Up & Down

Confessions of a Backup Dancer


It was around ten when SHINee arrived. Sunhwa could tell Hyun Jin had been worried that, despite all of Jonghyun’s promises, they wouldn’t be able to come. What business did idols have at a mere high school graduation party? Even though she put up quite a good façade – accepting congratulations, smiling and laughing with her friends, and dancing – Sunhwa saw that Hyun Jin darted glances towards the doorway ever so often.


Sulli and Luna were having a good time. Though they were among the minority of people over twenty, they didn’t look it as they burned up the dance floor. Sunhwa spied a couple of just-recently-graduated high school boys ogling her friends and had to hide a smile when they were turned down.


Sunhwa herself didn’t really like parties – they required social interaction. When she had been in high school, Sunhwa hadn’t gone to any of her school dances, and her mother had never questioned it. She stood by herself against the wall, wearing her pretty dress and makeup, sipping some punch. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a couple boys looking at her (she certainly looked their age, or maybe even younger) but ignored them.


They came in a limo, of course. And tuxedoes. Sunhwa half expected the chauffer of the limo to roll out a red carpet, but it wasn’t really necessary. Everyone turned to look as one by one, five pairs of elegant shoes stepped out and sauntered in the door. There was a split second of silence (and Sunhwa was sure some people were wondering how Hyun Jin had managed to get SHINee to come), and then the mansion exploded in cheers.




Sunhwa watched as the boys flashed gleaming smiles and bowed nicely to the crowd, thanking them. Jonghyun quickly led them towards Hyun Jin. He took her hand and bowed, brushing his lips to it in a very old fashioned gesture. “Congratulations, Hyun Jin.”


Minho rolled his eyes and pushed his hyung aside. “Oh, stop being a flirt.”


“Congratulations on graduating from all of us, Hyun Jin!” Onew beamed happily. “Sorry we’re a little late.”


“Oh no, it’s not a problem,” Hyun Jin was a little flustered, as everyone at the party was watching them. “Thank you for coming!”


“We brought a present,” Taemin grinned, producing a shining (pun intended) package. He added shyly, “By the way, you look very pretty.”


“Omo!” Hyun Jin’s eyes got wide and she blushed so hard that it looked like her cheeks were painted red. “Kamsahamida,” she said, bowing and taking the box. “Can I open it right now?”


Key nodded. “Go ahead.”


As Hyun Jin eagerly tore open the package, it seemed like everyone collectively leaned forward to look. “It’s a signed SHINee T-shirt and pictures, and a giftcard to Starbucks,” she said, giggling a little, “and tickets to our next Inkigayo performance, and…what’s this?” She found a slip of paper and read out loud, “Congratulations, Jinnie! We’re very glad to have you as one of our dancers, and you’re very talented. We know that we don’t have a concert planned yet, but when we do, we’ll be sure to get you tickets and backstage passes. Sincerely, SHINee.”


“You like it, right?” Jonghyun asked, the usually arrogant tone slightly filtered through with worry.


Taemin said in a rush, “I didn’t really want to give you the signed stuff because I thought it would seem pretentious and you see us a lot anyway and I consider us friends, but hyungs said it would be okay and besides we didn’t know what else to give you…” he trailed off as Hyun Jin looked at them with glimmering eyes.


“It’s perfect,” she said, rushing forward and giving him a hug.


Taemin looked a little surprised by the skinship at first, but he soon relaxed and patted her on the back. “We’re glad you like it, Jinnie.”


Jonghyun coughed awkwardly after a moment, and Hyun Jin released the maknae sheepishly. “Well, let’s get this party started!”


“Ain’t no party like a SHINee party,” Onew said, bobbing his head to the music.


Hyun Jin grinned as Jonghyun turned to the crowd. “When I say Hyun Jin, you say daebak! HYUN JIN!”

“DAEBAK!” the crowd roared back.


Minho shouted, “Are you having fun?”




“Hold on to your seats, because this party’s about to get a lot crazier! SHINEE’S IN THE HOUSE!” Key finished, waving. The crowd went crazy, just like the audiences at Music Bank and M Countdown did. The DJ gave a thumbs up and started blasting “Noona Neomu Yeppeo”. Everyone started dancing.


