Bring it

What's left behind


Jiyong comes out into the living room. He sees his boyfriend standing in the middle of the floor texting rapidly. Normally he is calm and he never texts quite as avid as he is right now. Jiyong doesn't want to come into the room yet because he wants to see his boyfriend's true state. Jiyong maybe a bad liar but he does have the gift of reading people. 
His lover is hiding something and he knows it. The way that everyone just paused when he went into Bae and Dara's room...the panicked look on Dara's face. There is something going on and  he is going to find out. The man is not mad, he understands that they want to keep the drama away from him, but really it makes Jiyong more stressed. The stress of the unknowing is actually more stress than real situation. 
Jiyong walks across the living room  with his arms cradling his belly. He walks carefully to try to see what his lover is doing. Maybe if he doesn't hear him he might get a bit of a real reaction. The pregnant man comes closer and the damn designer rug tussles against his socks. Seunghyun looks up and smiles quickly putting away his phone.  "Hey baby...I didn't see you coming.." 
Jiyong stops midway and doesn't come all the way to his lover. Seunghyun then gets worried. "What's it the baby? Are you okay? Why are you looking like that." Based off that reaction Jiyong definitely knows something is up and must be something big because his fiance is too concerned about his lover's stress. The younger comes closer and looks the older in the eyes. "Hyunnie..." Seunghyun takes the smaller hands in his. "What is it baby?" 
"I know that you want to protect me...and not make me stressed and all..." Jiyong sighs and rubs his belly he can't even finish the sentence. 
"You did you find out..." says the older a little disappointed he couldn't keep the secret away from Jiyong longer. The younger looks up. "Well I kinda figured something was all looked too panicked....too concerned about me...not that I'm complaining...but things were different...just tell me...not knowing is making things worse...." 
The older sighs and leads them over to the sofa. He helps Jiyong get comfortable by placing a pillow behind his back for support. "Is this alright baby?" The younger nods and gets more situated. Jiyong looks over at his lover. "Tell me matter how bad it is..." 
The older is stuck in a hard place. He doesn't know how the younger will take this. "Baby...I'm involved in a scandal..." Jiyong straightens up a bit. "A scandal...what kind of scandal..." 
"With you...they know that I'm in a relationship and that I have been going from New York to Korea often..." says the older with a low voice. He is just beating himself up at how more drama is in his family again. 
Jiyong gets pale and Seunghyun takes his hands. "Baby..." He pulls his lover into a hug. "I knew I shouldn't have told you this..." He rubs his lovers back gently. "Say something baby..." 
Jiyong is speechless. "How did" 
"Yang did it...this is his parting gift...." 
Jiyong releases the hug. "Is there something you can do to stop this?" 
Seunghyun shakes his head. "Right now there is not much I can do. The public relations at my new company stopped press for some stories but here in the states it a whole new ball game..." The older gets quiet....he doesn't want to say too much...but Jiyong wants to know more. "Stop holding back hyunnie...I need to know..." 
"Jiyong you turned so white and I didn't even get into the story yet..." 
The younger nods..."Well maybe it's best I don't know it all they know who I'am?" 
Seunghyun shakes his head again. "Thank the heavens they don't and they don't know that you are pregnant. Still this is a dangerous situation. I want you to be stress free baby...please don't let this get to you..." 
Jiyong sees the worry in his lovers eyes. He leans in and places a soft kiss on his lips making the other smile into it. They release and the older puts a hand to Jiyong's cheek caressing it gently with his thumb. "It will be all over soon baby...I love you so much and I just want to make sure that you are protected. It is never my intentions to hide things from you on purpose..." 
Jiyong smiles. "I know Hyunnie. Jihyun and I are okay. The media doesn't know who I'am so things will be okay for now. We will get through this." 
Seunghyun nods "True baby." He leans down and places his head on the belly. The baby is kicking due to his father's voice. "He has been very active lately." 
Jiyong rubs the belly "Ne he moves more and more and when he hears your voice he still goes crazy." Seunghyun kisses the belly twice and looks into his lover's eyes. "Thank you for this precious gift. Jihyun will always be a symbol of our love..." 
