Vehemence (HIATUS)




Minyoung chuckled.

“So you’re telling me that you’re a vampire and you just killed someone like you right in front of me?”

Yunho’s lips pressed in a hard line.

“I don’t know what’s crazier, you being a killer or you telling me this.”

“You..have to believe me, Minyoung. It’s the only way we can protect you.”

Minyoung frowned and looked at him.


Miyoung’s POV


What a waste. He’s good looking but I think he’s crazy.

“Why…are you telling me all of this? How sure are you that I wont run and tell everyone?”

“Because no one will believe you.” He shrugged at me.

“And you think I do?” I looked at him. Yunho sighed, then suddenly he disappeared.

“Really?” He was by the bed now.

How did he move so fast?




Yunho looked at her straightly as he appeared by the door again, then a second later he was standing next to her.

Minyoung gasped and stepped back.

“Please, believe me.” Yunho looked at her.

Minyoung was breathing deeply. She was confused. She shook her head repeatedly.

She kept on retreating.


Then she tripped on the bed’s foot, Yunho quickly pulled her back. Minyoung froze as she felt his arms around her.

“I’m not lying. The reason why I’m telling you this is because of your protection. Someone saw you being with me. I’m not sure if they will start to come after you.”



“You mean..you have enemies?” Minyoung asked. She was seated on the dining table, with a cup of warm coffee between  her hands.

Yunho nodded.

“Some…who are like us like to fight. And take over territories. The..one who attacked us earlier, I think he has been sent to spy on us.”

Minyoung nodded then she looked around the room.

“You live with..other vampires too?” She asked lowly. Yunho nodded.

“Yes, I’m one of them. Kim Junsu.” Another tall young man walked in the room. He gave Minyoung a warm smile and offered to shake her hand.

“Nice to meet you.” Junsu said. Minyoung smiled back and shook his hand.

“You’re the one…earlier..” Minyoung trailed off. Junsu nodded at her.

“I’m sorry you had to see that.”

Minyoung nodded.

“Then, do you have anything else to talk about?” Minyoung asked.

“As of now, nothing.” Yunho muttered.

Minyoung nodded then she slowly stood up.

“Today, I have class.” She said.

“I’ll give you a ride. Let’s go.” Yunho nodded.


Changmin and Jaejoong were just around the corner when they saw Yunho’s Ferrari pass by.

“Why was a human with him?!” Changmin blinked as he parked. He could smell fresh blood from the car.

Jaejoong blinked.

“A human girl. Yunho’s not that type of guy..right?” He said, a little confused.

Changmin pulled over and the two slipped off from the car.

“Junsu hyung! Who was that? A human.” Changmin called as they entered the house.

“We need to talk about that, that agasshi knows now.”

“Knows? About?” Jaejoong asked.

“She knows about us.”


“A vampire.” Minyoung  shook her head as Yunho drove.


“I’m not sure yet.” She replied.

“You don’t seem that type of person. But….can I ask you something?”

Yunho nodded, without taking his eyes off the road.


Yunho smiled lightly and glanced at her.

“Animal blood, but there are times we take blood from the hospital.”

Minyoung tried to process the situation.

“You don’t kill.” She said. Yunho nodded.

“We respect human life.”

“Well, I’m glad we have that settled.”

Yunho chuckled.


The car halted in front of her dorm. Minyoung sighed as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

“Thanks for..driving me here and…saving me.” She said. Yunho nodded.

“Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me.” She smiled before opening the door, but Yunho reached for arm.

Minyoung looked at him questioningly.

“Can..we meet tomorrow?”

Minyoung nodded.

“After class. I’m free.”

Yunho let her go, Minyoung went down from the car and closed the door behind her.
Yunho watched as she walked to the building.

A small smile formed on his lips as he drove away from her lodging.




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Will start updating regularly soon!! I just need to finish my ongoing ff :)


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NightPM #1
Will this story be continued?
Chapter 32: How are they related to each other? Unless that she's a dormant one or she's a mate? But it's a Yunho story hahaha. Authornim just this once I'm begging please update this one. I'm not pushy but just this one please
Chapter 20: Malamute hahaha!
Will this story be continued??
Lonelygirl97 #5
Chapter 32: I would really love if you continue this story author-nim. I remember reading this fanfic when it first came out but then i lost track of which chapter i read so here i am reading it again. Really hope you continue this story ??
michellelee205 #6
Chapter 32: I really love your stories!!! I really wish you could continue this story again author-nim!! :)
Piggy97 #7
Chapter 32: I love how the vampires and the werewolves are able to get along sooooo well. Love it. Authornimmm I really wish you could continue this fic, its great :)
Chapter 32: I really hope you can continue this... it is like breath of fresh air, seeing DB5K and exo in on story. (sobs) (my feels) (cries)
grey_akanishii #9
Chapter 32: It's a rare for a vampire fic with TVXQ as the casts.
And with Exo as the wolves makes this story more interesting.
Honestly, there are not much interesting TVXQ's stories out there since they separate. It's always one.
I hope u will continue this story author-nim ^^
Xiou_Luge #10
Chapter 32: i really love this story. this in my most fav fanfic. i really love vampire fanfic,but this is the best. jinjja!! im begging u, please update-