“We have to do the performance!” Hyun Jin set the present down on a table and excitedly gestured for Sulli and Luna.


“Where’s Sunhwa yah?” Taemin looked around and spotted her in the corner. “Come here!”


Sunhwa shook her head and refused. “No way.”


Taemin sighed and strode over, easily parting a way through the crowd. “You’re coming whether you like it or not.”


“You guys ,” Sunhwa glared at him as he grabbed her wrist and gently yet firmly pulled her to where the rest of the group was standing.


“Come on, Sunhwa yah,” Taemin smiled her in a way that had the girls swooning. “It’s Hyun Jin’s graduation…dance with us!”

Sunhwa stubbornly shook her head again. “I don’t dance.”

“What do you mean you don’t dance?” Sulli may or may not have had a couple glasses of champagne. “Of course you do, you’re a professional!”


Luna wheedled, “You know you want to…”


Sunhwa exhaled, looking at all her friends who were turned to her with more or less puppy dog eyes. “Fine.”



“Yay!” Hyun Jin clapped happily and motioned to the DJ. “Turn it up!”




It was around eleven thirty when it happened. Everyone had danced for a while, and Sunhwa was feeling pleasantly buzzed – not from alcohol, but from just plain energy. She was taking a break for punch when Hyun Jin grabbed onto her arm. “SUNHWA YAH!”

“Neh, unnie?” Sunhwa leaned closer to be heard over the music, whereas Hyun Jin just screamed.


“HAVE YOU,” Hyun Jin paused to pat down her hair, checking her reflection in the glass pitcher, “SEEN TAEMIN ANYWHERE?”




“TAEMINNIE,” Hyun Jin yelled, and Sunhwa thought that she saw her blush, but with all the strobe lights, she couldn’t tell for sure. “LIKE FROM SHINEE.”


“Oh,” Sunhwa nodded and pointed to the corner, where Taemin was currently rocking out with Minho. “Over there.”


Hyun Jin lit up when she saw him. “THANKS!” She giggled and took Sunhwa’s arm. “COME WITH ME.” She walked off, her red dress billowing behind her.


The latter followed, confused.


Taemin stopped dancing when Hyun Jin tapped his arm. “Neh?” he asked, cocking his head to one side. Sunhwa failed to notice his eyes stray towards her.


“CanItalktoyouforasecond?” Hyun Jin’s words suddenly spilled out.


The maknae of SHINee’s brows furrowed. “What?”


“I said,” Hyun Jin took a deep breath. “CANITALKTOYOUFORASECOND?”


“OH!” Taemin smiled. “Sure!”


Sunhwa became even more confused as Hyun Jin led them out of the grand hall and down twisting hallways of the mansion. The pounding beat of the music soon faded.


“Whew,” Taemin said, wiping his face. “You get pretty sweaty over there, huh?”


Sunhwa nodded silently, concentrating on where Hyun Jin was leading them. Finally, the trio stopped at a sliding door, opening up to a small garden.


Hyun Jin drew Sunhwa aside, whispering, “Can you stay here? To make sure no one interrupts?”


“Huh? Oh…sure,” Sunhwa agreed somewhat dumbly.


Hyun Jin smiled the brightest Sunhwa had ever seen. “Thanks so much,” she whispered, squeezing her hand. “This is really important to me.”

Sunhwa was quite bad at picking up hints and signals (she didn’t notice Taemin’s attention, after all), but she now had a pretty good idea of what Hyun Jin was about to do. And that’s why she squeezed her friend’s hand back and whispered, “Good luck.”


Hyun Jin beamed at her before turning back to Taemin. Her voice suddenly turned shy. “Please open the door and go in, oppa.”


Taemin nodded, obviously confused. He slid the door open and stepped into the garden. Hyun Jin, Sunhwa presumed, had decorated the bushes and trees with brightly glowing lanterns, and the whole space was lit up around a gazebo. Hyun Jin stepped onto the center of the wooden planks with Taemin. Their voices traveled to Sunhwa through the wind.