////////////Dami's Room///////////////////
The television has been on all day in her room. She can't move from her seat. The headlines are always the same on the American and Korean channels. Mystery lover and Scandal is always plastered on the screen. The woman piratically can report the news too since she is listening so intently. She looks up when she hears a knock on the door. She get's up from her bed and opens the door slowly. "Hey noona" says Seunghyun in the hallway. 
The older opens the door. "There is nothing new going on..." 
"I know...Jiyong found out..." 
Dami sighs. "Aish...I knew he would find out did he take the news?" 
"I didn't tell him's  too much..." 
"He is okay with that?" 
"Yea...for now...I'm sure he will want to know more but I just can't...when I told him earlier about what happened he turned pale...Noona..." The older then starts to tear up. Dami freaks a little and pulls the older to sit on the bed. "What is this too much?" 
The older nods and wipes the tears away. He is not crying but his emotion tend to show every now and then. "I just feel like I'm a curse...nothing ever goes right..." 
"You are nothing but have done so much for us...don't ever say that.." The older pats her brother in law's shoulder gently. "We will ing murder those ers when we have the chance." The older chuckles. "Of course we will" 
The butler comes into the room making the two on the bed look up. "What is it Drew?" 
"Um have a visitor. I told him he couldn't come in so he said that he would wait..." 
The two on the look at each other and have no idea who it could be. Seunghyun stands from the bed and straightens his clothes. "I got it..." He walks out the room and goes to the door. 
/////////////////Entrance of the Suite///////////////////////
The butler walks in his boss's shadow and Seunghyun turns around. "Don't worry I can handle this." 
"Are you sure sir. I can have him escorted off the premises." 
"I would love to do that...but right now we have to play the game..." 
"He did this sir?" 
"Yea...he's one of the many minions..." The older then opens the door to find no other than Daesung. "Seunghyun how can you leave me out here like this." 
"What do you want?" says the man with a growl..."how did you find this place?" 
Daesung smirks "It's funny how money can make you do things." He looks past the man "So are you going to invite me in." 
"Here is far enough. What do you want...obviously you didn't come here for a friendly visit." Seunghyun stares the man down and Daesung doesn't flinch one bit....just like a the he is..."It could be friendly if you corroporate.." 
"I'm not going back to the company. There is nothing you can do..." 
Daesung then holds up his phone and scrolls through some pictures. "Oh Jiyong has grown a lot" says the man turning his phone around to reveal the pictures taken from his bedroom. Seunghyun screams. "Yah! He has nothing to do with this! Give me that phone!" The man  tries to grab for the phone but Daesung did a quick one and put the phone in his pants. "Now now let's be on our good behavior...don't want to mess up things any further. Right now they don't know who he is...I wonder what would happen if I release these pictures." grins the other and this makes Seunghyun lose it. He takes the man and slams him against the nearest wall. He pushes him so hard the suite rattles. 
Daesung smirks at the man glaring at him. "I'm just the messenger. I can't send these pictures out...but I can warn you" Seunghyun growls and slams the man against the wall again. "ING STOP THIS! I'M TIRED OF THIS BULL I'M TIRED OF YOU MESSING WITH MY FAMILY!" 
"You can get out of this you know..." 
"Never.." says the older still looking the man down. " you you piece of worthless trash." 
Daesung smirks. "I wouldn't call me trash...the trash is still inside your suite..." The older just wants to punch him. "What did you say you ing bastard. You are nothing but a minion a lacky. You have no power all you do is follow will end up in jail and Yang will get a slap on the wrist... YOU" 
The other laughs and Seunghyun finds the man crazy. "Neeee Seunghyun ah I'm not in my right mind. Because of you you ed things up....but at least you have good taste. How is he good in bed...does he moan your it worth it...?" Seunghyun has had it the man is crazy and his mouth needs to be shuts. He pulls up his fist. 
"Choi Seunghyun! Stop right now!" Yells a man down the hallway. The older puts down his arm and looks over. "It's about time you got here." 
