Vehemence (HIATUS)





Minyoung stepped out of the library. She checked her wristwatch; it was already eight thirty in the evening.

“Ah right.” She murmured as she remembered she walked on the way to the library and didn’t bring her car.

She clutched her leather back closed and started for the campus’s exit gates.


Jaejoong was driving alone in his sleek Ferrari. Roaming around the streets of Seoul at night calmed him down, it helped him recover. It made him feel normal again when he was in the places where he used to go.

Then he stopped in front of an architectural design firm.

A small smile formed on his lips as he saw the white BMW parked by the building.

“Saeyoon-ah.” He murmured.

Saeyoon stepped out of the building, clad in a crisp white dress with a black blazer. She tucked her hair behind her ear and walked to her car.

“I…miss you.” Jaejoong said.

Then he waited for her to leave and left on his own.



Minyoung was a few yards from her dormitory when she heard someone calling her.

“Young lady! Hey miss!”

She turned and saw three young guys around her age making their way towards her. Judging by the way they walked, they were drunk. One of them was holding a lit cigarette.

Minyoung turned back and started to walk briskly.

“Hey! Wait for us!” One guy grinned and quickly caught up to her.

Minyoung gasped as the man grabbed her wrist and made her look at him.

“You’re really pretty.” He slurred, then his friends appeared behind him.


Yunho had been out for a walk when he heard something odd.

“Look at her. She’s an ace.”

“That body.”

Then malicious laughter.

Yunho looked around and closed his eyes, trying to detect where the sound came from, then he started to run.

He was hiding behind a car when he saw a young lady leaning away from a drunken man who was holding her wrist.

“Spent some time with us, we’ll guarantee you fun.”

“Please….let go.” Her voice faltered.

Yunho’s blood boiled.

He never liked those type of men.

“Hmmm..you smell reall nice too, now, let’s see what you’re hiding under these clothes~”


Minyoung eye’s widened as the man reached for her jacket, but then he disappeared.

Or rather, she was facing someone’s back.

“She told you to let her go.” A cold baritone voice said.

Minyoung bit her lip and looked past the man.

One of the guys, the one who was holding onto her was clutching onto his arm as if it were broken.

The three guys immediately scampered away.

Minyoung’s eyes widened as the man turned to her.

“…Thank you.” She looked at him. The man nodded.

“Be careful next time, there are a lot of dangerous things during the night.”

She nodded gratefully.

“Then, I’ll be leaving.”

Minyoung watched as the guy left, he was tall and good-looking.

She remembered the watch he was wearing.

“He must be someone who’s rich.” She murmured as she started to walk again.




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Will start updating regularly soon!! I just need to finish my ongoing ff :)


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NightPM #1
Will this story be continued?
Chapter 32: How are they related to each other? Unless that she's a dormant one or she's a mate? But it's a Yunho story hahaha. Authornim just this once I'm begging please update this one. I'm not pushy but just this one please
Chapter 20: Malamute hahaha!
Will this story be continued??
Lonelygirl97 #5
Chapter 32: I would really love if you continue this story author-nim. I remember reading this fanfic when it first came out but then i lost track of which chapter i read so here i am reading it again. Really hope you continue this story ??
michellelee205 #6
Chapter 32: I really love your stories!!! I really wish you could continue this story again author-nim!! :)
Piggy97 #7
Chapter 32: I love how the vampires and the werewolves are able to get along sooooo well. Love it. Authornimmm I really wish you could continue this fic, its great :)
Chapter 32: I really hope you can continue this... it is like breath of fresh air, seeing DB5K and exo in on story. (sobs) (my feels) (cries)
grey_akanishii #9
Chapter 32: It's a rare for a vampire fic with TVXQ as the casts.
And with Exo as the wolves makes this story more interesting.
Honestly, there are not much interesting TVXQ's stories out there since they separate. It's always one.
I hope u will continue this story author-nim ^^
Xiou_Luge #10
Chapter 32: i really love this story. this in my most fav fanfic. i really love vampire fanfic,but this is the best. jinjja!! im begging u, please update-