
What's left behind
Seriously it never gets any easier walking through an airport as a celebrity. You think that they would make a VVIP entrance for them but they don't. You would think that they would hire more security for the crazy fans....but they don't. 
Instead you are flashed with camera's all the way from the plane to the car that you are driving in. People see everything that you walk on and off the plane with. You are forced to wear BB cream and look like you just stepped out of heaven with perfect looks. It seems ridiculous, but hat's the life of a Korean still doesn' t make since to Seunghyun with whole airport fashion bit but he just goes with the flow. 
Still the man refuses to have another man carry his own luggage. Now if he brought back a huge load of items of course he will take the help, but he is never going to go the route of feeling too good to carry his own bag. 
The man is exhausted from his flight but his ear buds are on and his sunglasses are the tightest pair that he owns. Everytime he gets off a plane fans still manage to make their way past guard to hand him gifts. He appreciates the gifts and he loves his fans, but there are times when he wishes that he could just be normal and get off the plane with thousands of people crushing each other just to get 13 seconds of video that will eventually turn into gifs. 
Seunghyun gets annoyed but he also knows that this is how it all goes in his small country of Korea. Seungri comes up to the man who is now being squashed by fans and body guards. "Hyung!" shouts Seungri now getting closer to the T.O.P. entourage. Seunghyun smiles at the younger and continues to walk. No use talking because the older has his ear buds in and his music cranking rap. 
After a little pushing and shoving the two plus other representatives from SM get into the van that is going to take the rapper to his luxury condos. Seunghyun puts on his seat belt and turns off his music. "I see that you were not crushed." says the older jokingly. Seungri still gets a little overwhelmed by the crazy fans. 
"Ne hyung. Sorry I came a little late. I was trying hard to push through the crowd." 
Seunghyun laughs a bit. "It's okay. The girls probably thought that you were a fan boy for me." 
"Ne true. Anyways hyung. Jiyong's flight will be here in a couple of hours. I will pick him up with the van." 
The older nods. It's has been a little of a process figuring out what time Jiyong should show up at the airport. Their baby is still young so they didn't want mobs of people around him. Jiyong is still feeding so Seunghyun brought out a whole row so that Jiyong could fly comfortably. Still the older is worried having Jiyong flying with out his protection. Bae and Dara can't come over yet because they still have a business to run and also the Kwons have work too. Dami thankfully is with Jiyong but that makes the man even more worried. 
"Don't worry hyung. The fans should be gone by then and also remember they don't know who he is." 
Seunghyun nods. He is so use to having veneer in his life to knowing the last time he slept with someone. The older has done a great job so far keeping his love life a secret. 
/////////////////////////////////////////Flight 3948//////////////////////////////
Jiyong and Dami are flying for the first time and they are loving it. They are not just in first class they are in like the class above first class and it's pretty cool. Dami gets to eat and order what ever she wants  and people have to keep a smile on their face despite her demands. She loves this power. Jiyong on the other hand is just happy that he can see his love and be with him as they plan their wedding. 
It was a risk bringing their now 3 month old child into the mix. Jihyun is still fed so he still demands his timely feedings from his daddy. Jiyong doesn't mind and he is all pro when he has to feed his baby. It's a little awkward though because he is now in a public setting when he feeds his baby boy. Jihyun doesn't mind having a blanket over him as he coos and drinks. 
People actually haven't noticed and Jiyong is happy. Dami picks up a phone in front of her. "I wonder if this is expensive...." 
"What ever he can afford a couple of minutes. Right?" 
"Noona he already brought this whole row for us and he also gave us the unlimited food plan....don't make a phone call. Look it's expensive." says the younger pointing at the prices per minute. Dami instantly agrees with the younger as she takes a look at the price per minute. "Aigo" she puts the phone down. She stands from her seat and stretches a bit. "Look we are close" she says pointing at the screen rather loud. 
"Aish can you sit down and not act like you are from the back woods." Dami has been her typical self of course loose at the mouth and rather loud. No one has complained yet but they do get a couple of grunts every now and then. To be sitting amongst so many rich people it's kinda hard to figure out what to do. Jiyong almost feels like he should have taken a etiquette class with how some of the ladies put napkins on their laps. 
