
In Hushed Whispers

Grabbing a water bottle, Sun Ae placed her equipment bag near her door and quietly put her coat on. Today, was going to be a day of inspiration she reminded herself. She was about to leave when she thought about her letter. Pausing for a moment, she turned around quickly and went over to her desk.



Now you’re just getting spiteful. Are you declaring war on me? I can assure you this was just a battle. You haven’t even gotten a taste of war. I'm thinking about going for a party record. Whatever you do, don’t count on having a lot of sleep to help you out there alright? Just be careful because one of these days I might just have to go up there and complain in person. I’ll warn you, I’m too devilishly handsome for any woman to resist. So don’t count on your anger lasting long.



She laughed and thought about what to write. As she wrote her curiosity about him spiked. Was he really as good looking as he said? She laughed at herself this time as she dismissed the thought. This was nothing, but an arrogant punk. Finally, satisfied with the words on the paper she slipped it into her coat and grabbed her bag of snacks off the counter and picked up her equipment bag near the doorway.

The door clicked shut as she locked it and excitedly headed downstairs. Sun Ae opened the door to his hallway quietly and peeked to make sure no one was coming before she carefully slipped in. She quietly made her way to his door and placed her bag down as she bent down to push the letter in underneath the door. With a smile she grabbed her bag and turned towards the elevator. She waited patiently as the light finally indicated that it had arrived and the steel doors slid open. Sun Ae smiled at the guy coming as he stepped out and accidentally bumped shoulders with her, causing the strap on her camera bag to slip down.

"Whoops! Sorry!" He said as his eyes widened and he placed a hand on the elevator doors so they wouldn't close on him suddenly.

"No that's fine! I'm carrying a lot I should have been more careful" Sun Ae said quickly as she reached for the camera bag and grinned.

"Do you need help with all that?" He asked politely and she shook her head no.

"It's not as heavy as it looks, but thanks anyways" She said happily as she fastened the bag on her shoulder.

"No problem" He said kindly as he stepped out and went his own way.

He reached apartment 04A and slipped his key in, opening the door immediately. He was about to step forward when he saw the letter on the ground. He smiled as he bent down to pick it up and then suddenly froze. He remembered the girl in the elevator and he went still for a second before running downstairs. Of course, it was too late, now he wished he had paid more attention to her. He did know she was really pretty though and she seemed nice... With a bright smile he ran back upstairs and thought about what he would tell Jong In when he came back from having dinner with Taemin.

Sun Ae rolled her window down and happily sang along the radio playing loudly in the background as she drove down the highway. She watched carefully for the turn off sign and only a little more than a hour later she finally came to it. Eventually, her car vibrated from the change in roads. From the well paved roads of Seoul to the dirt and rocky ones of this small town. She had only been here once before, with a photography trip, but she had always meant to come back.

As she found a empty spot to park she took notice of how lively the town was. People were all chattering along and she felt sort of peaceful. She smiled at the curious eyes that momentarily landed on her. Their gazes turned friendlier once she took out her camera and slung the smaller snack bag on her back. Deciding to walk around first she stepped out on the simple dirt streets and peered curiously at the small stands offering countless of different items.

"Do you want a tour?!" Squeaked a younger girl, maybe 10 or 11 as she ran up right in front of Sun Ae.

"Um... sure" She said with a smile as she stared down at the girl dressed in worn down clothes two sizes too big.

"Alright that'll be... um... how much do you have?" She asked cheekily as she held out her hand with widened eyes.

"...I'm not—" Sun Ae began before thinking it over, "Alright I'll give you $20 dollars if you keep me company today"

"Really!? Ok! I'll give you the bet tour ever then! By the way, I'm Min Jung, nice to meet you!" She yelled excitedly, her eyes twinkling and Sun Ae nodded as the girl took her hand and pulled her down the streets.

