A Glance Away

In Hushed Whispers

The blazing sun was high in the sky as Sun Ae jogged back to her apartment building at a steady pace. The bright blue shirt she wore stuck slightly to her sweaty body and her pulled back hair bobbed in the wind. Even through the sport sunglasses she wore, the sun still made her wince as she longed to jump into the cool comfort of a cold shower. With that thought in mind she pushed forward as she turned the corner to her street. Just then a man in a grey hoodie bumped into her. He had his hood pulled over his head and gave a quick careless bow of apology as he continued onto his own jogging regime.

Sun Ae made a face before she noticed the wallet on the ground. She looked back at the guy who was quickly leaving her sight and tried to go after him.

"Hey! You dropped your wallet!" She yelled as he continued running, unable to hear her calls.

She stared at the old leather wallet and wondered what she should do. If she put it down someone would probably take it... She looked at her apartment building only a few feet away and decided to turn it in there. Maybe he'll realize it fell from his pocket when he bumped into her near here and check. Just in case she flipped it open to check for some ID that could give her a name, but there was nothing there except for some money and a few random membership cards.

"Hi, I found a wallet out there. This jogger dropped it, could you guys hold it in case he comes back for it?" She said as she handed the wallet to the front desk in the lobby.

"No problem miss Park" The lady said as she took the wallet and stuck a note on it.

"Thanks" Sun Ae said as she turned to the elevators and went up to her apartment.

There was a letter sitting at the entrance and she automatically smiled as she picked it up and opened it.



You must not have heard. I’m the resident heartbreaker here so get your ice cream and romantic comedies ready. That’s what girls do when they’re left heartbroken right? Anyways, I don’t fall in love easy. Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you were really good looking I wouldn’t have not noticed you around. Therefore, your argument is invalid. I’ll try to throw a DBSK ballad in sometime since I’m not going to turn my music down. Also, be aware, if I come up I’ll come especially prepared. Not many girls survive the full extent of my looks.



She couldn't help the laughter that bubbled up at his words. Romantic comedies? Did this guy know anything about women? She shook her head as she placed the letter on the counter and went to take a shower.

The afternoon got away from her as she spent her day cleaning up when her phone chimed to life. She cocked her head in surprise as she went over to grab it and check. It was an email... for a job interview. She fought the excitement that burst out as she tried to tell herself it didn't mean she would definitely get the job. Regardless that it was no sure thing she found that she just couldn't help herself as she smiled brightly. Sun Ae ran to her closet and spent the next two hours picking out clothes for her interview tomorrow morning at 10:30am.

By the time it was 9pm she was already in bed, her body a mess of nerves as she tried to force herself to sleep early so that she could wake up rested the next morning. The lights were off, her alarms were set, but no matter how long she kept her eyes shut she just couldn't fall asleep. She kicked off her blankets and turned, trying to summon a deep sleep. It almost worked, until a deep bass from downstairs echoed through her walls and her eyes snapped open. She went still, convincing herself that she heard wrong. That it was a passing car, because of all the nights to suddenly start blasting music again, it wouldn't be tonight.

He had to have more sense than that.

But as the music started to pick up she knew it was happening. She glanced at her clock, it was 11pm. She frowned as she sat up in frustration and slid a hand down her face. Out of consideration she hadn't even drank a lot of water before bed and he pulls this?! Her jaw clenched angrily as she threw a pillow to the ground, aware it wouldn't make any sound and that even if it did he probably wouldn't even care.  Her mind started to run off with a series of insults before the actual melody registered in her mind.

"No way..." She whispered in disbelief as she very carefully climbed off her bed in the darkness ad slid to the ground.

She placed her palms on the dark wood flooring and pressed her ear to the ground, because even though she could hear it well even from her bed, the shock refused to register what was happening. She closed her eyes as she heard a DBSK song play from downstairs. It was one of the older ones and she stayed with her ear pressed on the ground. She finally pushed herself up and simply stayed on the ground as another DBSK song followed up. She placed a hand on her racing heart and blinked in surprise.

Very quietly she climbed back onto her bed and laid on her side, the soft music playing around her. She didn't know how long she spent listening to it play, but eventually sleep came and took her away with a smile on her face.


"Guess who has a job?!" Sun Ae yelled excitedly into the phone as she got back from her interview.

"What? When? Where?!" Taemin asked excitedly, bursting out into a smile as he stepped out of the training room he had been in.

"It’s just some stupid job at a portraits shop, nothing glamorous, but it's a job you know!" She said excitedly as she grinned happily.

"That's great! Should I take you out to a celebratory dinner?" He said happily, seizing her good mood.