Jihyun on a bottle and coos from his seat as the plane starts to make noises. Jiyong sees the seat belt sign come on and figures that the plane is going to land soon. He was right because the captain started speaking in Korean and English to notify the passengers of their landing. 
Dami grins and gets excited as she pulls her purse into her lap so she can touch up her hair. Jiyong laughs a bit. "Why are you getting all dolled up for?" 
"You never know...I might find a husband." 
"You watch too many dramas." 
"Never know." says Dami putting on some powder. She then looks at the baby between them and smiles. "You are going to see your Appa's homeland my cutie woo woo buu bu" 
"Aish..." says Jiyong still adjusting to his sister being sweet to another human being. The plane starts to lower and lower and Jiyong sees out the window the runway lights coming closer and closer. The younger's heart starts to beat faster and faster because he is now in the place where he is going to get married and he is going to see his lover's neck of the woods. 
The plane lands smoothly as it makes it way to the gates. JIyong watches how the plane parks and moves over closer and closer to the terminal. The plane then parks and the seat belt sign goes off again. "Thank you for flying Korean Air. Enjoy you stay in Korea" 
The flight attenants then stand to the sides of the aisles with of course smiles plastered on their faces. The business class are the first to leave and that is JIyong and Dami's class. Dami stands holding the baby bag and Jiyong holds the baby as they carefully get out of the plane. A couple of people say in Korean that the baby is cute and Jiyong of course says thank you to the compliments. 
The two walk out to the gate and they see a sign with their names on it by a golf cart. Jiyong walks over to the man and the person smiles. "Jiyong shi?" 
The man smiles. "Great to see you here. I will be helping you from here to your van." The man then gathers their bags from them and places them on the cart. He then smiles with a bow. "Please have a seat so that I can you" 
Jiyong is not use to this kind of service, but he knows that this is something that is to help him. "Thank you" Jiyong and Dami bow as they get on the cart. The ajjushi ended up being a very nice man as he drove the cart throught the airport. They get to the baggage claim and of course the ajjushi retrives the bags for them. Dami grins as she watches the man. "I could get use to this." 
Jiyong chuckles. The three finally make it to the passenger pick up area. Seungri waves his hands. "Hyung!!" Jiyong smiles at the familiar face. Seungri comes over to the two and bow. "I'm glad to see that you two look refreshed. Has the jet lag hit you two yet?" 
Jiyong shakes his head. "We were too excited to be on a plane to think of sleep." Seungri nods. "Well let's go ne?" 
The younger then lead them to a van. He opens the door to find a car seat for the baby. Jiyong chuckles. "Let me guess?" 
Seungri nods. "Ne and he picked it out himself. It's the best car seat for babies in the Korean market." Jiyong nods and gets in the van carefully with his baby boy. The little one fell a sleep again as he rest his head on his dad's shoulder. Jiyong carefully places the small baby in the seat and straps him in. Dami chuckles. "He sleeps all the time." 
Jiyong laughs lightly the baby's hair. "Ne my little prince enjoys his naps just like his appa." Jiyong takes a seat next to his baby while Dami takes a seat up front with Seungri. The younger puts on his seat belt and starts the van up. "We are going to hyung's now. It's about a hour to Seoul from here so please relax." 
The two takes the advise and rest a bit as Seungri drives them into the city. With traffic the trip was about an hour. Seungri is use to the drive so he didn't mind. Dami ended up going to sleep in the back seat because the Korean morning was a little too bright because in the states it's technically night. The jet lag is starting to creep up on her and she can't help from sleeping for now. 
Jiyong is a little tired but not too tired to do any thing. He had a little nap but he  is now awake to the couple of stops the van made due to traffic on the highway. Jiyong finds the city of Seoul very similar to NYC because of the people everywhere and buildings upon buildings; only there is a lot of Koreans. There are a lot of stores he has never heard of and stores with the worst English translations he has ever seen in his life. 
They approach a very tall building and Seungri points with a low voice. This is hyung's new building. He brought it a couple of months ago. They keep going towards the building until they go into the parking garage with a large speed bump. Seungri clicks a remote and the gates lift to let the van in. Jiyong looks at the cars in the parking garage and quickly sees that the very rich live here. Not one car that is not luxury in sight. 
The van finally parks next to three other cars. "Those are Hyung's toys next to us." 
