Lotte World Part 1

Confessions of a Backup Dancer


“Where should we go first?” Sunhwa said, trying to ignore the mikes and cameras shoved in her face. She didn’t know how she would be able to deal with them the whole day, and around them, people were already starting to stare and whisper.


The group was gathered right inside the gates of Lotte World, the whole park spread out before them. Turrets of a castle rose in the distance and bright colors were splashed all around. Hyun Jin was gazing at everything with bright eyes, and Sunhwa had to admit she was excited.


“Ooh! Let’s go there!” Jonghyun said, pointing to a ride called “The Conquistador.” It was a swinging boat ride with a ship that would rock higher and higher until it almost touched the ceiling.


“Let’s go!” Luna agreed, getting excited and dragging both Hyun Jin and Sulli toward the ride. Sunhwa followed, as did the mikes and cameras.


Sunhwa accidentally brushed against Key’s shoulder slightly. He hadn’t said a word to her since practice had started (except to scold her at Paradise), and she had acted the same way. If he had a problem with her, she didn’t care. They didn’t have to talk to each other. Sometimes she saw him glaring at her out of the corner of his eye but had no idea why.


“Mianhe,” she muttered, voice tinged with contempt, walking faster.


“Peasant,” she heard Key say, loud enough for her to hear but not loud enough for the camera to pick up. Sunhwa rolled her eyes and boarded the ride next to Taemin.


“Wah! This ride goes so high!” Taemin said excitedly as they sat down. He stretched upward, his height towering above her for a second. “I can almost touch the ceiling!”


Both Sunhwa and Minho, who was next to her, pulled him down.


“Woah, don’t get ahead of yourself, half-pint,” Minho scolded jokingly. He obviously cared a lot for his maknae, Sunhwa had noticed.


“Wouldn’t want you hurting yourself,” Sunhwa added, patting Taemin’s bowl haircut. Minho grinned at her.


Taemin pouted, which was quickly replaced by a grin when the ride started.




“KYAA that was so fun!” Hyun Jin shrieked as they stumbled off, clutching Sunhwa’s arm.


“Did you even stop screaming the whole time?” the latter asked, amused.


Hyun Jin didn’t hear her and engaged in a conversation with Taemin, who was walking next to Sunhwa. “How long do you think we can spend here? I want to go on ALL the rides!”


Taemin laughed, just as enthusiastic as she was, “The whole day, I hope. Where do you want to go next?”


“BUMPER CARS!” Onew said, his low voice squealing like a girl’s as he pointed toward another attraction.


“Last person sits with Jongie!” Minho yelled, and they all sprinted toward the ride.




“RAWRRR!” The usually timid Luna screeched a battle cry as she drove her bumper car ferociously toward Key and Hyun Jin, knocking their cars back.


Hyun Jin looked up in surprise and grinned, jamming her car into drive and colliding with her in return. Key was bumped back into Sunhwa, and, in turn, the girl's brow furrowed into a frown and an angry scowl appeared on her face.


Needless to say, Sunhwa drove bumper cars aggressively.


And especially since it was Key. Even through ignoring him, she felt he had held her in contempt since day one, and she was not going to take this slight lying down...even if it wasn’t his fault. She was secretly glad she had an excuse to bowl him over, so that’s what she did.


Sunhwa’s red car slammed into Key’s, upsetting his perfect hairdo. He jerked around and narrowed his eyes at the culprit, a look of absolute loathing flitting across the idol's features. Sweeping his bangs back into place and expertly maneuvering the wheel around, the blue car zoomed straight for Sunhwa’s.


Sunhwa saw the attack coming and smirked. Oh yeah, buddy? Two can play at that game.




The bumper car episode ended with Key and Sunhwa’s cars nose to nose, both of them eyes wild and breathing heavily. It wouldn't have been surprising if the two bumper cars had dents all over them from the bashing that they had received, and there were a few new scratches to be seen around the course. Sunhwa couldn’t care less at the moment about the cameras that had captured the whole scene.


They stood there like that for a few seconds before SHINee and the girls noticed.


“Peasant,” Key hissed at her.


“Diva,” she rolled her eyes back.


That short exchange was all they could get in, because Hyun Jin clamped onto Sunhwa and Taemin onto Key, and Onew said conveniently, “Where should we go next?”


“Look! There!” Sulli pointed at a ride. “The Drunken Basket,” she read mischievously.


“Um…that doesn’t sound good…” Jonghyun said.


Minho coaxed, “Come on! It’ll be fun!”


“Let’s go!” Hyun Jin half-shrieked, dragging Sunhwa, along with everyone else, toward the ride.


The bumper cars were soon forgotten after that.




Fun fact: All the rides mentioned in this chapter are actually in Lotte World (or, at least, according to Wikipedia they are). :P

I decided to update again because I'm in a good mood...because I had bubble tea. Haha, I have such simple needs. xD Once again, thank you all so much for your encouragement and support! <3


- tigress

P.S. Shout out to Seki-Angel for correcting me on my bad Korean. Whoops. (I've fixed the chapters now). It's thanks to feedback like that that I can make the story better, so don't hesitate to comment! :)

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Chapter 32: i was scrolling through AFF reading a fan fiction when I got a notification that I got a story update. While I was in the middle of reading my other story, I saw this one updated and I was happy! I really do like this story a lot. It's like a refreshing love story for me, something I need sometimes. Keep up the handwork!
Oh, you're starting school too? I wish you the best of luck in school, although I know it . :P
sbegbert94 #2
Chapter 31: She got what she wanted, that's good :) she needed it
niknac #3
Chapter 31: Cute chapter! She needed something positive to happen for her.
Chapter 30: Key why are u so mean??I hope u warm up to Sunhwa soon :)
Stormy_Knight234 #5
Chapter 29: When can you update soon? HAPPY BIRTHDAY....... Hehe
whyhellobunny #6
Chapter 29: Happy birthday in advance~
Im usually a quiet reader, just wanted to say that i really like this story so far. Keep it up, hwaiting! ^^
Chapter 29: happy b-day!!! ... five days early...
Chapter 28: Whoa. Dramatic O.O
hahaha, sometimes, I wish I could go out with a bang like that... except I'd probably starve as a hobo or something TT.TT
girlyoudontknow1708 #9
Chapter 28: damn, the mommy should be more understanding I guess
Chapter 28: New reader here and i like ur story!