Truth and Lies

What's left behind


"It is reported that Choi Seunghyun will be doing a press conference. It is not confirmed where it will be held but sources say it will  be a private event. Fans have been confused about their emotions to the scandal. The man known as TOP has the hearts of many. He is known for his lyrics and acting skills. Will he keep the hearts of his fans...or will he crumble as the man who is on TOP, goes to the bottom. I'm Shin Hyeon Mi for  MNET America...." 
Seunghyun mutes the TV and shakes his head. The news has not died down at all and everyone is tweeting him like crazy for answers. There are third party magazines already offering the man a six page spread of the scandal. The rapper of course refused because taking a deal like that is pretty much putting yourself on a career low. 
The man is still happy that they don't know who Kwon Jiyong is and that the man is pregnant. Having a scandal is enough of his worries. He doesn't want the risk of his fiance getting exposed to the public only to be chased down by the paparazzi constantly. Jiyong seems strong with  his emotions of the whole situation but the pudding cups do show that things do concern him sometimes. The younger is okay with not knowing all the facts for now and he understands that it's for his own good. 
Seunghyun just wished that Yang would have done things differently. He knew that he was going to come at him with a ball of fire but he didn't know that he would get two countries evolved. 
The rapper is known both in Korea and The United States. Of course he is more popular in Asia but Americans have been more and more interested in the KPOP world. Hearing the names of Super Junior and BangBang are nothing uncommon. Even old people recognize Seunghyun. Maybe not for his music but the older crowds at least know that he is a celebrity. 
Jiyong comes from the bathroom holding his belly. The man has not been feeling the best and they both know that the due date is near. Jiyong gets on the bed and groans. Seunghyun moves towards his lover and rubs the large belly looking into his eyes. "Do you feel any better?" 
Jiyong groans with his eyes closed. "I feel like . This baby needs to get out of me soon. We are both running out of space..." The younger rubs his belly again meeting his fiance's hands. Seunghyun gets closer and snuggles next to his lover. "It will happen soon baby."  The younger nods and groans again. Seunghyun hates that his lover is uncomfortable. 
"Would a make you feel better." 
Jiyong chuckles. "I don't even want my to be touched right now...just laying down feels good. Your hand is enough for me right now." The younger looks Seunghyun in the eyes and smiles. "I will take up the after the baby is born." 
The older chuckles. "Okay I will remember that then. How's the bra feeling?" 
"I took that's too tight..." 
The older raises an eyebrow. "Hmmm y...can I see them?" 
Jiyong groans. "Hyunnie...just lay here...I'm not in the mood for Mister freak" 
"Mister freak?" 
Jiyong chuckles "You know you are as hell" 
The older snuggles closer "Ne...I like your y body. I love the curves." says the older rubbing up and down the belly. Jiyong chuckles again. "I'm sorry hyunnie I haven't really been active huh. Are you ually frustrated?" 
Seunghyun shakes his head. "No love. I'm fine. I just want you to be happy and comfortable. I don't like seeing you like this..." 
"It's just our baby trying to make room. Jihyun is wanting to meet his appas." 
"Neee he is.." 
Dong Wook knocks on the bedroom door. "Come in" Shouts Jiyong sitting up. 
Seunghyun gets out of bed while the older opens the door. "Hey Jiyong" He then brings his attention to his artist. "We need to start getting ready. We can take the private elevator to the conference area of the hotel." 
The older nods. "Great. Just let me change shirts real quick and I will be right out." Dong Wook looks at his watch. "Okay come out into the living room in five minutes so you can get your hair and makeup done. Also I want to throw some practice questions at you." 
"Okay hyung" 
Dong Wook closes the door and Jiyong sits on the bed and watches as his lover picks out a shirt. The older holds up two different color shirts. "Which one should I wear?" Jiyong looks at the man puzzled. "You want to take fashion advice from me?" 
Seunghyun nods. "Just pick a color love. I want to wear what you pick." 
