Chapter 2

Opposites Attract

You walked into your house, well more like ran and almost tripped on your front step as you trip to open the front door quickly. Anyway once you were inside you ran upstairs and collaplsed onto your bed. You were trying to fully register what had just happened.


"Did you just call me pretty?" You asked, trying to focus on what he had just said, and trying to contain your inner feelings. Kris nodded and looked at you. "Yea, you are, why would I lie about something like that?" You stopped breathing and turned to look at everything but him, your hear flying out of your chest. "Is that alright with you ___?" You turned back to look at Kris and nodded.

"Yea, it's fine. I'm kinda glad you think I'm pretty to be honest." You smiled.

Kris took a quick glance at his watch and a look of panic came across his face. "I'm sorry ___. But you have to go." He said starting to push you off to the direction you came from. You looked at him confused, he looked bad with an apologetic expression on his face. Something was up, and you wanted to know what it was.

You heard footsteps from behind you and turned around. There standing was a girl: small, short hair, and was dressed as if she just came back from a party with a bunch of frat boys. She stood there, gawking at you and Kris.

"Who is she Kris?" she asked, anger filling her pale face, making her looked like a cherry tomato.

"No one, I swear!" He yelled throwing his hands up in defense. You felt your heart break into a million pieces. *What just happened?*

"Then why are you with her?" She sneared as she walked up to Kris and linked her arm with his.

“No one, I swear!” He yelled.

You felt your heart break into a million pieces. What had just happened?

"Then why are you with her?" She sneared.

"I'm not with her, are you kidding? She just came and sat ext to me and tried to make conversation. Like I'd actually talk to her." Kris stood up and walked over toward the girl and wrapped his hand around her waist. "Let's go." They started walking away, leaving you heartbroken.

Kris looked back at you, something in his eyes caught your attention. He looked at you, but only for a second before the girl started talking to him. With that you stood there, not knowing what to do next.


In your room, you did nothing but looked at the ceiling. Who was that girl and what was her relation to Kris? Last time you check, he was single and had no intrest in a relationship right now. So many questions and so little answers that you had.

A few hours passed, you spent the time doing homework, studying, and playing with your cat.

Laying on your bed you heard a knocking noise at your window. You walked over to open it, you looked around and saw Kris standing on the ground beneath you. “Kris? What are you doing here? How did you find my house?” You asked, very confused.

Kris climbed the ladder that was on the side of your house and came through your window. He was standing in front of you, silent. You gave him a look of confusion, “Hey look I’m -” Kris cut you off. You were now in his arms, your heart stopped again, *What is he doing?* You thought.

“Kris?” You asked, still enclosed in his embrace.

“___. I’m sorry.” Was all he said as he tightened his grip around you, not wanting to let go.

This was going to be a long night...

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Chapter 9: TT_TT please update soon
Chapter 7: Parents....
Chapter 6: The text is from the girl that he is "dating" right?
Chapter 3: Kris living with me?
omg asdfghjklsffdsf //dead
This is so cute omg TTWTT
Update soon Author-nim~~