Fantastic Journey

What Is Love


"Yah, Kyungsoo. You need to get some sun on that skin of yours. It’s as pale as a ghost and I mean it literally,” commented Baekhyun. The doe-eyed guy just shook his head.


“Hyung, I think its time for…..,” Chanyeol spoke up. He went to the curtains and harshly tugged on the ends before pulling them apart.


Sunlight rushed in as everybody covered their eyes in response. Now, they could see that pale skin of Kyungsoo very clearly. Some coughed hardly because of the dusts that kind of exploded in his room. The ten boys in his apartment nodded before saying in unison.





“Why on earth did I follow again?” Kyungsoo complained.


“Because of the hot babes, hyung,” Chen and the other boys wolf-whistled at a few girls which past by in bikinis.

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes before stomping on the sand and finding an empty spot.  He sighed; the heat really was getting to him. The boys, was either playing in the water with their toned abs or not just enjoying the view and by that Kyungsoo meant as in enjoying the hot babes by the water.


Kyungsoo started applying some sun block before he gets sunburn or anything.  They were on the outskirts of Jeju Island. He wondered how in the world could they afford the money to get the whole trip. He knows that some of them work but only as the regular cashier or waiter never this extravagant. Hmmm, he pushed the thought away.


He lied down on the mat as he tried to get comfortable; this was his first time sun bathing. The fact that he hasn’t even been on a beach mostly shocked others but mehhh, he couldn’t care less. As he closed his eyes to get a shutter eye, he couldn’t help but to imagine the things that he shared with Jongin. That contagious laughter, their memories together, those kisses on a midsummer night. He missed them all but most of all, he just missed him. His light, his lover, his everything. But if he could ask for one thing, it was for to see Jongin again. To thank him for loving him again. Yes, that was it. To see him again.


He choked back his tears. Yes, he had to be strong for his donsaengs. If not, what for call himself a man? Deep in his thoughts, he couldn’t hear the screams about the forthcoming event.


“Ummph!” Kyungsoo blurted as pain came hastening in. He tried to sit up but the pain in his stomach prevented him so. In the end, he could only roll over. The boys came rushing to their hyung, except for Minseok, Luhan and Kris who just watched from a far and tsked in pity.


“Hyung! Are you okay? Seriously, that guy has got to be blind!” Sehun profusely checked the elder’s body to see if anything was broken.  The others just watched or help Sehun in reply.


A man around his teens came along and bowed 90 degrees to Kyungsoo despite the others looking disgustingly at him. That was before he stood up.


“Hey, dude. Umm.. I’m really sorry! My friend, he threw it too far and I couldn’t catch it,” he explained. The boys including Mr.Kyungsoo looked flabbergasted except for Sehun who still looked inapprovingly at him.


“Next time, you better catch that rugby ball or not! Uh, the nerve!” he threatened him. Lu Han pinched the guy earning an ‘Ouch!’ from him making the younger blonde look at the man again.


“Kim Jongin? Is that you?” Kyungsoo finally said what was on everybody’s mind.


“Kim what? I’m sorry, dude. You must mistake me for somebody else. I’m Yoongi. They call me Kami, though. Anyways, sorry again!” he said before running back to his friends.


Everybody watched in disbelief as the so-called Kami ran ever so slowly like in a CF. Then, they looked at each other.


“Hyung, is it what I think it is?” Chen spoke. Before anybody could properly react, Kyungsoo began running towards Yoongi.


Time moved so slowly because it seemed like forever to reach the guy. Is he really him? Could it be? But I thought he was….. were some of the thoughts running through Kyungsoo’s head. He roughly pulled back the guy when he got the chance.


“What the?” before Yoongi could react, Kyungsoo pulled him into his embrace.


“Where have you been, Jongin? I’ve been having dreams about you since you left, I just can’t… I can’t believe it. The heavens must have listened to me. Before you go once again, I need you to say my name and tell me you love me; like you always do, please Jongin,” pleaded Kyungsoo.


“Woah, slow down big guy. I don’t know who you are and what do you want with me. I freaking don’t freaking know. Maybe you’ve made a mistake. I’m not Jongin, I’m Yoongi! Min freaking Yoongi!” angered the other one. He tried to pull Kyungsoo’s hands of him and being the larger one, he won. He gave a ‘how could you’ look before running towards his friends.


Kyungsoo somehow crashed into the sand because he was too weak; to feel anything now. What did he just say? I’ve made a mistake? But it can’t be! We are meant to be together Jongin! That’s why fate keeps meeting us. But he just lets it go, thinking that he’d follow Jongin or Yoongi, whichever and see where they’d go.


Which was a fail. Right now, Kyungsoo is at the police station because reportedly Yoongi filed a harassment report. Saved, however because of the boys who came right in time.


“Hey, thanks, though,” Kyungsoo admitted to them. They all just nod their heads and ‘No biggie’ and ‘Its fine’ came out.


“Hyung, is it okay if we asked you this?” Tao blurted out.


“Yeah sure, why not?” Kyungsoo slumped his shoulders.


“What were exactly were you doing, in the toilet, spying after a guy who just looks like Jongin,” Yixing said.


“Meh, that’s a secret,” He gave a ‘sshhhh’ sign before giving a smile. Probably the only smile for months now.


Because really, Min Yoongi isn’t Kim Jongin.


But then again, who could it be?


Hello my beautiful subscribers!

Aha, yeah so thats the end of that. As you all may or may not know I am a lazy therefore I will not continue but hey what the mind speaks the body doesn't follow they say so if I get enough requests maybe just maybe I'll continue but thats enough for now!

Thank you for subscribing and that one person who upvoted I love guys and I love me too so bye muah muah

Care to follow me on Twitter? @XiuminsWifeu ay ay ay 

BYE !!!!

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yaha I'm here! can you please be online? and write some more? haha i'm having cravings :3
Chapter 6: this is sooo amazing . i already had tears in my eyes in the 4th chapter . is dis the end ? awww :( anyway , your onehsot is coming !! cant you just be patient and wait a lil bit more ==
I don't want a sad ending please :( it is too much for kaisoo .. They should be together !
Chapter 4: yah , im not a hardcore fan of sad fic ok, i love happy endings and happy stuff too , ahaha :D anyway , i really appreciate whatever you're doing now bcause no one had ever done this to me before T.T
Chapter 3: GYAHHHH , you mentioned my name ?? ahaha , im laughing madly now but the plots were awesome and you know i love Kaisoo very very much >.< thanks for making up a story for me , aww , my eyes are teary now , ahahaha !! anyways , keep on updating or i wont read it anymore !! ahah , joking keep up the good work and keep on updating okay ? :D