
The Stalker Game

Chapter 4

And that is how Jenny and I ended up following two guys we just met today through the city.

“Alice,” Jenny whined “They walked into heaps of shops and brought nothing…”

“No flirting, no looking,” I sighed, “no fun.”

“Hey? Where’d they go?” Jenny asked

“What do you mean? They’re right over…there...” My voice trailed off, as they were no longer standing near the coffee shop. “Crap, how did we lose them?”

“I dunno,” Jenny and I ran towards the coffee shop and searched.

“Aish~” I whined “Seriously, no fun.”

“What’s no fun?”

“AHH!” We both jumped at turned around, to see that we hadn’t lost them…they just found us.

“Um, nothing.” Jenny said weakly, giving them a smile.

“So you haven’t been following us around the city for the past hour?”

“Uh…” Jenny began

“…no?” I sounded questionable.

The ‘cold’ guy cracked a smirk. “Leave them, they’re just children.”

“Ey! I resent that!” I snapped,

“No, I recognize this one…” The other one, which I was guessing is the playboy, reached out and began to play with Jenny’s hair. “She’s from my university class.”

Jenny froze at the sudden contact. She wasn’t very good around guys she didn’t know.

“Don’t touch her.” I moved his hand away from Jenny.

“Feisty much?” He teased.

I grabbed Jenny’s hand and walked out of the shop.

Such s.

How come it’s always the good-looking guys that are the s?


“Good morning,” The ‘cold’ was back…and he was talking...

He slid into the seat next to mine. “Hey! Don’t sit there…”

My voice trailed off as I saw, Yoochun guiding Jenny into a chair next to his.

Ahh .

I turned my head to see the looking at me, he gave me a grin as our eyes met.

“What. Do. You. Want?” I seethed.

“Nothing~” He turned his head around to the front of the lecture room.

I could feel holes being glared into my head. I turned around to see all the girls staring at me.

Great. Just great.

“My name’s Jaejoong.”

I turned back around to see him very close to my face, causing me to jerk back.

“What is wrong with you?!” I was flabbergasted by his actions. Yesterday no one could get him to say a word, but today…he would not shut up.

“Just being sociable. My mother told me to make friends.”

“But yesterday, you were all cold and distant... Today, you won’t stop talking!”

Ignoring my comment, he said “You know, I learnt it’s polite to give a name, when someone introduces himself or herself to you.”

“You know, it’s not normal to act the way you do.”


I shut my mouth. God, he makes me mad!

I ignored him and concentrated the best I could on the lesson. Which was very difficult because Jaejoong seem to have no problem poking me the entire time.

By the end of the lecture I couldn’t be happier to grab Jenny by the arm and get out of there.

“God!” I vented to her as we walked to the Korean restaurant. “Jaejoong is such a pain! Completely bipolar.”

Jenny on the other hand stayed silent and only nodded along to my ranting. I hadn’t notice because of my anger, but something was off.

“He’s infuriating! He kept poking me. Annoying me. He may be good looking, but his attitude is so not worth the trouble.”

It was only until we got to the end of the street I realised Jenny hadn’t said a word to me.

“Jenny?” I waved my hand in front of her. “Jeennnnnnyyy?~ What’s wrong with you?”

I stopped her from walking and looked at her face. She had that sweet, innocent look on her face.

Oh No.

“Please…oh please tell me your not…” Before I could finish my sentence, a light blush had formed on her face.

“Oh, I’m going to kill him.”


A/N: Soooo long time, no write on this story. I'm trying to update everything as much a possible before uni begins again. So thanks for being pacient! <3

I made a poster and banner? Is it good? Hope so.

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Upvoted :)) you deserve a lot of thumbs up ;)))
Chapter 9: Alice & Jenny ended up with Yoochun & Jaejoong! Even though this is a short story, I find this interesting & good, you did a good job :)
Chapter 5: The parents approved of the two couple! really like this Chapter so will continue reading the remaining Chapters :)
Chapter 3: new reader and subscriber :) just found this story of yours & I really like it especially after reading the title because it makes me get interested on the story then after reading some of the chapters, I was right that this is an interesting story! curious on their stalking to the 2 guys so will continue reading :)
Chapter 9: Glad u didn't delete it :D
So cute~
shinsookyo #6
Chapter 9: No! Don't delete it.
Its cute:D
Chapter 11: suit yourself, author. You're the boss of your own story :D
Chapter 9: Waaahhhh. Its funny cute and amazing. Lol
Chapter 9: FINALLY YOU EFFING UPDATED! I've reread this a few times just to see if you updated or not btw xD Jenny MUST MUST say "I've told you so!"