Movie time~

Life is getting better when Super Junior comes to the rescue~ {school-hiatus}

  'Ya, pick up your phone! Kim Heechul is not waiting!' my phone rang. Uki gave me this ringtone, saying she recorded it a long time ago xD I kinda miss him...he enlisted a few months ago ;_;


  Everyone had gloomy faces and teary eyes. Heechul was going to army for 2 years....I couldn't have teary eyes because I'd known the guy for 3 months, but I totally had a gloomy face. 

  We entered through a secret door, in the back I guess, because there were ELFs outside and Chullie didn't want to meet them. That would be too much agitation for him. His family came too! They were so cool! His sister was so sweet and his parents were so nice. I wanted to keep them ;_; They also were cracking up some jokes, making the mood less stressed and sad. Simply amazing. <3 

  We all sat on couches with our heads low. 

  "Hey, guys, it's not like he'll never come back! We can still see him in these 2 years~" his sister said, smiling at everyone and hugging her brother.

  "Yah, why are you all so sad? Kangin is coming back soon, so don't worry! He's a better companion than me." he winked at us and I saw the guys smiling a little. 

  "You stupid bastard, we'll miss you!" Uki got up from her seat and Heechul too, hugging each other. It was a funny sight~ Uki is so small and she could be burried even in his chest! hahaha

  "Tsshh, I admit, I'll miss you too, idiots!"

  They all gathered up and went to a group hug. I just stayed in my seat and smiling from ear to ear at how close they were. It made me so proud...

  "Ramhyun, you think I forgot you? Come here~" he smirked and wrapped his arms around me. I was shocked. I mean, he would always joke with me and tell me random stupid things, but I never thought he would actually become close to me. I wrapped my arms around him gently and the tears filled my eyes. Yup, here comes the crybaby that I am....

  "Awwwwww~" I heard voices behind my back, and in the next second, I was suffocated by a lot of arms. Seriously, I was devastated! Awwww adkljasnkcjls I fangirled so much inside me.

  "Alright, guys, I can't breathe!" Heechul yelled. They all laughed and let go.

  "Take care of you, Chullie oppa~" ^^ "And before I forget..." I fished my other camera (yes, I had 2 cameras :P ) and gave it to him.

  "What is this?" he asked, examinating it.

  "Do you remember when you wanted me to film you at your first Mr. Simple performance? I asked an ELF to film all of you with a camera, while I filmed just you with this one." 

  He looked at me and smiled, showing his dimples. "I can't believe you did seems like Ramhyun is not just a kind of food, it's something special now."

  "Awwww~ Thank you!" I smiled too.

  "Time up, boys! Heechul, you have to go now." their manager called for him. He waved at us, getting last hugs from his family and just go. 

  "See ya~" he waved at us. 

   ~~~End of flashback~~~

  "Yo, what's up?" I responded, stuffing some popcorn in my mouth.

  "Hey, Rimhyun, are you busy today?" Alex asked me, some noises in the background were heard. I think the guys were fighting again...

  "Ummm no. I just wanted to spend the time remaining having fun and relax a little before I start work. I wanted to watch 'The Avengers' for today~" I said the last part in a sing song voice.

  " You like 'The Avengers'?" it sounded like was wide opened and she was ready to scream.

  "Yes. Actually, I LOVE them! Especially Captain America, hehe~" I giggled, the image of Chris (Adorable) Evans picturing in my head.

  "Kyaaaaaaa! MAY I WATCH IT WITH YOU?-......what do you want to watch?" I heard a masculine voice asking Alex. "THE FREAKING AVENGERS!-.....I didn't know you like it, Alex! I want to watch it too!" 

  "It's alright~ You guys can come at my place because I already have it on the DVD." I stuffed another popcorn in my mouth.

  "You read my mind...I think it's alright then, we'll be there in 10 minutes." she informed and hung up.

  ~~~Alex's P.O.V.~~~

  OMG I think Rimhyun is so awesome! I wanted to watch this movie with Uki, but she said they are stupid and maybe other time -_- Nu-uhh, I don't think so! Also, my brother promised me we would watch it together, but he was so busy lately :( Also, he said I'm the only girl who loves a movie with superheros. Tsh, let's be serious, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Hemsworth, Chirs Evans and Robert Downey Jr. all together for God's sake! Not to mention Scarlett Johansson *-* And Sam...and everyone! That movie is worth watching, trust me.

  "Kyuhyun, are you ready?" I yelled, staying at the door.