Jiyong laughs. "Okay...well the red shirt looks nice...means good luck.." The older chuckles. "Okay red it is." He throws on the shirt and Jiyong continues to rub his belly. "Will it be live?" 
"No it will be private" 
"Oh okay. I was hoping to watch." 
"Well I wouldn't want you to watch. These things get scary at times." 
"But I thought that they liked you?" 
The older puts on his other shoe. "They like me because I bring their companies money. Good or Bad new means money for them. If they want to they can tear me down. Jiyong makes a worried face. "I don't like the sound of that you have to do this?" 
The older sits on the bed and smiles. "Ne" says the older running his hands through JIyong's hair. "I have to do this...because it's my job. I have dealt with press all throughout my career. Nothing they say is nothing I can't handle." He then brings their foreheads together making them look each other in the eyes. Jiyong blushes a bit. "This is super close." 
"I love looking at you. I love making you blush." Seunghyun leans in and gives his lover a soft kiss. "Mmm and I love these lips." He kisses him again. "I will be back Yongie" Jiyong kisses his lover this time a little longer. "Come back in one piece." 
The older gets off the bed. "Of course I will. Now rest you hear. I don't want to hear of you walking all over the place. Remember last night it took hours for your feet to get unswollen." 
"Yah yah I had my reasons. My hyunnie was getting picked on." 
"Yea true. I love that about rest." The older takes the house shoes away from the bed. "If I hear your feet stepped in these you are in big trouble." Jiyong pouts. "Ne hyunnie" 
The older chuckles. "I will be back later." The older opens the door and closes the room back. He steps into the living room where there is a makeup artist and hair stylist. Dong Wook then comes over. "I didn't want to rush you but we need to get started on your hair." The older takes a seat in the makeup chair and lets the team do their magic. 
At press events you don't know who is going to be there. Whether you get verbally beat down or put on a pedestal you want to look your best. Press companies have the power of portraying you in any kind of light. "So will these people be nice to me today?" 
The older shrugs his shoulders. "I have a feeling they will be nice but be prepared for the random questions. What are you going to say about your lover?" 
"I will say that it's a private matter. Don't worry hyung. I'm good in the questions department. " 
The older sighs. "You better be on top of your game. This is not a regular scandal. This is something that is making you look like you are getting tricked." 
"Well that's one thing I wish to clear up." 
"You will." The older pats Seunghyun's shoulder. "Noona can you hurry?" 
///////////////////Conference Room 14///////////////
Seunghyun is mic'd and he is ready. He hates press conferences because everyone of them he has to go out there blind. You don't know what to expect and you don't know what mood the press is in. Attitude is everything and thanks to the rapper's trainee days he is use to the rapid fire questions. Dong Wook comes up to the man and looks him in the eyes. "Are you ready?" 
"Ne" says the older moving his body around to loosen muscles. 
"Good. You know the routine. I will go out and introduce you and you will come out after...okay?" 
"Got it" 
Dong Wook then walks up to the door leading to the conference and Seungri opens the door for him. As soon as the door opened there are flashes of cameras that are reflecting off the walls. The sounds of the camera clicks are rapid and it makes the older even more anxious. Seungri comes over and pats his hyung on the back. "You got this hyung" 
The older smiles down at his dongsaeng. "Thanks Ri. I want things to work out." 
"Well we all know this will add some relief to your fans and also clear up the rumors." The two then  listen as they hear the sound of their hyung talking in the other room. Normally the manager will introduce their talent giving the artist some warning. Seunghyun walks up to the press door and Seungri stands behind it. Dong Wook introduces the rapper and Seungri pulls open the door. 
Instantly Seunghyun is flashed with cameras. There is no one shouting in the room. It's just the sound of camera clicks and Seunghyun's foot steps walking to the podium. 
"Hello I'm Choi Seunghyun. Thank you for being here. I invited you all to clear up some rumors to get you all more clarity on the situation at hand. You may now start your questions one at a time" The rapper makes his point clear that one person talks at a time which is a common request. The rapper then can hear Ipads and tablets unlocking to reveal questions. Seunghyun calls on a woman in the front row. She stands and takes a microphone that is handed to her. 
