Acceptance...well, kinda.

The Stalker Game

Chapter 6


We had finished eating, and for the second time that week we didn’t pay for our meal.

Now, we were walking in the park, Yoochun and Jenny were in front of us, and I was stuck with Mr. Bipolar.

“So…” Jaejoong kept saying, wondering how to strike a conversation.

I turned to face him. “I don’t approve of Jenny dating Yoochun.” I stated bluntly.

“Really now?” Jaejoong sounded disbelieving.

“Yes, really.”

“And why is that?”

“Because, he’s a playboy. He flirts, he conquers, he breaks hearts. Jenny doesn’t deserve that.”

Jaejoong seemed offended by my words, “How is it that you know that?”

“How?” How? “It’s…it’s…it’s just plastered all over him!”

“Yoochun is a good guy. He’s just a natural flirt and girl’s think of him in that way.”

“Well, Mrs Park said he’d dated heaps of women.” I recalled, Mrs Park’s approval of Jenny.

“It’s true he dates a lot, but those women knew what he was like. So no, he didn’t have to make them fall for him, it was casual on both sides. Yoochun’s just looking for the right one. Everyone has the right to find love.”

The way Jaejoong described Yoochun, reminded me of how I would describe Jenny, minus the multiple dating. She was searching.

Wanting to change the subject, I asked “What about you?”

“Me? I’m not sure. I’m just waiting for it to happen. I used to search for it, but I got hurt way too much. So I just gave up.” 

“…Really?” He sounded like me.

Underneath my happy exterior around the aunties, Jenny and others, I was slowly giving up on love. I searched for love to hide the fact that I was lonely. I felt exactly the same way as Jaejoong; I just had a different way to deal with it.

I shook my head, hating the somber aura around us. “Let’s catch up with the others.”


After the park we returned back to university, to have our final class of the day.

I was now sitting directly behind Yoochun and Jenny; I saw her act shyly in front of him. He was playfully teasing her, and she would giggle back. Even when the teacher walked in, I could see them passing notes.

Ahh, these people, do they think they’re still in high school?

“Relax,” Jaejoong said to me,

I turned to face him, “Yeah, yeah,”

As much as I didn’t like the arrangement in front of me, I realised that it is Jenny’s decision, and all I can do is talking to her…which, I was planning on doing.

Jaejoong just shook his head, and returned to looking at the lecturer. I sighed again, and looked forward.


After that day, Yoochun and Jenny began hanging out more and more often. Leaving Jaejoong and I alone most of the time.

Jenny had talked to me that night. She called me and told me that she really liked Yoochun, and she understood he was a playboy. But she would try and help him change. I could only sigh, and listen to her. She seemed very attached to him.

“Hey,” Jaejoong sat down in the chair in front of me. He handed me a can of coke.

Jaejoong and I were also in a more comfortable stage, I didn’t glare at him as much as I used too. After the day in the park, I began to understand him better, and him me. But we never spoke of what we talked about that day.

“Thanks,” I took it and opened it. “So how’s your assessment coming along for design?”

“Getting there, I think. I mean, the how idea of making a whole advertising package is kind of ridiculous. Especially, by ourselves.”

“Yeah, mine’s just being an . Whatever I do, it always manages to look like a piece of crap.”

We were in the nearby café. I had gotten closer to Jaejoong, and had accepted the predicament we were in.

…But the rest of the design students hadn’t.

Whenever I was with Jaejoong, girl’s would just stare at us. And mutter amongst themselves, “She’s so not his type.”, “He could do much better”, “How are they dating?”, and other stupid things like that.

I didn’t really care, I knew the truth. Jaejoong and I were not dating. My ability to finally get along with him, was not an open invitation for everyone at uni to make rumors and stare.

Jaejoong was also ignorant of the stares. We both would pretend nothing was happening and just waited for something else to happen, so the pressure and the talk would just go away. 


A/N: So slow development...but at least they are getting somewhere. :) 

Thanks for reading and please comment. 


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Upvoted :)) you deserve a lot of thumbs up ;)))
Chapter 9: Alice & Jenny ended up with Yoochun & Jaejoong! Even though this is a short story, I find this interesting & good, you did a good job :)
Chapter 5: The parents approved of the two couple! really like this Chapter so will continue reading the remaining Chapters :)
Chapter 3: new reader and subscriber :) just found this story of yours & I really like it especially after reading the title because it makes me get interested on the story then after reading some of the chapters, I was right that this is an interesting story! curious on their stalking to the 2 guys so will continue reading :)
Chapter 9: Glad u didn't delete it :D
So cute~
shinsookyo #6
Chapter 9: No! Don't delete it.
Its cute:D
Chapter 11: suit yourself, author. You're the boss of your own story :D
Chapter 9: Waaahhhh. Its funny cute and amazing. Lol
Chapter 9: FINALLY YOU EFFING UPDATED! I've reread this a few times just to see if you updated or not btw xD Jenny MUST MUST say "I've told you so!"