Hours passed and Min Jung had shown Sun Ae practically every single nook and cranny of this town Sun Ae had officially decided she loved. She had taken so many photographs she had lost complete track and now she sat on the sand, eating the kimbap she had brought a Min Jung ran closer to the water and collected seashell or something like that. She looked up at the setting sun and realized sadly that she would have to leave soon. It was a shame because compared to the way things were going at home, Sun Ae would have much rather just stayed here. She lazily picked up her camera and scrolled through the photographs she had taken proudly. They would all look amazing she noticed as she brought the camera up to her face and focused on her new friend through the lens. She smiled as she waited for that moment when the dim rays of the sun would catch her perfectly. And just like that the moment came and a surge of happiness came over Sun Ae as she captured it.

She was about to take another photograph when her phone suddenly rang in her pocket.

"Hello?" She answered cheerfully as she placed the camera down.

"You sound... happy" Taemin said with a smile of his own.

"That's because I am happy. Why are you calling?" She asked as she dug her toes into the sand and watched Min Jung run around.

"Where are you? You should come meet a friend of mine" He said as he looked back at Jong In who was sitting in front of his cup of coffee back at their table.

"I'm out of town... and I don't really want to meet your friends nor do I need to be introduced to them. It would just be awkward" She said rolling her eyes as she took a fistful of sand and let the grains slip through her fingers.

"Just because their famous?" He said incredulously.

"I told you, I am never ever getting involved in a friendship or otherwise to anyone famous ever again. You're barely the exception" She said only half-joking and waved at min Jung who was walked over to her, her arms full of shells,

"That's mean" Taemin said as he looked down at his shoes, guilt for the millionth time nagging at him before he began again, "Not all people... not all of them would act like I did"

"...Taemin stop. I don't want to talk about this. I'm having a really good day and I'm sorry for bringing this up" Sun Ae said as she sighed quietly feeling a nudge of guilt of her own, for making him sound so sad.

"No it's fine, we'll talk later then and you can tell all about your trip" He said forcing himself to cheer up as he hung up quickly.

"Was that your boyfriend?" Min Jung asked as soon as she put down the phone.

"Haha, no... he's a friend" Sun Ae answered as she picked up one of the shells Min Jung had put down.

"It didn't sound like you were friendly" The young girl  said insightfully and Sun Ae looked up at her in surprise.

"I guess... I wasn't very friendly" She admitted.

"You should try to be friendlier you know. My friends are annoying too, but you just gotta pretend, cuz it's sadder when they leave" Min Jung said, nodding in agreement to her own words.

"Alright, I promise to be friendlier to my friends" Sun Ae said with a laugh as she silently told herself she would give Taemin a call when she got home.


"She couldn't come" Taemin said as he returned to his seat.

"Are you making her up?" Jong In joked as he drank his coffee.

"No! Idiot! I told you she's a good friend plus—" Taemin was about to continue when he suddenly stopped.

"Plus what?" Jong in asked curiously.

"Never mind" He said with a grin as he decided to keep the fact that she lived in the same apartment building a secret. Jong In would probably just meddle in their relationship and it would annoy Sun Ae he decided.

"Well, let's hang out soon" Jong In said as he stood up and finished drinking his coffee, "There's apparently something urgent Baekhyun has to tell me and we've been out all day" .

"I'll drive you home" Taemin offered as he paid and Jong In grinned at him, "By the way I heard a rumor that you're not staying a trainee for long" He added casually as they stepped outside.

"WHAT?!" Jong In yelled as he stopped dead in his tracks, "If this is a sick joke I swear to god Taemin I'll beat the crap out of you"

"I'm serious" He said as he watched his best friend literally scream and jump up. He turned to Taemin with the brightest, dorkiest smile and hugged him before continuing to completely freak out.

"Alright now get in the car before someone calls the hospital for a mental patient" Taemin said as he unlocked the car and waited until Jong In climbed in.

"I-I can't even... how did you know?!" Jong In asked excitedly.

"I have my sources" Taemin said mysteriously, " But I'm happy for you. You have to train even harder now. And it wouldn't hurt to have your photograph portfolio remade"

"Yeah... I mean yeah... but is this actually happening?" He whispered, sinking into the leather seats of his friend's car.


"BAEKHYUN!!!" Jong In screamed as he ran into their apartment and collided into his friend who had woken up from the nap on his couch.