Dong Wook comes over with his baggage. "The you doing here Daesung? Causing more ?" Seunghyun takes the other by the collar and pushes him on the ground. Daesung gets up from the ground and fixes his clothes back. "As long as you are with will regret and your bastard son!" Seunghyun starts to charge towards the man and Dong Wook stops him. Seunghyun struggles. "ARaaaaaaah!!" 
Dong Wook restrains the man. "Stop it...this is what they want you to do. You need to get yourself together!" Seunghyun stops his movements and just stands behind his manager for his own good. "Get out of here" Daesung smirks. "Good seeing you two..." The man walks down the hallway like nothing even happened.
Dong Wook pats his shoulder. "We got some work to do...let's go in.." 
Seunghyun nods. "Sorry hyung...I just...I couldn't have him talk about Jiyong like that..." 
Dong Wook sighs. "You need to be prepared because what he said is nothing compared to what the world will say...and already have said..." 
"You looked at the forums?" 
"I have to..I'm your stay away from them..." The reason why he has to stay away from forums is because a celebrity can totally lose focus if they read tons of negative messages. For the sanity of the artist the managers normally look into things and then they figure what to do next..
The two walk into the suite to find pretty much everyone at the door. The way that Seunghyun was yelling, it could be heard through out the suite. Jiyong of course is the first person in the older's eyes. "Baby...did you hear...?" 
Jiyong didn't hear much..but he heard the last parts..." I"m sorry...." 
Everyone one shakes their heads and hug and kiss the younger. Seunghyun of course comes in to take his fiance in an embrace. Jiyong buries his his head in his lovers chest. "I feel like this is all my fault..." 
"No never baby" says Seunghyun calming his fiance. "I love you so will be my husband soon" 
Jiyong looks up. "Soon? I don't know if we can even be together. Your career your future could be ruined...because of me..." 
"I don't care...I will make pastries with you and noona. I don't need anything else. All I need is you. Jiyong ah can't you see that I will do anything for you." He never uses public displays of affection but he wants Jiyong to know that he loves him dearly. He leans in and kisses his lover tenderly. The rest of the family shed tears and hope that this will all end soon. 
//////////////////Living Room////////////////////
Everyone is in the living room. The man of the hour is finally here and now the order shall begin. "Well basically Seunghyun will have to give a press conference. A statement won't do..." 
"Does he have to face the public now...wouldn't cameras be on him all day." says Bae
Dong Wook taps his chin "You are right...but either way cameras are going to be on him. The story is still fresh." 
"Hyung...when is it going to happen. Today...I will have only the major press come and it will be a small venue. You will get your words in and it should help things..." 
"What about me?" says Jiyong. 
"You need to stay leaving the room or anything until everything is over." 
"I still don't know what else is going on" 
Seunghyun grabs his lover's hand. "And that's all you need to know baby...this is too much already..." 
Dong Wook nods. "Ne for the health of your baby you need to stay calm.." 
Dong Wook pushes the handle down to his roller suit case and picks it up in his hand. "So where am I sleeping?" 
Jiyong looks over and smiles. "Thank you for your hard work...the butler's will make a bed for you here in the living room.." Dong Wook nods. Mr. Choi then questions. "What about the rest of us...what about your has been weeks since we paid bills or made rent..." 
YoungBae nods. "Yea my landlords have been on me a bit." 
Seunghyun then gets a little concerned. "I could have handled that guys. I will pay off your late bills and cover the next few months." Mr. Choi bows slightly "Thank you son...we just didn't want to burden you with such things...but bills were getting tight." 
Jiyong then bites. "Appa you should have still said something...we would have fixed it.." Seunghyun rubs his fiances belly again. "Calm down baby..." Jiyong then nods. "I'm sorry...I'm just a little moody again.." 
The suite door knocks and the butler comes out from his quarters. "I will get it sir." The door opens and in comes . "Hyuuuuuung I missed you!" 
Dong Wook gets wide eyed "Seungri? ...I thought you had the flight for tomorrow?"
"I was able to get on a earlier flight" says the younger putting down his bag. He bow to the other. "Hello again" Everyone smiles. Mrs. Choi comes to pat the younger on the back. "Are you hungry son?" 
