
Confessions of a Backup Dancer

“God, I feel awful,” was the first thing that came out of Sulli’s mouth the next morning.


“Ya think?” Sunhwa asked sarcastically. The girls had crashed at Hyun Jin’s house again after the graduation party; all of them were either a) too tired or b) too drunk to go home themselves.


Luna scoffed at the older girl. “Never mind Sulli unnie, she’s really bad with hangovers.”


“What hango – ” Sulli’s sentence was abruptly cut off as she put a hand to and ran off to the bathroom.


Sunhwa made a face. “If that’s what drinking does to you, I’m never going to,” she declared.


The blonde laughed, running a hand through her somewhat-mussed hair. “Not everyone gets like that – it’s just Sulli unnie.”


Subconsciously, both dancers’ gazes fell on the last person sleeping – Hyun Jin. She muttered something and rolled over in her sleep, hugging a pillow.


“What happened last night?” Luna asked, voice suddenly hushed.


“Wait – you know?”


“Obviously I don’t, because I’m asking you,” Luna said and raised a finger when Sunhwa opened to object. “I’m very good at handling my liquor. And don’t think that I didn’t notice at least something that happened last night involving you, Hyun Jin, and Taemin.”


Sunhwa closed resignedly. It was silent for a few moments. Then:


“Unnie confessed to Taemin.”


“Oh!” Luna’s eyes got big, her eyebrows rising in shock. “And…how did it go?”


“Not very well,” Sunhwa replied softly, playing with the edge of a sheet. “Hyun Jin tried to pretend that it didn’t matter, but I could tell that she was hurt.”


“Hold on,” Luna said, still a bit shocked. “He – he rejected her?”

“Neh,” the other girl nodded. “Said that he was sorry, but couldn’t.”


Luna frowned contemplatively, and silence blanketed the pink bedroom. “How douche-y of him.”


 “I know,” Sunhwa sighed. “But I guess he has his reasons. Maybe the fans won’t like it or something? He is an idol, after all.”


Luna was still frowning, wrinkles appearing in between her eyebrows. “Or maybe…” she said slowly, “he’s waiting for someone else.”


Sunhwa shrugged, oblivious to the suggestion. “Sure. Maybe he has someone at SM.”


“It doesn’t really matter, though,” Luna remarked, sitting back. “If they were meant to be, they would get together. If they aren’t, it won’t happen.”


Sunhwa nodded in agreement.


“What’s important now is that we cheer up Hyun Jin.”


A groan made both girls look up. Sulli leaned against the door, a scowl on her face. “Why is everything spinning?” she grumbled, then picked up on the previous conversation. “And why do we need to cheer up Jinnie again?”


“She got rejected by Taemin,” Luna explained softly.


What?” Sunhwa wasn’t surprised that Sulli had no clue about this. She was probably too busy dancing like a maniac and drinking the previous night.


“That little jerk,” Sulli hissed, trying to crack her knuckles but failing. She gave up and plopped onto the bed. “I always knew that there was something wrong with the maknae – ”


“Don’t be violent, unnie,” Luna reprimanded her. “He didn’t try to be mean about it…Hyun Jin needs us more now.”


“Even though she’s pretty good at putting up a mask to hide her feelings, she’s going to break down sometime,” Sunhwa said.


Sulli thought for a moment. “All right. We’ll come up with something to cheer her up…but don’t we have rehearsal today?”


“CRAP!” Sunhwa looked around wildly and found the clock. It was 12:26 PM. “We have to be there at one!”


“We can’t wake Hyun Jin up,” Luna said worriedly. “And I don’t know if she can handle seeing Taemin.”


“Then do we go without her?” Sulli asked. “Who will take care of her?”


Sunhwa spoke up. “I will.”


“Really?” Sulli looked at her in surprise. “I mean, you usually hate missing rehearsal and all…”


“It’s fine,” she said convincingly. “I’ve missed less practices than either of you, so Oh seongsang-nim will be okay with it. Just tell them Hyun Jin is sick or something.”


“Gomawo, Sunhwa yah!” Luna hugged her as they prepared to go. “You’re the best!”


Sunhwa managed a smile as the two dancers rushed out the door. “Annyeong!”


