The Talk

In Hushed Whispers

From behind closed blinds, Sun Ae watched the entrance to the SM building. She sipped her smoothie quietly as every once in a while she took the time to peek outside. It was her break and instead of wandering around the building aimlessly she had settled for getting something to drink and sit by one of the small lounge chairs upstairs near the window. She watched carefully at the group of girls just sitting by the entrance. Screams and calls would echo out if artists took the front way in and Sun Ae now understood why most of them didn’t unless they absolutely had to.

“What are you doing?” Taemin asked as he turned down the hall and caught her sitting all by herself.

“I’m watching your fans” She said with a laugh as another round of screams echoed faintly and she looked out just in time to catch some members of EXO walk in.

Taemin shook his head sat on the seat next to her.

“I want to talk to Jong In” She said suddenly as her fingers curled around the cup she was holding tightly and he forgot what he was about to say.

“Do you really?” He asked quietly, looking straight ahead and suppressing the frown that threatened to show.

“I think I should. Remember how I told you about that girl a few days ago?” She asked, finally turning away from the window and sitting so that she could face him, “I think she likes him and I… don’t like that or at the very least he has a point, if he wants to then we should end everything once and for all”

“And if he doesn’t want to end anything?” Taemin asked.

She looked at him from the corner of her eyes and shrugged. He simply nodded and stared away from her. He liked to think that he was a good friend, a good person, but the fact of the matter was that hearing her talk about Jong In made his blood boil. It made him angry and irrational and even though he knew he hid it to the point of perfection, he almost wanted her to see. To be guilty about even thinking about going back to him. He wanted to tell her to stop it and just to open eyes. If she loved him once, why couldn’t she do it again? Why did she have to focus on her feelings for Jong In so much? He tapped his fingers against his knee and glanced at her, lost in her own thoughts and decided that playing defensive wasn’t working for him. If he wanted to get her back maybe being a friend first wasn’t his best course of action.

“Then you should go find him. I don’t think he comes in until late tonight though” He said carefully.

“I saw some of the EXO members come in. I think they’re back already?” She said as she tried to think about the faces she had glanced at.

“I think they’re coming back in groups” He said and if it wasn’t for her being so focused on trying to recall who had come in, then she might have noticed the way his feet shuffled and been able to tell that it was a lie.

“Well I’ve got to help Min Kyung out with some things anyways, but I should be done by tonight” She said, a small smile as she stood up, “Thanks for letting me talk to you Taemin. Really, thanks”

“No problem. That’s what I’m here for” He said and his thoughts argued otherwise, but he kept them to himself.

She said goodbye as she noticed the time and he waited until she was gone before he stood up and went down one floor. He could hear muffled music echoing from the different room, but he went to the furthest one on the right. He didn’t bother to take the time to double think his choices. Instead he knocked on the door three times before allowing himself in.

“Taemin! What are you doing here?” Sulli asked.

“Hey I wanted to talk to Krystal really quick” He said, turning to face her and she stared at him curiously before nodding and following him out.

They walked a while, brief greetings in between before she finally asked why he wanted to see her. He smiled as he led her away from the crowd.

“You like Jong In?” He asked, even though it seemed like more a statement.

“Yeah, He’s nice, handsome, and talented. What’s not to like?” She asked crossing her arms in front of her chest and watching Taemin wearily.

“You should stop”


“Stop. His girlfriend doesn’t like it. They’re already having a huge fight, they’re not even talking right now. Honestly they’re about to break up so stop getting involved” He said, watching for her reaction, “She’s going to talk to him to make up with him so it would be great if you could just back off”

“She’s going to talk to him…? That’s not… she can’t. They have training all night tonight, he won’t be able to go” Krystal replied, a frown clearly set on her face.

“He doesn’t have to go anywhere. You’ve met her I think. She’s the new photographer’s assistant, Park Sun Ae” He said, noting the way Krystal’s eyes widened with recognition.

“That’s his girlfriend? Huh. Well, I guess since she wants to make up with him I should back off. Thanks for the advice” She said, as she waved and left first.

Taemin had known Krystal for a while. Long enough to know she was stubborn and long enough to know that no matter what she usually got what she wanted. So when she had spoken he could instantly tell it was a lie and that her mind was nowhere near backing off. Which was great because he could stay the good guy in all of this. Technically, he thought as he shoved his hands into his pockets and rocked on his heels, he had warned her. Granted, he knew his words would do more harm than good, but technically… technically none of this was his fault.


“You seem to know a lot of the idols working here” Min Kyung said as she started putting away equipment.

“Does it seem that way? I only know a couple” Sun Ae replied with a bright smile.