Due to the uproar in the new the press conference is pushed to tomorrow morning. Dong Wook and Seunghyun spent the past three hours coming up with a script to tell the American and Korean/Asia audiences. The words are careful and they are concise. In press conferences every single word is taken literally. Where words are torn in every direction to be manipulated in what the press thinks of you. Luckily this conference is held with people that adore TOP the rapper. 
Seunghyun comes into the bedroom to find his lover sitting on the bed. Jiyong has a movie playing on their TV and there is a six pack of pudding cups. The pudding cups are a bad sign...
"Jiyong ah..." says the man getting onto the bed to take witness to three empty cups of pudding. Jiyong just stares into the TV and takes another bite. "Baby...speak to me.." 
Jiyong then sighs. "I'm just eating..." 
Seunghyun then takes the remote and puts the TV on mute. Jiyong whines and tries to take the device back but it's no use due to the belly making it hard to move on the bed quickly. "Hyunnie..." 
"Talk to me." says the older taking the food off the bed. 
"I would never use you..." 
Seunghyun gets wide eyed and just stares at his lover. "When did you look at the whole story baby....why did you watch the news...I told you to not look into it..." He gets closer and  pulls Jiyong into an embrace. "Baby...I never thought of you as are my everything..." 
"But I'am using you..." The younger starts to cry. "You have spent so much on are here all the could be doing other things in life." The older then cuts Jiyong off with a  passionate kiss. It takes Jiyong's breath away because it was totally unexpected. The older on the pouty lips and caresses the pregnant body. He runs his hand up Jiyong's spine earning a moan which allows him to get more access. Jiyong continues to moan as his fiance ravishes him. He takes his time to on the lips and on his lover's tongue. Jiyong moans again grabbing at his lover's hair. 
They release the kiss and Jiyong is out of breath. Seunghyun leans in again and steals another kiss. "I love you" 
Jiyong still out breath pulls his lover into a hug. "I love you..." Seunghyun smiles and rubs his husbands back gently. "So you will still marry me and stop this crazy talk?" 
Jiyong snuggles closer..."Ne..." 
"Trust me. I will fix this" He leans back pulling the two down on the bed. Jiyong cuddles into his lover's side and Seunghyun grabs the remote and unmutes it. "So what are we watching?" says the older rubbing his fiance's belly. Jihyun moves a bit under the fingers making Seunghyun grin. 
"It's comedy. You will like it." Jiyong grins. Seunghyun wraps his arms around the younger. "Good...I could use a good laugh." 
**Hey thank you for reading! Please leave me feedback! What do you like most about this story? Until next time! Love!!



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Seventeen_kpop #1
RaeT25 #2
Chapter 31: Great story loved that it wasn't all fluff fluff
Chapter 31: The whole story is great and I loveeeeeee it! The most unforgettable thing is DaraBae's converstation when Dara asked "may I have one too" LOLOLOLOL Dara you savage. And how Seunghyun treats Jiyong like he's vulnerable yet fragile Prince made me melts down lyk an ice cream???? Bye. The first class scene ft. Jiyong and Dami tho HAHAHAHA that should-Jiyong-took-an-etiquette-class jebal chorom. Don't forget, my favorite plot twist tho!!!!!!!! Can't unmention about Daesung's confession. Poor him but I hate him as equal as Seunghyun loves Jiyong. Ok. Love your fiction and keep on a good work! xx
Chapter 1: Im gonna like this
HZ_Ely #5
Chapter 7: Hallelujah, finally!! Bless yo soul Youngbae (it was about time) :")

So far so good <3
poppythelastandfist #6
Chapter 28: hahaha this has to be one of my favourite gtop fanfics :-)
Aisyah134 #7
Chapter 31: loves the story good job
Chapter 3: Loved this story! Great job!
Maddie88 #9
Chapter 31: Omg. I love this stories a lot. It's so sweet and loving~~~
Lokiztrix #10
Chapter 31: As always I absolutely adored this story! Looking forward to more of your creations ^_^