use the ultra sound to confirm it. I don't want to say anything yet. I have some questions for you while we are waiting." Jiyong sits up and dangles his feet at the end of the table. 

"You say that it has been a week feeling like this?" 


"And it's only in that area?" 


"What else has been happening and please tell me how often." Dr. Park pulls out a pin.

Jiyong messes with his fingers. "Well It all started with some cramping and that would happen every now and then...then it went from cramping to throwing up all the time and I still do frequently...and now I feel tender in my lower stomach....I still think it's just something I ate bad..." 

The ultra sound comes in and the nurse hooks up the machine. "Please lay down again Jiyong." 

Jiyong does as he was told and the nurse pulls up his shirt halfway again. She spread a gel like substance over his stomach. The doctor then takes the device and starts to move it along his stomach. He checks the upper areas again and finds nothing. When he gets to the lower part he notices something and his eyes widen. "Wow...I never thought..." 

Jiyong sits up on his elbows and looks at the blurry machine. "What? What is it doctor? Is it something bad?" 

The doctor winces. "Well it depends on whether you want this to be bad or good..." He moves the device again and points to a little spot on the screen. "See this....this is the cause of your pain...this is your baby..." 

Jiyong laughs. "Baby?...impossible..." 

"Not really...there are some rare cases but science tries to cover it up...Jiyong you are expecting...that is why you are puking, cramping, and feeling weak. These are all symptoms of pregnancy." 

Jiyong shakes his head. "Impossible...this can't happen...I can't have a kid..." 

Dami gets up from her chair and stands next to her brother. She takes a look at the screen. "Jiyong...he is right...that is a baby. Trust me I know..." Jiyong looks at his sister. "Dami...what am I going to do..." 

The doctor looks at the two in instantly feels sorry for them. He can tell that this family is not prepared or financial able to pay for it. "Is the father still around?" Jiyogn then starts to cry. "Oh god! Seunghyun...it's him..." Dami's eyes widen. "He's the father?" 

"He is the last person I slept with." Jiyong starts to cry again. He is now pregnant and has no idea how he is going to take care of it. He is still a kid himself. The doctor then tries to calm his patient down. "Don't worry. There are plenty of programs to help you. I also own a small obgyn clinic in Flushing(which is a city in queens) if you want I can personally be your doctor. At no charge." 

The two younger can't help but get wide eyed. Dami is speechless to the kindness " Thank you! You don't know what this means to my family." 

"It is no problem. I wish that there was someone when my first child was born. My wife and I were so poor we could barley afford appointments. What we need to focus on is getting you sir on the right track. You need viatims for you and your baby. Also you need to make sure that you are eating properly." Jiyong listens to the long list of things that is now changing his life.  Jiyong then starts to cry again. "I can't be pregnant...this is just too much...I can't..." His sister takes her brother into a hug. "Don't worry about it. We all will help you. No matter what happens we will be here for you. We are in this together. Ne?" 

Jiyong then takes a couple breathes of air. Maybe he can do this...? "What do I need to do now?" The doctor goes to his cabinet and hands Jiyong a bottle of viatims. "First you take these." He then pulls out his phone. "And then you make an appointment with me. When can you see me next week. You need to come to me at least once a week for your first trimester. Since you are a male we have to keep extra attention to the baby." Jiyong takes is hand and rubs his stomach "I can't believe there is something living in me...I guess next 'Tuesday around noon.."  The doctor takes down the appointment.

"Congratulations Jiyong Shi. I know you are not ready but still a baby is a beautiful gift from the heavens. Don't miss out." The doctor smiles. Jiyong then gets off the table and they all walk out of  the office. The doctor waves goodbye and the two leave the hospital. Jiyong and Dami are speechless and they don't know how they will tell the family. 


"Quit joking..." 

Jiyong chuckles. "I wish I was..." He pulls out a picture of the ultra sound and hands it to his mother. The married couple looks at the picture and cover their mouths. Jiyong's mother comes over to him and hugs him tightly. "Ohh baby how much you have suffered. You have not had viatims or anything...aiiigo...and you are single and don't know the father...aiiiigooo..." 