Meanwhile, Hyun Jin still had not woken up. I should let her sleep, Sunhwa thought and pulled a blanket over her friend. Then she trotted downstairs. I wonder if I can make ramen for breakfast?




It was three in the afternoon when Hyun Jin awoke. “Muh? Where am I?”


She sat up, terrified that she had been kidnapped or something, but immediately recognized the familiar surroundings of her room. Flopping back onto the pillows, Hyun Jin sighed. “What happened last night?”


Then the memories began rushing back, and she hated herself for remembering.


Her graduation party. Gifts and congratulations and getting dressed up. Taemin’s sad eyes, ones she had admired ever since she had first laid eyes on him.


I’m really sorry, Jinnie…


Hyun Jin shook her head rapidly as tears began gathering in the corner of her eyes. “Babo babo babo…”


She stared at the ceiling, painted a light shade of pink and covered in little glow-in-the-dark stars, and tried to blink back the tears. “Why did I think he would accept?” she whispered brokenly.


A knock sounded on the door. “Hyun Jin?”


Thinking it was a maid, Hyun Jin cleared . “Please leave me alone for a while.”


The door all but banged open, and in strode Sunhwa with breakfast on a tray. “Don’t even think about trying that with me, missy.”


Hyun Jin stared at her friend and burst into tears.


“Oh!” Sunhwa fumbled, uncertain of what to do. She set the tray down on the bedside table and sat on the bed. “Unnie…are you okay?”


You idiot, of course she’s not okay! her inner voice scolded.


What else am I supposed to do?? she screamed back at it.


God, you’re so awkward, the voice sighed. Just pat her back or something. Remember when she comforted you?


And indeed Sunhwa remembered. It was after her mother had kicked her out and she had cried enough tears to fill the Han River as Hyun Jin hugged her and whispered reassuring words. Now it was her turn to return the favor…except she didn’t really know how.


Sunhwa sort of pulled Hyun Jin to her and hugged her, patting her back in what she hoped was a soothing manner. “Jinnie?” she murmured.


She received a strangled noise in reply.


“I know I’m terrible at making people feel better and I wish Luna or Sulli unnie was here now, but it’s because I never had any friends like this and I don’t really know what to do…” she trailed off, aware that her rambling probably sounded ridiculous and was not helping at all.


Another strangled noise, and Sunhwa had to lean down to catch the following words. Hyun Jin paused in her sobbing and got out, “You’re doing just fine.”


With those words, even in the situation she was in, Sunhwa realized that everything was going to be okay. They would get through this.




After what seemed like an eternity of crying, Hyun Jin finally ran out of tears. “Ugh,” she said, blotting her cheeks and throwing the tissue into the accumulated pile. “I feel horrible.”


Sunhwa’s mouth quirked up into a half-smile. “That’s what Sulli unnie said this morning.”


Hyun Jin laughed hollowly, and then sniffled.


“Hey,” Sunhwa suggested gently. “Want to take a shower?”


Hyun Jin had a vague flashback of when she had taken care of Sunhwa and a wobbly smile appeared. “Yeah, that would be good.”


“Okay,” Sunhwa released her friend. “After that, you can eat breakfast. I made it just for you, so you’d better enjoy it,” she joked.


Hyun Jin’s smile got bigger. “I will.”


As she got her clothes and was about to step into the bathroom, Hyun Jin turned around. “Sunhwa yah?”


Sunhwa looked up in surprise. “Neh, unnie?”


“Thanks for being there for me.”


Sunhwa smiled and nodded. “Anytime.”




A day later, Sunhwa burst into the rehearsal room, cheeks flushed and one of the straps of her duffel bag hanging halfway off her shoulder. “I win!” she declared victoriously.


Hyun Jin sprinted in not a moment later, running straight into a surprised Taemin.


“Omo!” She would have fallen over had he not caught her, arms automatically circling around her waist. Hyun Jin was laughing as she looked up to thank her rescuer. Her smile slipped off her face and melted into the floorboards as awkwardness immediately hung heavy in the room.


Hyun Jin awkwardly stepped away, face downcast, and bowed stiffly. “Kamsahamida, Taemin-sshi.”