"Sure. I'm starving. I'll wait for you downstairs!" She said impulsively, her happiness overriding any reservations she would have usually had.

"I'll be right there" Taemin said quickly as he hung up before giving her a chance to come back to her senses and ran back into the training room.

"Whoa, what happened?" Minho asked as Taemin raced in and grabbed the bag of clothes he had just placed down not even 10 minutes ago.

"Emergency came up!" He said with a grin as he gave the rest of them a quick wave goodbye and ran out. He pulled his phone out as he changed quickly in the bathroom and texted Jong In that they would have to practice together another time.

Sun Ae changed out of the formal clothes she had worn to the interview and changed into some jeans. Her smile still hadn't worn down as she vowed to remember that today was her lucky day. She glanced toward the floor and a warm feeling blossomed inside of her. She ran over to the counter and grabbed his letter. She wrote out her own response with a smile on her face as she finished getting ready. Grabbing the letter with one hand and the other grabbing her bag she went back out to the elevator and decided to quickly stop on his floor before leaving.

The elevator pinged as it reached his floor and she leisurely stepped out and walked down the hall. She was almost at his door when she heard loud voices from his apartment. She froze, caught like a deer in headlights as she heard a lock click open loudly. With her heart caught in she turned and ran to the elevator. It was by sheer luck that it opened quickly and she ran in. She looked down; making sure her hair fell in her face as she desperately pressed the button for the elevator doors to close.

"I forgot something! Hold the elevator for me Jong In!" A voice called from inside the apartment as a guy stepped out of apartment 04A.

Panic took over and froze her as the damn elevator doors wouldn't even budge closed. The rational thing would have been to naturally step out as if nothing was happening, but rational was the further thing from her mind. Instead she inched to the back corner of the elevator and fumbled for her cell phone with her left hand and pretended to check an important message as she kept her head down.

Like human instinct demands, she let her eyes nervously peek up as she watched him approach the elevator. She felt her pulse race as she finally put a face to the person she had been writing to. His head was bent down slightly as he checked a message on his phone and casually stepped into the elevator, too distracted to even spare her a glance. She pressed her back to the elevator desperate to distance herself as much as she could despite the fact that her eyes kept trailing to see him. He held one finger on the button to keep the door open as the fingers on his other hand flew across the phone screen, writing an sms to someone.

She gained a tiny centimeter of courage as she raised her head the tiniest of fractions and she saw his smile brightly at something on the screen. He had a pretty smile she noticed, momentarily dazzled.

"I'm coming!" A bright voice called as the sound of hurried footsteps snapped her out of it. She curiously looked forward to see a familiar face running forward.

"It's about time Baekhyun!" He called, not looking up as his phone buzzed with another message.

Sun Ae stared at Baekhyun in surprised horror as she realized why he was familiar. He was the guy she had bumped into on her way down that day. Right after she had left her last letter... he had been there. She felt mind spin dangerously as suddenly the walls seemed to close in around her. Baekhyun ran over to the elevator and his eyes widened as he casually glanced at the terrified looking girl in the back corner of the elevator. He opened his mouth to say something when she gave him the tiniest, pleading shake of a head. He grinned as he stepped inside and glanced at his friend, who would officially be granted the title of idiot in his mind forever.

She took a quiet shaky breath as she saw the guy, Baekhyun, recognize her and not say anything. She closed her eyes for a second as he stepped in, effectively blocking her from view as he struck up conversation with his friend.

"Hey Kim Jong In, how are you?" Baekhyun asked, emphasizing Jong In's name strongly, "I mean you've been pretty much down since you didn't get your usual letter yesterday right"

"Whatever" Jong In said dismissively, refusing to admit to Baekhyun of all people that he had been waiting all night wondering why she hadn't written him back yet. Even today, there had been nothing there he thought a little annoyed as he replied back to Taemin’s text.

"HA! Ha. Don't joke right now" He snapped, glancing nervously at the girl's reflection on the shiny elevator doors as they moved down and cursing his friend's need to try to act cool at the worst times when he was actually a dork more than half of the time.

Sun Ae quietly reflected all the levels of embarrassment she was going through right now as the elevator finally indicated they had reached the lobby and the doors once again slid open. Jong In stepped out and looked up at his friend as Baekhyun stepped directly in front of the girl casually.

"I forgot my phone upstairs" He said with a smile on his face, "You should go claim your wallet and order us the coffee now while I go get it" He suggested.

"Good idea. Hurry up will you?" He joked as he flashed him a smile and turned away.

"E-excuse me" Sun Ae muttered quietly as he left out the front doors and she was left with Baekhyun in the elevator.