"Hello I'm Jang Man Ok from Korean weekly. As you know this scandal is a surprise to us. Please tell us why you have been coming from Korea to the United States recently." 
Seunghyun smiles. "Thank you for your question. I know that you all know that I have been doing  a lot of travel lately. Some of it is for work and some of it is for personal reasons. That is all I can tell you" 
The room murmurs as people take down notes. Another person is called on. "Hi I'm Man Jong Hyun from Entertainment weekly. You say that the travel is also for personal reasons. Is this for your lover?" 
Seunghyun nods. "Ne it is for my lover. next" 
"Hello Shin Man Dok from Extra. How do you feel about the rumors that you are being used?" 
The older sighs. "Well one thing that I want to clear up is that I'm not being used." The same man raises his hand again. "Sources say that you have been spending a lot of money on this person. Why is that" 
Seunghyun chuckles "When you have a lover would you not spend money on them?" The man from extra nods and chuckles to himself as he sits down. Seunghyun then call a person from the back. The microphone travels slowly to her section and the woman stands. "I'm Marie from MNET. We all know that you are bi ual. Do you care to tell us whether your lover is a male or female?" 
The rapper shakes his head. "I wish to keep my lover out of the press." The woman speaks again. "Well could you just give us a name." Seunghyun smirks. "Good one. If I give you a name you will know who the person is....Next...okay you..." says Seunghyun smiling but feeling slightly annoyed on the inside. It is as if these people are deaf at times. Always wanting to get the latest gossip. 
"Afternoon. I'm Linda from Korean daily America. Are you sure you are not being used? You have spent so much money on these people. Sources say that you even paid off their businesses. Is spending so much money really worth it? Are you in love?" 
"Okay since those are three questions I will choose one from the three" The woman makes a face and nods. "I have control over my decisions and again. I"m not being used and I'm well aware of what I"m paying for because I'm the one swiping the card in my wallet." 
"So what is next." Shouts a person from the back. Seunghyun chuckles "Tisk tisk you didn't wait your turn. I bet your teachers loved you for following directions." The crowd chuckles and the man turns red from embarrassment taking the mic. " name is Michael from TVN America. What do you have to say to your fans. They all seemed confused in the forums. So our viewers want to know what is going on with the rapper and actor TOP." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "I love them and I love their patience. All of their tweets to me have been very encouraging. Please do not be discouraged and stay by oppas side by continuing to support me." The reporter  nods his head with a smile and sits down. The rapper continues to take more questions and finally Dong Wook comes over. "This will conclude our press conference .You may now take pictures for five minutes and we will depart. Thank you for coming" 
All the photographers and camera men come closer to the press line and take more shots of the older. Seunghyun shakes the hands of a few familiar faces and poses for the cameras. Five minutes pass by and Seunghyun is lead to the door that he is ready to go behind. Seungri opens the door and Seunghyun and Dong Wook come in with smiles on their faces. "How did it go hyungs? I couldn't hear everything behind the door?" 
"I think that it went well. Seunghyun will get some good press out of this." 
"Yea I think so too. No one was crazy...I was afraid and prepared for the crazy ones."  says the older walking with the rest of his crew to the private elevator. "Do you think they will run anything tomorrow?" 
"Oh yea I'm sure they will. Mina what do you think?" Mina the Public Relations representative for SM nods her head. "I think that we will get good press out of this. We need as much good press as possible to make sure the public turns this negative light into a positive." 
Seunghyun nods and gets on the elevator. "What about my deals hyung?" 
Dong Wook grins. "They are still making money so your endorsements are just fine" 
The elevator doors open to their floor and Seunghyun starts to walk down the hallway. A random man then pulls out a camera and starts to take pictures. Dong Wook screams "Yah you little punk!" The older runs down the hallway after the man taking a quick exit towards the stairs. Dong Wook curses and follows the man down. 