  "Ready for what?" Donghae came from the kitchen with a bowl of cereals in his hands. Yup, that's my brother! 

  "Me and Kyuhyun are going to watch 'The Avengers' with Rimhyun, aish..." they always do that.

  "I want to come too! It's New Years anyway and we finally got some free time." he smiled cutely at me.

  "Mmm I'm not sure...."

  "Pleaaaase~" he pouted at me and I saw Yesung and Ryeowook coming to us, pouting as well.

  "We want to see it too!" they pouted in unison, hands put in a begging form.

  "Guys, we are going at Rimhyun's, come on! Poor girl, her apartment is not big enough for everyone..."

  Donghae took out his phone and called Rimhyun. Wait, when did he get her number? O.o A-alright...

  "Oh hey, Rimmie~" did he just calle- "I wondered if me and the other guys can come too? If that's not a burden for you, of course!....Please?" he rubbed the back of his nape, shyly asking her. Mrrr, aegyo -_-

  "Uhhh sure...why not? Just give me 10 more minutes to clean here a little. My apartment is messy hehe" 

  Poor girl, falling for his charms like that...sometimes I just pity girls who fall for them because they can cause some troubles >< How in the world I agreed to pretend to be a boy?! Anyway, that's in the past, but still. I'll never forget it...

  ~~~After 10 minutes~~~

  "Everyone's ready, yeah?" they all nodded their heads. I still thought that it wasn't a very good idea. I knocked at Rimhyun's door and in 2 seconds she was here.

  "Hey~" she welcomed us in her apartment and the boys started to look through her things.

  "Hey, hey, it's not polite to search in a lady's house like that!" I yelled. I giggled at how clumsy they were sometimes and went to the kitchen to help Rimhyun bring all the food (mostly popcorn) in the living room. 

  "You ready to party?~" I hit her arm, grabbing some glasses of juice.

  ~~~Rimhyun's P.O.V.~~~

  "Of course I am! Let's gooo~~" I said, making my way to the living room. 

  Wow, I never thought Alex's screams would really work. Everyone was waiting patiently in their places for us. I felt like I was watching over some kindergardens hehe I pressed the 'Play' button and went to my place, next to Alex (in the middle btw ;3 ). 


  We are girls. We scream when we see a hot guy, we cry when one of them is possible to be dead and we hold hands to support each other. But do boys understand this? No. They kick you in the ribs, they ruffle your hair and they can also be jealous! 

  And that's what happened that night.

  "Let's play some games, shall we?" Kyu said, putting that face of his (evil, of course).

  "Yeaaah~" the boys shouted and me and Alex looked at each other, being so into it too.

  "Alright, let's start with a simple one: 'Let's learn English' " (A/N: the games I'll talk about will be the games played by the boys in 'Full house')

  "Let's do this! Good idea, Kyu~ What do you girls say?" Yesung asked.

  "Yeah, sure!" 

  "Alright. Let's learn English, what is this?" we all shouted and clapped. The person who started was Kyu because it was his idea :D "This is cup, what is this?", he pointed at me, "This is table, what is this?" and I pointed to Alex and so on. Guess who got caught? Donghae! 

  "Nooo what's the punishment?" he burried his face in his hands and laughed. 

  "Call Eunhyuk hyung and tell him to buy pizzas for all of us and come here." Kyuhyun smirked at the dissapointed Donghae. 

  "But it's hard to convince him!" Hae whined like a little child xD

  "Then, you buy them~" 

  "Alright, alright..." he fished his phone out of his pocket and dialed Hyuk's number, putting it on speaker. "Trrr, trrrr, trrrr~ Hello?" "Wassup?" "Nothing much, chillin' at a cafe~ Where are you guys anyway? I called at home and no one answered." "We are at Rimhyun-....HIIIII" I yelled "Oh, hi" his voice changing its tone "....and we were thinking if you can bring some pizza with you and come party with us." "'s always me you pick guys, you'll pay for this." "So you're doing it?" "Yes...." "YEEEEEY" everyone shouted haha "I'll be there soon. Bye" "Ok, bye"

  "Ok, what's wrong with him?" Ryeowook looked at the boys with an odd look. 

  "I don't know...who knows?" Kyuhyun's right eyebrow went up and smirked. Will this guy ever stop being like this? I don't think so.