“Jinnie? Why have you brought me here?” Taemin asked, scratching his head cutely.


So clueless, Sunhwa thought, shaking her own head.


“Oppa,” Hyun Jin said, blushing madly but looking steadfastly at him, “I brought you here because I have something to tell you.”




Hyun Jin went and brought out a folded piece of pink glittery paper, a box, and balloons from behind a bench. “Oppa,” she said again, holding them out and unconsciously radiating aegyo. “I made a card for you and made cupcakes myself. They’re chocolate, just how you like it.”


“Oh…thank you! You didn’t have to,” Taemin said, bowing and accepting the gifts.


Hyun Jin bit her lip, looking at him through her lashes. “Please read it, oppa.”


Taemin slowly opened the card. Sunhwa could tell when he got to the confession part because he froze. After what seemed like forever, he folded it back up slowly.


Hyun Jin waited anxiously.


Finally: “Thank you for all your hard work,” Taemin spoke cautiously. “But you really shouldn’t have.”




“I’m really sorry, Jinnie,” he said, and he did look truly sorry, “and I really appreciate all that you’ve done for me. You’ll always have a place in my heart…


“But I can’t accept your confession.”


This time, it was Sunhwa who froze. What?


To her credit, Hyun Jin didn’t burst into tears like Sunhwa thought she would. “Neh, oppa. Thank you for your time,” she bowed, but it was awkward and stiff.


The walk balk to the party was equally as awkward. None of them said anything, and Taemin kept his gaze on the ground. It was after Taemin had disappeared back into the crowd that Hyun Jin’s lip started to quiver.


“It’s okay, unnie,” Sunhwa said, trying to comfort her. “Do you want to sit down?”


Hyun Jin took a deep breath, blinking rapidly as her eyes glimmered. “Thank you, Sunhwa yah,” she whispered, and Sunhwa had to strain to hear it. “But I think I’ll be okay.” She straightened up and put on a painful smile. “I have nothing to be sad about. It’s my graduation, right?”


“But – ” Sunhwa began to protest.


“Don’t worry about me,” Hyun Jin said firmly, and spotted Sulli and Luna in the crowd. “Let’s go dance with them!”


As Sunhwa went to dance floor with her friend, she wondered why Hyun Jin had sounded so much like herself all of a sudden. And that wasn't a good thing.





Waaa school is crazy, guys. I haven't had much time to write, but hopefully I'll start getting used to the workload. *sigh*

I would really appreciate hearing from you! I haven't gotten many comments for a while...so...don't leave me hanging, please? :P

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and have a wonderful week! :)


- tigress


P.S. Okay, I know this isn't related at all, but has anyone seen/heard GD's new song Crooked? I LOVE IT.

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Chapter 32: i was scrolling through AFF reading a fan fiction when I got a notification that I got a story update. While I was in the middle of reading my other story, I saw this one updated and I was happy! I really do like this story a lot. It's like a refreshing love story for me, something I need sometimes. Keep up the handwork!
Oh, you're starting school too? I wish you the best of luck in school, although I know it . :P
sbegbert94 #2
Chapter 31: She got what she wanted, that's good :) she needed it
niknac #3
Chapter 31: Cute chapter! She needed something positive to happen for her.
Chapter 30: Key why are u so mean??I hope u warm up to Sunhwa soon :)
Stormy_Knight234 #5
Chapter 29: When can you update soon? HAPPY BIRTHDAY....... Hehe
whyhellobunny #6
Chapter 29: Happy birthday in advance~
Im usually a quiet reader, just wanted to say that i really like this story so far. Keep it up, hwaiting! ^^
Chapter 29: happy b-day!!! ... five days early...
Chapter 28: Whoa. Dramatic O.O
hahaha, sometimes, I wish I could go out with a bang like that... except I'd probably starve as a hobo or something TT.TT
girlyoudontknow1708 #9
Chapter 28: damn, the mommy should be more understanding I guess
Chapter 28: New reader here and i like ur story!