
Confessions of a Backup Dancer


“You’re back!” Jonghyun flung the door open and ushered Sunhwa in.


Sunhwa rolled her eyes. “Did you even notice I was gone?”


“Sunhwa yah! Let me take that,” Taemin took her bag of clothing and toiletries that Hyun Jin had given her. “I’ll put it next to the couch,” he said, smiling warmly at her.


“Do you feel okay?” Onew asked as he munched on a fried chicken leg.


“I’m fine,” Sunhwa said as she plopped herself onto a chair. “Just wish I could go to rehearsal already!”


“Manager hyung says a few more days,” Minho informed her.


“Hnnnng.” Sunhwa made a weird noise and curled up in the chair. “Now go away and let me sleep.”


Minho laughed quietly and left. “I swear, she’s like a cat sometimes.”


Taemin lingered long enough to put a blanket over the sleeping girl and then left, too.


When the dorm was quiet, Sunhwa opened one eye and looked around. The only person that I didn’t see…is Key.




Sunhwa’s stomach grumbled so loudly that she was startled awake.


Maybe Onew left a chicken leg or something…


Sunhwa wandered to the kitchen to dig around in the fridge, and almost gasped when she saw the very famous backside of one Kim Kibum already rummaging through it. He whirled around at the sound, narrowed his eyes imperceptibly, and then almost immediately turned back towards the fridge. After an awkward moment, he stood up and, brushing his hands off, walked past Sunhwa without another glance.


Jerk, Sunhwa thought, but took his place anyway. Opening the fridge, she saw that it was…completely empty.


“Yah, diva! Where’s all the food?” Sunhwa yelled, certain that Key would hear her.


When there was no response, she walked back to the living room area and found him putting on a scarf and shoes at the door. “Where are you going?”


“Out.” Key shut the door with a clang.


“Hmpf.” Sunhwa contemplated what course of action she should take and soon reached a decision. Slipping on her sneakers, she pulled open the door and ran down the street.


“Diva! Wait up!”


Key showed no signs of having heard and continued walking down the street. “Yah!” Sunhwa arrived next to him, huffing and puffing. “If I faint now, it’s because of you.”

“No one told you to come,” he said vehemently and strode even faster.


“Ugh, seriously?” Sunhwa rolled her eyes and followed him.




Ah, a store! I guess even idols have to go shopping sometimes. Sunhwa followed Key through the convenience store door, the bell hanging from it jingling again after he let it close after him.


Ignoring her, Key got a basket and started down one of the aisles. He pulled down a package, inspected it, and then put it back. He then took one next to it, and put it in the basket.


“Can we get snacks?” Sunhwa asked.


No response.


Huff. Fine then, I’ll just get them myself. Sunhwa grabbed her own basket and began browsing a different aisle. Ooh, ramen!




Sunhwa found Key again as he placed a basket full of rice, drinks, soup, and other necessities on the counter. Wordlessly, she placed her basket next to his and slunk away.


“What is this?!?” His shout was clearly heard from across the store. Sunhwa snickered to herself and pretended to inspect a loaf of bread.


“You stupid little peasant,” Key hissed, coming up next to her and unexpectedly forcefully grabbing her wrist. “Get over here.”


He dragged her to the counter and pointed at her basket. “What exactly do you think this is?”


Sunhwa blinked up innocently at him. “Food?”


“Are you serious?” He picked through the basket. “Ramen, ice cream, chips…this is all snacks!”


“What’s wrong with that?” Sunhwa said. She turned to the ahjusshi behind the counter. “Do you think there’s anything wrong?”


“Um…uh…” he stuttered. “N-not really…”


“Bah!” Key threw up his hands. “You’re all peasants.”


“S-sir…” the man piped up.


“What?” Key spat at him.


“M-maybe you shouldn’t…b-be so rude to your girlfriend,” he said.


