
silent nights; a drabble collection

Once upon a time, A few mistakes ago.

I was in your sights.


I was walking down the hallway, no wait, skipping down the hallway.

I went to my locker and took my textbooks and notebooks.

I glance through the opening on my locker to see Kai and his gang whispering. 

They were glancing my way.

Then Kai came, strutting towards me.

Kai, he was the most handsome. Nicknamed the playboy. 

He was trouble. But his charms took everyone.

Gave every girl the though of being his only one.

Including me.

I shut my locker, ready to get out of the Kingka's sights.

I was told millions of times that Kai is not good news.

However handsome he was.

Though the warnings, I still managed to have a crush on him.

"Hey", he greeted me. He leaning on the locker next to me.

"Hi", I replied. My heart was pounding and I could barely hear him.

"Mind if I accompany you to class?" He asked.

"Uh, sure", I reply, walking. I sped faster than him, but then slowed down, afraid on tripping on my feet.


I guess you didn't care, and I guess I liked that.


We talked, though he seemed not to care, walking through the hallways.

I was still pleased, because the Kai was talking to me.

He walked on, hands in his pockets, walking faster than me, making me have to run.

He dropped me of infront of the class. I saw my friends watching us from inside.

"See ya later", he said, sending a flirtatious wink at me.

I blushed, even though I couldn't see it.

Heart pounding, I walked in, immediately being rushed by all my friends


And when I fell hard, you took a step back.

Without me, Without me, Without me-e-e-e-e,


I took a step back. Girls were coming at, ready to claw my face.

They suddenly launched at me. Hitting, scratching,grabbing. 

I screamed in pain. In the midst of the female bodies, I saw a figure coming out of the bathroom.

It was Kai.

I hoped he would come forwards. Help me. Get me away from these jealous driven girls.

But he took a step back, turned around and ran.


And he's long gone, when he's next to me.


We stood next to each other, though him not holding my hands.

I was limping hard. In the end, Sehun one of Kai's friends, found me. Bleeding, stained and unconsious.

Tears ran down my face. He brought me away and told me Kai helped me.

But I knew the truth.

He didn't seem to mind me. He kept up with my pace, and we conversed.

Well, I did. It was just me talking to him and him ignoring me.

It felt as if he wasn't really there.

When we reached my classroom, he just said goodbye and left.

All my friends advised me to leave him, before I get my heart broken.

But I paid no heed to them, thinking it was because he was traumatized after what he had seen.


And thats when I realize,


"I'm tired", Kai said, looking at me.

We were on our dates, well, meetings, I would say.

"Maybe we should sit down", I say, plopping on a bench near us in the park.

He didn't sit, he didn't even come near me.

"That's not it", he said. He was looking out in the distance.

"What's wrong?" I asked him. He didn't respond. Just kept on looking at the distance.

"Kai?" I called  out to him. That seemed to break his trance, because now he looked back at me.

"I can't do this anymore", he replied.

"Do what?" I asked, my voice getting hoarse.

please don't say it, please don't say it I though repeatedly in my head.

"This was a mistake. I don't love you, and you don't love me. I was never serious about you", he said.

He looked at me in the eye,

"Let's break up"

The whole world came crashing down on me.

I was never serious about you.

How could he do this? Play with my heart? I was sincere from the begining.

He wanted to date. Not me. And now he wasn't serious? That he didn't like me enough?

Tears were coming down my eyes.

"Why?" I asked, though I already knew the answer.

"Because, you're nothing but a fling", he said, looking me at the eye.

"And It's time I got a new one", he said.

He walked away, not even looking back this time.

I cried, tears streaming, cheeks red and flushed and snot going down my nose.

And that's when I realized. He was never serious with me.

Because this was all a joke. Nothing but a joke to him.


the joke is on me.


'Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in.

And shame on me now. I flew me to places I never been,

'till you put me down oh! I knew you were trouble when you walked in.

Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground, Oh!



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[silent nights] what do you think about the current drabble? first time writing for a girl group so ;n;


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ChocoCaramel #1
Chapter 14: why do i find this a bit scary...
Chapter 28: this is a nice take on the mv... good job ^^
Chapter 26: Saw the link on aff college.
Wow. That was so good yet sad. Heartbreaking.
Chapter 26: *heartbreaks*
Even worse when you've got the interview showing some of SHINee's feelings about being an idol:
But seriously Madina, this drabble was amazing. Definitely one of my favorites out of all your other drabbles :D
Chapter 7: ouch.
y u rike dis little jongin/!>@?!@

It'd be nice if this had more feelings in it and dat.
But it's a drabble so, yeah all good.
I like it.
Kind of.
Chapter 22: ahhh! here it is (again!) :3

you could just have linked this chapter :)