Jiyong looks at the very nice cars and and sports cars. Seunghyun is famous indeed if he can afford this much. Jiyong is now realizing that his boyfriend is indeed rich...well in NYC he showed a lot but coming to his home country there is even more money that he sees just from a few cars. Seungri gets out of the van and opens the door for Jiyong. "Please come out now. I will lead you to the condo." Jiyong nods and slaps his sister's leg lightly. "Yah. Yah noona." 
Dami furrows her brows and slowly sits up. "Oh we are here..." she says sleepily. She grabs her purse and baby bag to get out of the car. Jiyong unbuckles Jihyun and places the still napping little one his shoulder. Seungri then smiles. "I will bring up your bags soon. Please follow me so that you can rest in the condo. Hyung is not home yet but he said to feel at home. 
JIyong nods and follows Seungri out of the parking garage through a glass door to the elevators. There is luxury every where. The elevator opens and three get on. Seungri waves a pass at the doors and the machine starts to move. The technology is pretty cool and the place seems very secure. They end up on the 24th floor and they see a long hallway with doors that are not close at all to each other. There are only eight doors in sight. "Aiiiigoooo" says Dami already imagining how large these condos are. Seungri chuckles."Follow me" 
Jiyong and Dami follow and stare at all the marble floors. Seungri stops at the end of the hall. "This is it." Seungri then waves a key at the keypad and the door unlocks. Seungri opens one of the double doors and leads the two in. Jiyong doesn't have to walk all the way in not to see that this place is truly a place that not everyone can see. The condo is beautiful with it's open kitchen dinning and living room concept. The place has dark wood floors and white walls to accent. The furniture is black and grey with green accents to at a little fem to the masculine edge. Jiyong loves the place already as he walks up to the nearest window with his sleeping baby in hand. 
Jiyong grins and looks out the window of the amazing views. "WOw..." is all he can say. Seungri then comes over. "Hyung. Let me show you Jihyun and your rooms" 
Jiyong almost forgot that this is his place too. all his. Jiyong follows the younger as he brings them to another hallway with four doors. Seungri then walks into a baby blue room. The room is beautiful with Jihyun's name written above a white crib and blue bedding. Jiyong almost cries at how beautiful the room is. "It's beautiful." says Jiyong walking up to the crib to place the baby in. The little one opens his eyes and stares up at his daddy to the fall back to sleep. Jiyong smiles and places a blanket around the younger one. Jiyong then smiles as he looks at pictures of him and the baby from when he was first born to now. Seungri grins. "Hyung wanted to surprise you with the pictures. You like them?" 
Jiyong picks up a frame. "Of course" He then feels the nice rocking chair. "I will be sitting here alot. "Aiiiiiiggooooooo" says Dami walking in the room. "He is loaded...." 
Jiyong laughs. "Ne my hyunnie works hard." 
"Nice way of saying he is rich." Jiyong grins and they dim the lights before leaving the room. Seungri then smiles. "Here is the first guest room. You will be staying here Noona" Seungri smiles. Dami takes no time to run up to the tufted head board to lay flat on the mattress. "I'm taking a nap...." Murmurs the older laying in lux. 
"I will show your room now." Jiyong follows Seungri down a little  and then opens a set of double rooms. The master is huge with it's floor to ceiling views and large king size bed with a wooden dark head board. The bedding is grey and it goes along with the black grey and bright green theme throughout the condo. In front of the bed is a fake fire place with a fake flame. Jiyong finds it very amusing. "Goodness that TV is huge." The television sits above the fireplace and it is 50 inches. 
Seungri nods. "Ne. It's so cool.. Look!" He then walks up to the TV and pulls it out to then move it side to side. "You can watch TV anywhere in the room" The younger grins. Jiyong walks up to the sitting area near the floor to ceiling windows and grins. "Wow...." 
"Yea. I said the same thing too. Let me show you the bath room too."
"I don't think that my heart can take anymore luxury....he has done so much to this place." The man has truly done a lot with all the high end finishes. The bath room is cool because it has double sinks and also two closets. The toliet is separated and also the shower is huge with two shower heads. It's almost as good as the bath at the hotel but their's is better. 
Seungri grins. "So do you like everything?" 
