
I Mustache You A Question ♥ [EXO Oneshot Collection]

♫ Onshot starring Do Kyungsoo and You ~



I woke for the 5th time today, sneezing and coughing.

“Urgh” I groaned out, wiping my runny nose with a tissue before throwing it on the every growing pile of tissues. I grabbed the cup of water and gulped down half of it, it helped with the sore throat a bit. I looked on my desk stand to see the number 11:45 flashing in red. I was supposed to be at work but my boss didn’t let me go, one because I was sick and dying and two, because he didn’t want to contaminating the customers. I went back to sleep after wiping my nose but was interrupted by my ringtone. I groaned out in frustration but picked it up without looking at the ID.

“Yeoboseyo?” Omg I sounded like a dying cow right now.

“Dae Yun ah?” The person on the other side questioned.

“Neh, it’s me” I replied back, sneezing. I brought the phone away from me to look at the ID for a quick second before placing it back on my ear.

“Gwenchana? You sound … weird” D.O warily said. D.O is known as Do Kyungsoo, he is the main vocalist of EXO-K and also known as the Umma of the group. He is also my loving boyfriend! I sniffed and cleared my throat.

“Ne, gwenchana” My voice went hoarse, I made a face and made my way towards the kitchen, taking a cup out of the cupboards and filling it with water, gulping the whole thing down.

“Are you sure? You sound sick”

“I have a little cold, oppa. No need to worry, you should be practising” I replied as I made my way back to my bed.

“I’ve finished, I’m coming over, you sound like you’re dying” I heard shuffling over the phone then car noises.

“No need oppa! I’m perfectly fine” I reassured him but he hung up before I could protest further.  I frowned and placed my phone back onto the desk. Since D.O was coming might as well take a shower since I stink. I walked towards the bathroom and took a long hot shower. I came out and brushed my teeth before blow drying my wet hair. I ran to my room and grabbed a box of tissue, ripping one out of the box and covering my nose before I sneezed. I groaned and wiping my nose, throwing it on the pile. I fell on the bed and didn’t want to move a muscle, the front door squeaked open and I heard a few noise, indicating that Kyungsoo was home.

“Jagiya?” He called out, I was too sick to even reply to him. I heard footsteps coming closer than my bedroom door opened. I lifted my head up from the soft pillow to look at him; he had a concerned face on as he walked over.

“Oppa...”I breathed out, covering my mouth as I felt another cough coming. The side of the bed sunk as he took a seat beside me, my head in a soothing way.

“Have you eaten yet?” He asked, titling his head to the side while smiling at me. I shook my head and moved my body closer to his body.

“Ah, do you want me to make you something?” He asked as he moved my head to his lap, moving my bangs out of my tired eyes. I nodded my head; the last time he cooked for me was …. I don’t even remember! He chuckled and nodded.

“Have you eaten your medicine?” He asked, raising his eyebrows at me.

“Ani, I just got them today” I crooked out, D.O looked at the desk table before reaching over and grabbing it as well as the cup of water sitting on my desk. He opened the packet and popped two out of the sealed silver packet. He handed me the cup and the tablets. I sat up with the help of D.O and plopped the tablets in my house before drinking the rest of the water. I lay back on his lap and sighed out in content.

“Go to sleep now” He gently ordered, he started to sing for me to sleep. I recognized the song; it was one of their hit songs ‘What is Love’. I slowly slipped into a peaceful sleep, parting my lips slightly to get air in since I had a block nose. Once Kyungsoo saw that I was asleep, he gently placed my head back on the pillow and adjusted my body to be more comfortable. He walked towards the kitchen and made me some chicken soup and congee to eat. He took out a pot but unfortunately it slipped out of his hands and fell on the floor with a big clang.

“Shoot!” D.O looked back into my room to see me stirring in my sleep but didn’t wake up. He let out a relived sigh and wiped his imaginary sweat off his forehead, grinning. He tried to be as quiet as he could, sometimes checking if I had woken up or not. After a few hours, he finally finished but I had already woken up.

“Oppa ~” I called out, tumbling out of the room feeling much better after the medicine. D.O ran to me like a mother hen, ushering me back into the room.

“Ani, you can’t get out yet, you’re still sick!” He frowned. I whined and sat back on the bed with my legs crossed.

“I’m fine now oppa” I reassured him but being the caring person he was, he shook his head and told me to stay. He went back to the kitchen to get the food ready for me, minutes later he came back with a tray of chicken soup and congee. I grinned like a little child and sat up, my lips in hunger. He set the tray in front of me but before I could reach for it, he swatted my hand away. He grabbed the bowl of congee and scooped up a bit before blowing on it. He held it to my lips,

“Say ah ~” He cooed, I rolled my eyes playfully but opened my mouth.

“Ah~” He gently fed me the congee. My eyes bit up as it went down my throat, it was so yummy!

“Wah, it’s so nice!” I gave him two thumbs up; he chuckled and continued to feed me. The congee was gone in no time but I still eat all the soup up. Once I finished, I my lips and rubbed my full stomach.

“Feeling better?”

“Much better!” He ruffled my hair and handed me two tablets again and a new cup of water. I drank it before wiping my lips with the back of my hands. He leaned in unexpectedly towards my lip; I backed away and shook my head.

“What no reward?!” He pouted, which made him incredibly cute.

“Oppa, I’m sick!” I exclaimed, making a cross sign with my arms and placed it in front of my face. He shook his head and whined.

“I don’t care! ~” I chuckled at his baby like behaviour.

“Okay, but only a little peck okay?” He nodded his head. I giggled and leaned in to give him a peck, I backed away once our lips touched slightly but he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me for a another kiss. The kiss went from short cute kisses to passionate breathless kisses. We pulled away once we were in need of air; he rested his forehead against mine and grinned.

“You’re going to get sick as well now!” I pouted out, burying my face in his neck. His body vibrated as he laughed.

“Then you have to take care of me!” And that’s what happened, the next day I got a call from Suho saying that D.O had got a cold and needed me to take care of him. The first thing I said to him once I saw him was,

“I told you so~”


Here is a short fluffy oneshot for our D.O ~ I still have my stupid cold, wish he could come and cure me ;D Hoped you liked it ~ and yes the image gave me the idea kekeke !

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- tellmewhatislove

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Divaris #1
Chapter 5: Hello my dear , I love it <3 , Would i translate yours one-shot's to arabic language ?
Emily52331 #2
Chapter 3: IM SOBBING
Phamtastic #3
Chapter 14: I love it so cheesy hahaha
Chapter 14: HEHE CUTE<3
Chapter 9: Why isn't this Luhan and iuuuuu
Haneul03 #6
Chapter 10: awww so cute
once my place had black out and it's 12:50 am...i'm scared like a hell and i'm alone in my room so i try to comfort myself by listening to Exo songs T_T
Chapter 12: Umm ... bacon or Chanyeol !! And the scene to be a ... Train scene ? Where Exo brings the 'you' to somewhere like a beach maybe ? and they play together or sumthing and maybe something like Channie /baekkie saves the 'you ' or something like that ?
I at describing ._____.
Chapter 7: Aigoo~ Lay is so romantic ..
Chapter 11: Omfggg so cuteee;--; sobs omg