What is love

What's left behind
Dongwook crushes a can in his hand. "I can't believe that sick bastard said that he loved you....you call that love..." 
Seunghyun is still just as confused as the other. He never thought that his manager had such feelings for him. He thought that he was just a caring hyung when he would go above and beyond to do something so simple for him. Daesung is a monster but in the past he was a good manager getting Seunghyun deals that he never thought would happen. 
Daesung use to be a nice man...until the money started rolling in. The saying where money can change you came into affect when his 30 percent of Seunghyun's work started to double to then triple. Greed came over him and he wanted to do everything to make sure that Seunghyun had no distractions. He became so protective he then started to take things to another level. Seunghyun then started to become the one in his eyes. The way the man would come to him for everything and because Daesung was a manager they always had to keep contact. 
Seunghyun thought that he was  a client, but to Daesung Seunghyun was his and his only. 
"I just can't believe that I never noticed." says Seunghyun placing his coffee on the breakfast table. Dongwook shakes his head and takes another sip. "Well...I'm just glad the er is in jail. I think that he will be deported soon...." says the older trying not to laugh at the sad bastard  called Daesung. Seunghyun nods. "Yea, I'm happy that he didn't mess with Jiyong now that he has the baby. The stupid bastard thought that Jiyong would actually go back to the Cafe..." The older sips another gulp of coffee. 
Dongwook chuckles. "Okay I think that three cups of coffee is enough for you." 
"That er has me on edge I need something hot...." It's true the two have been sipping coffee since six this morning. It's almost like a bad flashback in Seunghyun's mind of what happened earlier. 
"Go to your fiance. With this coffee you will be awake for days..." says the older drinking another sip. "Leave the coffee to the sleepless managers...we are pros." Seunghyun chuckles. "Ne ne mighty manager hyung." 
"Are you going to tell him?" 
"About Daesung?" 
"No...I wish for us all to forget this.....I don't want Jiyong hearing that that sick bastard loved me...I just want to move on...." 
Dongwook nods. "As you wish." 
"You think it's okay....not to tell him....?" 
Dongwook smiles a bit. "Really Seunghyun ah it's up to you. It's your relationship so really what's best is what's best." Seunghyun laughs. "You didn't answer my question. Be real with me hyung....should I tell him....?" 
"Well since you keep asking me sounds like you do." 
"Hyuuuuuunnng." Whines the younger. 
"Aish you brat. Just stick to your word and just move on. I believe in leaving the negative in the past. Plus I don't think that Jiyong would like hearing about it..." 
"Ne...I will do that....I hate keeping things from him...." 
"It's not really keeping things from him. You value his feelings because you love him. There is nothing wrong with that." The older grins and takes another sip. "Well I need to start packing...my flight leaves at noon. Got lots of catching up to do to prepare for your comeback in three months." 
Seunghyun nods. "Ne...my vacation has been long enough eh. My fans are starting to Photoshop me in pictures. It's kinda making me look like a jerk not updating anything in a while...." 
"Well one thing at a time. Just start working in your home studio and produce some ideas. You are coming back this month to Korea right...well your visa will be up by then...." 
Seunghyun sighs "ne...I need to work on getting my dual citizenship..." 
"Let me work on that. You work on being a father/rapper/actor." 
"Ne manager hyung." 
"Well. I will be packing upstairs and leaving within the next hour. If you don't see me leaving out the door with Woobin then we will see ya in a couple of  weeks." The older stands from the table and smiles. "Have fun being a father. It's really the best times of your life." 
"You don't have kids hyung" Chuckles the older. "What ever it's advice of a man who has lots of nieces and nephews who love to visit their rich uncle." 
"Ne ne...go pack" 
"Going going." say the older going up the back stairs. Jiyong comes into the kitchen with his slippers dragging. Seunghyun turns with a laugh. "I would have never heard you coming." Jiyong chuckles. "Shut up..." The younger goes over to the dish washer and puts his cup in there. He then goes to the fridge. "I have been feeling really hungry this morning." Yawns the younger." Seunghyun smirks. "I wonder if the Choi produced another..." 
Jiyong laughs. "Unless we don't need to produce a baby there is no Choi in me...for now" Jiyong winks at his lover. "Bleh" says Dami coming down stairs. "Can you two leave the talks in your room....aish...." 
Seunghyun and Jiyong blush a bit while their noona moves around the kitchen. "Oh great, now I made things awkward..." 
Jiyong laughs ."Welll I think that you just have bad timing." says JIyong pouring some cereal in a bowl. "So what are you up to today Hyunnie?" 
Seunghyun sighs. "Well it's back to work for me. I need to start making some hits again." Jiyong grins. "Oh in the studio?" 