Jiyong laughs. "How could I not. Where do you live?" 
"OH I don't live far. Hyung let me have his old condo so I'm living very well too." 
"That is nice of him. I'm glad that you live comfortably too." Seungri then looks at the time. "I'm going to go get the rest of your bags. Please relax. He should be home around six so you have time to settle." 
Jiyong smiles as the man leaves the room. He goes over to the luxury bed and doesn't know what to do though...they pillows and the bedding are so nice. Almost feels like a crime looking at them. Jyong pulls back the covers and carefully places the pillows on a near by chair. He then slips into bed to take a well deserved nap. 
Jiyong looks at the night stand and sees a video baby monitor. He watches as he baby sleeps. A nap doesn't hurt. 
Seunghyun is a little late but he is finally home. He had to do a couple of private press events and some filming. Since he is back in Korea he has to make his presence known. Also he want to move the media to his return instead of his love life drama. 
The older slips off his shoes and smiles seeing the other slippers are being occupied. Seunghyun figures that Jiyong and Dami are tired due to the flight so he decides to make a little dinner for the two. The man doesn't cook much but some Korean dishes he is good at making. 
The older of course before cooking checks on his son. He quietly walks in the room and watches his son sleep. He then goes back into the kitchen to add food to the boiling pot of water. It's not a hard dish that he is making so the veggies and meats are nothing hard for the man. 
The older has a tray of food as he walks into his shared bedroom. He places the tray down on the night stand and sits on the edge of the bed. The older then leans down and places a kiss on Jiyong's bare shoulder. The younger smiles with his eyes closed. " I heard you banging pots in the kitchen." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "Want some dinner?" 
Jiyong opens his eyes to his always handsome fiance. "Of course." He sits up in the bed and eyes the food. "What you make me?" 
"Just some random Korean dish.." 
Jiyong chuckles and places the tray in his lap. "Well I can't wait to taste it." Jiyong takes a bite to then cough like crazy. Seunghyun freaks. "What what is it?" says the older. Jiyong then laughs. "You like red peppers huh?" Seunghyun tends to over spice food. The older then pouts. "Awe I wanted dinner to be perfect." 
Jiyong shakes his head. "It's just fine. See" He takes another bite of food to then cough a little with a smile. The two then laugh in unison. "Baby you don't have to lie...the food huh?" 
"Just a little spicy." Jiyong puckers his lips. "A kiss will make it better." 
The older grins. "I can do that for ya" 
He presses his lips to the younger and they melt to the touch. It has been a month since they last seen each other and it seems like they never parted. "I'm so happy that you are finally here. It's lonely here sometimes." 
Jiyong grins and kisses his lover again. "Ne me too." 
Seunghyun then chuckles. "You taste like red peppers." 
Yay Jiyong is finally in Seoul^^ Thank you for reading and please leave me your feed back. Please upvote to show support!! Until next time! Love^_____^
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Seventeen_kpop #1
RaeT25 #2
Chapter 31: Great story loved that it wasn't all fluff fluff
Chapter 31: The whole story is great and I loveeeeeee it! The most unforgettable thing is DaraBae's converstation when Dara asked "may I have one too" LOLOLOLOL Dara you savage. And how Seunghyun treats Jiyong like he's vulnerable yet fragile Prince made me melts down lyk an ice cream???? Bye. The first class scene ft. Jiyong and Dami tho HAHAHAHA that should-Jiyong-took-an-etiquette-class jebal chorom. Don't forget, my favorite plot twist tho!!!!!!!! Can't unmention about Daesung's confession. Poor him but I hate him as equal as Seunghyun loves Jiyong. Ok. Love your fiction and keep on a good work! xx
Chapter 1: Im gonna like this
HZ_Ely #5
Chapter 7: Hallelujah, finally!! Bless yo soul Youngbae (it was about time) :")

So far so good <3
poppythelastandfist #6
Chapter 28: hahaha this has to be one of my favourite gtop fanfics :-)
Aisyah134 #7
Chapter 31: loves the story good job
Chapter 3: Loved this story! Great job!
Maddie88 #9
Chapter 31: Omg. I love this stories a lot. It's so sweet and loving~~~
Lokiztrix #10
Chapter 31: As always I absolutely adored this story! Looking forward to more of your creations ^_^