“One of the kids here, Kai I think, he seems to really like you. He wouldn’t stop staring at you last time” She said with a wink and Sun Ae’s smile faltered for a brief second.

“I don’t… uh I don’t think dating idols works out well for me” She said honestly and only after she said it did she wince from her slip of information.

“You’ve tried it before?” Min Kyung asked with a raised eyebrow, turning to look at Sun Ae who kept quiet and fiddled with a piece of equipment, “I have before”

“Well I— Wait, you have? You’ve dated an idol before?!” Sun Ae asked with wide eyes.

“Yeah, it was interesting” She replied, decade old memories coming back to her, “Mind you back then it was really crazy and it was first generation of idols so it was even harder!”

“Was it terrible? Did it end badly?” Sun Ae asked impulsively, “Ah, sorry I didn’t mean to pry”

Min Kyung laughed, “No it’s fine. Uh let’s see. It wasn’t bad. It was really hard though. I think to date an idol you have to be really strong and mature, not that I’m implying you aren’t honey, but there’s going to be a lot of disappointment and a lot of heartbreak. You just have to decide if it’s worth it I suppose” She said smiling as she recalled the first break up.

“Did you only date one or…” Sun Ae trailed off into silence, staring nervously.

“I dated a couple. Not right after the other mind you, though I have seen some girls do that. Serious relationships though I had three”

“Do you regret it?”

“Not at all in fact— Ah, well never mind, but it’s really up to you and you just have to look at the other person and how much they care about you” She said and Sun Ae wondered what she was going to say before she thought of it better.

Sun Ae nodded as she absorbed her words and tried to think about it. Was it worth it? The question hung heavily in her mind even as she walked downstairs and frowned. Just thinking about it all made her frustrated. Why couldn’t she just find a nice normal guy? Someone handsome, kind, funny, someone that wasn’t a complete . But Sun Ae’s mind kept wandering back to the worth it part. If he was worth it… then it made sense to try. Her mind quietly reminded her of Taemin and she sighed. As much as she felt for Jong In she had felt it all for Taemin before and even now…

It wasn’t too often. It was in brief moments when she would catch his eyes that her stomach did an involuntary flip and she thought about all the times he had been there for her. He hadn’t even mentioned his own girlfriend lately and she had found herself glad because she didn’t like those conversations. It was wrong of her to do, but it wasn’t too often… right, it wasn’t often at all. Lingering feelings… time took those with it right? They surely didn’t last forever and they definitely don’t have to mean anything.

It wasn’t until she bumped into someone that Sun Ae was pulled back to reality.

“Sorry! I didn’t see where— Oh! You’re Sun Ae right?” A feminine voice said and Sun Ae looked up to find Krystal standing there, a smile that had friendly written all over it.

It was strange though, just like a piece of paper with writing that had been erased away, Sun Ae could see the traces of cunning and menace left behind that ‘friendly’ smile.

“Yeah and it’s fine, it was all my fault for not paying attention” She said with an uncertain smile and she tried to step around her only to find her follow her direction.

“Jong In told me about the fight you two were having. I’m sorry if I’ve been causing any misunderstandings” She said.

Sun Ae stood stunned for a second. Jong In had told her about them? What?

“You haven’t. We just fought over something stupid. It’s really between us” Sun Ae said, trying to stay friendly, but she couldn’t help the tension that had slipped into her voice.

“What I mean is that, well, that kiss between Jong In and I didn’t mean anything. It was stupid, I didn’t even realize that he had a girlfriend!” Krystal lied, keeping her face straight.

“Right well I’m sure it didn’t mean anything to Jong In either so don’t worry about it” Sun Ae said with a false smile, “To be honest, you’re the least of my worries Krystal so don’t feel bad.  He already explained that it was nothing to me” She said, hiding her anger and surprise with a skill that she didn’t even know she possessed. It might have all been lie, but there was no way she was going to admit it now.

In reality it was enough to make her want to scream but she bottled up all of those feelings. She shoved them deep down inside of her so that she wouldn’t give this girl the satisfaction of seeing her like this because Sun Ae wasn’t an idiot. She could tell what Krystal was up to from the disappointment that crossed her face.

“Right. Well, I just wanted to apologize” She said, her voice suddenly sharp and frustrated.

“No problem, but if you don’t want to be misunderstood next time just try not to cross the line with other people’s boyfriends. Just a tip”

“You’re not as meek as you look” Krystal said suddenly and Sun Ae gave her a cold stare.

“I’m polite and I’m a pretty nice person. That doesn’t make me meek and it really doesn’t stop me from speaking my mind”

“Not all guys like that you know”

“Well clearly one does at least”

“Hm I guess so. I’m glad we go to talk Sun Ae. It let me know a lot more about you and don’t worry I’ll keep an eye on Jong In for you. Since you’re not in the same line of business it’s probably going to be hard for you to even understand what he goes through so I’ll do anything I can to help” She said, her smile almost poisonous as she placed a firm hand on her shoulder and smirked.