Seunghyun, Seungri, and Mina shake their heads. Mina folds her arms. "People will do anything just to get a good shot." 
Seunghyun nods. "Yea...hopefully Dong Wook hyung gets him" 
Seungri nods. "Ne...if not the man will know what floor we live on." 
Seunghyun nods again. "Yea..I will tell security to tighten up on who they let on this floor" Mina then nods. "Don't worry about it. Dong Wook and I will take care of it. Seungri come with me we need to talk to the the manager of the hotel." 
Seungri bows to his hyung. "We will be back later." Seunghyun smiles at the two and proceeds to go to his room. He takes out his key card and swipes it across the door. He walks in to hear everyone is eating dinner. Seunghyun smiles to the sound of something normal. The older takes off his shoes and proceeds to the dining area. 
He of course sees his lover sitting next to his best friends. Jiyong of course sees his lover across the room and makes a guilty face. "Sorry hyunnie...I got hungry." Seunghyun chuckles. "Baby of course you need to eat." says the older walking to the chair next to his lover. Mrs. Kwon pats the chair between her son and her. "Come come. I'm sure that press conference was stressful" 
Seunghyun smiles. "Actually. It wasn't that bad. Because Dong Wook Hyung made sure to invite people who write real stories and nothing false." Mrs. Kwon smiles. "Oh good. I'm glad that it went well. I was a little worried." 
"Trust me I was too." says the older putting some American food on his plate. "But I think I handled myself well. I cleared up some rumors." Dami of course grabs a roll. "Good. I'm tired of these ers talking bad about us." 
Seunghyun nods. "I'm just glad that they don't know who you are. I plan to keep it that way. Especially since Jihyun is not born yet." 
Jiyong rubs his belly. "Yea I don't want our baby coming into so much drama." 
Mr Kwon puts some carrots onto his plate. "Ji ah you might have to be prepared to do so. Your due date is near and also we don't know how long this press thing will take" 
Seunghyun nods and looks over at his lover. "I'm sorry baby, but your father is right. There will still be drama, but we can still live our lives. What they think is what they think" 
Jiyong nods. " can I live normally with this?" says the younger pointing to his belly. "We have a baby..." 
"Ne my love we do. Jihyun will not be effected." 
"I'm not a normal case hyunnie. I'm a man with a prego body and prego full of milk." Jiyong points to his and Dara giggles. "They are looking rather perky today." 
Jiyong pouts. "Hey...don't look at my ..." 
Mr. Kwon shakes his head. "Agio..." Jiyong chuckles. "Sorry appa. I'm just saying that I'm not just a regular person. I'm the freak show" 
Everyone shakes their heads. Seunghyun puts a hand around his lover. The younger one's emotions have been more random in this 9th month. "Baby You are not a freak show. You are beautiful. When the time comes I will reveal our family. Don't worry about anything but being an amazing father to our child" 
YoungBae nods. "Yea don't worry. We are all in this together." 
Jiyong looks around the table and starts to tear up. '" I love you all so much" Seunghyun kisses the top of his lover's head. "We love you too" 
Seunghyun is in the living room watching a random variety show with his dongsaeng and Bae. The hotel door opens and in walks in Dong Wook who has been gone for hours. Seunghyun stands up to greet his hyung. "Hyung? We have not seen you in hours. What happened?" 
Dong Wook makes a face. "I had to chase that little punk fifteen blocks. It was at the subways I was able to catch him." 
"What does he know?" 
"Well after a threat of a lawsuit the kid spoke. He knows that Jiyong lives here and he has been taking pictures since last week." Seungri's eyes widen. "That long? How come we didn't see him?" 
"Because he works here...he said there are others..." 
"Aish..." says Bae standing up. "Do we need to move again hyungs?" 
Seunghyun shakes his head. "We are going to have this happen no matter where we go...because they don't know who Jiyong is...they will be even more aggressive." 
