Something's Just Can't Be Waited

What Is Love


After deciding he’d make Portabella Mushroom Lasagna since Lasagna is Kai’s favorite. The doubts were starting to defoliate after Kyungsoo thought of their good times together but a simple memory can’t make the doubts go away forever.


After buying and preparing the dish, Kyungsoo waited and waited. While waiting for his prince charming, he started thinking about the times together. Wow, time move so fast. (A/N: HEAVEN IS LOST ~)It’s been 100 days already. If I can last 100 dyas with Kai, I can make it through anything.


Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell awaked Kyungsoo from his thoughts. Aish, stop thinking nonsenses, Kyungsoo. He stood up and opened the front door. Kai was looking as handsome as ever when he flashed his billion won smile.


Kyungsoo wiped off an imaginary sweat and ushered Kai to enter and sit down at the dining table.


“Wow, Kyungsoo…,” Kai said while looking at his favorite dish.


“I know, I know, it’s a lot but I wanted to do this,” Kyungsoo said, giving reassuring thumbs up.


“Actually, Kyungsoo, I wanted to tell you this,” Kai said while looking at the ground.


After the commotion earlier, the man started to feel worried. What is going to do? I have a bad feeling its bad. Wait; don’t tell me, he’s going to break up with me? In that case, Kyungsoo wanted to stall it as long as possible. He can’t bear even thinking about the subject. Sure, he met him by luck but he’s in love and he’s sure Kai feels the same way too. They have gone to far to be broken up.


“Can you tell me after dinner? I’m uhh… feeling hungry,” Kyungsoo stated.


Kai looked up to his soulmate and sighed.


“I’m sorry, Kyungsoo. It can’t wait,” he said.


The 18 year old stood up and walked over to Kyungsoo, a bit too slow that Kyungsoo notice that there was something wrong.


“Oh! Are you okay? Why are you walking like that?” Kyungsoo said, being overprotective. He checked Kai’s body to see if there was any bruises or cuts but there was none.


Kai looked down and gazed deeply into Kyungsoo’s orbs and sigh. He didn’t want to tell him but he has to.


With stuttering lips, he tried to get the words out of his throat but they wouldn’t.


Next thing he noticed, he was falling down into a deep hole. 




Lol , did you see what I just did there ?? ^0^ ~ No ._. Oh , okay . It's L'Arc en Ciel's Lost Heaven ~ My favourite part would be the chorus , Time moves so fast, Heaven is lost ~ 

No JPOP ? Ah , okay then .. So how was it ? This fic is actually made to be sad because my cousin, Anis likes sad stuff (I don't undersand her) so it's gonna go downhill from here ^^


Totally jamming to Have, Don't Have by DalShabet ~


Don't forget to comment and subscirbe ~ ^^

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yaha I'm here! can you please be online? and write some more? haha i'm having cravings :3
Chapter 6: this is sooo amazing . i already had tears in my eyes in the 4th chapter . is dis the end ? awww :( anyway , your onehsot is coming !! cant you just be patient and wait a lil bit more ==
I don't want a sad ending please :( it is too much for kaisoo .. They should be together !
Chapter 4: yah , im not a hardcore fan of sad fic ok, i love happy endings and happy stuff too , ahaha :D anyway , i really appreciate whatever you're doing now bcause no one had ever done this to me before T.T
Chapter 3: GYAHHHH , you mentioned my name ?? ahaha , im laughing madly now but the plots were awesome and you know i love Kaisoo very very much >.< thanks for making up a story for me , aww , my eyes are teary now , ahahaha !! anyways , keep on updating or i wont read it anymore !! ahah , joking keep up the good work and keep on updating okay ? :D