Sun Ae opened to say something back, but Krystal slapped her back almost a fraction too hard and Sun Ae turned around and gave her a glare until she disappeared from view. She thought about Krystal’s words and clenched her fists angrily. She was angry at Krystal, but even more at Jong In’s hypocrisy. As she pulled out her phone and texted him to meet her downstairs she fought to keep her anger in hand so that her sense of betrayal and the pain she felt at being lied to would not get the better of her.


She found him waiting for her. He was dressed in loose clothes and he waited almost nervously in the space under the stairs next to the side entrance. She stepped up quietly and let the hall doors shut with a quiet thud. He looked up in surprise and hesitated as she approached him firmly.

“I’m glad you texted me to meet. I’ve been meaning to talk to you” He said lamely and she clenched her teeth. Well what good luck that he’s been meaning to she thought angrily.

“Is this worth it to you?” She asked curiously, “Worth all of this? Wouldn’t it be better for both of us to move on and find other people?”

“What? No that’s not why I want to talk to you about, why would I want anyone else?” He asked and she could have punched the genuine look off his face. Had he always been such a good liar?

She closed the distance between then and stopped only a few inches away from him before she reached up and him down by the neck. She pressed her lips to his and kissed him. He froze for a few seconds and she enjoyed the fact that she had taken him by surprise. His arms wrapped around her waist and pressed her to him and it wasn’t until there was almost no space between them that he realized how long it had really been. His body reacted in a second, like she was cool rain in a desert heat he held onto her firmly.

She was the one to pull away first, she tried to catch her breath as she watched him carefully and met his warm eyes with her cold ones. She could tell her expression caught him by surprise as his eyes grew uncertain. She leaned in again, but stopped right before their lips touched. His breath brushed her neck and she allowed some of her anger to being leaking out.

“Did you kiss her like that?” She whispered in his ear, her voice nothing, but a controlled anger as he suddenly let her go and stepped back.

“What?” He asked, shock and horror in his face and she cocked her head.

“Was it like that? Or more? Was it on a couch? On a bed?” She asked, her words growing angrier by the end.


“You were obviously never going to tell me so who else would tell me? Think about the two people that would know about this. Who do you think told me?” She asked sarcastically.

“She did…” He said, guilt replacing the adrenaline that had raced through his veins only minutes before.

Sun Ae scoffed at the regret that tinted his words and she wondered what the worst part in his opinion was? The fact that he had made a huge mistake or the fact that he had gotten caught? Was he ever even going to tell her she thought meeting his gaze angrily. Either way, all she wanted was to be done with him once and for all.

This couldn’t possibly be worth it. There was no way he loved her like she had thought.


Loll you guys really don't like Krystal do you? Of course I'm only speaking from the comments but yeah lol I personally don't like or hate her she's just kind of there for me, but I thought she would fit the disliked role pretty well so here she is.... and I apparently made the right choice XD School is starting in like 3/4 days depending on if I count today so blahhh someone come save me I don't want to go. If anyone's started school already I wish you guys luck! hopefully it was a fun first week ^^

Thanks for reading! :)

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I'll post two updates tomorrow (8/26)! I haven't gotten around to editing them so I have to hold them until tomorrow! Sorry!


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Samantham #2
Chapter 23: Oh boy, please update soon, I can't wait any longer!
OppaJjang98 #3
Chapter 23: I really like this story!!!!! I love the love triangle!;) Can't wait for the next chaptr!!!! Update soon pleaseee!!!
Chapter 23: Dude, you need to update this! The drama is intense as heeeell! I always love me a drama with Krystal as the antagonist. Can't wait for the next chapter :D
lululemon_lover24 #5
Chapter 23: Jongin has been such a selfish jerk...he doesn't deserve Sun Ae at all.
Taemin - make your move, buddy
BeTrue #6
Chapter 23: I am still angry at the kiss though
I don't think I support her to be with him so soon, just a couple of drama
Chapter 23: So perfect!
Ok, i can't deny that Kai is my Bias, so I'm always by his side. But Taemin is also one of my favourites, so.................. GOD I don't know what to do!!!
Sun Ae I know what you are felling! hahahaha

I'm really loving your story! Authornim keep on writting!
WinterRain #8
Chapter 23: sun aexkai ...its ok right ?? if i want theiy to be together ...
aythornim update soon !! thanks to u :)
WinterRain #9
Chapter 16: i dont like when sun ae feel something uncomfortable between her and taemin, i want jongin and sun ae together that wrong ??