She tried to step around him quietly only to find that he went ahead and blocked her path swiftly. She shut her eyes in dread as she heard the doors slide shut and he turned to face her with a grin on his face.

"Why didn't you let me say anything?! He's been dying to see you!" He said brightly.

"Oh yeah he seemed real excited" She mumbled, hating that her feelings had actually gotten a bit bruised.

"That? Don't pay attention; he was trying to act cool in front of me. We're guys, we do that for stupid reason" He said casually, "Plus he waits for your letters so excitedly it's pretty sad"

"Please don't tell him about me" She said quickly.

"Why not? Don't you like him? Don't tell me now that you got a good look at him you don't find him good-looking?!" He asked nervously trying to assess the situation.

"N-no it's not that!" She explained in a hurry shaking her head.

"So you do think he's good looking" Baekhyun confirmed with a sly smile and she cringed.

"That's none of your business! I just... I'm not ready" She said hoping she could just run away right now.

"Here just give it to me. I'll tell him I found it when I went upstairs. That's for him isn't it?" he asked as he held his hand out towards the letter she had gripped in her hand.

"Er... uh... yeah it is, but—" She began as she loosened her grip on it.

"Don't worry I'll make sure he gets it. Plus he'll be more enthusiastic as we train if he reads it before hand" Baekhyun explained as the elevator once again went to the lobby and the doors opened up.

She handed it over, just giving up and hoping he would go away fast when she noticed something.

"Wait!" She said as he stepped out of the elevator, "You mentioned training... you guys aren't... you're not idol trainees are you?" She asked quietly.

"So you caught that. Yup we're hopefully the next generation of idols" He said with a bright laugh as he watched her face, "So talk to him fast okay? You might be on your way to dating the next top idol!" He joked as he waved goodbye and she let the doors slide shut without another word.

She tried to comprehend what had just happened. She tapped her forehead, wanting to push away all the negative thoughts in her head, but she couldn't help but be disappointed. It really wasn't meant to be. An idol... she hated idols.


"Jong In! Guess what I found as I went upstairs!" Baekhyun said happily.

"No way… we barely missed her!" He said as he snatched the letter quickly.

"Yeah... barely... it's almost as if only we had looked up at the right time..." Baekhyun trailed off, sighing when his friend completely missed the hint as he excitedly opened the letter.



I had a job interview today so when I heard your music last night I was angry. No, I was furious. I was about to come downstairs and strangle you. But first I was thinking about beating you with your speakers. An appropriate kind of irony don’t you think? But I guess I should say thanks for playing the DBSK songs. I tried to hold in going to the bathroom until the morning. I succeeded.



"Ahh I’m really dying to meet her" Jong In confessed suddenly, placing the letter down.

"You couldn’t have told me that before?!" Baekhyun snapped.

"Wha... what are you getting so frustrated about!?" Jong In snapped back, a pout on his lips.

"Nothing... don't worry. I have a feeling you'll meet her soon" Baekhyun said positively as he gave his friend a pat on the back and they headed out.


Hi guys sorry for not updating for a while! School's started again so it's kept me too busy to actually sit down and write anything good xD

Anyways thanks for reading! ^___^

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I'll post two updates tomorrow (8/26)! I haven't gotten around to editing them so I have to hold them until tomorrow! Sorry!


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Samantham #2
Chapter 23: Oh boy, please update soon, I can't wait any longer!
OppaJjang98 #3
Chapter 23: I really like this story!!!!! I love the love triangle!;) Can't wait for the next chaptr!!!! Update soon pleaseee!!!
Chapter 23: Dude, you need to update this! The drama is intense as heeeell! I always love me a drama with Krystal as the antagonist. Can't wait for the next chapter :D
lululemon_lover24 #5
Chapter 23: Jongin has been such a selfish jerk...he doesn't deserve Sun Ae at all.
Taemin - make your move, buddy
BeTrue #6
Chapter 23: I am still angry at the kiss though
I don't think I support her to be with him so soon, just a couple of drama
Chapter 23: So perfect!
Ok, i can't deny that Kai is my Bias, so I'm always by his side. But Taemin is also one of my favourites, so.................. GOD I don't know what to do!!!
Sun Ae I know what you are felling! hahahaha

I'm really loving your story! Authornim keep on writting!
WinterRain #8
Chapter 23: sun aexkai ...its ok right ?? if i want theiy to be together ...
aythornim update soon !! thanks to u :)
WinterRain #9
Chapter 16: i dont like when sun ae feel something uncomfortable between her and taemin, i want jongin and sun ae together ..is that wrong ??