
The Stalker Game

Chapter 3

After the lecture, Jenny and I had to attend separate tutorials, however it turns out that I had one of the good-looking men in my class. Interesting.

Most of the tutorial consisted on girl’s whispering about the new exchange student. I spent my time looking at his figure.

He was thin, and had a very feminine face. Too feminine. In make up and a dress, you could probably never tell he was a guy. He looked good, but he emitted this aura of ‘don’t-talk-to-me’.

“Hi, I’m Kyra” Nice. There was finally a girl confident enough to talk to him.

The tutor had left the class to take a call.

“Hey,” He didn’t even turn around to look at her. Ouch, that’s cold.

“.” I muttered under my breath.


“So how was it?” We had both just finished and it was time to go home. We both headed towards the train station.

“Okay, I guess, but I did have one of the good looking guys in my class. That was kinda interesting.” Jenny shrugged.

“Really? How so? I had the other one…God, was he a cold .” I complained

“Seriously? The other one is called 'Yoochun' and he is a total playboy. He was totally in the zone, of ‘playboy-ness’. So sickening...even thou he is gorgeous.”

“Why is it always the good looking types?”

“I know…stupid mother nature. Every guy must have their own down fall. Spoiling our fun.”

“But,” I had an idea “even if they’re s, why don’t we just forget about their personalities and just play around just for fun. I mean, we need something fun to play around with…and I think it could work out just fine.”

“Seriously Alice?” Jenny gave her a skeptical look. I nodded innocently, “So this isn’t about you and your bucket list?” Damn, she caught me.

“No…” She gave me another look, “Okay, fine, number 34.” Date the bad boy.

“What happened to the promise? The one were you said you wouldn’t date again unless you and him were truly in love.”

“Well…” I tired to think of an excuse “I’m doing the world a fan service. I like to think of myself as an angel of mercy, if I can get him to stop being an , wouldn’t the world be a better place.”

“…Maybe,” Jenny still didn’t seem sold on the idea.

“Dude, what about you? Wouldn’t you love to have a playboy fall for you? Every woman’s fantasy.”

“I guess,”

“And,” I added, “You will be helping the world too. One less playboy to break other girls hearts.”

She sighed. “Fine,”

Yes!This was going to be so much fun.

“…But how does it work?” She asked me; we were now sitting down on a park bench, near the station.

“Well, playboy’s usually find the unobtainable girl the best and the most challenging. Hence, they will woo and chase. Which is what we want…but you also make them fall for us…we need to be close to there ideal and find out what their interests are.”

Jenny looked at me confused, “And how do you suggest we do that?”

Then something caught my eye, behind Jenny. Well actually someone caught my eye. Perfect.

“Jenny, turn around.”

She followed my instructions and then quickly turned back to face me. “Why are they there?!”

Mister and playboy of the century were just across the street. But they weren’t heading for the station; they were walking towards the shopping district.

“I don’t know, but this is perfect.”

“How so?”

“Jenny, it’s time to stalk.”

…And that’s how we needed up following the pair down the streets of the city. See, nothing creepy. Just conducting some research. 


A/N: Hello, I haven't updated in a while. Hope you like it!


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Upvoted :)) you deserve a lot of thumbs up ;)))
Chapter 9: Alice & Jenny ended up with Yoochun & Jaejoong! Even though this is a short story, I find this interesting & good, you did a good job :)
Chapter 5: The parents approved of the two couple! really like this Chapter so will continue reading the remaining Chapters :)
Chapter 3: new reader and subscriber :) just found this story of yours & I really like it especially after reading the title because it makes me get interested on the story then after reading some of the chapters, I was right that this is an interesting story! curious on their stalking to the 2 guys so will continue reading :)
Chapter 9: Glad u didn't delete it :D
So cute~
shinsookyo #6
Chapter 9: No! Don't delete it.
Its cute:D
Chapter 11: suit yourself, author. You're the boss of your own story :D
Chapter 9: Waaahhhh. Its funny cute and amazing. Lol
Chapter 9: FINALLY YOU EFFING UPDATED! I've reread this a few times just to see if you updated or not btw xD Jenny MUST MUST say "I've told you so!"