"Mom...I know who the father is." 

His parents light up. "Did you talk to him son." asked his father still taking in the reality that his son is pregnant. "I have not talked to him yet. I plan to tonight. He lives in Korea..." 

His parents freak. "Korea?!"

Mr. Kwon puts a hand to his head. "Aigo..." 

"Don't worry I will talk to him." 

Dami makes a concerned face. "I think you should call him now...the sooner the better." 

Jiyong sighs. "Well why not." He pulls out his phone and dials the number. The phone rings a couple times and a man answers the phone. "Hello?" 

"Hi may I speak to Choi Seunghyun?" 

"How you get this number?" 

Jiyong makes a face but keeps a calm voice. "He gave it to me before he left...if you could tell him to call me I really need to tell him something important." 

"Is it urgent?" 

"Yes very so if you could have him call me back then that would be great Thanks." They both hang up and Dami makes a face. "He wasn't there?" 

"No this other person answered. He didn't say who he was he just questioned me." 

Mrs. Kwon rubs her sons shoulder. "Well hopefully this young man will call you back soon." 


Seunghyun comes back from his work out and sees his manager putting his phone back in his bag. "What are you doing?" 

"Oh some telemarketer called." 

"That's weird they always tend to get my number no matter what." 

"Oh I will change the number then." 

Seunghyun shakes his head. "No don't...I'm expecting a call." 

"Okay I won't. Let's go ne?" The manager takes Seunghyun's bag and walks out the room. 

///////////////////////Queens NYC///////////////////

Seunghyun never called back and Jiyong has been depressed...he has been wanting to tell him what happened. He has tried texting and calling but it only goes to voicemail. He figures that Seunghyun was busy. He still believes that he is a good man. Jiyongs phone buzzes on the counter. He walks over to check his messages. His eyes light up when he sees a text from Seunghyun. 

"Jiyong...I'm in NY come meet me at Oceana." 

Jiyong's eyes light up. Oceana is a high quality dinning experience. He takes his phone and text back. "When do I meet you?" 

"Come at 7" 

Jiyong looks at his watch and runs up stairs to change into something nice. Ever since he has been taking the pills he has been feeling more energetic. He is still carful of what he does so he doesn't upset the baby. He throws on a pair of nice skinny jeans and a nice top...which is the only thing close to looking designer. He goes down stairs to cross paths this his noona. Dami smiles. "Where you going in such a hurry.?" 

Jiyong smiles. "He texted. I'm going to meet him now." Dami hugs her brother. "Go go then. Don't be late." Jiyong waves and walks out the cafe to hail a taxi. Seconds later the taxi pulls up and he tells the person the address. He knows the drive will be expensive but he doesn't want to be walking around in the dark. 

Soon the taxi arrives in front of the restaurant. Jiyong gives the driver some cash and he gets out of the car. The restaurant is very small and welcoming. He walks in to see that there is no one there but waiters and waitresses. He quickly sees that the man in the coat is not your average type of man. Jiyong walks up to the hostess "Ummm I think that someone is waiting for me." The woman bows "Follow me please." She leads Jiyong to the back of the restaurant where there are private rooms. The woman stops at the door. "Your guest is waiting behind this door." She smiles and then walks away. 

Jiyong's heart is now pounding out of his chest the person that he has been wanting to see is just behind this door. Jiyong takes out his hand and slowly opens the door with a grin on his face. 

That grin quickly falls when he sees another man. Jiyong makes a face. "I'm sorry...I think I have the wrong room.." Jiyong makes apologetic faces to the three men in the room. 

"Oh Jiyong you are in the right place. Please come in." 

Jiyong figures that these might be friends so he comes in and sits on the other side of the table. The man across from him is older and the two other men are big almost like body guards. The manager then speaks. "I see that you have gotten to know Seunghyun." 

Jiyong slowly nods. "Ne...where is he?" 

"He is not here..." 

Jiyong makes a face. "But he just..." 

"I sent that" He holds up a phone in his right hand. Jiyong then starts to get scared. "Who are you...why did you bring me here..." 