"W-what?!" He asked, sitting up alert and wide eyed.

"I had the best day ever" Jong In said happily as he reached for his friend and gave him a huge hug.

"Er... ok?" He said as he struggled to get free from the crushing hug.

"Don't ask. I can't tell you yet, but I will soon" Jong In said brightly, his eyes sparkling from excitement.

"I met your letter girlfriend" Baekhyun cut in, watching as Jong In went still and turned back to him.

"What?! Why?! Where?!" He asked seriously as he paid complete attention to Baekhyun.

"I didn't know it was her so I don't really know who she is... but she is pretty" Baekhyun said with a nod.

"You saw her... and you didn't pay attention. I should have come home sooner" Jong In said as he bit his lip and suddenly reached out, "Where's my letter?"

"Oh yeah, here" He said as he pulled the folded envelope from his pocket.

Jong In fought away the small frown that made its way onto his face as he noticed how Baekhyun had folded it up. It wasn't like it was a big deal, he just wanted to keep those letters intact was that too much to ask? Still, he couldn't help the rush of curiosity that came over him once he got a hold of the letter and opened it carefully. He also couldn't help the tiny stab of jealousy when he realized that Baekhyun had been able to see her and he hadn't...



You’re not my type. I don’t even have to look at you but I already know. Also, you’re too immature. Feel free to come up anytime. I’m always ready to knock an arrogant jerk down a peg or two. It sounds like you need it. But I only feel it’s fair to warn you I’m pretty good looking myself. So you might fall in love or something. It’s alright. I’ll let you down easy. Although if you keep blasting those damn stereos of yours I’ll stomp your heart into dust.



Baekhyun watched as a smirk came over his friend's face and he went to get a pen and paper. He smiled and thought about the girl he had seen in the elevator. She seemed like a really nice person, she was also friendly he took note as he remembered her bright smile before she had stepped on the elevator. A sudden thought came over him that he decided not to tell Jong In, what if she had a boyfriend or something?

Even if Jong In couldn't tell Baekhyun knew he was falling for this girl. He would have to come up with a way to get them to meet up. This is the first girl Jong In has liked with no ulterior motives in a long time, Baekhyun was going to make sure his friend at least got the chance to talk to her.



I finally finished my poster! Do you guys like it? if not just lie to me lol I also ended up changing the title of the fic, the plot is still the same though, I just changed it because I thought it fit my poster better lol I'm seriously so proud of that thing  XD so I celebrated by also updating because I've been neglecting this fic compared to my Kris one. It won't happen again!

Thanks for reading ^__^ and don't forget to leave comments~

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I'll post two updates tomorrow (8/26)! I haven't gotten around to editing them so I have to hold them until tomorrow! Sorry!


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Samantham #2
Chapter 23: Oh boy, please update soon, I can't wait any longer!
OppaJjang98 #3
Chapter 23: I really like this story!!!!! I love the love triangle!;) Can't wait for the next chaptr!!!! Update soon pleaseee!!!
Chapter 23: Dude, you need to update this! The drama is intense as heeeell! I always love me a drama with Krystal as the antagonist. Can't wait for the next chapter :D
lululemon_lover24 #5
Chapter 23: Jongin has been such a selfish jerk...he doesn't deserve Sun Ae at all.
Taemin - make your move, buddy
BeTrue #6
Chapter 23: I am still angry at the kiss though
I don't think I support her to be with him so soon, just a couple of drama
Chapter 23: So perfect!
Ok, i can't deny that Kai is my Bias, so I'm always by his side. But Taemin is also one of my favourites, so.................. GOD I don't know what to do!!!
Sun Ae I know what you are felling! hahahaha

I'm really loving your story! Authornim keep on writting!
WinterRain #8
Chapter 23: sun aexkai ...its ok right ?? if i want theiy to be together ...
aythornim update soon !! thanks to u :)
WinterRain #9
Chapter 16: i dont like when sun ae feel something uncomfortable between her and taemin, i want jongin and sun ae together that wrong ??