“WHAT?” Key uttered the loudest shout of all while Sunhwa struggled to contain her laughter. “She is not my girlfriend!” He grabbed the man by the collar. “I repeat, she is NOT my girlfriend!”


“A-a-arasso…” the man said hurriedly.


“Diva, just pay for the food and let’s go,” Sunhwa said in a tone to purposely piss him off.


“I don’t – augh!” Key grabbed his hair and took a deep breath. “I’ll deal with you later,” he said to Sunhwa without looking at her. “Hurry up and scan the food,” he barked at the poor cashier.


Sunhwa had to struggle from skipping as she and Key carried the bags back to the dorm. She had won this round.




When they got back to the dorm, Key stomped to the kitchen and sorted the bags neatly into the refrigerator and various cupboards. While he was doing this, Sunhwa picked out her favorite packet of instant ramen from a bag and tore it open. She emptied its contents into a bowl, stuck it into the microwave, set the time to three minutes, and waited for her food.


At exactly two minutes and twenty-five seconds, the microwave started beeping erratically and the kitchen filled with the smell of acrid burning. Sunhwa opened the small door and coughed as smoke poured out.


“What the heck did you do this time?!?” Key stalked over to her and pulled the ramen out of the microwave. With one expert move of his hand, he dumped the ramen in the sink and ran water over it. Sunhwa continued coughing and waving her hand until at last the smoke cleared.


“What is this?” Key picked out the small packet of spices that came with the ramen, half melted, from the remains.


“Uh…” Sunhwa realized her mistake. “Nothing?”

“You’re such a peasant,” Key said with utter disgust and threw the destroyed ramen away. The starving part of Sunhwa uttered a small whimper at the action.


Afraid that Key would tackle her if she tried to make food again, Sunhwa retreated to the living room and took another nap.




Sunhwa awoke with an even louder stomach and the smell of food wafting through the air. She made her way to the kitchen to find a plate of freshly made bibimbap, and Key, clad in a pink apron, washing dishes.


Mouth watering, Sunhwa picked up a pair of chopsticks and almost attacked the dish. Halfway through, she remembered to slow down and enjoyed every bite thoroughly. When she was done, she set the chopsticks down and suppressed a burp. “Thanks, diva. That was actually good.”


Key didn’t even look up from the sink. “That was for the members, you idiot.”




Muttering under his breath, Key pulled out some more ingredients from the fridge and began making another dish.




Whee another chapter! :D

Thanks to all of you who sent me birthday messages; it really means a lot! All your comments were wonderful and motivate me to keep writing every day. Please keep subbing/commenting <3 :)


Look how attractive our boys look for Boys Meet U! ASDFGHJKL; *gibberish*


- tigress


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Chapter 32: i was scrolling through AFF reading a fan fiction when I got a notification that I got a story update. While I was in the middle of reading my other story, I saw this one updated and I was happy! I really do like this story a lot. It's like a refreshing love story for me, something I need sometimes. Keep up the handwork!
Oh, you're starting school too? I wish you the best of luck in school, although I know it . :P
sbegbert94 #2
Chapter 31: She got what she wanted, that's good :) she needed it
niknac #3
Chapter 31: Cute chapter! She needed something positive to happen for her.
Chapter 30: Key why are u so mean??I hope u warm up to Sunhwa soon :)
Stormy_Knight234 #5
Chapter 29: When can you update soon? HAPPY BIRTHDAY....... Hehe
whyhellobunny #6
Chapter 29: Happy birthday in advance~
Im usually a quiet reader, just wanted to say that i really like this story so far. Keep it up, hwaiting! ^^
Chapter 29: happy b-day!!! ... five days early...
Chapter 28: Whoa. Dramatic O.O
hahaha, sometimes, I wish I could go out with a bang like that... except I'd probably starve as a hobo or something TT.TT
girlyoudontknow1708 #9
Chapter 28: damn, the mommy should be more understanding I guess
Chapter 28: New reader here and i like ur story!