He older man takes his napkin in his lap and starts to eat some appetizers. "Well Jiyong Shi. When you called last week you got me curious to how you got Seunghyun's number. So I did a little background check. I see that you are poor...then something else caught my eye." Jiyong by this point is tired of being toyed with. "Cut to the chase ..." 

"Well I see that you are expecting something down there." 

Jiyong makes a face "Yea what's the deal..?'"

"Well you see." He gets up from his chair and sits on the same side as Jiyong. "We don't like things that can ruin our companies reputation. So we came to fix things." The man puts his arm over Jiyong's shoulder and the younger pushes it off. The manager put the arm around his again and digs his hand into his shoulder. He holds out his other hand to the body guard and places a folder in front of him. He opens it to reveal some sort of contract. "What is this bull..." 

The man leans Jiyong over to him so that they are both facing the contract. "This here is what you are going to sign. This basically says that you will never get in contact with Seunghyun again and you will never try to get in contact with him for the rest of your life...but don't worry there is a sweet deal with this. We are giving you 300 thousand dollars to help you out." 

Jiyong rolls his eyes. "So you want me to sign a gag order?" 

"Oh I see that you are smart. Exactly. So if you just sign..." Jiyong scoff and rolls his eyes. "You can't make me sign this...this is illegal." 

The manager motions for one of the body guards. "Oh you will sign this Jiyong...Whether you sign it or we will make you." Jiyogn freaks out but tries to escape. The second body gaurd beats him to the door. He takes the younger and drags him to the contract. Jiyong by this point is screaming due to the force. The other man then takes the pen and slams it in his hand. He crunches the fingers around the and forces Jiyong's hand to sign the document. Jiyong is screaming and crying. The body guard finishes signing the paper and the manager  rubs Jiyong's back. Jiyong is so exhausted at this point he can't even fight back...his pride has just been taken away from him. 

"Okay now Jiyong Shi. You better not break this contract...cause if you do...you will wish you were dead. You and your family will never to speak of this. Don't even call the cops either...we will deport your parents...we will send you to jail and your child will end up in the foster system." 

"LEAVE!!! JUST LEAVE WILL YA...I GET IT!!" Jiyong screams. He has heard enough threats and now the man is even dragging his family into it. The manager smiles a sly grin and motions for the two other men to follow him. The door closes and Jiyong is left there to do nothing but cry...


Jiyong walks to his sisters door exhausted. He didn't take a taxi because he just can not think at the moment. He puts a hand up and barely knocks on it with his bruised hand. Dami comes to the door and flings it open to see her brothers eyes red and puffy from crying. She looks her brother over and looks and sees his hand is swollen. "Jiyong what happen?!" 

Jiyongs eyes rolls back and everything goes black. 


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Seventeen_kpop #1
RaeT25 #2
Chapter 31: Great story loved that it wasn't all fluff fluff
Chapter 31: The whole story is great and I loveeeeeee it! The most unforgettable thing is DaraBae's converstation when Dara asked "may I have one too" LOLOLOLOL Dara you savage. And how Seunghyun treats Jiyong like he's vulnerable yet fragile Prince made me melts down lyk an ice cream???? Bye. The first class scene ft. Jiyong and Dami tho HAHAHAHA that should-Jiyong-took-an-etiquette-class jebal chorom. Don't forget, my favorite plot twist tho!!!!!!!! Can't unmention about Daesung's confession. Poor him but I hate him as equal as Seunghyun loves Jiyong. Ok. Love your fiction and keep on a good work! xx
Chapter 1: Im gonna like this
HZ_Ely #5
Chapter 7: Hallelujah, finally!! Bless yo soul Youngbae (it was about time) :")

So far so good <3
poppythelastandfist #6
Chapter 28: hahaha this has to be one of my favourite gtop fanfics :-)
Aisyah134 #7
Chapter 31: loves the story good job
Chapter 3: Loved this story! Great job!
Maddie88 #9
Chapter 31: Omg. I love this stories a lot. It's so sweet and loving~~~
Lokiztrix #10
Chapter 31: As always I absolutely adored this story! Looking forward to more of your creations ^_^