Begin Again

What Is Love




That was his name. He refused to tell me his real name as we chatted in Starbucks. He rejected my offer, which was treating him to any drinks; instead he ordered a slice of cake with mineral water. When he ate the cake, there was a spot at the corner of his mouth. I stood up and wiped it off with my thumb and realizing that I had been dangerously too close to him. He made me blush madly yet again.


He’s younger than me by 2 years despite being taller than me by 11 cm.


That’s what I thought as we strolled at the park near Han River, side by side. He said he had just graduated and the height, well, I just guessed. Its been awhile since I had been at Han River so when I saw ships, I went crazy. Unexpectedly, a deranged cyclist tried to run me over and as I fell, I was expecting the cold hard floor but a pair of warm and cozy hands captured me. Suprsingly, it was Kai who caught me and this is the first time I’ve ever seen him this close. The closure mad me blush and realizing how handsome he really is.


He likes to dance. A lot.


I realized that when we were at Lotte World. There was an anonymous dance battle and he was selected randomly. He, astoundingly, won the dance battle. He was dancing to “My Lady” sang by BaekHyun my-famous-but-not-arrogant friend.  He swept me off my feet to tell you the truth.  Well, the present was some money and a damn teddy bear and so, he gave me the latter.  I still keep it., at the corner of my bed, to remind me of him before going to sleep because I want him to appear in my dreams.


He looks up to Taemin, the dancing machine of SHINee.


I almost choked on my ice cream when he said that. This runaway guy looks up to an idol. I expected Park Jin Young or Im Tae Kyung or Albert Einstein, for goodness’s sake! He is not one regular guy, I can tell you that. Still coughing, he patted my back while giving me a glass of water. I gladly gulped up the whole glass. Without noticing it, he was so close to me, I could feel his breath on my lips. To add to it, he inched closer until our lips grazed against each other. He lightly pressed his lips on mine. It was only then, reacted into the kiss, which earned a smile from him. As the kiss was getting hotter, he cupped my face.  He broke the heated sensation and gazed lovingly into my eyes. I was panting, no really taking in what just happen.


“I like you, Do Kyungsoo,” he affectionately said.


Not knowing what to react, I slammed my lips onto his lips.


“Me too,” I said, in between the kisses.




Yay! First kiss! This is going on track, yay! Comment & Subscribe!

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yaha I'm here! can you please be online? and write some more? haha i'm having cravings :3
Chapter 6: this is sooo amazing . i already had tears in my eyes in the 4th chapter . is dis the end ? awww :( anyway , your onehsot is coming !! cant you just be patient and wait a lil bit more ==
I don't want a sad ending please :( it is too much for kaisoo .. They should be together !
Chapter 4: yah , im not a hardcore fan of sad fic ok, i love happy endings and happy stuff too , ahaha :D anyway , i really appreciate whatever you're doing now bcause no one had ever done this to me before T.T
Chapter 3: GYAHHHH , you mentioned my name ?? ahaha , im laughing madly now but the plots were awesome and you know i love Kaisoo very very much >.< thanks for making up a story for me , aww , my eyes are teary now , ahahaha !! anyways , keep on updating or i wont read it anymore !! ahah , joking keep up the good work and keep on updating okay ? :D