  I looked at Alex and she had the same look. I didn't get it, but I left it like that.

  ~~~After some time of playing~~~

  Donghae pointed at me. I looked 1 second on the table, but nothing was left. Oh no...

  "Punishmeeeent~" everyone yelled.

  "Nooo! Alright, what do I have to do?

  "Go to your room, take your eyeliner and make yourself a moustache. And some beard on your chin too." I guess you know who said it. No other than Cho Kyuhyun! "You have to stay like this for 20 minutes." 


      (A/N: Yeah, I use Victoria for my model xD)

  After doing it, I went back to my place, the whole room being filled with laughters. 

  "It suits you~" Yesung made fun of me. 

  "Yeah, if I was a girl, I would totally hit on you!" Donghae joined them.

  "Well.....thank you?" I felt...I don't even know how to put it in words. I was amused, but embarrased at the same time.

  ~~~After 10 minutes~~~

  Ding-dong~ The bell rang. I quickly went to open, the door revealing a bunch of pizzas. I forgot I was wearing the eyeliner, but the boys made sure I would remember.

  "Hahaha you really did buy a lot, Hyukie oppa!" I giggled at his funny sight.

  He looked at me and smiled. How is he so happy all the time? His smile is so cute ;-; Gotta stop being such a fangirl... "Really? We always eat like this, mister Rimhyun~"

  "Hey, don't make fun of me! I had enough already." I covered my face with my hands "Also, I like your new color. I mean, it's your natural one, right?"

  "Yeah, I have to dye it again because Eunhae are having a comeback soon~" he wincked at me, both heading to the kitchen, where I started to get plates and ketchup :3 I was hungry O.o My stomach was starting to make noises~

  "Ok, so now, we play HORSE" (A/N: I think this is how it's called >< The one with the numbers. They played it at the sauna center~) the master of games said. "The first two persons that are out, get punishment."

  "Guys, be easy on me because I've never played this game before." I whined. They all looked at me playfully.

  "Alright, let's start."

  No, no, no, I was the first one out >____< Another punishment yay....My lucky night...And the other person is....Hyukie lol Poor guy, he even bought pizza for us! 

  "Well, well, well~" Kyuhyun said in a sing-song voice. "The punishment is: you go to Rimhyun's room and stay there 10 minutes without any light."

  I blushed, but in the end, they pushed us in the room and locked the door -_- Oh, man, that was going to be awkward...


  "I guess we're trapped here...." Eunhyuk broke the silence, probably staying in the middle of the room. 

  "Yeah..." awkwaaard~ "Well, I should shave now." 

  "W-what?...." I could see his eyes widening even though I could barely see.

  "No, not in that way hahaha I mean, I should remove the eyeliner from my face!"

  We both laughed and made silence once again. "Can you help me with some light from the phone?"

  "Yeah, sure. They didn't think about this."  he somehow giggled and it was so adorable. I felt lucky, but ghhh, I could't even form properly sentences.

  Eunhyuk stepped back to go near the window for more light, but he hit himself in one of my shelves. "Auch! Aaaagh!"

  "Oppa, are you alright?" I asked him, concerned.

  "Yeah, I think I scratched my back...c-can you look?" he said shyly and lifted his shirt. I grabbed my phone and looked there. 

  "Mmm there's some blood. Wait, I have a first aid kit here." I found it imediatelly and when I turned around, his shirt was off. My face was as red as a tomato and I prayed that we had to stay more in the room because I didn't want the boys to find out. "I'll clean here and put a bandage~ It will hurt a little, ok?"

  "Ok, don't worry."

  I started easily to wipe the little blood in there and when I put the bandage *click* the door opened. 

  "We let you 10 minutes in a room and you already go shirtless." Kyu yelled, amused.

  "No, it's not what it lookes like!-..." I argued, but of course I was cut off. 

  "Yeah, yeah, if you say so~ We go home now, have fun! Byeee!"



A/N: I know what you are thinking. FINALLY SHE UPDATED UGH.'s long, so I can make it up somehow...

What do you guys think about Mamacita? :3 I TOTALLY LOVE it <3 Also, Shirt is so ajdaskfjndkfnv this album is awesome!

Some gifts for ya, Jewels xD X X X X










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Omg guys, I always look at the story and think: "I should really -_-" but then, school: "NO! YOU HAVE HOMEWORK AND PROJECTS AND TESTS AND EXAMS."


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Chapter 8: Soo happy you updated!!!! ^^ _(≥▽≤)/
Chapter 1: Nice :D I like it.
I hope to get better also.
Chapter 7: I'm really impressed with your writing skills! You're a great writer! Update soon and hope we'll meet again unni!!!!
Chapter 4: update I LOVE IT
TaeTiSica #5
Chapter 4: update please..
I love the story so far!!! Please update soon!