At First Sight

What Is Love


It was a late winter night. Only silence filled the streets as the street lamps flickered as if they could feel the coldness. The sound of creatures making noises was occasionally heard now and then.


Kyungsoo was lying down his bed as he played with an application. He was feeling bored tonight, with no plans and purpose. This is it. I’m going to die of boredom. Thank you mom and dad for taking care of me. I hereby give all of my underwear to noona. Oh wait, it’s getting chilly.


He sat on his bed and looked around. Even though he moved in more then a month, he still can’t adapt to his new apartment. Instead of looking for a sweater, his eyes landed on the heater. Why isn’t this stupid thingy working? He grunted and looked again for his sweater. When he found it, he stood up and walked towards the piece of clothing. Suddenly, he recalled what happened earlier while wearing this jacket.




“Hey, you,”


I turned back when I heard a sound coming from behind. When there was nobody from behind, I kept walking, feeling confused. I swear I couldn’t have heard something.


“Hey! You!”


This time, it can’t be a mistake. I turned my head and upper body 180 degrees when I saw a silhouette behind the fire escape stairs. I stopped my footsteps and walked towards the shadow, not too close. I’m not talking any risks.


“So, who are you?” the shade said.


 Taken aback, I answered and succeeded by not stuttering.


“Kyungsoo, Do Kyungsoo. Who are you if I may ask?” I said.


He jumped of the railing ever so diligently and walked towards me.


In the clear moonlight, I could see his masculine features. In his dark orbs, there were twinkling stars. His full lips were pursed as he tried to push away the coldness. His soft, jet-black hair reflected the moonlight as he leisurely walked towards me. I was blushing and I didn’t like it.


When he reached his destination, he bent down as he was taller than me and smirked in front of my face.


“Your worst nightmare,”







Okay, first chapter is up! Sorry for short chappies but my writing span is not that long ^^

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yaha I'm here! can you please be online? and write some more? haha i'm having cravings :3
Chapter 6: this is sooo amazing . i already had tears in my eyes in the 4th chapter . is dis the end ? awww :( anyway , your onehsot is coming !! cant you just be patient and wait a lil bit more ==
I don't want a sad ending please :( it is too much for kaisoo .. They should be together !
Chapter 4: yah , im not a hardcore fan of sad fic ok, i love happy endings and happy stuff too , ahaha :D anyway , i really appreciate whatever you're doing now bcause no one had ever done this to me before T.T
Chapter 3: GYAHHHH , you mentioned my name ?? ahaha , im laughing madly now but the plots were awesome and you know i love Kaisoo very very much >.< thanks for making up a story for me , aww , my eyes are teary now , ahahaha !! anyways , keep on updating or i wont read it anymore !! ahah , joking keep up the good work and keep on updating okay ? :D