Seungri nods his head. "Ne...well Mina and I talked to Security so they will have more men on guard on this floor" 
Dong Wook nods. "Well that's good to know. Still we need to be on gaud." He looks at Seunghyun. "I'm sorry but Jiyong will not be able to leave this room. He can't even leave the's too much of a risk." 
Seunghyun sighs. "We both know and we are prepared. It's just that Jiyong's C section is next week...we need to figure out a way of getting him to the hospital." 
Dong Wook sighs loudly and melts into a local chair. "Shiiiiit." says the man digging his hands in his hair. "I totally forgot about that...." 
"I know this is burdensome but we have to make it happen. Dr. Park can't come here..." 
Dong Wook sits up and nods slowly. "Yea we can't do that...we could be drawing more attention to ourselves...we will figure it out..." 
"If you need my help I can help hyung" Says the rapper feeling a little guilty.
"No no...this is our job. Me, Seungri and Mina will make it happen. Let us take the heat of making things work. Just have Jiyong prepared and rested." 
Seunghyun nods. "Thanks hyung...really you have helped me out so much...all of you." 
Bae chuckles. "Hyung I should be thanking you. You have kept a roof over our head and out of danger for weeks. It's you who deserves thanks." 
Jiyong comes into the living room with his sponge bob hoodie and slippers rubbing his eyes. He looks the men over and draws his attention to his lover. "Sorry boys, but it's time for my Hyunnie to go to bed." 
Seunghyun chuckles. "See you all in the morning. We shall see how the press conference goes." He stands up and walks over to his lover putting an arm around the still tiny waist. They slowly walk together and the older chuckles. "I have a bed time now?" 
Jiyong looks up at his lover in the dimly lit room leading to their suit. "I sleep better when you are next to me" 
The older chuckles "Same for me too" He reaches down and intertwines their fingers together. The older chuckles making Jiyong look up with a soft smile. "What is it?"
"Sponge Bob baby?" 
Jiyong chuckles. "It was the only hoodie that fit me at the moment and I didn't want to send the maid down again. I kinda like the yellow" 
Seunghyun then growls. "Neee it's y" 
Jiyong playfully slaps his lover's shoulder. "You are not getting any tonight." 
Seunghyun pouts. "Not even some s action..." 
Jiyong grins "Okay...for five minutes..." 
Seunghyun smirks and closes the door behind them "Oh I can do a lot in five minutes..." 
"Hyunnie" Jiyong whines. 
"Fine fine...I will stick to the s." 

**Hey thank you for reading!! I appreciate the comments. It is so much fun reading them all and responding when I can. I love how you all get into the story. Seriously it makes my day^^ Until next time. Love!!


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Seventeen_kpop #1
RaeT25 #2
Chapter 31: Great story loved that it wasn't all fluff fluff
Chapter 31: The whole story is great and I loveeeeeee it! The most unforgettable thing is DaraBae's converstation when Dara asked "may I have one too" LOLOLOLOL Dara you savage. And how Seunghyun treats Jiyong like he's vulnerable yet fragile Prince made me melts down lyk an ice cream???? Bye. The first class scene ft. Jiyong and Dami tho HAHAHAHA that should-Jiyong-took-an-etiquette-class jebal chorom. Don't forget, my favorite plot twist tho!!!!!!!! Can't unmention about Daesung's confession. Poor him but I hate him as equal as Seunghyun loves Jiyong. Ok. Love your fiction and keep on a good work! xx
Chapter 1: Im gonna like this
HZ_Ely #5
Chapter 7: Hallelujah, finally!! Bless yo soul Youngbae (it was about time) :")

So far so good <3
poppythelastandfist #6
Chapter 28: hahaha this has to be one of my favourite gtop fanfics :-)
Aisyah134 #7
Chapter 31: loves the story good job
Chapter 3: Loved this story! Great job!
Maddie88 #9
Chapter 31: Omg. I love this stories a lot. It's so sweet and loving~~~
Lokiztrix #10
Chapter 31: As always I absolutely adored this story! Looking forward to more of your creations ^_^