Chap 1 - Introduction

The Stalker Game

Chapter 1

Jenny and I walked down the main road in the city, trying to follow the attractive pair in front of us…

Well, actually it’s not half as creepy as it sounds. Just hear me out, before you judge, okay? Right, now, where shall I begin…hmm, let’s see. Ah, I know just the time…


Jenny and I had attended the same university in the city, UADT (University of Arts, Design & Technology), and the same high school down in the west called “West-East High”. I don’t know why it was called that. So don’t ask. But either way, when we meet in Year 7, that was the start of our beautiful, long-lasting friendship.

“Yo Alice, wht’s up?” Jenny was older than me, by about seven months, but I would like to think that I’m older in spirit.

“Nothing much, I’m just bored…I mean, like we started uni like five weeks ago. Nothing’s happening.”

“I know, it’s so bad. There’s like no cute Asian guys to look at during Visual design.”


“Yes, Derek was just a one off. But now I’m looking for Asians. Even if I don’t date them, some eye candy would make my courses much more interesting, no?” We continued to talk, as we sat down for our lecture.

Jenny Lee, my best friend, is a shy, artistic 20-year-old Chinese girl.  Had only one boyfriend in high school, who was & still is an and goes by the name Derek Rider. Needless to say, after that affair, Jenny was completely turned off the bad boy type, and now has an obsession is musical Asians.

I, on the other hand, am called Alice Lin. I am a 19 year old Chinese girl who used to be in love with the idea of love. If you’re not quite sure what that means, just look at my past boyfriends. In Year 8, my first boyfriend was Fredrick Sullivan, he was a cute, awkward boy who was obsessed with frogs.  I thought it was cute until he put a frog in a box for my birthday and forgot the punch air holes. Yeah…after that we broke up.

That nearly put me off boys for the next year, until near the end of Year 9, there was Alex Han, he was adorable. A cute Asian boy with a huge smile, I thought I was in love…then he suddenly broke it off with me, til this day I don’t know why. Jenny says it was because he was gay, which I am sort of believing…he did dress really nicely.  Year 10, was a guy from 2 years above us. He was the student councilor in Year 12, I thought it was amazing that he had asked me out. Then about two months later, I found out it was just a prank, I was devastated needless to say, but I vowed not the date again.

It almost worked….but then came Year 12. There was a sweet British boy called Simon Griggs, who had come over to Australia for a student exchange for 6 months. He was a charmer, his accent had all the girls falling at his feet, sadly enough I swooned too. Forgetting all my past bad luck with men, I asked him out and we dated for a while…until I found out he had a girlfriend back in England who he had been going out with for almost a year. We broke up too.

Now after all that drama, I’m not entirely sure how I graduated from high school. But the point is, as you can tell I was in love with the idea of love, and now, I hope, I have learnt my lesson, and I hope to completely forget about love. There is no such thing as a happy ending, there is no such thing as lov-

“Oh my god…” My eyes suddenly became glued on the two dazzling men that just walked through the door. Jenny’s eyes followed my line of sight, and was just as shocked as I was.

There they were, angels sent to us by God. Two gorgeous men. Two gorgeous Asian men.

Maybe, I could give it one more try. 

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Upvoted :)) you deserve a lot of thumbs up ;)))
Chapter 9: Alice & Jenny ended up with Yoochun & Jaejoong! Even though this is a short story, I find this interesting & good, you did a good job :)
Chapter 5: The parents approved of the two couple! really like this Chapter so will continue reading the remaining Chapters :)
Chapter 3: new reader and subscriber :) just found this story of yours & I really like it especially after reading the title because it makes me get interested on the story then after reading some of the chapters, I was right that this is an interesting story! curious on their stalking to the 2 guys so will continue reading :)
Chapter 9: Glad u didn't delete it :D
So cute~
shinsookyo #6
Chapter 9: No! Don't delete it.
Its cute:D
Chapter 11: suit yourself, author. You're the boss of your own story :D
Chapter 9: Waaahhhh. Its funny cute and amazing. Lol
Chapter 9: FINALLY YOU EFFING UPDATED! I've reread this a few times just to see if you updated or not btw xD Jenny MUST MUST say "I've told you so!"