The older nods. "Ne...I'm just making some samples to take back with me in Korea....I have to be back next month..." 
"Ne...that's when your visa will be up....I wish that you could stay longer...." 
"Well I was wondering if you wanted to come too? ....with me to Korea...the baby will be a little older...." Jiyong smiles. "I wish hyunnie but our baby boy is still very young. I don't know if he is ready for such travel yet...." 
The older smiles. "I know...maybe when he is two months he should be ready right?" 
Jiyong nods. "Ne....he could. I just will really have to feed him to make sure that he has the immunity to be exposed to a new country...." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "It's just Korea...not a alien nation." 
Jiyong nods. "I know baby. Just being a over protective daddy." 
Dami grins. "I will get to go too right??????" 
Seunghyun smiles. "Ne of course. The whole family can go. I will just need to find a house for all of us." Jiyong and Dami get wide eyed. "How rich are you Seunghyun...." says Dami of course biting into another roll. Seunghyun smiles. "Rich enough for you all to not worry about how much I make. 
////////////////////////Bae's Bar////////////////////////////
It has been months since the place has been open. The great thing about liquor is that it never expires. Since the place has been closed for a while now there is a lot of cleaning to do. Because there is code he has to make sure that everything is super clean. The toilets had to be scrubbed to mopping all of the floors. 
Seunghyun has been helping most of the day  to get he place back to where it was. Jiyong of course stayed at home to take care of the baby and rest. "Wow...." says Seunghyun flushing a now clean toilet. "This bathroom has been through a lot." 
Bae chuckles."Well it's a men's room for sure." Seunghyun looks at the carving on the bathroom doors. "These men really where taking a if they have time to carve stuff in these doors." 
Bae rings out the mop and sloshes it across the floor. "Yea it's interesting what you find in restroom stalls." 
The older sighs. "I'm going to miss being here every single day. I have been with you guys for about four months now right?" 
"Yea that's very true. Four months and three months straight on. It was nice staying in that hotel....and once again thank you for helping me keep up with the rent." 
"Oh it's no problem....oh gosh what is this shoved back.....uuuuuuuuughhh!" Seunghyun finds a dirty rag shoved into a corner. It's been there for months. "Baaaaae you need to clean your bathrooms more often man." 
Bae chuckles. "Sorry man. I will do better....plus remember it's been four months. That's a four month rag you got there...." 
"Okay...." The older chuckles as he throws the rag in a bag. He is so grateful he is wearing gloves. "I'm done being domestic Tabi." The older laughs. "Make me a drink man" Bae nods. "Ne we shall rehydrate ourselves with some beer" The two laugh and head back out to the bar. 
Seungri comes in with a grin. "Hey hyungs! Guess what the new has calmed down a lot. They think that you went on a flight back to Korea today" Seunghyun laughs. "That manager hyung did a good job" 
"Ne he did that buys you a good month. Manager hyung also said that you need to be in the studio today for a least a couple hours." 
Seunghyun laughs. "I'm sure. " 
Seungri bows. "Well I'm going back to the house. You didn't answer your phones so I just decided to come over." 
"Seungri ah?" says Seunghyun opening a beer. "Ne hyung?" 
"Can you make sure that Jiyong doesn't do too much. Be like a shadow." 
"Ne hyung.. I can do that. See you guys later." 
Bae laughs. "Oh you don't want to clean?" 
The younger looks at the two and shakes his head. "Hyungs do a great job of cleaning." Seunghyun and Bae laugh. "GO on Ri." says Bae with a laugh.
Jiyong smiles as he places the baby in his lap. There is a pillow to help support the baby as Jiyong pulls out his leaking . Jiyong's have been really hard the past couple days. Since he is feeding he is producing more milk more often for the baby. Jiyong lets the baby latch on and smiles as the baby eats his lunch...well more like third lunch. 
The baby is still a newborn so Jihyun just sleeps and eats all day. Sometimes Jiyong feels like a cow the way the baby craves for milk. Jiyong is happy to do it every time but sometimes the baby will have him awake for hours. 
One time the Jihyun took two hours to feed because the baby would   then sleep then sleep. That night Jiyong just left his shirt off and rocked in the chair the rest of the night. The milk has really helped because the  baby has gained weight Jihyun looks so cute with it's puffy cheeks.  
There is not a lot of personality yet since the baby is so young but Jiyong loves how the baby is already starting to recognize his daddies. When Jiyong comes near the baby it always coos and knows exactly why Jiyong is there and when Seunghyun comes in the baby loves to snuggle. 