Sunhwa could see the regret written on Taemin’s expression as he struggled to come up with a reply. The formal honorific came as a surprise to everyone in the room – the rest of SHINee and the dancers stopped warming up to glance curiously at the scene.


Taemin rubbed the back of his neck. “Ah…neh…you’re welcome,” he replied. After a moment, he added quietly, “…Hyun Jin-sshi.”


The situation would have been even more awkward if Oh seongsang-nim had not then slammed open the door and strode in, sleeves already rolled up. He clapped his hands sharply. “Alright, kids, time for work!”


Sunhwa exhaled quietly as she deposited her bag on a chair. Talk about timing.


“Sunhwa yah, I see you’re back. Welcome,” Oh seongsang-nim gave her a smile and a nod of the head. She nodded back.


“Hurry up, we have things to do!” he barked as Key shuffled in, Victoria trying to clutch onto his arm and following him in.


“First off, we had a good rehearsal last time,” Oh seongsang-nim began. Sunhwa looked at her lap in guilt – she had been resting and wasn’t able to go. Even if it was on the doctor’s orders.


“You guys better be prepared to work today – Soo Man-sshi has four performances lined up for this week. Debut was fantastic, but there is no slacking now that promotions have begun. Understood?”


Various nods.


“Another thing,” he continued crisply. “Your managers and I and a host of other people monitored your performance, and we have collectively decided that each pairing will have extra rehearsals.”


Sunhwa froze. Okay, so the other pairings would have no problem doing that – they would probably enjoy it, even – but her and Key? No way.


Their choreographer held up a hand. “Now, before I hear your complaints or exclamations of joy, let me talk.” The last comment was mostly directed at Key, who had stood up. “Though you have all worked pretty hard up until debut, we decided that it could be better. There is no passion when you dance, no chemistry.”


There’s plenty of passion! Sunhwa thought indignantly. Sorry if I don’t have any chemistry with the stuck-up idol I’m paired with.


“So from now on,” Oh seongsang-nim said as manager oppa moved to pass out various sheets, “we will be working on that. On these papers you will find your new schedules. Sunhwa and Key, you are to stay behind after rehearsal. Your first session is today.”


Sunhwa was allowed a brief glance at her schedule (what was that – five times per week?)  before Oh seongsang-nim’s voice called her back to the dance floor.


“Now that’s settled,” he said, crossing his arms, “we can start. I want five straight, perfect renditions of Replay, got it?” He the stereo and started the music.


As Sunhwa ran to her beginning position with Key, her only thought was: I’m screwed.



*peeks around the corner awkwardly* Um...hi?

Okay so I know I haven't updated in FOREVER, and I'm truly sorry about that. School and life has been pretty hectic lately but now it's Christmas break, so I have time to write. :) Hope you guys are doing well and having a good holiday!

Also, I think it's been about a year since I started this story now. Isn't that weird? Anyway, MERRY (LATE) CHRISTMAS (or whatever religious affiliation you are)!

Subscribes and comments are lovely~


- tigress

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Chapter 32: i was scrolling through AFF reading a fan fiction when I got a notification that I got a story update. While I was in the middle of reading my other story, I saw this one updated and I was happy! I really do like this story a lot. It's like a refreshing love story for me, something I need sometimes. Keep up the handwork!
Oh, you're starting school too? I wish you the best of luck in school, although I know it . :P
sbegbert94 #2
Chapter 31: She got what she wanted, that's good :) she needed it
niknac #3
Chapter 31: Cute chapter! She needed something positive to happen for her.
Chapter 30: Key why are u so mean??I hope u warm up to Sunhwa soon :)
Stormy_Knight234 #5
Chapter 29: When can you update soon? HAPPY BIRTHDAY....... Hehe
whyhellobunny #6
Chapter 29: Happy birthday in advance~
Im usually a quiet reader, just wanted to say that i really like this story so far. Keep it up, hwaiting! ^^
Chapter 29: happy b-day!!! ... five days early...
Chapter 28: Whoa. Dramatic O.O
hahaha, sometimes, I wish I could go out with a bang like that... except I'd probably starve as a hobo or something TT.TT
girlyoudontknow1708 #9
Chapter 28: damn, the mommy should be more understanding I guess
Chapter 28: New reader here and i like ur story!