Jiyong continues to rock in his chair as the baby starts to fall sleep while . Jiyong chuckles and continues to rock. He feels like a pro now with his pillow. It makes things comfortable for him and the baby. The little black hairs tickle Jiyong's chest making him lightly laugh. "Aigo so much hair my love" He whispers." Seunghyun comes into the room after a hot shower. "So here you are feeding our sleeping child again?" 
Seunghyun normally helps Jiyong with feeding and lifting the baby. Jiyong smiles at his lover and holds out his hand for the larger one to take it. They intertwine their fingers and watch as the baby in his sleep. Seunghyun laughs a bit. "I bet you taste good to him." Jiyong laughs. "It's probably the cereal and the fruit I ate this morning." 
The soft ivory skin is so pure and precious Jiyong can't believe he produced something so beautiful. "He's an angel isn't he?" 
"Ne....our angel. Until we produce another one...." 
"You really are set on knocking me up again eh?" Chuckles Jiyong lightly. 
"Oh I would love to as many times as you like" 
Jiyong grins. "Deal." 
Mrs. Kwon comes in with a grin on her face. "We decided the wedding date" It's a Korean tradition for the parents to set the wedding date for their kids. Jiyong grins. "So??" 
"Well we decided to do it in Korea in a couple of months. The Choi's will get everything ready" 
Jiyong chuckles. "SO they are planning it?" 
Seunghyun then smiles. "Well I have been working with a planner. She will be over tomorrow. I flew her in  to work with us." 
Jiyong laughs. "My God you are rich...." 
"We are rich and Ne I have lots of money. Actually I need to make a song this week so that we can give our guest cars as wedding presents." 
Jiyong laughs and then sarcastically says. "Oh yea that is perfect. They will love it." 
Of course they are only kidding. 
///////////////////////////////Dara and Bae's////////////////////////////////
Dara comes from the bathroom and towel dries her hair. She sees her boyfriend back from the bar and she makes a face. "Baby...did you shower yet?" Bae shakes his head. "Nope...because you were in there beautifying yourself." Chuckles the stinky man. Dara then laughs. "You could have just come in you know...since when do you wait outside of the bathroom..." It's true normally they get ready together. 
Bae then stands and takes off his shirt revealing his abs. Dara grins. "Oh glory those precious abs baby." Dara comes close and runs a hand down then. "Why don't you get in that shower and we can have a little fun eh?" 
Bae then unmutes the TV. "Looks like Daesung spilled the beans about Jiyong's pregnancy...still it's great that they don't know who he is...." 
Dara rolls her eyes. "Good lord when will this cycle of bull stop so that we can live in peace...." 
Bae shakes his head. "I agree....aish we have to tell them.." 
Dara sighs..." Ne....I'm sure that Seunghyun doesn't know..." 
Bae just wants to forget for a little bit. He then walks over to his girlfriend and strips . Dara chuckles. "And what are you up to mister and your stinky self?" 
"I feel that we should do some deep thinking in the shower." 
Dara laughs "In the shower?" She runs a hand down her lover's abs. "Well I'm sure we will think of something" They both go into the bathroom of course to lock the door behind them.

****Hey what do you think of this chapter???? I feel that GD really does have money like that. He could buy everyone a  car at his wedding haha. Anyways please leave me feed back and have you guys seen GD's comeback. I love his new album. What is your favorite song?? I like the song "I love it and R.O.D." Until Next time. Love^^


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Seventeen_kpop #1
RaeT25 #2
Chapter 31: Great story loved that it wasn't all fluff fluff
Chapter 31: The whole story is great and I loveeeeeee it! The most unforgettable thing is DaraBae's converstation when Dara asked "may I have one too" LOLOLOLOL Dara you savage. And how Seunghyun treats Jiyong like he's vulnerable yet fragile Prince made me melts down lyk an ice cream???? Bye. The first class scene ft. Jiyong and Dami tho HAHAHAHA that should-Jiyong-took-an-etiquette-class jebal chorom. Don't forget, my favorite plot twist tho!!!!!!!! Can't unmention about Daesung's confession. Poor him but I hate him as equal as Seunghyun loves Jiyong. Ok. Love your fiction and keep on a good work! xx
Chapter 1: Im gonna like this
HZ_Ely #5
Chapter 7: Hallelujah, finally!! Bless yo soul Youngbae (it was about time) :")

So far so good <3
poppythelastandfist #6
Chapter 28: hahaha this has to be one of my favourite gtop fanfics :-)
Aisyah134 #7
Chapter 31: loves the story good job
Chapter 3: Loved this story! Great job!
Maddie88 #9
Chapter 31: Omg. I love this stories a lot. It's so sweet and loving~~~
Lokiztrix #10
Chapter 31: As always I absolutely adored this story! Looking forward to more of your creations ^_^